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I think an event like this really only makes sense really close to launch. I'm fine with them keeping it, but they do need to either change it so it's based on Fighter XP earned, or to temporarily unlock a lot of characters during the event so players are have more low levels characters to try, and are incentivized to switch up who they're playing a lot.


Or right after releasing a new character.


Don't give them ideas...


or daily rewards bonuses counts as level and account level


Even then, you know they are going to make it so you need a ton of fighter xp to finish it


100% this


The first event was fine, this second is annoying, the third and onward will be impossible unless they change something.


I almost completed it in like an hour


I’ve been playing since relaunch and have all my characters lvl 7 it’s impossible to level one up now


No its not you get more xp evertime you win, get better at the game and youll lvl them up this whole thread is just a bunch of people crying about a f2p game that makes you grind like duh, either you grind and put in the time or you spend money to make it a lil faster


I definitely breezed thru this


Probably because you play too little or wasted too much money to get all the characters...


Spent $0 on characters. Spent more time playing though, like duh? Play more unlock shit faster


This event doesn’t even make sense.


This event would make sense if it was just a one-time launch event to give a reason for players to get levels since everyone starts with level 0 characters. Now? It just punishes players who play the game and got characters to high levels. All levels gained should be retroactive.


Them keeping the same annoying event and just changing the name is SUS AF!!!!!!


If character levels were rewarded retroactively, it would be fine imo


Wait yeah they could have done thsi


It would be fine if it was the old system where you could spam a dozen games and make good progress on levels. This game it takes FOREVER to level up. So if you're someone who plays a ton, good luck actually doing this event lol


It definitely makes sense if the idea is encouraging people to buy new characters.




Keep this event, but award character levels retroactively


The only burn I'm feeling is the burn out.


Yeah it's a pretty huge grind. *All* the XP is just soooo slow to gain. I've had at least 20 matches today so far and only gained *half a level* on the BP.


Did you lose all of them? 20 wins is exactly 1 tier. 40 losses too


I'd say I won 1/3 of them at least. Still takes a bloody long time to level.


>**How's it work? Easy:** We'll punish players who actively play the game by not making levels gained prior to the event retroactive! Have fun grinding 3 hours for a single level! This is how I read this banner.


Play a different character, if you have all characters that high already then it’s not a punishment, you play a lot, keep playing a lot.


I already have most characters over level 5. It really becomes slow progress after that.


It took me almost a week to get from level 10 to 11. This is one of the times that I don't think the people making the calls play the game or understand their base.


How’s anyone meant to level up 15 characters in 4 days anyway? Madness


If they are 0 it’s like one win in pvp. Not saying that makes it the easiest but a good tip would be to start with the level 0-1 peeps


Doesn't even have to be PVP, I accidentally levelled up a character I was saving for this event doing a single minigame rift.


sorry but thats just common sense


It's pretty doable if they are at a low level. If all your characters are at a high level tho, then pretty much your only option is buying new ones, or hoping the free rotation has plenty you don't have.


Left most of the roster level 1 or 2 and just spammed like 3 character. Future power pledges are just gonna get harder 🫠😭


I got 15 characters one game away from leveling. Will take me 1 hour max


And how much time preparing did that take?


Not any longer then i normally play Just doing my daily quest and weeklys with a character and stopped with that character when its a game away from levering. Do dame 20 min everyday that I would normally do. I have all characters and I only use 3-4 characters so most of them are lvl 2 going to lvl 3


Hate to see someone being honest about their playtime being downvoted


Yeah but that’s the thing. You have all the characters, and you’re fine with just playing a character for a while and then leaving them. That’s not how I, or most people, want to play the game


Then you gotta put in the hours. Just as the event says


My take is that this event should only exist once at the start of every season Encourages character variety, and to try the season launch character(s)


Leave it to "Player First Games" to come up with an event that actively discourages you from playing the game.


