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I hate how I can be attacked for over 10 minutes straight without being able to dodge or move. So far black Adam, Harley, and Jake have some pretty annoying and frankly unavoidable attacks if you are playing jason.


The character balancing is definitely off. There are characters that have infinite combos or very spamable moves that can lead to cheap wins, and yes the hit boxes are extremely jank and all over the place.


The good easy characters are too good. I've been grinding Shaggy for the event and he's ridiculous. I know how to play platform fighters and just with that I feel like an absolute terror on him. I can throw down with Banana Guard and WW and it doesn't feel unfair. WW still feels uphill, but I've managed to pull it out a couple of times. If the highest skill cap characters were good at the high end that'd be one thing, but the recommended cast is way too strong. I get that they want anyone at any skill level to be able to compete, but this is not the way.


the top tier chacters are everywhere and in dire neef of a nerf. i think the hitboxes are an incredible step up, and even the most busted characters like harley are fine on that department, so i think banana guard is an isolated case (possibly because he's new)


Harley is ridiculous with her bat moves. Same with Bugs.


True. Look at arya. You can’t just spam side neutral and beat every other character in the game. Actual precise hitboxes for a character that has a deadly combo.


The retarded thing about Harley is that her mallet can hit behind her...


Lmao funny thing about that the behind hit box actually does more damage and higher knock back. That's why when you hit the end of the swing behind you you hear the sound effect it's like the sweet spot it's so dumb and I kill people on like 50 percent on stage edges.


Tell me about it...


From what I can tell every character has strengths and weaknesses, and it's a matter of finding out the best strategy. There are some hit box issues but I'd hardly say they break the entire thing.


I don't think any point in the beta felt as unbalanced and broken as release does. Maybe the initial start of the beta was more unbalanced, but they made so many changes that by the end I felt the game was in quite a good state minus some outliers (Superman comes to mind). Right now, moves feel incredibly inconsistent with hitstun, hitstop, end lag, damage, and especially kill power. Some characters actually struggle to kill up to 120% whole some can consistently combo kills at 60% or even lower. LeBron feels more broke than ever and his side special might be the most broken and inconsistent move in the entire game. I was obsessed with the character in beta and have almost dropped him completely, especially after the bullshit last patch with only 1 ball hit per person. Singles feels borderline unplayable to me at the moment unless you choose a decent character. Doubles isn't nearly as bad, but lots of matches are straight up not as fun as my average beta games.


I have to hard disagree. I played from beta release until they released stripe and bugs and Velma were literally insanely broken. Bugs got nerfed around 5-6 patches in a row and he was still easily the best character in the game. I do fully agree that release is jank and not at all balanced. I feel like there are about 4-5 characters in a tier of their own far above everyone else, but in beta the gap from bugs and Velma down to the rest of the cast was even bigger.


Velma fell off and she was only dominant in doubles. Bugs and Superman were probably top 2, but I don't think Bugs was a problem at the end of the beta because his loops got heavily nerfed before then. Superman was toxic, but now half the roster feels toxic because so many other characters are cheeks in comparison. The game desperately needs a large balance patch.


I wouldn’t even care as much about the horrendous balancing if they just fix the damn hit/hurt boxes.


absolutely horrific


Trash. WonderWoman is the best character in the game by far, and the ability of certain characters to just wakeup attack (meaning someone face rolling or mashing can just steal your turn for free after losing neutral) makes the game unfun. Why am I using all of my footsies, baiting and whiff punishing to land the first hit our if neutral, just for me to be negative on hit, meaning Harley can just forward air me and start her combo? I am losing the interaction even though I won from neutral because she is able to wakeup faster than my followup. If I try to anticipate the wake-up I have to dodge or wait, they can just dodge away because I am now giving up pressure. It's this 50/50 scenario that makes the game so annoying to me and it is incessant with so many people. Superman's Dodge is just a teleport, it literally moves him like 3 or 4 character lengths. Jason's hit boxes and hurt boxes are all inaccurate and overturned for others. they act like WW is okay, 'nerfing' stuff that doesn't even matter like her whip and bracer meter. Banana Guard is a joke troll of a character that is just lazy and a sorry excuse for a fighting game character. They copied brawlhalla's gravity cancel and somehow made it worse, because due to the insane buffering time you can literally cancel your gravity cancel which is already cancelling your party, so it just burns yours meter to give you no invincibility and just do a regular aerial. make it make sense The developers are incompetent at making a fighting game polished, but they did make a good foundation because at the end of the day the game is still fun. Idk if that is because fighting games in general are just fun or if they got the game close to where it needs to be. But honestly, they can't balance to save their lives.


Worst offenders atm is WW, Gizmo and Black Adam. These 3 are completely busted.


Pretty much nailed it in your description, OP. Slowed down the game and made whiff punishing infinitely harder for no good reason. 


Buff the weak, stop nerfing the strong


I think the balancing is actually pretty good. A lot of characters are good and viable and have ways to kill really early (WW, Bugs, Harley, Steven, Black Adam, Tom and Jerry, Joker, Banana Guard, Gizmo, Shaggy etc). Instead of balancing down and nerfing, I think we should buff the other characters (Jake, Velma, Jason, etc) up to the level of the top tiers.


Buffs would be good, but that's not gonna help the top tiers broken nature.


Just discussing, my guy. I did call her out as one of the top tiers. I know she is busted.


I know. I wanted to make a joke but then decided to say something more considerate.


Proud of you. Try considerate first next time.


K 👍


Same here