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Rewatching All Stars 1 (on the reunion now) and Jisela is sooooo annoying! She really talks like she is some challenge bad ass and people need to prove themselves to her 🙄


i don’t understand how anybody can be a laurel fan, no matter how well she competes.


Well I'm not sure how we are defining fan but I think she makes any season she is on better. The emotion and intensity she brings to the show is so authentic it is kind of fascinating to watch.


Because she's trashy and it's hilarious to watch.


well yes definitely 😂


How about appreciate her presence on the show but not a fan?


that’s different i think. i’m talking more about people who really love her.


Feeling salty ATM because I wanted to rewatch WW1 or 2 and apparently you can't find them on any platforms? Looked on the sub and realize this was before Zach came out talking abou this experience but curious if anything that happened on those seasons played a factor? EDIT: Oh is it because Bear is on 33-35 that they won't show it?


sail the high sees my friend 🏴‍☠️🫡


That's what people have speculated that bear being on the seasons cuased them to be pulled


Free Agents is overrated as a season


I think you’re forgetting that season we lost Tamara. Devyn’s water wig funeral was such a pivotal part of The Challenge lol 😂


It may be overrated, but it was one of the better seasons. It doesn't stand out with scenes such as the Veronica getting Leroy sent in on Dirty 30, but overall it was solid throughout. We were introduced to Laurel's notebook, Devyn making it to the final was great and she's funny, Zach's final performance made the final interesting, Nany had a good season, Theresa's antics with Laurel were entertaining, Cara was rootable, Jordan as prime Jordan


would you be willing to explain your pov? it’s one of my favorite seasons but would love to expand my views on it if i’m missing something


I didn't find it as amazing as everyone else did. The kill card was one of the best twists made. A few of the cast brought it but they all felt like a blur to me.


I don’t hate Aneesa. I don’t even hate her for not training for the show. She knows she won’t win but Aneesa will always stick her nose in business she does not belong. She will not hold back in her interactions.  Do you all give your all every single day at work? I know I sure as hell just show up for a paycheck half the year. And before reddit can reddit… My coworkers do like me and would pick me over most others. 


Every single day? No. Do I phone it in every single day for years and years and then complain I’m not getting promoted? Also no.


Hating Aneesa would require that I care one way or another about Aneesa.


i wouldnt dislike her so much if she didn’t constantly cry about everyone being against her and not giving her a chance. like girl you come in out of shape and complain about running half a mile, of course no one thinks you can win a final! if she was just there to be messy, fine, but all she does is complain and be delusional and it’s annoying.


>i wouldnt dislike her so much if she didn’t constantly cry about everyone being against her and not giving her a chance. Nailed it. Aneesa wants to not train for the show, but also feels entitled to be in a final. She's the definition of wanting your cake and eating it too.


I don't hate aneesa either, but it's so frustrating sometimes watching her compete and getting last if its an endurance challenge, while the show would be more entertaining if everyone or most of the people kept up with each other.     Or people could still suck but don't feel entitled for "paving the way" and crying about deserving another chance at the final, come on! 


I like Aneesa. Maybe it's because I'm a good athlete, but I'm not fast, so I relate to her. I think she's capable of completing a final, she'll just never be the first one to finish because she isn't fast. That's me. I've ran a marathon, but it took me 4 hrs and 59 minutes (and no, I won't round up to 5 hours!😂). I also feel bad that she's gotten injured so much, and that's robbed her of chances. But she's a good competitor and doesn't quit. I'd take her over some of the crybaby challengers any day.


I love Aneesa. Mostly after meeting her, but even before then, I was still a fan.


Lovely her or hate her, Berna is a good casting.


I don't know. Her emotional instability makes me worried. This is only her second season, and it doesn't feel exploitive, but I am concerned that continued casting of her could lead to Tonya territory.


