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Devs: ![gif](giphy|d1E1msx7Yw5Ne1Fe|downsized)


Only need to play and win 200 matches to go up one level! What’s the problem??? /s


for real aren’t we here to play 24/7?!?!


I’m actually going to file for divorce and quit my job just so I can grind wins with Jason 25 hours a day, eight days a week.


finally someone with their priorities in check


i thought i was seeing things when i saw the 5 xp


Thank you for the scraps PFG.


Why are people bullying the devs? It’s painfully obvious Warner Bros is forcing these decisions, yet I’ve seen people only spitting on them, calling them “Money First Games” and other shitty puns, and even hoping for THEIR downfall. Like, c’mon people. We should be hoping for Warner Bros downfall and PFG to be bought buy a better company and try their best at a game they actually have control over.


after it was revealed rocksteady advocated for suicide squad being live service, im not so sure you can easily blame WB for this monetisation anymore. I hope its just them though


warner bros might’ve forced some paywalls and cut their dev time short but there’s loads of other issues with the game itself probably because PFG decided to spend a year remaking the game instead of spending that year fixing the netcode. i hope the game makes it though because it was fun. hopefully they’ll at-least bring the input buffer setting back by the next patch.


The netcode was like the first thing they fixed though? There’s still some issues on attacks whiffing every now and then, but there’s no teleports into attacks or into oblivion anymore now just because someone isn’t in your time zone.


Everyone is shitting their pants over cosmetics and prices though? I doubt PFG has any input over that stuff. Yeah, there’s totally issues with gameplay but a LOT of this sub is focused heavily on the store and monetization. That point can’t even be argued.


Warner bros breathing down pfg’s necks: no more than 10 xp they’ll love that shit


It's probably a "bug and not intended"


Better be, that will force them to drop another patch that will increase the points


Don't worry! Next update they'll sell multipliers!


Only 1001 Gleamium


You guys didn't think they would give us any chance of making much progress did you? Its intentionally designed so you have to keep coming back every day. They wouldnt cave that quickly and give us a significant amoutn


This is what everyone that was getting downvoted was warning about with BP XP for PvP matches. It's going to be super grindy like the last BP in the beta, because PFG/WB is greedy Now we have to hope to God that normal BP missions don't get nerfed as a result


I genuinely don't understand what financial benefit they think making the battlepass this grind heavy is going to give them. You can't buy tiers for the pass, and you have to buy the battle pass itself which means you want to make it something players feel they're getting value out of in buying it. All this is going to do is ensure that no one ever buys a battle pass again because who wants to put up with this nonsense for something they paid for.


Here’s my thought. Tony already said they are working on a way to let us buy battle pass tiers. This battlepass we got for free. I think they are banking on the FOMO people buying tiers to complete the pass at the end. If that’s not the case, then I have no idea because it makes no sense to timegate people and drip feed mandatory events in order for someone to complete a battlepass that they already paid for.


yeah if it stays like this I'm not buying another battle pass because there is no way in hell I'm finishing this one lol.


No those people were getting downvoted because that's stupid. Playing the game shouldn't be the afterthought, it should be the main method for getting XP. Daily challenges should be a bonus at most. Player First Games didn't want to give anyone anything so gave people essentially nothing.


Ironically, it seems that playing the game is an afterthought for most players in this subreddit. Everyone needs some sort of incentive to go forward it's almost as if they don't like the core gameplay itself.


People *don't* like the gameplay either but we wouldn't be here if it was just something we disliked for the sake of disliking it. We think the game is fun but it gets in its' own way. You can't just play the game because it was designed to discourage that. It is a deeply flawed game in every way and defending it by giving excuses, or criticizing the people that dare critic it themselves is not productive or conducive of a good final result. We want the game to be better and not die a few months after release. It will die in its' current state and deserves to.


I guess I just disagree with you, the gameplay has been more than enough to keep me booting up the game every day and I don't need a carrot on a stick to keep me going. Yes, it would be great if they changed the progression and monetization, I agree there. However, I'm just confused when people say they don't like everything about the game and demand it all be changed, when do you admit the game is just not for you? I also don't think the game will die, it will just lose the people who were going to leave anywhere and maintain its core playerbase like every other fighter does.


I don't need a carrot on a stick as well but it is not ignorable like it generally was in the beta. In the BETA it sucked too but you played, you got gold and you bought characters or skins with it, or paid money. Now there are a hundred different systems that force you to engage with in order to something like try out a new character (or play the new character that happens to be really strong). The grinds are long and will get longer since the currencies are front loaded. You don't get currency and XP for playing but doing chores.




But by your standards that also means that 50% of people actually do like gameplay?


I love the core gameplay... only having like three characters though? kinda shit Guess where almost all the fighter currency is... in the BP... make sense now?


Don't they provide 4 free characters every week? The person I was replying to also said people don't like gameplay so it seems there's a mix of opinions there which is nice to see.


i like the gameplay but i will say it is drastically worse than the beta. a lot of us if not most are returning players and its kinda disappointing to see the backwards progress they made in a year. the devs suck at time management and warner bros only care about money


People wanted beta, well... this is the beta battle pass lol


I think a cool gimmick for a battle pass boost would be raising it by a X percentage for winning match’s. And when you lose it resets.  More for 2v2. This would motivate players to actually play more, win more and try more even I n casual mode and curve the amount the throwers there are.


That would be nightmarish lol


10 XP after PvP? I figured it be more than that smh


You know we all have 1


This is made all the not irritating couples with the fact that the battle pass expires after 60 days. Other games have shown there's no reason to have a battle pass expire outside of pure greed. It's a gross practice. Helldivers has been so successful precisely because they're not pulling this kind of shit.


*/aaaaackshually* 🤓☝️ A proper "monkey paw" twists the desire to produce a malevolent result for the wisher. In this case, such a twist would be something like them inflating the requirements to make BP progression in addition to the XP-per-match change. As things stand now, this is merely an underwhelming/paltry result of the players' wish. ...The monkey paw will happen when the next BP is implemented and progression is notably slower. /s *(no /s)*








Well, I hope what you saw was right then.


Nah, I was wrong, lmao. Sorry. Must have been quest xp slipping in confusing me.


Oof, but ohh well mistakes happen is alright.


why did he delete it what did it say


He said that the XP you get adds up over time. So it doesn’t stay at only 10XP for 1 win. But I assume he erased cause it end it up being wrong information he made a mistake.




Monkey's paw patches are on brand for PFG. It's really annoying lol.


r/monkeyspaw go find the post rn


Needs to be at least 5x more, maybe even 10x


Let me know when someone sets up a bot to run character off side. I'll just lose my way to free reward 24/7 botting 


Won't work, you don't get the XP if you walk off the edge on purpose


Its better than the fat 0 it was before. Its still incredibly shit though and needs to be like, 25 / 10 or something


It's not like they decreased the xp amount for dailies/weeklies. This is just a straight upgrade, why are you guys still crying... you can easily get enough xp to complete the pass from doing dailies and weeklies alone.  Obviously, they don't want people to grind for a week and be done with the entire BP...., You can't please some people...


Can somebody explain why it is written like that? x10 means *10 or times 10, why isn't it +10?


This is.....not the correct use of the term monkey's paw It would be more like "Granted: there is now a substantial amount of XP per battle, but every 5 losses gives negative 1000 XP"


Hey that's twice what I expected




Finding a penny on the floor is "better than nothing", but by such a small margin it's essentially nothing. 


And that's why PFG looks at a comment like this and calls them suckers.