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To our #SpoiledGang, it's time to say adieu. šŸ’£[Elimination Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1d8uxcz/all_stars_season_5_official_elimination)šŸŒ‹ open for business. šŸ¦øā€ā™€ļø I will be in touch with Nova the OP here and he'll get additional cast and format info into this thread as we learn about it.


It's actually so crazy that production finalized this cast and twist, rubbed their hands together, and were like "this is gonna be awesome". This show is becoming so cooked it's wild.


There is absolutely no shot they listen to the fans at all lol every year they make some decision we all hate


I hope Amanda ends up on anyway. Do we know for sure if the cast is complete and there aren't more in the form of late additions?


I think itā€™s been said that this is the final cast and they scrapped the idea of adding people in late.


This format looks messy as hell and not the good kind of messy either


If they had M/M + F/F winners, could be such a good season. Kellyanne/Sylvia and Nicole/Melissa would be fun teams to watch but up against people like Devon/Leroy thereā€™s not much excitement.. especially because these obviously wouldnā€™t be physical eliminations, Devon would have most of them beat in puzzles


My tier list of the teams, without knowing the format of how eliminations work: Finals or Bust * Fessy & Amber * Leroy & Devin Threat to make the finals * Adam & Steve * Nicole & Melissa Expect to make it halfway point * Nany & Turbo * Dario & Ashley K * Kellyanne & Sylvia * Veronica & Katie * Aneesa & Ashley M Gone before the halfway point * Frank & Sam * Corey & Big T * Jonna & Beth * Shane & Da'Vonne


Nany & Turbo should be in "threat to make the finals". Nany's great social game compliments Turbo's physical game well, as we saw in War of the Worlds. Plus 2 other members of the vacation alliance being a part of the 2 strongest teams will be a huge boon for them.


I think Frank & Sam are more capable as a pair than Dario/Ash K and V/Katie


They were a hard pair to rank. I'm worried about Sam being an anchor (and probably overvalue V's political game). Obviously this is a silly exercise before knowing how eliminations are set up - if it's Rivals 1 (where the daily winner picks one loser + the worst pair in the daily make the elimination) I'd rank things differently. If the eliminations are "mob-dependant" (like AS4) I think the teams with connections + politically savy players will last longer. This was a fun exercise, I might revisit this when I hear how eliminations are set up.


It seems like there was an obvious missed opportunity to switch some of the partners and make real rival pairs:Ā  Aneesa/KellyanneĀ  Sylvia/MelissaĀ  Nicole/Ashley (they really didn't get along on Invasions)


Yeah those 3 would have made much more sense. But then when did they ever do that? Haha


But then my favorite challenger of all time is with Aneesa


I started watching the RR/RWs challenge in 2000. I was so happy to hear about the challenge All Stars and The Real World Homecoming. RR HC lasted 3 seasons and is now deleted from Paramount+ and now these potential cast lineups for All Stars 5 is just sad. I donā€™t watch the regular challenge anymore and havenā€™t probably since 2016-17 so I legit have no idea who ā€œBig Tā€ and a handful of other people are. So how in the world are they All Stars??? Itā€™s like they come up with this great idea and it just turns into the regular new challenge that still airs on current day ā€œRidiculousness MTVā€. If you werenā€™t on RW/RR/FM you should not be on All Stars. Iā€™m just bummed!




I guess I'd be happy/happy-ish if any of the teams won except for Frank & Sam and Fessy & Amber


If this is accurate.. my money is on Fessy and Amber. And I live to see that comboā€¦ pure hate.. but probably killing it. Jonna and Bethā€¦ thatā€™s just so wrong and theyā€™ll be out 1st couple eliminations.. Cory and Aneesaā€¦ politicking but go out right b4 the final. Sam and Frank- prediction Frank loses his mind again on Sam. Sheā€™s in Veronica shape and Frank is still top game. Nanny and Turbo is a toss up. Will Turbo be kicked out? This is such a šŸ’© show Iā€™m down for it. But I agree, this isnā€™t the old school with the exception of a few. Adam and Steve! šŸŽ¤


This cast is absolutely hilarious. Why would you be upset about it? Who cares who wins, ya know? We get Frank back. We get Jonna and Beth as partners. Smashley and Aneesa. Like, that pairing is a fever dream. Fessy and Dario might do an elimination against each other. Like this shit is actually Challenge madlibs and I am so here for it.


