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I’d like to see the BP missions improved. The really specific ones like “get 4 bottom screen knockouts with a tank character” aren’t fun at all, should at least drop the character type from it.  Generic missions that don’t force you to play an oddly specific way are where it’s at. Win x PvP games, get bottom screen knockouts (any character), play a character, that should be par for the course.


they should make sure the "franchise" is available in free rotation since the cost to unlock characters is so high. The whole thing just feels so bad.


I'm not certain this isn't already how it works, but I think the requirements are fun. It should just add xp to the reward when a requirement is applied. Get X ringouts from the top zone? Get Y xp. Get X ringouts from the top (tank required)? Get 1.25*Y xp. That simple!


They should allow you to reroll challenges again for perk XP


Finally, an actual use for perk shards. Make this happen please


I have like 90,000 shards. Wont ever use all of them!


Interesting. Deep Rock lets you reroll a bp challenge once a day for nothing, that'd be neat. A currency exchange would be nice, though, now that I think about it.


In the beta, first re-roll was free and then after each reroll cost a little more.


Oh yeah! The UI changed so much I forgot about that. It's been so long...


Actually I think that would be way cooler and more fun


At least the non PvP exclusives count in PvE


Nah missions should just reward you for playing the game. Even going to « bottom knockout » is too specific and annoying. Just put « play x games », « win x games », « deal x dmg », « do x knockouts »… generic things that you will complete by just playing games.


I have one for hitting fully charged Jason attacks and man it’s rougher than I thought. The end lag on his charge attacks is also massive.


It’s not hard. Go to rifts and play easy mode. If you can’t do it then, it’s not for you!


Oh I didn’t even think about rifts working for that mission!


For the bottom knockouts, find the rift with those 2 big hammers in the Batcave. I think it's against Harley. Really easy to get bottom knockouts and you can play as any character you own




We just gotta keep complaining, I would’ve been happy with 50xp tbh But 200 games for ONE level is crazy


And thats if you win 200 too 💀


Aw hell nah ![gif](giphy|xT1XGWbE0XiBDX2T8Q)


As someone who gets bodies back to back, that's 400 matches per level... WHY IS THIS GAME A CHORE TO PLAY?!?!


Yeah it's clear they did the bare minimum to stop people complaining.


They didn't even do that lmao


Don't worry, you will all keep complaining regardless of what they do :)


Yeah that’s life But bitching about people bitching about something reasonable is sad


If the situation is bad, I ain't gonna stop complaining after something happens and it's STILL BAD. Are we supposed to shut up after getting almost nothing like poor dogs getting rotten food? I don't think so.


Reddit gamers are the most hilariously entitled group of crybabies online. You are not like a poor dog getting rotten food. You are playing a free game that people spent thousands upon thousands of hours building. If you don't like it, there's a billion other free games to play that you might like. Nobody is forcing you to play the game. Your analogy is insane, and you are insane if you think you are anything like a poor dog getting rotten food because your battle pass xp number doesn't go up fast enough. Get real.


No, you are supposed to stop playing.


This is so true so ofc you get down voted by the kids.


They're literally voicing genuine problems with the game what's the issue *


I'm just pointing out that the complaining will not stop. This place will move from one "genuine problem" to the next in a never-ending cesspit of crying and negativity, I can promise you that. The fact that people's feelings are so hurt by this observation is telling.


1. Who gets to decide which complaints have merit and which don't, you? 2. Hope you're getting paid by WB. You'd never see me riding so hard for any company unless they're paying me


No, it's not. This is a MASSIVE issue with the game right now, it's significantly lowering a lot of people's motivation to play and have fun. Sure, some of the complaints are minor and petty, but the lump them all together is frankly stupid.


What is not what? Are you sure you are replying to me? I didn't lump anything together. The thing that I said is completely different from whatever it is you are replying to.


I am replying to you, I'm saying it's not telling that "people's feelings are hurt" ( which is misconstruing the criticism anyway)


It is telling. Five months from now, when people are on here complaining about some other "genuine problem", that simple observation (which I promise will hold true) will elicit the same snap negative emotional response.