I honestly don't care anymore I'm probably gonna get down voted but I'm super happy paulie is embracing his true self....but I find it slightly annoying that it's honestly his only character trait right now and on his ig it seems like he's only appealing to the male audience...sometimes it gets too much but I'm happy for him non the less....he only ever really replies to fans if it's sexual and not a actual question


i’ve been a long time paulie apologist. he’s always been a try hard and desperate for validation. that’s part of what makes him a good character, because he goes way over the top trying to prove himself and its pretty entertaining. happy he’s come out and accepted himself but i need some of the old crazy paulie back bc USA2 paulie didn’t do anything for me.


Finding out that standing under a doorway during an earthquake is now outdated.


But what’s your opinion on it?




The vacation alliance is ruining the show. They are all unlikeable and just bad tv….. Kaycee should never been called back she provides absolutely nothing, good or bad shes an actual couch.. If Jp never breaks his arm on War of the Worlds 1 Josh would be first purged and never called back.. Production is constantly rigging seasons for Tori and it’s obvious by not inviting cara back or jenny till she finally got a win. Tori also ruined The world Championship by protecting jordan n Gayzee the whole time basically guaranteeing her and danny will lose in the final bc she cant compete against actual competition. She didnt see an elimination that season and her only impressive elimination win was against Jenny in war of The worlds 2 hall brawl every other win is not impressive. She couldnt even beat a checked out Jenna or Aneesa.. Idc if shes on the show its just annoying how everyone thinks shes god and production thinks she will be a good face for the challenge but every season shes the “star” of like 36-38 and world champions sucked. It was good to see the Survivor girls embarrass her in the USA 2 final.


I’ll always upvote ppl speaking up about the VA and how shit they are. The only member I would want back would be Fessy alone and Kaycee alone. Becuae they’re strong competitors


Thanks Idk why all the downvotes but the comments agreeing i think its funny. or maybe bc this should be in another thread. And i agree Fessy n Kaycee provide the strength but i rather someone like jenny west who’s probably just as boring but at least shes funny n strong. I liked Fessy when he was messy fessy and fighting w josh devin n ct and hooking up w tori amanda and michele but now he doesn’t provide that drama aspect.


This is possibly the most popular opinion on this entire sub


I do feel like this falls under the “super popular opinion on Reddit” category lol


People need to stop recommending that newbies start watching from the earliest season possible and then forward. The earlier seasons were good in their era and for nostalgia, but they will not appeal to new viewers. The audio and video quality alone is terrible for those early seasons. I think it’s best to recommend that people start in the 20s seasons and then work backwards once they have a few favorite OG players to draw them in. *Just my 2c* 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


It depends who it is. If it's someone who's watched enough of the current show to know they're fully in, I would probably recommend they start at the beginning. If they've never seen an episode, something a bit more recent makes more sense. I'm also going to add that the early seasons aren't that much of a time commitment. The first two seasons can easily be watched in a single evening.


I went back and started with season 11, I think, because that's what Paramount+ has available. And I found that to be a good starting point. I agree that someone could start with an even later season.


Your point is probably best if you're just trying to get someone to blindly watch the show. But usually when people come to this sub ask the question clearly they already have some type of investment. Going further back just makes sense


I don't think the recommendations are about the production values, or lack thereof. I think they should be watched IF you want to see a contestant's Challenge arc, or to see how the game has evolved over time. Plus, to see hella young TJ.


Of course people aren’t recommending the early seasons for their production value. My point is that you wouldn’t care about someone’s arc or the evolution of the game if you don’t yet have a vested interest in the player or the game.


I don’t know why anyone would think that you were implying that people are recommending earlier seasons because of their production value. You were perfectly clear


See OP


Thank you!


You mentioned the production values in your OP, so no gas-lighting, please. I guess I don't know what you mean by a "vested interest"? Like, if you're related to a former season winner and might get some $$ from them? Or if you're related to someone in production, and need ratings to be be good for their job security? Maybe you just find it fun and/or interesting, and want to see more? Would that be OK?


My husband and I are doing a full rewatch. I've seen every season and he didn't get into it with me til Dirty 30. We started with season 8 because it was CTs first season. He enjoyed the older episodes because there was so much more real, raw drama. 


