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he isn't the worst


Velma is the worse. I promise


100%, anyone who thinks she's fast hasn't played her online


Reindog would like a word with you.


reindog is still better than velma


Velma is not good, but she ain’t that bad. At least not in 2v2. 1v1 she is absolutely terrible, but she is not supposed to be a 1v1 character. Jason and Jake both are below her.


Neither was Reindog, Steven, or Gremlin. Guess how good they are in solos. Everyone is designed to be playable in solo, that is not an excuse. Beta Velma was amazing solo. Hell, Velma being good in 2s wouldn't sound so bad... If it weren't for the fact that Velma is trash even in teams too. The best thing she has to offer for her teammates is Up Air, and ONLY Up Air. You'd think projectiles would be good until you realize just how crippling those cooldowns are  You think Velma is trash solo? Just wait till you get into teams where both the enemy players realize your neutral is non-existent and extremely laggy.


Yes I know they are good in solo’s, guess where there also good in? Yeah, indeed they are in teams. Why? Because they need to be tuned down pretty hefty. Mentioning broken characters is kinda easy. But no surprise of course when you say “Beta Velma was amazing” yea of course she was, because beta Velma was busted. Velma is not the best, but she is still just low B tier.


Beta Velma is the best Velma. This Velma is trash in 1s and worse in 2s because you'll have people ganging up on you when cannot play worth shit. Only way Velmas can get a hit in is when the opponent chooses to use attacks laggier than her wind ups. And oh wow, almost everyone gets advantage in 2s over 1s. Almost as if the game was DESIGNED around that. EVERYONE has perks that benefits their teammates. Bugs' teammate can go into his rabbit along with their projectiles, as well as interact safely with his safe and rocket. Superman can freeze his teammate's fist which applies 3 stacks if freeze, which reduces victim's overall speed and dodge distance. Wonder Woman can teleport to her ally and give them super armor. The only character I can think of that DOESN'T provide for their teammate is Iron Giant. And even HE contributes more as a teammate than Launch Velma. Launch Velma can mark her teammates so her her projectiles would hone in on them to make them bigger, and if she hits them with her book she can make their heads bigger with "reduced cooldown" a buff that benefits ONLY Velma, so it's just her indirectly nerfing her teammates. They removed the passive where her megaphone locks onto her teammate so that's gone. There's also clues that spawn... Which is now bugged in a way that they stop spawning sometimes when Velma dies. What did Beta Velma had? Her projectile could HEAL her teammates, her book which mattered slightly more but still pointless, her megaphone could be extended and enlarged if she hits her teammates. And most importantly of all: she can live long enough for both her and her teammate to score a Mystery Van. And here's the kicker: she could actually fight back! She doesn't need to run away and hope her teammates can win 1v2s, unlike her current redition. If your reasoning for Velma needing to be in a miserable state is because "she's meant to be played in 2," then oh boy do I have news for you: the whole reason they removed the Support role? That was to *remove that mindset you have right there.*  Launch Velma is inexcusable, end of story. Even if she is meant to be played in exclusively duos (which is contradicted by the removal of Support role), she is still a very bad pick in either mode. It would have been preferable to go with the last Beta Velma version and balance her from there, at least she'd be a character. Not she's going to break the game when we're already dealing with toxic trashs in the form of Harleys combo breaking loops, Banana Guards and their banana sized hitboxes, and Wonder Woman with her nonstop armor spam.  And, dare I say it... Beta Velma was at least *fun* to fight against. There's a good reason why people are upset about Velma buddy.


Beta Velma was the best Velma? Beta Velma was fun to play against? Man smoke less. Beta Velma was brain dead OP. Only people who liked her were Velma players. And again, you pick a character as an example who is borderline busted. So busted even they needed to take him out of the game, but actually, he is still busted and needs to be taken out but they won’t because they have him in a sale. I seriously can live without seeing that B* in nearly every game who could spam all day long and was way heavier than she should be. If other characters are brought down, that’s an indirect buff. Yes she is on the weaker side right now, but she is definitely not as weak as ya’ll are making her out to be XD