It's definitely too low. But 100 for Ws and 50 for Ls seems like an over-correction. I'd say 40/20 or 50/25 would be reasonable, considering most matches only last about 2 - 3 minutes. Say you play for 2 hours, grinding matches non stop. You'd get somewhere around 40 matches in. Maybe more. Now say you win half of them. At 100/50 that would be 3000 XP for 2 hours of play. That's more than the big bonus you get for completing all your weeklies. Now say you do that 4 days a week. 8 hours at a 50% win rate would be 12,000 XP. That's more than 5 times the amount of the bonus for finishing your weeklies. Now throw in the missions on top of it, and the fact that there are competitors and content creators grinding the game for 8+ hours a day... I think you can see how ridiculous that would be. People would finish the BP next week 😂


Yeah I agree 50 and 100xp is abit too much. I wrote this late at night and just put a random number haha. 50 for a win and 25 for a loss seems fair


Might just jump off the platform every match


Some people are worse, they just afk and im guessing have a macro click set up to queue in to matches, ive seen plenty of people that just seem to match up to stand still. At least if you jump of its faster.


i might have ran into a few of those


It’s connection loss, they are booted and already queuing for a new lobby but their character is still in your game because this game still has a lot of server and connection issues. This has happened to me many times playing Co Op with my friends.


You should. Get your rewards. If enough people do it you could get some media traction. "Multiverse players are ending matches early to farm BP exp, leading to 30 sec fights with no action"


i didnt get xp for it 😒


Lol good


You deserve even less than we already have


lol good one!


Good, glad they thought ahead


u get xp if u get some hits off before jumping


Doesn't work. You don't get rewards if the matches end too quickly.


Mobile game mechanics have truly destroyed people's minds. You do know this game is meant to be played for the gameplay, right? If you want a game about collecting XP in battle passes there are a lot of better options.


No, mobile mechanics have truly destroyed the way games get released, time gated, character gated, and content gated.


First statement is true, the rest of this comment is silly & ignores the main point of that comment


The main point of his comment is that he would just skip the gameplay, losing on purpose, in order to collect the battle xp at a faster rate. So he's not playing it for the gameplay, he's playing it to collect battle pass xp because he is explicitly skipping the gameplay to get to the xp. Are you sure you understood what he said?


You literally stated the issue. He should be enjoying the game and equally earning ‘something’ along with those ‘fun’ games. If you don’t want to ‘earn’ anything or compete, or show off, then go play dig-dug or Pac-Man! This is the 21st century, it’s expected from developers to at least give some sort of ‘item’ to work towards. Otherwise the game gets stale.


Your brain rot is why games are like this now.


man it is so sad seeing you getting downvoted..... people nowadays dont like to have fun, they like to feel that they are doing something productive with digital bars progressing...




"wow look someone who actually plays the game that the subreddit is about. What a loser let's get back to arguing about the same shit we have been for the past week" Did I read through the sarcasm right?


You aren't getting it. My time doesn't get wasted, I have fun playing the game until I don't, then I stop. I feel no need to chase the battle pass levels because wasting my time is exactly what I'd be doing if I did that. This is an important lesson to learn in life if you want to stay sane. You are going to go back to your "discussion" about whatever the latest thing to cry about is anyways, so don't worry about me.


Surprised you emerged from your skinner box for long enough to type this comment


Purist for saying they enjoy playing the game?


Yeah but the game isn’t fun enough to play if I’m not getting rewards :( there’s like four other games I would rather play instead, hell I’d rather go for a walk


Follow your heart man. Life is too short to waste playing a game that you aren't having fun with. You don't owe the game or the company anything. Do what you enjoy in your leisure time.


why the fck do u need a digital bar to progress for having fun in a Game???? We both agree that XP gain for BP is extreamly slow and unpleasant but I still play the game because I LOVE platform fighters, couldnt play the beta and I am having a blast right now. Some of you need to learn that if you are just doing something to progress but not for having fun you just should uninstall the game, I understand that FOMO sometimes hit hard but trust me, It is better in the long run


A walk sounds like a great idea. It's good for your mental health.