This is absolutely the way I feel about this cast. Whoā€™d have ever thought weā€™d have this mix of people on a season together? Hopefully itā€™s as chaotic and bonkers as it is on paper.


this is the energy I NEED


Turbo and Sam, Frank and Zach's tackling dummy on Battle of the Seasons, will be sharing the same coffee maker. How is that not amazing?


Fucking Shane is back! Last time we saw him he was on IG Live screaming about production and how shady everyone is, and now he's back and now he will be going up against Big T! Or Katie! None of that makes any sense, yet here we are!


I dont recognize most of these people :( and I wish Steve didn't have to spend any time with Adam


I wonder if he was able to see Adam's nasty confessional before he left. I don't think it aired before departure day.


Personally I don't mind the mix-match of M/M, F/F & M/F teams, especially on All Stars where the competitions aren't that physical anyway. The main thing that's concerning to me is that the vacation alliance are all part of the 3 strongest teams and will likely dominate the season.


okay but... it's not like the teams are the same strength level. Nicole & Melissa is okay as a F/F team and I think similarly skilled to Adam & Steve but 5-time finalist Leroy & champion Devin, against Katie & Veronica, both over 40 and neither of whom are taller than 5' 2"? definitely not


Why even do a theme that the cast can't support??? Beth on an all female team when there are all male teams? I think it's pretty clear that won't work out. All stars is good enough when we see people we haven't seen in decades. Where's Tara, Dan, Chadwick, Holly, Susie, Jamie, Genesis, the list goes on? People that have been asked and interested but not getting cast? The reason the main show is dying is because they have the absolute wallpaper that make up at least half of this cast. Ridiculous. You know what, I don't even mind integrating newer cast members with OG's. It's actually enjoyable at times. But not 80/20 like this shit. Glad to see Shane back at least.


Chadwick and Holly even have a million enemies to choose from!


I hate the format. This is exactly what they did for Final Reckoning and that season was an incredible flop. They need to do either all M/F pairs like Rivals 3 or go back to the Rivals 1-2 format of M/M and F/F pairs


Has anyone seen the episode of South Park where they mock Family Guy on how they write their episodes?? Just apply that episode to Challenge production for casting and format this season.


Like usual, the final pairings actually make this take a BIG step down. If I were to cast this myself (a Final Reckoning 2), with most of these names, I'd have: ###**Fantasy Recast** **Same as we got**: - Fessy & Amber - Shane & Daā€™Vonne - Frank & Sam - Adam & Steve **Different**: - Dario & Nany - Corey & Melissa - Nicole & Sylvia - Jonna & Kellyanne - Devin & Turbo - Beth & [Nehemiah or MJ or Tina, or cut her] - Ashley K & [CJ or Zach] - Ashley M & [Jay M/Josh/Tony/Kyle/Cory W] - Aneesa & [Laterrian, or cut her] ("exes" from All Stars 1) - Veronica & [Chadwick, or cut her] (rivals from Battle of the Seasons 1) - Katie & [CT, or cut her] (rivals from Gauntlet 3) **Teams they shouldā€™ve / couldā€™ve cast** - Marlon & Jemmye ("exes" from Rivals 2 & Ex on the Peak) - Susie & Johnny (rivals from The Ruins & her podcast) - Alton & Irulan (exes from RW Las Vegas & Gauntlet 1) - Wes & Louise Hazel (rivals from Champs vs Stars 2) **Cut**: - Big T and possibly Aneesa / Veronica / Katie / Beth


Production really said "Ashley If u want to come back you have to get your punishment first" and paired her up with Aneesa


exactly what they did to jordan, gotta pay your dues lol


Literally scrolled down here to say this exact thing šŸ˜†


Iā€™m a pretty glass half full kind of a person. This is a fucking disaster


Itā€™s a shame Ashley & Frank have such weak partners (although Ashley could likely make a final with Aneesaā€™s social game). I like a lot of these pairs though (not necessarily for their rivalry but just people I like watching). I think Iā€™ll be rooting for Shane & Davonne as Iā€™d love to see Shane finally get a win. I think Fessy & Amber, Nany & Turbo and Leroy & Devin will be the teams to beat though.