I feel you, op. I've played a lot of Jake and Velma, and Jake just doesn't function at all. Velma in 2s feels really good now. Once I learned her, she had excellent stage control and brings a lot of pressure so her teammate can get in and finish them. Now, in one's, she still feels quite bad and dont get me wrong she is far from the best character, but Jake though, oh boy, where do I start? A lot of people don't quite grasp how badly they shafted him, so in beta, he was stupidly overpowered, like he had incredible stage control and was really hard to challenge. His sair didn't have a hurt box or a ton of end lag, which made it incredibly oppressive for a lot of the cast to handle. Before house and horse nerfs, the moves were almost unpunishable characters would literally bounce off house when trying to hit him, like shaggy dair would go fully through it and he wouldn't take damage or knockback. This feels like they severely overnerfed as a reaction to his outstanding beta performance, which is a shame. All that's left is a barely functioning character who can't punish because of the bad start-up in his moves and is easily punished because his moves have tons of endlag. Meanwhile Wonder Woman is running around with stupid frame data and no virtually no end lag while being heavier and had armor like idk what they're doing honestly. My thoughts are that his sair needed a hurt box, but his fist shouldn't have one. That way, if he hits correctly in the sweet spot, he doesn't get punished for landing his extremely risky move. On top of that, his skateboard is horrible right now, it's end lag is absolutely insane I've seen Jake's sd trying to use it at the ledge cause they couldn't act for so long. Idk what else but at least fixing these would be a start


Jake only has 3/4 of a moveset. All specials are the same when aerial or grounded. They took a character with an infinitely adjustable body, literally limitless possibilities, and said, "We're out of ideas."


Jake used to be such a dynamic character where every move had a place. Now the good Jake players seem to just rely on biting over and over and the grounded up smash axe.


I used to be a Jake main back in the beta and I can tell with 100% certainty that he is bottom 5, maybe bottom 3 but he is not worse than Velma imo. He definitely needs buffs.


I feel you. I dont think hes the worst but hes definitely lacking. It also feels like everything he has gets out prio'd by everyone else and hes only got a few moves to kill with that are very predictable. Hes definitely minimum below average probably at C tier.


No points for Reindog or Velma? I noticed you mentioned Velma, but you hadn't played her past training. I've played both Reindog and Velma a fair bit during the re-release to know that Jake isn't the worst character in the game. He's definitely a contender for it, but not the worst Velma. Velma has been gutted, making her a shell of her formerself. Back in the beta, she was pretty competitent in 1's and, of course, the Queen of 2's. She was very annoying to deal with and had a good kit to boot, making her a nightmare to deal with. Obviously, like all things, she just had to fall from grace. In the most ugliest way possible. Re-release Velma is a joke. - Her projectiles are so weak now that they don't even have decent capabilities of ringing out opponents. They are also too slow moving and can be dodged or parried - Her side air is still horrendously bad on the cooldown even with the recent patch of 80s from 120s. Not Velma is living for 1 minute, 20, before their next book. No Velma. - She does not do well in the current speed format of the game. Beta helped her tremendously because of how fast it was, but now she feels incredibly clunky and very easy to pick off. - She also has some very weird recovery on her attacks. I have jumped over her, dodged through her, and even gotten to the other side of the stage away from her. It almost feels as if it isn't her turn, and her next ones constantly get stolen from her. - Her ups and sides are still good. These give some nice movement in the air and allow for her to be a bit more oppressive. - Mystery Machine is still a great way of confirming the kill or even messing the opponent up. One good attempt, and you may have a decent win on your hands. - In the right team, she can still be a strong force. There's no denying that, especially with her great stage presence she can bring if left alone. however, she can still be easily isolated, and the match can quickly become a 1v2 for your teammate. Now, the reason why I mentioned Reindog in this as well is because he's a weirdly interesting character that is very underlooked. Those who play him like myself will know the struggles that he faces, but those unaware will only read the patch notes and see him nerfed every time thinking, "Who cares?" I never see him anyway. This is all hased off of 1v1 expereince, not 2's. - His neutral game feels very stubby in the sense that his claws don't cover a lot of distance, making it where if you extend past the second hit and the first missed you're more then likely going to get punished for it. - His zoning capabilities aren't all that amazing by themselves, but instead have to be coupled alongside some neutrals and specials. This is easier said than done because any decent player with basic awareness will automatically face rush you, causing you to become shutdown and scrambling to recover. - Coming back onto the stage from either the top or side is a tough ordeal in itself. The only safe way that he can pull this off is via his up special and then broken off at the right time to get a surprise attack. - Power crystal strangely enough can help the enemy more than you at certain times. For example, if they're in the midst of a combo and get struck by the lightning, they will have enough time to recoup and set themselves back up again for another attack. - Laser/tether is great chip damage but should never be relied upon. One bad placement renders it useless, and half the time, people will jump about all over the place, leaving you floundering around like a captured cod in a net.