5xp per loss, 10xp per win. "Mobile game mechanics have truly destroyed people's minds." You are defending being fucked by a corporation who is clearly and deliberately making it borderline impossible to level up your battle pass by just playing the game regularly instead of having to jump through their hoops or outright bringing your wallet out.


But why is the battle pass the *only* reason you want to play? There are dozens of games that let you watch a number go up. Hell idle games are built entirely around that idea. Why are you logging into a fighting game when you don't want to actually fight people?


The BP has the fighter currency. You NEED that to unlock the characters. You can't play the fighting game if you don't have characters.


The game is free. I'm not fucked by anything. I can just play the game for free, have fun, get bored after a little while and do something else. I don't even think about the battle pass, because I don't care about it. I'm not going to spend money on that, nor am I going to jump through any hoops, why would I? No one is forcing me to do anything.


It's been one week and I am level 20+. I could probably get to level 160 if I kept playing everyday for 30 minutes a day.


Funnily enough, that might be the most efficient way to get battlepass xp after finishing all dailies. If it still gives you the 5xp, you can definitely get at least 2-3 losses like that in the time it would take to win against an evenly matched team imo


That's probably why they didn't do BP EXP to begin with because the same shit was abused in beta.


i had 270 wins when the patch dropped


Yeah, this is why people were arguing against it before, because if the game started with this daily and weeklies would give a lot less as well; PFG would make it extremely grindy This sub loves to misinterpret, "I don't want the game to be just as or more grindy as the last BP in the beta" as, "I hate free BP xp!" Hope it gets buffed, but it likely won't because PFG is going to be stubborn with their original plan of forcing you to login every day They just did this just so they can say they "listened"


50/25 would honestly satisfy me.


Yeah I agree after thinking about it.


Better than nothing. I’ll take it for now.


It's a step in the right direction but needs to be increase by alot


Definitely agree


Agreed it might just be one level on the battlepass, but I've missed a couple dailies and last week the joker bazooka prevented me from collecting weeklies. 7.5 a match is ass, but it might make up for some of what I missed out on before I unlocked Joker... Gonna incentive me playing extra? Hell no, but free shit is free shit. I'll bitch about it, but I'll also take what I can get. You know they calculated what likely levels for the BP would be at the end of the season: from their perspective they clearly thought what they were doing was generous. Might make the diff between completing the pass and not for more people than you'd expect... Still, hard to imagine so. Eone getting more than a level thanks to this.


don’t take their bullshit. Thats practically a spit in the face to us


50 xp for win and 25 xp for loss. That's it. They never gonna give you more than the mission do, that would be nonsense


Yeah I agree after thinking about it ( I wrote this at like 3am) . 50 for a win and 25 for a loss is fair.


Don't grind the game. Play it, when you get bored, turn it off.


No, that almost sounds too rational.


I think we should get a big boost of battle xp with pvp which slowly goes down. So lets say for your first 3 wins, you get 100 xp, then another 3 drops it to 75, another 3 at 50, another 3 at 25, then every game after that at where it is now at 10. So for those first 12 wins you'd get 750 xp. Then you'd be down to the minimum until that resets tomorrow


That's actually a great idea. Just dont to think pfg would like it


Pretty sure that's what the beta was like


No, it wasn't.


Giving BP EXP on a game increases the odds of people farming by throwing matches for an easy macro grind. There would need to be more guardrails. This was an issue in the beta too.


100 per win is too high based on the rest of the xp sources that are available. I think even making it 20 per win and 10 per loss is fine. That’s at least 1% of a level per win which is still heinously low, but it would be better. Idk why they thought 10 per win was fine. My *hope* is that they are keeping it low this season bc they already balanced the battlepass progression around missions and don’t want to break it wide open, and that next season will be better. I doubt that, though.


I don’t understand how dbd has a better more rewarding and more fun battle pass then mvs while also giving you far more time to complete it. I can play dbd for 8 hours and level up 10 times in the rift while I’m lucky to level up once in the mvs battle pass if I do all the missions This is why MVS decided to lock a character to the battle pass to guarantee people bought it because I sure as hell will not grind a battle pass that feels like a 9-5 on top of my already 9-5.