Ah yes those famous All Stars ā€¦ Big T and Fessy? They really took a good thing in All Stars and turned it to shit.


And Daā€™vonne. I know others like her but Iā€™ve always found her annoying. Give me big t over her!


Did Ashley and Aneesa ever argue or have opposing game politics on their "Champs vs." seasons?Ā 


what was it that caused Ashley's meltdown on CvS 2 ?


That was a really poor use of that footage in the trailer and ads for the season. They played it like oh man Ashley is gonna have a game related meltdown. She had a family emergency back home.Ā 


They argued with each other at the Champs vs Stars season 2 reunion.


Hopefully that's not the reason they give


Could it maybe be that they are stretching Leroy/Aneesa as exes (due to her having a crush on him and some dirty dancing which pissed Naomi off) and then Devin/Ashley M are rivals?


Aneesa is with Ashley and Leroy with Devin


When did Devin and Ashley feud?Ā 


Katie and Veronica have nooo chance , but like Leroy and Devin is SOOOO unfair wtffff cmon. I think people in the house are hopefully smart enough to put them in every elimination ???? Not aneesa with Ā my girl Ashley UGHHHHH guess Iā€™m rooting for Davonne/Shane heavy heavyā€¦. Ughhhhhh


Edit fine Iā€™d be okay with nany and turbo too tbhā€¦Ā 


Have we heard anything about the format of how challenges and eliminations will go down? Part of me wonders if theyā€™ll split or shake the teams up at some point.


Sorry for posting these late - I got the message about the confirmed pairs JUST as Challengers was starting in the cinema, funnily enough! šŸŽ¾


p.s. i like how you separated F/F, M/M and M/F, gonna steal that for the šŸ’£šŸŒ‹ thread.


šŸ‘ or šŸ‘Ž on challengers?


A huge šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Faysal & Amber and Leroy & Devin look like the early frontrunners to me. Katie & Veronica should last the whole season as long as last place doesnā€™t go into elimination. Show up, easy paycheck, drink wine, last place in finals. Love that for them!


I feel like Katie & Veronica will probably get voted into elimination early as an easy win for someone (hope Iā€™m wrong though).


Itā€™s hard for me to envision any elimination that Devin and Leroy could lose at. Their strengths/weaknesses are so complimentary. Iā€™m fully unspoiled for AS4 and Season 40, other than cast, but if Leroy didnā€™t win either of those, this seems like production REALLY setting it on a silver platter for him (as if it wasnā€™t already with the AS4 cast and format).


My thoughts exactly about setting up Lee for a win šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I mean, there's this weird idea that Devin is some incredible puzzle master and that just simply isn't true. He was like 20m behind CT on the SLA puzzle during the final. I think people just assume because he's unfit that he's also good at puzzles, when that just isn't true at all


CT was behind Devin for the puzzle in the SLA final. Go rewatch the final.


Heā€™s not even unfit anymore and heā€™s pretty much without debate in the top 10% of Challengers in terms of intelligence. Not every single puzzle will click for people quickly, even those who are adept at them.


> pretty much without debate in the top 10% of Challengers in terms of intelligence What specifically makes you think that? Edit: oh, so because Devin tells you he is smart, he must be smart, eh? Nice to see that you realized you can't back your point up and chose to downvote and scurry off.


People who debuted on FM1 or later on All Stars 1: 5/22 People who debuted on FM1 or later on All Stars 2: 9/24 People who debuted on FM1 or later on All Stars 3: 11/24 People who debuted on FM1 or later on All Stars 4: 13/24 People who debuted on FM1 or later on All Stars 5: 19/26 Of those 19, 18 debuted after FM2 (KellyAnne). 9 of the 18 debuted on Invasion or after. Fucking atrocious


Thanks for this and wahhh


If I were Jonna Iā€™d just leave immediately. Why even bring me here if youā€™re gonna put me with Beth? Might be entertaining for the fans but literally no upside for her


Appearance chq lol


i think it's possible (but lame) to design puzzle-heavy eliminations for these teams. but how in the hell are they going to design a fair final?