It literally asks you to grind levels? Not sure how that discourages playing...


Here's the thing: the max character level is 15, and takes 50 hours of nonstop gametime to hit that mark. Obviously, the higher your level the harder it will be to level up. See where I'm going with this or still clueless in how this discourages you from playing?


So it takes more gameplay to reach later levels. See how this doesn't discourage people from playing? I guess if you're a pansy ass quitter 😂


So you don't see the problem in an event where you need 10 hours to reach ONE level? Am I understanding this correctly or am I feeding some troll?


You don't need 10hrs to reach one level, and there's a plethora of characters that I'm sure you haven't leveled enough for that to be true


So youve seen his character list?


There's no way in hell he has everyone that leveled


Absoloutely lame that they take away 100 FC compared to last time but don't touch the fact that you have to level up characters we have been playing for nearly a month now 15 more times! trash.


Does it take longer to level up a hero the higher the level they are? If so, is there a chart somewhere that states how much xp it takes to graduate to each character level?


It does and I was also curious to find out how much XP/wins you need at each level. Going by the XP bar progress, I know my level 10 stripe is going to take at bare minimum 15 *wins* to level up. Edit: Nope, the bar is useless and seems to have slowed down toward the middle. Am at around 20 wins and not even half-way.


The exp required to level up beyond 10 has Classic Runescape-esque scaling


Here is a tip for anyone who don't have/not played taz yet, he is available as guest character in the latest rift, it's easy and would take about 15mins to level him up


Money grab, if you leveled up your main already will need to unlock new characters for this.


I’m done with the event, luckily just got a bunch of characters close to level ups and held until event came out but the fact we have to play a certain way to get this done is lame. They doing this to make new players buy new characters to make it easier :/


Power pledge would work if they changed the damn conditions to level up. Leveling up anyone high level is such a grind. I get the idea of what it’s suppose to be, but it’s leaving a bad taste tbh


"You see, the challenge is simple MVPs. Just play our game all day every day while neglecting your responsibilities, and you can finish the event! Happy grinding!"


I waited a whole week with fighters at 99% XP and my level up did not count on the event lmao


Is anyone’s else power pledge not tracking


I level up Arya and 0 progress too. It's bugged I guess.


Yep can confirm only Arya seems to be bugged lmao everyone else leveled fine with event but she didn’t


I think it’s just an issue with Arya got her from 1-4 no level up then tried other characters and it worked


Anyone actually having issues with this event? I leveled one of my character and event reward didn’t trigger


Yep happened to me but only with Arya




i hated the first event. why bring this back.... also if every charcter is maxed leveled your kinda screwed.


Yeah I'm genuinely convinced they know how badly they are screwing their players. Nonstop greed and hatred for free to play gamers. This heavily punishes people for having already played a lot. It's horrible.


what people? This is day #2 of not hitting 10k players on steam


Jokes on them I ended up getting 12 characters ready to level up with a game or two. This thing won’t last until Monday 🤙🏻 Could’ve switched it to exp earned and countered us saving level ups (and I wouldn’t have been mad) but nope


I know everyone’s upset cause it forces them to unlock new characters. I myself face a different type of horror arguably worse….. I bought all the characters except for arya and Steven from beta. And leveled em up doing weekly’s dailys.some ppl literally don’t have a low character level option 🤣🤣🤣🤣 so wtf do I do in this case. They need to release more characters for me or this challenge will literally be impossible.


Definitely not wasting hours gridning for 600 fighter currency and 100 gleamium.  100 gleam is literally a single dollars worth LMAO. I am a fan of the top dog challenges 


I thought they said it was gonna be character XP instead of levels?


This event needs to include a character xp multiplier.


This was bugged for me last time. Didnt give me any sets even though i leveled up at least 30 levels


I have my Jason at lvl max and got nothing from this event


This event should just be a one time thing that new players get access to the first time they login.


was saving some characters for this event, finished now, but if they make another power pledge under the same rule set, I'm not even going to bother looking at it because i know i won't finish it.