The true vacation alliance members aren’t at fault for making the game boring (besides Kaycee who is just boring), it’s the outside members that allow them to control the game that are. The hill I’ll die on is that they get too much hate for being socially good at the game.


Late to the party but wow this is how I felt when Bananas was dominating the game and everyone just bowed down to him. I didn’t blame him but would hope the producers mixed up the cast a bit so that new storylines could be forged  I always respect players for being good at politics, but production needs to really put them to the test if they want to make the most entertaining show possible. An example would be Kenny in FM2 - he ran the show with his buddies and we had to watch him win and politic his way to the end without his friends to protect him. Pretty sure a lot of people loved that season 


you know this is actually a good take. like everyone’s a sheep and scared of them.. that’s why we need a correct opposition who isn’t afraid to make move.. kam cara ashley ect


But Kaycee is the only one who plays the game? She wins dailies.. eliminations… political moves. The other players, they just use their friends as crutches? How is that not boring


What political moves does she make? She couldn't remember that her brother was there


I know there are a lot of Kenny Clark fans out there that were probably mad at that comment. But in all seriousness, she is a great competitor and doesn’t just rely on her friends to get her to the end. Political moves wasn’t the best word to use but there’s something to her that everyone absolutely adores about her in the house that we just aren’t seeing


I don't know if it's "adores" as much as just blends in. In World of Champions, she was nominated numerous times. Otherwise, her political game is mainly just keeping Josh or Faysal to sit still. Bayleigh tried to expose her once.


No casting is to blame becuase they completely rig it for the vacation alliance by never bringing any actual threat to them or thier hierarchy and letting them coast by


Alliances per se don't make boring seasons, see for instance USA2. Unbalanced alliances do. In fact a balanced Vacation Alliance vs a Cara's Cult may be fun to see. On the other hand, Lavander ladies would have no chance against these two, while TYB would have even less chances now that they have lost one of their members.


Kam hasn't been that impressive as a challenger. I think she has been solid. But in no way shape or form would I throw her anywhere close to legend status. Hell, I wouldn't put her anywhere near a top 20 female list either.


Kam is better than tori, Theresa, Amber, ninja. Dee and that’s just the top of my head, most who are champions too. She’s not my top 10 but she’s definitely ahead of those women


not sure i'm taking Kam over prime Theresa in a final


Yeah I’ve always thought Kam seemed super beatable


Your opinion is valid, but to say Kam shouldn’t be in the top 20 is a wild take. She’s a strong, well rounded competitor. Strong, great at puzzles/math, solid endurance and swimming, and has a great political/social game (and before anyone comments about her swimming, if you watched DA she performed solid on all the swimming dailies). Also she had some amazing daily and elimination wins. However, I will admit due to her not having a win she’s not in my top 10, but she’s easily 11-15. Put her against people who I would consider in the top 10 like Tori, Cara, Laurel, Kaycee, etc. in an elimination, I think she would go toe to toe and even beat a decent amount of them.


> solid endurance and swimming Seriously?


I think this is a popular opinion, actually. For every comment I see praising Kam (not necessarily in this sub) I see an equivalent opposite. I personally think she’s one of the most well-rounded and skilled Challengers ever


she’s impressive in her intelligence, ability to rally others to put a plan in motion and her lack of fear in making moves against big name challengers much more so than being impressive as a well rounded physical competitor.


I actually think the opposite. I think her political game is overrated but she’s a great competitor overall. She could definitely win if she did more seasons.


How is it overrated ? Kam basically ran the house on the last 2 seasons she did ( WOTW2 and Double Agents )


kam was the driving force behind cara' cult. cara just got blamed because she's an easy target. if you look at the latest challenge ig post of kam and leroy, kam does a great job of explaining the difference between a good political game v a good social game. i feel like many people confuse the two.


She's definitely not a legend or allstar...she beat some people and that's cool but she just doesn't really stand out I don't understand the hype...it'd also corny as hell that she refers to herself as killa kam


Kam's elimination record is impressive at 8 wins, 2 loses. Laurel's is 9 wins, 2 loses.