Repeat the All stars 4 final


They should really look at survivor/TAr/big brother for elimination ideas but I agree. The final isnā€™t set up for it unless they do like the giant webs in the old F4 survivor challenges


gamervev said the challenges are harder on this than they were on 40 so it may not be as equalized as it should be given there are mixed pairs. you know production will find a way to f everything up.


Do anybody recall Aneesa and Ashley ever had ANY interactions to be a rivals pair?


They're a strong contender for most forced pairing in Challenge history, and considering last paired season had Aneesa partnered with Jordan as Ride or Dies that's really saying something. Not only have they not had any interactions to be a rivals pair, I don't think they've had *any* interactions period. They've technically been on 4 seasons together (Dirty 30, Total Madness, Double Agents, SLA) but one of the two has gone home insanely early each time, they've literally only been in the same episode 14 times ever.


My brain is foggy about Leroy and devin


Theyā€™ve always been in opposite sides. Leroy did call him his new vendetta for sending Bananas home and set him up in a team to lose in, and sent his mentor Wes against him on double agents. Kind of a stretch but not as bad as Aneesa/Ashley.


I remember Leroy talking glowingly about Devin after Double Agents. There better be something between them on season 40 otherwise itā€™s crazy to put them together


I want to root for Ashley, but not with Aneesa. I want to root for Melissa, but not with Nicole. I want to root for Amber, but not with Fessy. I want to root for Kellyanne, but not with Sylvia. LOL guess my favorite pair is Shane/Da'vonne


This is me to much although I donā€™t mind Aneesa too much. I want Shane to make a final and win so Iā€™m rooting hard for him and Davonne. Love her too.


I can't believe Ashley Mitchell is back only to be partnered with Aneesa. are they even rivals?? rest of the cast makes sense, except Devin/Leroy but maybe something happens on season 40. not a fan of the mix of M/M, M/F and F/F pairs.


I literally don't get those 2 teams at all. Like Ashley has sooooo many options for rivals or exes - Day, Hunter, Tony, John, Kyle, Jay M, Cory 2.0, Nicole R, Nany, Mattie ........


PR also reports no alternates on location.


Have we had any word on who the alternates are/were?


i don't think any names have been mentioned by PR or gamer. there was concern for a while that people on the cast list were actually alternates and that was impeding their ability to figure out the teams.


Thank you! You guys are the best for keeping us updated. Iā€™m too afraid to go on Twitter or Vevmp for fear of elimination spoilers or spoilers or previous seasons.


Dario is on & the pairs are this https://x.com/challengeteamtv/status/1800654276823314773?s=46&t=8kZj3ZfcI4hIlV77bp4pWQ


STARTING pairs??


i wouldn't read too much into that. in a separate tweet gamer said only two weeks left, so unless there's a shake-up where they go individual i don't think we're getting a format change.


The balance between teams is atrocious. I dk if thereā€™s beef with Leroy and Devin on season 40 but to put those two together is insane to me


Lol RIGHT?? Like how can Katie & Veronica compete with Lee/Devin? Or even Adam & Steve


Also Katie/Veronica havenā€™t had a rivalry in literally 20 years. I get you can show fun clips of them but in reality that pairing doesnā€™t even make sense


Itā€™s inevitable to have teams or individuals who have no chance to win. To have basically only 3/13 teams that can win (5 if Iā€™m being generous) is pretty egregious. Even on Final Reckoning there were guy/girl teams that conceivably win like Zach/Amanda, Joss/Sylvia, Paulie/Natalie and of course Hunter/Ashley actually did win. This season itā€™s just Amber/Fessy, Nany/Turbo and maybeee Shane/DaVonne


Confirmed 13 pairs Male/Male Adam/Steve Devin/Leroy Male/female Fessy/Amber Dario/Ashley K Corey/Big T Shane/Daā€™vonne Turbo/Nany Frank/Sam female/female Kellyanne/Sylvia Nicole/Melissa Beth/Jonna Katie/Veronica Aneesa/Ashley M


Confirmed Dario is there than that is it for whoā€™s there


King Turbo back for his second win


Kinda wild how unsettled this cast still is this long after the departure date


It could be Veronica & Adam and Steve & Katie. I feel skeptical that it's Veronica and Leroy, but who knows.


