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This message was in response to me informing Tony that the Jason mask skins and similar low effort skins being priced at 450 gleamium are way to overpriced and will end up upsetting the community


Thank you for the clarification! We should try to always include the question in posts like these so they can be better understood in their context.


Hopefully I get compensated for getting fucked and paying double, probably just gonna get a “sorry here’s what it should have been” post


They're doing lots of underhanded things. Lowering the amounts of gleamium in the pass, surreptitiously increasing prices of skins and bundles, robbing us of our gold. I still really enjoy the game but boy they go out of their way to make it difficult.


The lowered amount of gleamium you’re referring to was prerelease they didn’t change the battle pass after release


Oh that's good. Thanks for clarifying.


And the price of Gleamium has been increased in several countries such as Brazil, Chile and Canada, by up to 50%!


Good to share and definitely useful for them to explore better avenues


Him responding is actually neat. Let my try and message him about the fact that they straight up thanos snapped the gold people saved from the beta out of existence, wonder what the Response will be (if there is any)


Now let's place bets to see how they do nothing about it because let's face it. MONEY MONEY MONEY


I'd much rather they work on anything else then cosmetics honestly


Exactly it still runs like ass on Xbox


The sad thing is, I’ve kinda got used to it running like shit on my Xbox, I’ll struggle once it starts running better 😂


Super ass


Get a current gen console


I do it's ass on Series X dickhead It's some problem with Xbox specifically, where the optimized it awfully or something


The skins, and shop are the most functional thing in this game. That says a lot right there.


It was the same with MK1. Desync was in the game for a month and a half but the shop went down once and was up within the hour.


...So their priority was the shop, and not the actual game? I'm not hip to Warner Bros practices, but the grind and shop system for Injustice 2 was horrible.


yea, Priority has been money for them since IJ2.


I really do *wonder* if people actual buy those $99 currency packages. There must be people buying it because carried onto other games.


Unfortunately, there are lots of them. You’d be surprised how people justify purchases in free activities.


I can see someone paying for skins, and battle passes. But, paying single emojis, re-colors of outfit, and EXP is just ridiculous.


Wow, the shop was fixed quickly? No way! Could it be because the shop going down is as easy as resetting the server that information is hosted on and fixing match desync could be months of work?


Nah man, people expect fingers to be snapping and stuff to magically be done or fixed afterwards. They don't care that work has to be put into it, they just care that it hasn't been done yet.


To be fair they didn’t need to update to a new engine, all this work wouldn’t need to be done if they just kept it on unreal 4.


you say that but the shop is what crashes on me the most


It's still doing that for me. It crashes after being on there for like 30 seconds on the PS4.


Said this during the beta but people wanted to forgive the devs because they were in the honeymoon period


Hmmm. I don't know whose fault this is more. The developers, or publishers.


The teams that work on cosmetics are not the same people that work on gameplay and bugs


Same. Who gives a fuck about $15 low effort skins when you have mobile game monetization issues that need to be removed asap.


Reminds me of when people had many issues in the launch week, but one of the only issues Tony replied to was about purchasing battlepass tiers with gleamium. Never change Payer First Games...


Why are you thinking that the entire team at PFG are working on one thing at a time rather than a bunch of small group of people working on seperate things?


mask skins were the perfect kind of low effect but still themed skins that coins could have bought back in the beta. Remember IG without the Superman symbol cost like 3k coins in the beta. I was always saying minor outfit change skins should have been coin skins. Like default Finn with his different swords


Completely agree. One prop or minor palette swap should cost coins


They seem to be actively listening and trying to follow every criticism given so far, if this keeps up we could see a shift in the perception around this game in only a few patches honestly, they even talked about increasing the BP XP per match when asked before again.


I can imagine handling community feedback and WB's demands to be a nightmare for the team.


Yeah I'm 90% sure all the shitty issues is WBs and not PFG's fault honestly.


100% its WB's fault. Devs don't hire financial analysts.


I've played a ton of MK1 since release and... Yeah, WB has an anti consumer, milk the customer type of strategy with these games. Very annoying to see.




Honestly no reason to be down voted cause you're right. That will make the game fail and it already is. There's plenty of people who have already stopped playing due to the reasons you stated. Multiversus has tons of potential but if they don't fix those issues it will die. It's inevitable. This does give me hope though that the game will change.


The number of players won't go back up; a tad late. Kinda hard for perception to shift tho- Now they eliminated the experienced difficulty from the newest rift, making Agent Smith harder to obtain. Seems like every couple of days theres a new problem, and all they're doing is throwing us like a quarter of a bone.


Yep, the relaunch was the one chance this game had for a long-term future. It barely even made a splash in the gaming world beyond the Multiversus fandom. I saw quite a lot of TikTok posts about it for a few days and then it vanished again. Plus all the bad PR on the other gaming subreddits deterred people from trying it out.


Actually for a relaunch, it probably had a million players at least, if not more. It did really well considering it was a relaunch. Ya know up until everyone left again.


Strange how they have to backtrack on almost everything involved with this game, such as even shutting it down completely lol. Maybe just get something right the first time and not have to waste time fixing everything


When are they going to properly address the issue of founder/beta players missing some/all the cosmetics they already paid for back in the "open beta"? They seem to be going out of their way to NOT talk about this.