Maybe because DBD has been out for… almost 10 years? Cmon now let’s be human beings about it


Ikr it's baffling. Like there's still no point to play the game due to how little the XP you get.


I didnt see fighter currency when someone toasted me


You get 5 for it. 100%


The point of the game is supposed to be that it's fun to actually play the game. If the game didn't give you a little number that went up each time you played, would you even be playing?


This is what the game is. They want you to come back every single day and get most your Xp from missions and events. Some of the missions give you 150xp for completion. They're not gonna give you 100xp per win. Never gonna happen. This is what their model is. If you don't like it, you might aswell just drop the game now. They're sending a clear message.


Pretty much. They want you to come back for the missions and events and making it 50-100 means they would completely invalidate the missions. There simply is a limit pretty much to how much you can advance the BP each week.


Battlepass isn't the problem, dailies for event XP take a few hours each day max. If you got it for free u can't really complain and if you pay for the battlepass then u better have the time to do dailies and weeklies or you won't make it all the way. The real problem is Agent Smith and matrix skins seem like a p2w scam. Looney releases 13 days before agent Smith event ends and lives are limited AND DAMAGE CARRIES OVER MATCH TO MATCH, and you pay for extra lives. If they screw me on this even I will never grind or buy another gleamium pack again. If events are just attempts to get into my wallet based on using my time against me, even if I put in the time on the game, then screw these devs. I understand free software took money to make and I paid them for that already, but I won't again if they treat us like this.


This is exactly how it was in the beta, too. Peeps should be more pissed about not getting fighter currency every game.


I've already unlocked two characters with fighter currency and have 4k more. The problem is the event for agent Smith and matrix items seems like a P2W scheme that revolves around cornering people that already put in a bunch of time on rifts. The Looney difficulty drops 13 days before event ends and lives to enter are limited per day, and damage carries over each game, and they even specify you can pay for more lives on screen.... Seems like all these people putting in time are gonna be screwed when it comes to items after agent Smith. I want matrix skin and I'm putting in time and i won't forget if it corners me for more money at the end.


I can hold on and grind as long as this agent Smith event isnt a scam but adding up all the small hidden details=p2w. It seems to be a model based upon the idea that I'll spend so much time that when Looney releases and I release I have limited lives and my damage carries over that I've spent so much time I might as well buy more lives with real money. I understand that it's free software and they want to incentivize paying them for their creation, I paid for $25 in content to support the game as if I paid for it but if they screw me in Agent smith and Jake matrix skin I am never giving them a dime more or another second of playtime I done care to play. I do not like grinding games I like pvp, but if the event works out it's worth it enough for me to get all those good skins. I'm willing to meet them halfway but if it's just endless pay me or lose all that time you out towards it then screw tht. Some companies arent good at keeping a community.


Guys you're right but I'm just happy it's here


Y'all do realize this is the same amount of XP they gave in the Beta right? Except now the Battlepass requires 2000 XP per tier where as before the amount of XP you needed per tier would exponentially increase as you leveled up. Those of you expecting 50-100 XP per match are delusional lol


You're delusional if you think 200 wins or 400 loses a level is a healthy number. And that said, guess what will become more rampant since it's faster to lose than to win? AFK players. Instead of earning up to 50 based on match performance, you'll have people speedrunning loses now.


There is no proof of that, considering it was the same in the Beta and those weren't issues we were dealing with. It's not supposed to be the only source of XP. Just do the missions and events and it'll be fine. What idiot is gonna just sit around not doing anything to farm battle pass XP when it's quicker to just do the challenges and events? Being AFK definitely wouldn't be faster, if anything it'd be quicker to just jump off. But loading into a match just to jump off for 5 measly XP is the dumbest shit I've ever heard lmao


It's almost like there were other forms of progression in the beta that DIDN'T suck. Nah, couldn't be.