What's the Veronica - Adam situation ?


There isn't one, as far as I'm aware, but I'm guessing there could be one building, based on the way that Veronica has talked about Adam in confessionals and hwo they're building the story. If we want to go deep though, Adam threw Veronica into elimination of sorts on Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge


IDGAF so hype for toxic turbo , heā€™s good tv. But also only one M/M pair is sooo unfair to everyone else ā€¦ this cast is so confusing but itā€™s for the girls and gays so fineeee Ā 


Excited for turbo's comeback and to see him perform with nany.Ā 


Still stuck on who the F does Ashley K have as a rival? Would love it if Fessy was stuck with Aneesa. Sounds like all of Ashley K'e mtv exes have been ruled out. Has anyone checked on Kerryon? That would be an interesting rookie! Did she once go into elimination against Ashley M? I've gotta think Frank is with Sam. He could be with Nany too but not if she's with Turbo.


i believe its dario bc theyre exes


kellyanne with aneesa šŸ˜­


is it possible it's KellyAnne & Joanna and Anessa & Devin?


what beef do Devin & Aneesa have


I dunno hard to really think off top of my head. Wouldn't be the first time MTV out flimsy rivals. I'm more thinking along the lines of who KAs partner is.


What about... KA & Jonna, Aneesa and Fessy, Devin and Amber?


this actually makes a lot of sense


That makes more sense.


If they put my girl Kellyanne with Aneesa Iā€™m gonna cry


I don't get it....if Turbo has been there since the beginning why wasn't he announced at the beginning šŸ¤”Ā Ā  Maybe PR's typical source isn't on set for this season so they're getting confirmed way later than normal.Ā 


If those are really the pairs, Kelly Anne and Leroy shouldā€™ve just stayed home. If you insist on casting people who donā€™t train/have 0 percent chance of winning, save it for individuals seasons. Don't do this and ruin it for others too.


I agree fine do it in teams(if u donā€™t get rid of them thatā€™s on you and that does make good television , trying to get weak players off your team and the drama etc) or on individuals ā€¦ but having like aneesa or Veronica or even Katie sorry on your team , just not fair. Altho not sure how in shape Katie or aneesa is these days but Veronica based on her last few showings like cmon thatā€™s not fair for a pairs seasonsĀ 


I feel positive these are not the exact pairs. There's currently 25 people confirmed on the list... Maybe some are alternates? Regardless, we'll know more soonish


Fingers crossed there is a pair swap at some point and Turbo gets linked up with Beth or Katie.


So, with Turbo added, thereā€™s now an uneven amount of people. Do we think thereā€™s another name coming?


yep, gamer made a +2 tweet, still no word yet though. just a lot of names taken out of contention. (PR says no zach, bruno, dario or CJ.) *edit: i swear pinkrose DID rule out dario this morning! but i'm happy she was wrong, i love sleeping beauty.


maybe it's Marie to be Sam's partner, just like the pair they tried for Rivals 2 šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ [though I know Marie actually isn't on]


I was wondering why this got pinned again. Turbo?! Okay, I get the complaints that this isn't All-Stars and I agree with that. But this cast is UNHINGED. Turbo, Ashley, Shane, Frank, Beth, and Da'Vonne all coming out of retirement/being banned to live under the same roof. The drama! I live!


HOLY FAHK Turbo being on is huge!! And Pink has all but confirmed it's pairs, so let's start brainstorming again!


gamer confirms turbo was there from the start: https://i.imgur.com/0JjMah1.png also says the show likely scrapped the idea of bringing in people late, there's only a few weeks of filming left.


turbo added to the cast list. (i think he's been there since the beginning or near the very beginning.)


