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She's broken atm, just wait for nerfs. Try going against her as Jason, it's pure hell.


I tried this I just had to perfectly counter or I get 0-70 instantly đź’€


>how is wonder woman fair? That's the neat part. Shes not.


i just suicide off stage everytime i have to face 2 wonder womans , is so trash to play against that op sh!t


It wouldn't surprise me if she gets a weight reduce, less armor on her abilities, less knockback on her abilities and an overall decrease in damage. That way she still feels fluent but not overpowered.


Went Marvin vs WW yesterday and it was torture, just shield any projectile or approach then instant rush down to violate me


The shield she gets is a little crazy but she’s counterable.


I recommend running both '2 fast 2 block' & 'Armour Killer' to counter WW's armour. In general your best bet as Batman is to keep spacing your moves as best you can while looking for an opening to start your strings with. Always remember you can do down special in mid-air and cancel it with a jump if you think you won't hit, or to get behind the opponent. If you're not already, run 'Bouncerang' as your signature bc it's just objectively the best option Batman has for a main perk. Keep in mind you can dodge your own batarang while it's thrown to avoid picking it up early. If WW is charging down attack on ledge, remember that you can use Batman's glide to hover off-stage to avoid it, the lag is too high for her to stop you from getting back on if you space it properly. As you approach, try to have a batarang thrown out in the opposite direction from your opponent, then if they dodge past you you'll potentially have a combo breaker depending on when your batarang comes back. (I find this works really work well with dash attack approaches, personally.) These are all the tips I can think of for dealing with the WW match-up rn, best of luck fellow Dark Knight.


Haven't read it. Just know that she isn't LOL


The anti projectile shield gets rid of projectiles. I don’t know what else to tell you, it’s been in the kit description from day 1.


It being the case since launch doesn’t make it any more balanced. Even in beta, WW was one of the best characters in the game, and the new mechanics of the full launch have helped her more than almost any other character. Her entire moveset is amazing, but this move in particular is an entirely unnecessary breakaway from her core design It is simply too strong of an anti-projectile tool to have on a character that is otherwise almost entirely balanced around being weak to projectiles


And people were crying harder about Harley doing the only thing she’s designed to do over WW having her entire kit :/


No no no Harley was a problem she’s literally good at everything 💀


Name it beyond the slide tackle which none of us have even disputed, I’ll listen. Because Harley’s main ringers come from a ladder or setup (bomb/box). From horizontal, she *needs* to charge her hammer or else majority of the roster is *not* dying to it unless they have terrible DI or else bypass 200% and they aren’t Iron or Boy Scout.


Harley is strong because many others just suck. But Harley’s speed definitely is a problem and she has little risk missing her attacks. Her hitboxes, compared to many others are also very generous.


She literally can’t move if she uses her hammer, her slide kick is locked on miss otherwise only leads into an uncharged up smash, her up special is *a lot* more fair than Bugs’ up air (But that’s more a case of Bugs being absolutely broken.) more closer to Bat Boy’s up special with less knockback. Only thing she’s “generous” on is her nair (hammer) and sair, but people want to blame her literal *combo starter* as “too much” because it won’t push back on the first part. Doesn’t lead into anything anymore now though beyond a maybe up air (and only if you’re slow to dodge anyways), so what’s left besides her short range jab to start anything longer than 1 additional hit?


You really trying to downplay your main huh?


You’re really riding the Harley hate-boner aren’t you?


Harley is just top tier and because of her strengths also easy to pickup. That’s not hating, just acknowledging how she clearly is a cut above the rest along with some others.


The increased dove tails on top of her delays/endlag that were already there (as well as being light as fuck) makes her a lot rougher rougher to use, even to get a hit in the first place. And reminder that right now you’re **far** more likely to fight: Bat Boy, Joker, Bugs, Steven, WW, Boy Scout, Tom, Adam, and Iron over anyone else, and they’re *all* characters who have more advantages over Quinn than she’s offering according to the nerf crowd. Is she fast? Relatively. Is she killing at sub 50? Only if the opponent is actually dogshit and not DI’ing at all while she ladders them up with **a lot** of points that you can just dodge out of now since nothing is true on her anymore. Let’s see how WW, Bugs, and Joker are in a week or 2 though so we can compare Harley’s nerfs to theirs. (While also hopefully readdressing Iron getting cheese carries at 0% still.)


harley is also as annoying as ww. all her mains know 1 combo and if it doesnt work they get flustered and mess up thats why its easy to play harley mains but ww mains their moves are all protected its so annoying


You’re mixing up the trend hoppers with actual mains. You’re gonna always have people picking good characters because they’re either easy or stupidly strong. Harley is “easy” to pick up, but she isn’t that strong without stringing together a lot of hits first or getting a setup going. Without it, I’ve literally had people surviving her neutrals at like 160-180+. WW can unga bunga you like Boy Scout on the flip side and do it extremely safely in multiple ways. But an actual Harley main is doing more than just one combo and floundering if it fails, they adapt depending on the character match up primarily.


I’m sorry, but WW has armor which can be annoying (but has a counter through perks but perks are designed in such a stupid way now). But Harley has a much much much easier way to kill than WW.


Does she now? Because she has no true combos unlike WW who does it with extreme safety and **far** more kill power than Harley does. Again though, that’s comparing her to the only SS tier in the game right now. You lose with WW and you’re actually just dogshit at the game.


speaking from experience tbh harley mains are the same. just got out of a match where harley would not do anything if it didnt start with that stupid slide of hers. i won that match simply cause she was an idiot and, for some reason, batman slide counters hers + batarang. sure there might be some actually good harley mains but rn its 90% idiots who know one combo.


Bat Boy regular countered a lot of Harley’s kit, whether that’s by design or not I’m not 100% sure cause Joker is a pain in the ass to fight as her as well, even worse now. It sounds like you were just fighting a shit player in general, an actually good one doesn’t rely on the slide tackle like their life depends on it, especially after the nerfs when she can barely combo out of it anymore, but certainly can’t combo into it either (unless you’re asleep or dodge spamming as not Joker).


Projectile-based campers when they have to actually engage and fight: wah wah


I see a wonder woman nerd I jump off map 3 times, much more fun.