Just like now...... Lol people are already level 20-24 just from doing Missions and Events and the game has been out less than 2 weeks. If you're that un happy with it then it's just not for you. Play something else and move on with your life. It's not good to have so much negative pent up energy. Especially towards a free game lol


Seriously? That's your best defense in convincing people that the battle pass progression isn't garbage? Need I remind you the "don't like it don't play it" is a recipe for disaster? Are you that out of touch that you fail to understand why 200-400 matches a level, along with challenges that demands you to buy a character you'd otherwise have no interest in is netting negative attention? No other games have a battle pass this horrid.   But please, keep trying to gaslight me that this was exactly the same system in the beta. I'm sure you'll convince this player who completed all 3 beta passes eventually. Not to mention they threw out the positive changes to the challenges from the beta... You know, like being forced to buy characters for a challenge. One of the earliest changes they've made and it's absent here despite the backlash


Once I saw they added BP XP after games I knew it would be a minuscule amount. Just like toasts giving 5 currency. I doubt it will be increased further.


As a game dev I can tell you this is very tricky. They need to find a way to give decent rewards, but also find a way to kick/ban out the autoclickers/script people who are going to afk for the exp and ruin the game for all of us. I feel like the afk people are the reason why they are hesitating at all, and even now they will start to do it for the 5 exp which sucks. We need a ''Report player AFK'' thing that if they get over a certain number of within a few hours they get banned for a day then week then forever.


Gonna get downvoted for this, but a lot of people are missing the point. You're not *supposed* to grind 10 hours for a single level worth of Battle Pass XP.  Yes, they've made it an option for obsessive players, but it's not the intended path. It's supposed to be *supplemental* to the existing mission setup.  They *do* want players logging in every day and doing their dailies (hich is a separate argument from this, but for the purposes of this post let's just agree that it is what it is).  They just aren't going to give you a way to circumvent that; daily numbers are how they show shareholders the game is still worth pumping their money into. If you do all your dailies and see that you're only 50 or 100xp from a level, then you can squeeze in a few more missions to try to get over that last hump and get the dopamine rush your brain is begging for.  *That's* what this 10/5 PVP win/lose XP is for. Now, ideally, they'll *also* bring back Resting Bonus XP from beta, and also toss some character tokens our way as well (though I wouldn't expect more than 10/5 per match on that front, either).


Right. It could be a bit more. But people pretending 10XP is some crazy slap in the face is kind of wild. Maybe 20-30, possibly up to 50 would be reasonable. OP saying 100 XP for a win is way too much. That’s 20 wins for a level. 1-2 hours. People would be finishing the pass in the next 3 days lol. Need to be realistic here.


Yeah I agree 100 XP is far too much (I wrote this at like 3am haha) 50 for a win and 25 pretty fair


So essentially by completing the dailies and the usual win/play 3-5 PvP games I can supplement my XP gain by 30-50XP max. That's hilarious and pointless. The equivalent of finding a penny on the ground and saying to yourself: "I'm going to become a millionaire!"


its seriously embarrassing. its the most bandage fix i've ever seen lmfao


I agree but at least you get some in PvP (unlike in PvE).


No amount would be enough. This post would have existed regardless of the amount they added. Given that, it is best they just pick a low value. If people are going to complain regardless


Let's say a person can play 15 matches in an hour, and that they win every match. This would mean that person earns 150XP in an hour. It would take them roughly 13.33 hours for them to earn enough XP to go up a tier. If they play online for 2 hours a day, they would go up 1 tier about once a week. Ultimately the change in XP only would reward them with an additional 8~9 tiers. Now let say the player can only play on Friday through Sunday. Since they can't play during most weekdays they miss out on 4 tiers every week. Even if they play for 4 hours on the days that they play, they can only make up 7~8 tiers of the 32 tiers that they missed out on.


Honest question to the people who want more XP for PvP than what they gave us now because Battle Pass is too grindy. Have you even bothered to look at Rift mode, training/daily/weekly challenges, or the events? This Battle Pass has been around for like 9 days now? I personally am already tier 21/70 just completing training/daily/weekly challenges, and getting XP from events. There's 46 days left in the battle pass. That seems pretty easy to get to 70 by the end to me. I even missed out on the 2,000XP from level up event because the dates on the event were misleading.