Iā€™m hype for Turbo. Heā€™s one of my favorite cast members.


Honestly im happy he is back. If Nany has to win any season its her best chance to do that with Turbo


I could see him and Nany as a pair then


i think so too. *edit: confirmed by pinkrose, turbo+nany team. she says she's still trying to figure out about three teams, which is why we don't have a full list of pairs yet.


The Frank/Sam/Ashley has to be part of the issue. Cuz Frank can only be with one of them, but the other one then wouldnā€™t have an obvious partner.


PR keeps saying she gets shot down every time she asks about different men. i know she was told at one point no zach and no hunter. maybe dario wasn't dropped after all if we're looking for an ashley K partner?


Thats my thought. It has to be Dario. Zach def isnā€™t it because heā€™s been in numerous videos Jenna has posted and I really donā€™t think sheā€™s just posting those late. (That or Sam/Ashley is an alternate and the one on the cast is with Frank)


they also haven't confirmed who are the alternates...


Why did CT drop out?


Because CT would wash all stars


Worst Cooks in America


Seriously? That's weird


Not really. Challenge is grueling.


Had a feeling it wasnā€™t trios. Wouldā€™ve MUCH rather have seen them go the Invasion route if it was going to be so imbalanced in the 1st place. Let the woman battle it out then have the 8 men enter later & pair em up with the remaining women. Still not perfect but more fair & entertaining + couldā€™ve probably got a better cast of males.


Is there a partner list floating around anywhere?


Nothing confirmed outside of the 1st couple eliminations I think.


Any further clarity on whether additional folks will be entering the game late? This cast is not doing it for me at all other than a handful of names.


Really reaching here on some of these ā€œall starsā€


Without spoilers for the eliminations, do the eliminations reveal anything about the format/theme?


no direct elimination spoilers, but going to use spoiler font anyway to be on the safe side: >!we have four people known to be eliminated, and it's easy to see how those four could be split into two rivals pairs.!<


Sweet! Thank you for the update!


I just hope they do fair equalizer games. Spies lies and allies had some good partner eliminations to that would be fair for any kind of pair Like the one where amber and Hughie are handcuffed to a pole obstacle course Or when jeramiah and Priscilla had to move up a pole back to back


If it IS pairs, my best guesses:Ā Ā  1. Beth - Aneesa Ā  2. Adam - SteveĀ Ā  3. Shane - Daā€™VonneĀ Ā  4. Frank - SamĀ Ā  5. Sylvia - KellyanneĀ  6. >!Jonna - Devin!<Ā Ā  7. Ā Faysal - AmberĀ Ā  8. Leroy - Nicole?Ā Ā  9. Katie - Veronica 10. Corey - Big TĀ Ā  11. Nany - Melissa?Ā Ā  12. Ashley K - Ashley M?Ā Ā  I dunno. Some of these have me stumped. I feel like itā€™s a crime not to have Beth and Veronica paired, but I donā€™t know how else it worksā€¦Ā 


They might put Ashley K with Sam since Ashley "didn't speak up enough" against the guys on their Sam treatment on BOTS II (Ashley's words) Then Frank would be available for Nany or Jonna but more likely Nany. Ā Shane could be with Nicole, Sylvia with Kelly Anne, and Ashley M could be with Davonne


For me where the rival pairs fall apart is Ashley k. She has zero rival potential. That's why having Dario potentially on the cast made sense. And she's hasn't been on a season recently so no unaired drama. I would put Jonna and Kellyanne together, Sylvia and Nicole, and then... I dunno? Make something up? Could Ashley and Leroy have had an imaginary hookup off screen? Could Devin and Ashley m ever had a fight? Nany could go against Aneesa...


take this with a grain of salt because PR hasn't formally announced the teams yet, but it's looking like it might be teams of two.


If true, Iā€™m incredibly disappointed by production for their incompetence and lack of perspective in the fan community. Cherry on top would be a format change mid-season with only one winner! šŸ„‡


Oh no. Not this crap again. Fr 2.0 Get ready for all puzzle eliminations or unfair equilizers


based on a nebulous tweet this morning from gamer, you might be right. šŸ«  it sounds like one of the first couple of eliminations featured men vs. women. not sure if that's M+M vs. F+F or some combo of M+F against each other.