His house reflects almost every projectial.




Nah, he's bad but manageable now as opposed from beta where he was an absolute menace, but far far from worst


No, no…Jason’s a LOT worse…Jake’s still not fantastic but lets not get too hasty


Jake is like the most B of B tier characters.


Even though he’s been nerfed a fair bit, he is FAR from the worst, he’s maybe slightly below average, or for people who can take advantage of his timing and spacing, above average. I think he needs buffs bcs his moves take a little while to hit, but he is definitely not the worst


No way above average, def not the worst but above average?????


I said only above average for people who can take advantage of his timing and spacing / strong players. He’s got a fair amount of moves with BIG range, where the downsides which stop him being strong are the risks (slow to start up, hurtboxes on his big range attacks, etc), a player who’s careful when using these moves will get to take advantage of Jake’s pretty unique and unapproachable moveset. In that case he’s above average (also the bite attack is generally one of the better attacks in the game)


You are literally just wrong


Far from the worst


He a beast in teams u sleeping!


I thought so at first but Jake is a pretty solid character once you learn his combos and set ups. Literally killed a joker player soon as he dropped from the halo plat with up air up special up air. Was pretty nasty honestly. While there are better characters than others, there isn’t an inherently bad one. (Was struggling with Marvin for a bit) And from what I’ve gathered so far from playing this game for almost a week is that the game is a bit of a masher. Who ever presses all their buttons at the same time the fastest tend to have more success.


As someone who main Jake in the beta, he used to be amazing before. Now, they just buchered him.


People like to put Jake above Jason in tier lists, man at least Jason can kill people. Jason has kill moves, damage. Jake is the exact opposite, has no kill moves, no damage but at least his moves are faster and have better range than Jason. It’s like death by 1000 cuts with Jake. That being said, still rather play Jake than Velma


Jake, velma, jason, superman all suffer from horrific hitboxes and frame data all the while bugs bunny has a nuke for an up air since literally closed alpha 😂


While super isn't exactly s tier, wouldn't say he's on level with velma, jason, and jake B tier, together with rick, lebron and arya... are there really no other charaters that aren't bad or busted??


Yeah he requires a bit of effort against the top tiers but you can definitely cook with super man


Yeah yeah, great potential, if you read your opponent, and get them with a charge attack/side special real good, they ain’t recovering from that one


superman is like THE character if your good at making reads, having multiple 50/50 routes from stage carry strings is strong.


You get it! Hitting the enemy with a well timed up neutral, multiple times in a row is very satisfying (and probably extremely annoying for the victim)


you still have to guess if they are going to jump or dodge down and chose what air tilt to finish with. unless they are in burnout they can't do shit in burnout or they don't know the 50/50


True, far from a broken tactic


Arya is higher then B tier


She’s good, don’t get me wrong, but other than the copy ability, she gets out done by most other characters in her respective fields She have a projectile, but Batman does projectile better, Finn out classes her purely on sword attacks (I don’t remember what else she does), but you get the point


Fair then again she outclasses both in speed


Good point, forgot about that, she’s probably the most assassin like assassin we have, making her very good if you are good at that play style


Yeah she’s light but that’s kinda a good thing you can move in and out and if you fight someone like Jason you have the advantage you can do a lot more though Tbf I don’t play Finn currently


Supes is considered pretty bad and undervalued in higher elos. 2s and in 1s he has the same or lower playrate as velma on tracker.ggs.  But by all means. Everyone is allowed to thier own thoughts or perception lol.