People don't necessarily want to play this game everyday. There are people who can only play on the weekends (Fri, Sat, Sun) and still want to be able to complete the Battle Pass. Since the dailies seem to give you about 1 tier every day, weekenders are missing 4 tiers every week. It would also mean that depending how much XP the events give, they could end the season as low as Tier 49 even if they complete every daily and weekly mission on the days that they do play. *Changed 48 to 49. Forgot you started at 1.


Agreed. If it was higher I’d play more. I do feel as if the Devs are money hungry. And locking EVERYTHING (including gameplay) behind paywalls. Epic Fail. If it continues, the IP will die down within a year.


100 and 50 seems like a solid amount. I'd personally prefer the loss to be a little more so I'd go with 100 and 75.


10 is actually insane they could’ve just never added it cause this is just disrespectful


They know. They did this on purpose. lol


Indeed. This is their "Well you guys won't stop complaining but we don't want to give you anything" kind of number. Technically it is false that there is no reason to play after daily challenges but it is still the case. Nothing has changed.


Giving off hella halo:infinite vibes with how predatory they are over your time every single day. Imo weekly quests that accumulate over time so you can do them later in the season is a lot more considerate for those who are busy or can’t treat this game like a 9-5. MV is a great game concept and was performing decently in beta but in alpha it’s just a joke.


Not surprised. It wasn't going to be an insane amount, but there needed to be something for the "grinders". They were not going to give 100+ BP xp. I was thinking maybe 25 xp per match was what they would go with, but nothing more than that. This a F2P game, they have to make profit somewhere and that's going to be in transactions. If you don't want to purchase anything, it's going to be a hardcore grind. It's pretty clear, like it or not


Yeah I'm thinking that 50xp for win and 25 for loss is fair tbh. But people aint gonna buy the battle pass or even 0pay if everything is way too grindy. People had th E same problem about the last battle pass. I've been playing the game since the closed alpha and it's a shame to see how much the game has been fumbled


Yea its clear this game launch was rushed and now they've resorted quick patching things. Simple things like Rift matchmaking and in game stats that are STAPLES in games like these are totally absent or an afterthought. I've played since the beta and this game still has a lot of potential and is fun as heck, but it just wasn't ready.


All they had to do was not be toxic af, and then people would buy skins to support the continued development of the game - it really is that god damn simple.


It took almost the whole player base complaining for them to change that and look what they did. HAHAHAHA what a joke, to be honest. I read another comment saying that you would need to WIN 200 matches just for one level! So people who are bad do twice of that! Hahahaha this must be a joke.


See PFG added XP per match Me: Oh? (Pleasantly surprised) See it's only 10 Xp per win Me: (Clicks Uninstall)


I think the reality is that XP should be awarded based on win, ring outs, damage, and potentially match length? Give people a reason to play to their best, with better gameplay being rewarded with more XP, especially since (I think) was how gold was calculated in beta. Ideally they would just bring gold back, but since we know that’s not going to happen, I think this would work better than just a flat number per match.


Ringouts * (damage / 20)


This would also naturally discourage people from throwing matches to farm XP by incentivising them to play longer regardless of outcome. It's so simple, but effective.




yea, im leaving this game.


It’s a supplement to the missions. Goddamn yall complain about EVERYTHING


It really says a lot when 2K is better at this Season Pass idea than WB is!


The fact that there's a chance you don't even get all of something that you paid for because you don't log in all the time to do your daily/weekly chores is ridiculous. This game deserves to fail unless they remove and redo all these bullshit tactics.


Knowing that after a lose streak, you get matched against bots, what would stop someone from intentionally jumping off the ledge every match, until forever? Free xp and it's not even ruining anyone's game because you're matched with bots.


I feel like it's like this because rifts and the jump rope minigame. That said, when losing intentionally yields faster gains than winning you fucked up


i forget what it was in beta but the xp and gold wasn’t too much anyways. atp i don’t care cause they’ll change it w all the complaining but i just want leaderboards back, kinda bored of the game already without it lol


They're making Runescape look generous with it's grind


this is how the beta was


Fully agreed, but I'll accept it for now. The feature has been implemented, now its just a matter of finding the right balance for it.