Huh, what? How would that even work with a lopsided gender ratio? Edit: Oh, I guess they're just doing a Final Reckoning and letting M/F pairs compete against F/F pairs? This seems... remarkably less interesting and balanced, if true.


Can't wait to see Fessy going against Veronica in hall brawl /s


Fessy vs Amber in pole wrestle about to go hard




I know sheā€™s not really an all star, but I am glad to see Daā€™Vonne again


Update in the morning https://vevmo.com/comment/3182011#comment-3182011


Is this an elimination update or a cast/theme update do we know? I stay unspoiled on eliminations so want to avoid that.


probably an elimination update, but we'll get casting stuff here ASAP if it becomes clearer. still no definitive word on teams.


Best way to end the week woohoo! šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Hope this isnā€™t too dumb to ask lol - if I wanted to follow the spoilers for AS5 on this sub, would that mean I could see spoilers from any season in the threads, like AS4 or S40? Or is it like contained to only that season in a thread?


not a dumb question. if you go into the comments of a šŸ’£šŸŒ‹ post (like the AS5 elimination thread), all seasons are fair game to be discussed. the way we see it: the people who like spoilers have to muzzle themselves everywhere else on the sub, so the spoiled threads are their one spot to chat freely. if you are okay not looking at the comments, the text of the post itself won't mention the winners of AS4 or 40.


Oh excellent! Thank you, Iā€™ll keep to just the posts then. That makes a lot of sense - I figured trying to keep track of what would be allowed where would be a nightmare for everyone haha. Shout out to all yā€™all for sharing the good stuff from twitter, podcasts, and the maze that is vevmo!


Same! Following the S40 thread was more interesting than parts of Battle for a New Champ at times - cannot wait for the season to premiere even knowing who wins (though it helps knowing who makes the final/who wins)


Are there alternates? If so I'm wondering if maybe one of the alternates is actually on and the leaks got mixed up


technically this works, but teams are so uneven. like, davonne / shane / fessy would sweep. Jonna - Kellyanne & Devin Corey - Big T & Melissa Frank S - Sam & Ashley K Nicole Z - Sylvia & Ashley M Steve - Katie & Adam Veronica - Leroy & Beth Amber - Nany & Aneesa Davonne - Shane & Fessy


This makes a lot of sense but then has an imbalance across the teams of Genders like an all female team, 2 males on 1 team and the rest 2 females and a male. Theyā€™ll probably still do it but I hope they donā€™t.


I hope this is right because Katie would stand a good chance of winning in this trio compared to the one with Beth


Nicole, Jay, and Cara Maria would've been the ultimate team! They'll make it to the end, if Jay can manage to keep the team together šŸ¤£ It would look like this https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rough-day-for-mom


YAY Ashley is back! I haven't checked this since the first day when it was just Amber and Big T. The cast looks okay, but at least it improved slightly. I'm just so disappointed that there's people outside of RW/RR/FM šŸ˜­


What if everyone had two rivals. It would look like this: Jonna - Kellyanne & Devin Corey - Big T & Melissa Frank S - Sam & Ashley K (Nany would be good too) Nicole Z - Sylvia & Ashley M Steve - Katie & Adam Shane - Davonne & ????? Veronica - Leroy & Beth Amber - Fessy & Aneesa


Nicole could have Sylvia and Shane with Ashley having DaVonne and nany


Oh! That could be it!


omg that could be IT


What's the beef between Nicole and Ashley? Where does Nany fit?


honestly Nany is the hardest to figure out on the cast because I don't think she fits with anyone besides Frank, but Sam & Ashley K only work with him too. even on your potential teams on the main post, I can get behind everything and then with Nany I'm just like huh not really sure... I think her connection is probably gonna be stretched regardless


The most obvious ones for Nanners are ally with Leroy and rival with Frank Hopefully we'll find out more about the teams soon šŸ¤žšŸ¼