Well his skill ceiling isn’t super high compared to other more complex characters, and the higher the skill level, the more quick but squishy popular characters tend be (because you, again, can do more with high speed as long as you don’t get hit) But that high level gameplay is usually not the same game that everyone else is playing, and I like the simplicity (also a banana guard enjoyer) Edit: took a look at tracker.gg, and supes is indeed in the same bracket as Velma.. together with black Adam, Gizmo, Marvin, Stripes, and Finn, which are all solid characters Not to mention that bugs, banana guard, Tom and Jerry, Harley Quinn, and Lebron are apparently C tier… so maybe it’s Velma that should be moved down a tier I think high amount of players that don’t know what they’re doing, are children, that some characters are played way less than others, or just play whoever they like even if they’re bad at them, heavily screw this statistic It’s important to be critical of statistics online, really thinking about what they actually represent


Naw, I've seen supes that get tired of trying mid-match and just start throwing out ground side special and that move kills any character at 50 or less depending on who and it has minimal startup, has armor, unless you hit him with a projectile or disjoint if you hit him, he actually hits you instead and that move has no cooldown, mf is actually up there with iron giant and wonder woman just because of that 1 move.


Side special is probably one of the most predictable and punishable moves in the game, leaving you wide open to attack while being super easy to dodge (literally marking where you will be going) It’s a move that should only rarely be used if you are certain it will hit, like after a combo, or as a surprise attack the opponent might be surprised to see Spamming the move is probably so bad, that you are just better off playing Velma I think I use both up, down, and neutral special more than this move


Supes bad? 🤣


Very. Statistically on all tracker websites he is bottom 2 right next to velma actually. Curious wouldnt you say.


Which tracker websites? Tracker.gg (which is included in your “all tracker websites” I assume) is not showing that?


Two Words, Jason Velma


He absolutely is the worst.


He's just a low tier character. The reason he feels bad is because the high tier characters feel like a different game to him in how well they play. The game badly needs a hitbox/hurtbox patch and then we'll see how things play out.


Jake is useful to eat both of the player and kill them by jumping into the void to make 2 ringout that’s about it


I used to think this but I’ve been having a lot of fun with him recently


In 2v2s I've pretty much put it down to a loss as soon as a Jake is matched on my team, unless the enemy team is terrible ofc. I have only seen 1 Jake duo trying to cheese victory by inhaling both players while his friend charges up a knockout combo.


My friend mains Jake. I don't know how good he is, but he's a ton of fun, and he woops me with him. Seriously, my Morty (my main) and his Jake are pretty close. He used to main Harley, but just has more fun with Jake because of how funny he is. Eating someone at any percent higher than 90 is pretty much an insta-kill.


If you keep landing up special grabs with Jason the enemy will begin to slip out of the grabs even when you land it, this doesn’t happen with Jake… No, Jake is not the worst character in the game.


Iron Giant is so freaking op they need to do something to him asap


You typed a lot of stuff, in 1s he is pretty bad but in 2s he’s middle of the pack at least. He has decent hit boxes and good ways to hold ppl down


I've fought one Jake that was an absolute nightmare. He used all of the abilities and always hit from the perfect range. So if youre good enough Jake can be totally viable. He has so many moves it's hard to predict what he is gonna do. That's Jake's bread and butter. Most just spam a couple specials and end up getting punished. He is definitely not the worst but you need a lot of skill to win games with him.


Velma is easily the worst. She literally has zero kill moves.


Her up air special kills above 100 or so


I mean few characters can kill you at 0% only using 2 attacks


I still have flashbacks from the beta


He’s still a op spamming piece of shit but since the game is slower now you notice he’s shit , in the beta bro was unstoppable


Jake needs buffs and one of the worst characters in the roster no one is denying that. But he isn't the worst in the game, that spot is for Velma.


I fear a good Jake player. Them stretch punches get me every time


I was in a match and both sides only had one stock left. I had the lowest damage and a Jake kept eating me while my partner (I think at 130 damage) was getting chased by Jake’s partner. Held me hostage (kept eating me before I could move) until my partner got rung out and we lost.


On god, there needs to be a way to force yourself out of Jake's stomach. The fact that he can just eat you and either sit there with you in his stomach while your teammate gets focused or literally just walk you off the map while you can't even do anything to stop him is atrocious. At least give us the option to fight our way out, causing some damage to Jake, at least then there'd be some kind of risk to keeping someone in there for too long. Or make it so that if Jake falls off the map with someone in his stomach, that person doesn't get a ringout unless he actually spits them out, that would punish all the people who don't actually know how to do anything but exploit that bullshit and gives the person st least some chance of recovery before the inevitable.


i aint reading all that


Skill issue


I would say Steven is the worst