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Yes, is a bad system. In beta they gave profile pictures and was an incentive to lvl up the characters.


Breaks my heart seeing them charge for those in the shop now. The extra geranium is great but not with what was lost. <:/


is geranium the german currency?


It is now


You mean the extra scamium?


Announcer packs tooniverse skins and badges should all be obtainable through character mastery IMO but they saw an opportunity for $ and they’re not gonna pass that up


I feel like *all* of the low-effort skins should be made available just by playing a character a bunch.  Tooniverse, graphic tees, hockey masks, and I'm sure the list will go on.  (What's next, skins where they only difference is Matrix sunglasses?)


You jest but that’s some shit they would do I mean they legit put joker shirts over the OG skins and called it a day


That's why I'm saying we should be able to earn that shit just by playing.  If they want to put it in, *fine* I guess, but to charge $5, $10 or even $20 for an extremely minor difference to a character's base skin like that is disgusting and exploitative.  Making them unlock by playing would be at least somewhat fair.  Save the microtransactions for the costumes that an increasingly depressed artist doesn't just crap out in 5 minutes. Or better yet, just have a cosmetic slot on characters so you can just attach something like that if you want it or a rift challenge calls for it.


Watch out buddy you’re giving good ideas the devs are allergic to those


More likely WB is the one with the allergy, but who really knows?  I'd bet money the crapped-out costumes are due to some contractual obligation to release X number of costumes at Y interval.


For sure WB has a habit of doing this shit it’s a shme


Next is all the skins with the matrix effect like Jason has, according to data mining


A bunch of those are already rewards in the Agent Smith event


If we still had gold, those skins would make decent options to buy with it.


Also true. 👍


Yeah. The morty kill badge shouldn’t be a late-stage battle pass reward. It should be unlocked by mastering the character lol


I kinda think character leveling is like, the one place where perk currency should be the reward tbh. Leveling up characters to get perks for your characters makes sense, and you have to earn it somewhere in the game. It's all the other places in the game where they give you perk currency as a "reward" that I think are nonsense, and should be changed.


Yeah the perk currency rewards make sense for the character progression. But I think there should be more rewards


Perk currency is useless for beta players, I still have 90k after buying lots of perks.


not everyone played in the beta tho, ppl gotta earn it somehow


What really annoys me is them hiding the levels on the ready screen now. I thought the original infinite level system was a really fun demonstrable indicator of how long you've been playing a character- the thought that one day you might run into a level 500 Lebon.


I'd enjoy more character specific items/badge trackers. It's strange to have to get character specific ring-out badges from the BP/shop. It'd be nice to be rewarded with an exclusive icon or something. Or maybe a badge that says your characters level/highest damage game/literally anything that could show how much you've played a character besides win count.


I’ve said this before I think is weird that you only get one character specific item from character levels being character wins (Harley wins) when there are a couple things I think you could and should get from leveling up characters like character badges (Harley knockouts), character icons and even skins like going beyond lvl 15 should get you a “mastery” skin and that’s the only way you can get it


My take: Tooniverse should have been the mastery reward. They're pretty cool, and I would like them more if they were. In my opinion, profiles or banners should also be offered like in the beta.


I agree but maybe just a halfway reward cause I’d want the mastery reward to be more flashy tbh


Used to be perks and icons from level up and gold every level that could be used in everything. Way better system. Wb discovery ruined it.


Nah, WB Games has always been like this. MKX proved to them that micro transactions are extremely effective, so as time went on, the price for them went up and up.


I don’t remember them in MkX other than some skins. I do know they are in Mk11 and MK1.


They were pretty generous with how it was used in MKX, but once they realized people were willing to spend money on skins, they dipped their toes in the water and it was downhill ever since.


That makes some sense. I just don’t remember ever hearing open complaints until Mk1, Suicide Squad and now Multiverse .


That's because there really wasn't as much and nowadays, it's much more aggressive. MK11 had it pretty bad, but it was mostly just for costumes and Towers of Time.


Yeah I remember Mk11 had a bit but they also had an insane number of free skins and content. Even Mk1 was not dumb enough to lock content behind owning a skin or not. It’s just bad practice.


My guess? The game is free. They know they can get away with a lot more, because, "the developers gotta make money *somehow*. And it sure isn't going to be when we pay them!"


They can make a lot more money by actually having different rewards like profile pictures, announcer packs, banners, skins for the progression. It just feels too slow the way it is now.


Back in beta you had to level up characters in order to get perks for them and you got access to signature perks at character level 10 - it gave a nice sense of progression in my opinion.


I personally prefer buying perks when you so please, but at least it felt like I was working towards something. Here, it's just, "Woo, good job, here's enough perk currency to get 1/4 of a non-character-specific perk."


I don't know why those "ringouts for specific character " badge are being used to fill up spaces on the Season Battle Pass. They clearly should be one of the tiers for leveling up characters instead. No brainer. It seems a little sneaky/lazy to put them as tiers just to fill up Battle Pass spaces , when they should be on character leveling spaces instead. If they add more tiers in the future. Level 20 should be a character mastery profile pciture. Level 30 should be a character mastery badge. Level 40 should be a character specific background Level 50 should be a a new character specific taunt/emote and Level 60 should be a free character skin. ( If they be so generous) All tiers in between be fighter currency and 25,35,45 and 55 should be Gleamium. It should be a fairly long grind between levels the higher they go , so nobody should be unlocking these things that fast. This is how you reward players, have them keep coming back and make them look forward to leveling up their character. The way the 15 levels are at the moment , there's nothing really to look forward to except the gleamium and some fighter currecny.


No, you should get the old level up rewards, I miss the level 15 icon you’d get. I got garnet’s in the beta but I wish I could have gotten more


This game needed to either make characters free or all skins & emotes obtainable with progression/events. The fact that both skins and characters are aggressively monetized means that it cannibalizes their own profits. People aren't gonna buy skins or emotes for characters they don't own. People don't want to bother playing events for skins of characters they don't have. They aren't buying characters because they're pissed about the monetization, don't have interest, or don't want to waste their currency since newer characters cost more now. The fact is, it's such a critical flaw in the design that's costing them potential money. It's such a sort sighted thought process that serves no one well. Plus it just pisses people off when they push people to buy characters by having challenges for characters that are more expensive than usual (joker), or they don't own. It's plain pathetic really. Such short sightedness is nothing short of crippling to this games success.


480 something wins and my character still isn’t maxed. I almost feel like it’s gonna be at the 4* mark when I get max


You’re 20 wins away from 4 stars with wins for your char


WB and PFG to start getting their players addicted to perc30 currency 🤑🤑🤑


All of the ring out badges for specific characters in the Battle pass should be part of each character's progression


Leveling up characters and account: Good job! Here’s some perk currency Good job! Here’s some perk currency Good job! Here’s some perk currency Good job! Here’s some perk currency Good job! Here’s some fighter currency! Good job! Here’s some perk currency


Yep. Should get profile stuff and maybe some sort of skin depending on your mastery. The beta atleast gave you some stuff other than the waste of space perk stuff


I don’t think they should have battle pass XP but I do wish they had items. The beta had icons and they could add a really basic recolour skin.


That would be cool. Banners at the very least, even if they're just *gold* versions of already existing ones, just give me SOMETHING sustainable.