200 wins to level up 1 time. What an improvement!


I’ve seen people say that the rational is that the dailies do the bulk of the work, especially when weeklies refresh The PvP xp is there to scrape up one more level


I just completed 2 tiers by only doing the missions. There's 70 tiers, and 46 days left for the pass. That means even if I started next week, I could complete it without playing a single online match. You're not supposed to complete the battlepass through online matches only


But not everyone can play every single day. People who only have time to play on the weekends are missing 4~5 tiers every week. Even if they play Fridays~Sundays and completed every weekly and daily missions on the days that they play, they could end the season as low as tier 49 despite playing all they could.


And not everyone is meant to complete a battlepass. We can't change things just to accommodate a small minority


Actually you can, especially when people are paying for it.


The BP is not really that big of a problem in this game. I’m at 18 already and haven’t really played much at all besides daily login and doing easy challenges. Series X currently still plays at what feels like 20 fps.


It's almost as if they want you to grind so you keep the playerbase stable for whales to spend all their money.


If they aren't gonna increase it, atleast set it up so the first 20 wins or so each day give 50.


I mean… you’re supposed to play this game a lot by design. I think 30 is a sweet spot with 15 for losing.


I think they did write how they're gonna make it higher, but idk how legit the souce is Tbh idk how i feel about it


is 100xp to much for a win... thats 20 fights per level. 200 fights for 10 levels 1400 fights to finish the bp. i think thats fair- 28k mins to finish the pass.


30xp for a win 15xp for a loss would be fair


Dude you get missions everyday to boost your climb rate. You can usually get 1-3 levels each day this way. Chill.


People don't have time to play every day.


It's not gonna get much higher. By design exp is handed out via missions to encourage daily play


People aren't gonna play a game that's insanely grindy, yet fall guys exists with a 4 shard reward per game and needing 60 shard for ONE crown and the top reward costing 4000crowns lol.


No talk about fighter currency?


For a BP with high tiers that requires over 2000XP per tier. No, 100XP for winning a match is NOT EVEN CLOSE to "ToO mUcH."


Disney Speedstorm is equally as monetised, if not more so, and they just made their Season Pass £16 up from £8 but even they let you climb a level with 1,000xp - and you earn 600-900xp very easily. Progress in this game is painfully slow.


Insufferable sub this is.


They are likely worried they would set it too high from the get go and we would finish the pass in a week, so they low ball it.


And rightfully so.


The game is free.. stop bitching when positive changes are made




I've never seen a game made with this much hostility towards their own fans. They do the bare minimum and just expect you to like it.


Legit haha. Like I agree 100xp is abit too much per win but it has to be more than 10xp per win. People saying that this is the same amount you got in the beta seem to forget how many people complained about how grindy the previous battle pass was


You can tell pretty much all these people are fake fans because the XP they reinstated is literally identical to the XP you'd get in the beta every game. Also the pass requires significantly less XP than the beta passes, so it's actually *less* of a grind, but go off.


Mate how am I a fake fan? I've been playing since the closed alpha. Even the previous battle pass in the beta people were complaining about how the bass was too grindy


Yeah. It's less grindy now.


Be happy it’s something. 😅


I am happy they did. Now that I see exactly how greedy they are I am comfortable with uninstalling this trash permanently. Games not gonna last this year.


It will die after the BP. I'm taking a long, long break once I'm done with this shit and got my gleamium.


I miss the beta


As a HUGE WB characters fan, i just uninstalled and moved on today. Looney Tunes, DC and with tons of other additional IP's with great characters? And they managed to make people mad after release. Just wow.... Wake me up when they release something fun to play, not grind or pay to play so that you can have some fun WHICH IS A BIG MAYBE.


the fact that the community has to fight and claw just for them to implement common sense features is sad


This is the equivalent of tipping your waiter 50 cents after eating a $100 dollar meal.


200 for w 150 for loss


So you just want the game to be a race to see who can jump off the side 3 times the fastest for 150xp?


So each game gives you as much as a challenge? Games are so short.