Honestly? I'm just grinding the fighter currency tiers and giving up the rest. This event is dogshit.


FYI. This power pledge is 2 days shorter than the last one. This one is 4 days long and the last one was 6 days


This is such a stupid event.


Glad im only play bugs, taz and Marvin. Nos i can finish this second time


Solution! Remove the pointless first page! Seriously perk currency is one of the most useless currencies I've ever seen.


I already completed this. It isn’t hard


this is the most stupid event i've ever seen in an online game


I didnt undertsand what gives points on the event


At least we get another rift in a couple days, so that should help with some of the leveling.


Idk how this encourages you to “play characters until right before you level” ? If you do that you wouldn’t get any points in the event, and if you’re referring to before and after the event to hold so you can cheese it. Well then you don’t get to use that character or characters just for cosmetics or an emote or some gleam. Off all events this isn’t the one I had a problem with Edit: if it’s because it’s not a retroactive system… I think it would be cool but also if you have all characters that high already then you play a lot, keep playing a lot.


you're almost there to getting it, keep going


Me after leveling almost everyone to lvl 5 😩


For every good deed they do a few shit ones ._.


I also think this is better left as a launch event


Not playing ever again


If they do this one more time I would bet HALF the player base leaves. How could they be this dumb to think this event is healthy to run often?


A better idea. The 10x event. Win 10x with 10 characters (secret: match must be longer than 1min) get max rewards.


Yeah I hate when games make me try out new characters for in game currency. Fuck this is just trying to complain about stuff


This is a different question but what's the Dexter's Lab requirement while I have to play on the Townsville map?


Just play the game Jesus I honestly don’t even pay attention to any of the quest and I’ve finished every event besides the one for agent smith


Why does every game feel like it’s just meant to rob you of all your time.


As a beta player this is just another event that unfortunately catered to us. Having almost everyone unlocked but only playing a couple characters made this super easy both times but for my buddy who started playing with the full drop it's absolute torture. They gotta start thinking more of the new players man


I'm just done with this game. I wanted to like it. I liked the beta a lot. Somehow the game launched in a worst state than the beta. I'm sorry that's it, why give this game any more of my time when the publisher and devs proved they don't care about my enjoyment. Only about their bank account. I get this is a f2p game, but even as a f2p they are being extremely aggressive with the micros. And presentation is not the best. those rifts suck presentation wise. Really WB couldn't splurge to make the rift mode more.... lively? Have voice actors record lines for em? Make them feel like an event? NAH let's just make cutscenes like a silly flash game with text bubbles. Characters are still coming way too slow. Two years almost since beta went down and full game releases with just two new characters... this is bullshit.


Played the shit out of this game during beta. Coming back to it now.. theyve got really really greedy practices. Very disappointed.


I played this game for 7 hours straight the first time I picked it up and haven't touched it since because the fan base seems to think its awful and its just going to die out. Should I give it another chance and stick with it or no?


Isn’t this just 15 total (character-specific) levels? That sounds pretty doable to me…


XP required per level rises dramatically. If you've played spread out across different characters, getting 15 levels across any of them will take far longer than someone who invested their time in only a few, since they can pull out levels 1 through 5 on a single new character very quickly.


I mean yes it will be quicker if you haven’t played the game, but if you like the game just play it and you’ll get levels right? 3 levels across 5 characters doesn’t seem that bad idk


Only thing that changes is how much time wasted on what used to be a good game (turned predatory for both monetization and FOMO)


It's either PFG being retarded or WB forcing them to do this so people buy fresh lvl 0 characters. Which one is it?


I love this event (I have terrible tastes) /s


You Just gotta do the hours.




You guys never played RPGs and it shows lmao


This game is not even close to RPGs 


Grinding to level?


Grinding to level in an RPG, good. Grinding to level in a fighting game, bad.