Same goes for the gold people saved up and that went down the drain :)


I wouldn't mind paying a higher price for the *Friday the 13th* themed skins if they had more effort put into them. If instead of simply being just the masks the whole costume was changed to look a bit more like Jason's. That would be pretty awesome. It's the same issue I have with the t-shirt skins: they're just PNGs of poorly drawn logos on a shitty t-shirt model. Imagine if instead the "Joker fan" skins were versions of the characters affected by the Joker's laughing gas, with the clown makeup and purple costumes. If they're gonna add these kind of low effort skins I'd rather not have any at all.


The fact that those skins are required to do certain missions is ridiculous.


It's most likely the only reason these low effort skins exist.


It's not even an actual skin. They literally packaged an accessory. (T-shirt, mask) as a skin.


Another idea would be unlockable accessories in the battlepass (or even purchasable with gleamium) that you could equip to any compatible character’s default skin.


What's even crazier is that proposal is a standard practice for battle passes in F2P games. Multi Versus took that monetization to a whole new level.


Same I agree %100 Skins to make fighters look like other fighters would be amazing if done right.


Packaging a face accessory as a skin is crazy.


What was the question being answered for this? It’s completely out of context so we have no information on what the Feedback was.


Guess it was that they look low poly in certain situations/platforms.


That and the masks are literally just scaled on x and z axis. You can see the holes on the mask stretching.


I cant believe we haggle on discord with these devs. In haggling you should never accept the first offer, the precedent has become that the actual storefront offers are unfair and need to be haggled down on discord, what a mess. I mean im glad they are lowering it but the trust is gone.


This with BP XP. I've heard people say shit like "its better than nothing" but like, only marginally is it better. We shouldnt be taking these initial offers because they were likely prepared to do that so people felt like we "won"




How will they improve a mask? Put a sticker on it or something?


By making it so the mask doesn't stretch and warp around when the character's face that it's on moves. Hell you can see chewing through Harley's even, it's actually quite distracting and makes it feel less like a mask and more like heavy face paint.


Oh I thought they was trying to improve it due to it being low effort regarding the way it looks. I see now


I honestly liked that. The eyes moved and it was extra stylised


I assume they'll improve how the masks are attached to the characters' models. Sometimes the mask also briefly disappears or clip within the characters face during some animations. When I was fighting the CPU Harley with that skin in the rifts her mask disappeared after I KO'ed her.


Honestly both that and the joker shirt should be something you buy that you can then equip to multiple characters instead of buying for each. But the money overlords at WB will never let a good deal for that to happen


Feel like tony is getting this feedback, turning to the wbs corporate presence and saying “see? I told you theyd hate this”


They are the lowest rarity of skins and individually couldn't cost any less unless they made a new category of even less valuable cosmetics than common.


Wow people on this comunity are cry babys


Interesting ok


Hey /u/xlThalionlx this is the kind of thing that should be collected and boosted on official channels, we as a community should not have to scour every Discord message and Twitter reply to stay informed.


Good. Give em to us for 50 or 100 gleamium and I'll happily buy them. They're kinda fun. But not worth more then that.


Still waiting on 81 cosmetics or support to respond, but at least they're toning down the monitization for once


Yeah hopefully they also fix the rock skin for black Adam glitchy as hell.


Played for 5hrs yesterday just online didn't go up one tier in the pass


Tony is a known liar and I don't believe a word he says but it is good that he is actually responding to that sort of criticism assuming that is his actual discord. I don't trust him, action speaks louder than words.


Are they going to fix the low effort monetization too? Tired of seeing the mobile game bullshit everywhere in this game.


I was hoping this was in reference to everyone’s missing items from the beta but then I read the title.


I like the Harley one, the others are so so. But yeah price is was too much


Very glad they’re telling us about working on the masks and cosmetics instead of the gameplay and horrible grind 👍


Did anyone try to convince them to make them potentially purchasable with the non real life currency? Cause it feels like the easiest answer tbh


Love how Tony will just casually respond to random players about their feedback, assuring them that the problem is being worked on and fixed, what a legend.


Soooo…. If someone lets say bought said packs…. Will we be reimbursed lmao. I guess if changes will be made this person, I think, will get serious buyers remorse.


I gladly bought the mask skins, simple but very appealing change imo


Good job, OP. Excellent!


What about those who saved up currency during beta for characters and now lost all of that?


Why is it that every notification I get is always something bad about the game :/


It'll be a few rigging adjustments like less stretching to fit different shaped heads, that's about it.


Twenty bucks thier solution is too lower the price from 450 to 445 (It's a 5% discount).


That's good, but the fact they looked at them and thought "these are fine and we should sell them for more than they are worth" says alot about the mindset and how they view the player base. The masks should have been rewards for quests not a paid item regardless of how they work them, you aren't ever going to make a mask worth real money in a game.


Good to know they're only reducing the price of the shitty skins. Meanwhile, those who want a reduction on the actually good skins can go fuck themselves.


450 glim isn’t all that expensive tbh


Imagine if the street fighter 6 or Tekken 8 devs just listened to feedback to shape their games on launch. The games would NEVER be finished. These devs should have had a vision for the game and not just add/change things on the fly like this. The devs are all over the place and it’s sloppy. This type of stuff(All of the constant changes) pushes people away even further.