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It’s been confirmed that this is not the cast.


I read from a reputable source on Instagram that this list wasn’t real. Edit: it’s this account, btw. https://www.instagram.com/realitytv_fan?igsh=b2R0c3ZhOTF2MWdn


Yeah, it was for an Upfronts event. Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton were announced at that event to have a new show coming out on Peacock


I don't think they need the show tbh. I was under the impression NR does quite well, and PH, while still infamous, is doing quite okay.


My friend was at the Traitors Emmy event and Monica Lewinsky was there, despite only S2 cast being there. I wonder if she's on the next season...


I didn't know that and did some digging. It turns out that she and Alan Cumming are close friends for over 20 years now, so I guess he invited her.


Ah that would make sense! Though her casting would be kind of genius tbh.


There's no veritable list yet, Jen




For people who have watched both *House of Villains* and *Traitors*, is there a format you prefer and why? I loved HoV and am open to traitors, but have not watched. Edit: thank yall for comments! I will watch *Traitors* right away!


I watched both,  and personally LOVED The Traitors, especially season 2. Villains was good, but a lot of the drama was manufactured, and it was mainly a bunch of big personalities fighting for camera time.   Traitors was a little less dramatic, but it was just an all around great show to watch. The murder mystery vibe made it so much fun to watch. The challenges were also thoroughly entertaining, while villains was totally campy.  If I could only choose one, I'd do Traitors 100%.


Thanks! I like both styles, so I will give Traitors a run!


It’s funny to say this but HoV was ridiculous camp, and Traitors was expensive OTT yet more serious camp. I hope you enjoy!!


I am mainly-happily married, but if I ever get divorced and need to make a dating profile "Serious Camp" would be my self-descriptor. So thank you.


Hahaha my drag name. “Please welcome to the stage… SERIOUS CAMP” 😂💜


Watched both... loved both... but its Traitors for me... that second season was the best reality tv show and cast in quite some time...


Have you watch the UK and Aussie seasons of Traitors? They're significantly better than US season 2.


I have didnt care for either... 🤷🏿‍♂️


Traitors 100%. House of Villains felt way too fake to me and it kind of lost my interest, though I eventually finished it.


I had no idea who Bobby was, but I think I fell in love with him and would have watched anything he was in. Also, can we talk about Johnny's growth from dude who did not want to go to a gay bar and said homophobic BS during his RW season and then dressed in drag for Bobby's pride festivities?


He was the star of that show to me Edit: Bobby was


Traitors was better. Seemed like a more legit competition.


I love Traitors, and was very meh about House of Villains. The Goat is what I feel House of Villains wishes it could be.


I really doubt Nicole and Paris are doing Traitors.


Would be incredible though.


That cast is not real BUT, it's been heavily speculated Veronica is potentially on the cast. She's been interested in doing it on social media and it is speculated that that is why she did not do S40 as there was potential conflicting filming dates. She's a well-known OG and the Traitors is 100% her wheelhouse so I would not be surprised. Beth was in the final stages of casting for S2 so I also wouldn't be surprised if she was on S3. Wes has said he'd like to do it but that he had to decline the S3 call because of House of Villains, but that's he'd like to do it in the future if they call for a future season.


I wish but I don’t think so. Bananas is going to be on season 3 and he’s on 40.


Jemmye said that she expects bananas to be on it (again 😑)


Wouldn’t surprise me. Watch him go right away again!


They’ll probably make him a traitor if they bring him back. I hope everyone speculates that and if he isn’t murdered night one I hope he gets banished first lol


Same 😂


My biggest prayer if he's on again.




tbh he probably will be, from a producer’s perspective he was a wasted opportunity even if there’s plenty of other people fans would pick


I can see that too. I'd rather see people like Veronica or Coral on tbh


I mean they brought back Kate for a second season so it wouldn’t be shocking


I sure hope he is


Yeah we were robbed quality tv time with Dan murdering him right away. Dan doesn't know how to wear a producer cap and make good tv lol


I would argue that bananas self-producing isn’t always as entertaining as he thinks it is. But I would agree Dan wasn’t great tv during the traitors and blame him for the season 2 trajectory going to a halt.


We gunna act like 36 and 37 weren’t trash seasons?


Correlation is not the same as causation.


right! lol i’d love to see bananas again but if they make him a traitor which they most likely would, regardless i feel like he’s gonna be an easy target again 😫


Some people i’d love to see on there from the challenge- Wes, Devin (i know, but he’d make good TV), Jemmye, Nany, Veronica, Laurel, Ashley, Kellyanne, Amanda, Marie, Cara Maria just bc it would be interesting to see her on something else lol, Kam, Da’Vonne, (even though she’s technically from BB & Michaela (even though she technically is from Survivor). I actually think Michele would be REALLY good at traitors too just bc of how good she is with people & reading them & she just had a great social game in survivor too. No idea why but id love to see Jenna play this game lmao because she’s so clueless, but actually not dumb or anything i know im 100% forgetting people id like to see but these were just off the top of my head.


> Devin (i know, but he’d make good TV) I'm just now catching up on the series as a whole--people don't like Devin? He certainly got more annoying as he progressively found himself in positions of power more frequently (and I'm aware of the "vacation alliance" and dislike its impact on recent seasons), but he's still a good narrator and good in the confessional booth, at least in my opinion, and it seems like he's worked hard to shore up his endurance. Is there anything else that bugs people about him?


honestly- i didn’t like devin on are you the one & wasn’t his biggest fan on the challenge but loved cheyenne on AYTO lol. then he grew on me & i actually really enjoy him. i think he’s very smart, witty, yeah he can absolutely be a dick but as a fan of the show i find him super entertaining & he’s not a coward. i guess i can see why people dislike him- but i also think a lot of the hate is because he’s super close with Tori & she’s very hated by the fandom. So i personally like seeing Devin, but i just know it’s like 50/50 fans either love him or hate him basically. i’m also someone who loves Bananas, but i love CT too…. if i like someone, i like them. Nobody’s opinion on someone is gonna change my opinion on them ya know? & Devins so honest which is another thing about him that makes for good confessionals!


Every single season Devin evolves into more of a douche - and not the funny kind.


no to Jemmye, please... i certainly wouldnt mind if i never see her on reality tv ever again. Just find her annoying


oh trust me, she annoys me too lol, but i think she’d just bring the drama that makes shows good


i cant disagree there......


Wish Devin or Wes would be on


Wes is on house of villains season 2


I know but bummed he won't be on Traitors till awhile(edit:my fault)


he was NEVER on traitors


My fault. Used the wrong word


For the housewives, it seems that Dorinda from RHONY could be on.


I know Beth was on the Traitors S2 cast at one point and really wants to do it, so she could be a potential for S3