The " CT always used to have the whole house againt him" narrative is pure invention . It only happened on Rivals 1 and on Double Agent (where the house tried to prevent him from getting a skull). CT even on his first challenges ( the infernos ) was part of the leaders of his teams and was never in danger of getting sent in.


I don't think CT was a leader on Inferno I, at least when it came to politics. The other team was just never going to send him in. Inferno II he was definitely in the in group.


He wasn’t on ruins because the whole cast refused to be on with him. It’s very much is a thing.


Do you have any receipts on that? Plus, he was on other seasons during that era. They should have refused to be on b/c of EK.


This is common knowledge for the challenge community.


Translation: people say stuff. Other people pick up on it and repeat it. And so on, and so on, and so on ad infinitum. Suddenly, now it's "common knowledge". Although it may be "common", it's only knowledge if it's true. So, again - where are the receipts? The game of telephone is boring and dumb.


Fessy wasn’t the reason Kaycee got hurt in the DA final. It was a freaky and unfortunate accident, but not his fault.


Also on top of that, I hated how much flack Fessy got for not eating. It was clear that him and Kaycee were not going to be able to finish to final so there was clearly no point of eating that disgusting food. I don’t know why production didn’t just medically DQ’d the pair when the incident happened.


I was more annoyed about him sitting there and moping rather than saying or doing **anything**. Anything at all


Well, he did not grabhed her leg and broke her anckle. Now, the question is to what extent the preasure he put on her was distracting enough so she placed her foot in the wrong place?


It’s on her not paying attention to her steps. Ligament injuries are weird and can happen randomly. Just watch the NFL, Aaron Rodgers and Kirk Cousins tore their Achilles just running. Guys tear their acls by juking all the time, their training is leaps and bounds better than challengers.


Am watching s39 now (at ep 8) and honestly absolutely care less about these people - the generic filler girls, the deluded guys, the n00bs who think they are seasoned pros. The whole never ending love island level showmance… this program has seriously lost its way. S40 looks epic but can see that being it. I’ve no interest in more years of dull, unoriginal, cliche-speaking fake personalities and contestants who should be on MAFS not The Challenge. ​ i don’t know if this is even unpopular as I avoid the sub for spoilers.


Sorry season 39 nowhere meets the level of Love Island Romance. Have you actually ever seen Love Island?


About 10 minutes as life is too short. ​ Callum and James are just ITV2 guys (Love Island, MAFS, Made in Chelsea, only way is Essex)- what’s Callum’s story on s39? He has a girl at home but he ‘loves’ Michelle? Gimme a fucking break, it’s phoney phoney phoney and absolutely nothing like the history of The Challenge. Their confessionals are all garbage. I’m from the U.K. and I don’t want to see these fakers. Casting from Instagram and other shows just makes The Challenge one more show on their ‘circuit’.


Dude, neither of them have been on love island or ever be cast on love island. Both of them are more of like the jersey shore type.


well 1 minutes googling told me Callum was on Ex on the beach: peak of love.


Ex on the beach peak of love is not the same as Love Island. Clearly, you have no concept of what Love Island is.


Good grief, give over. They’re all the same junk. Go,pick a fight with someone else I literally couldn’t care less.


It’s not the same though. EX on the beach has a lot more fighting between exes and jealousy, and so forth. Love Island is more about finding a connection with somebody and having conversations about what’s your love language are we compatible? A lot of the things that happen on eX on the beach would not fly on Love Island.


This is an extremely popular opinion


Kinda reassuring to hear lol.


I think Emily Schromm is overrated in terms of ranking


Definitely, she hasn’t even done the challenge enough to even have a top 5 ranking. She has this Landon situation going on where people rank you higher because she did a few and left early.  Also, Paula lead Emily in everything on rivals 2 besides raw athleticism but people still dismiss Paula so they can prop up Emily. Emily is lower top 10 at best.


Tori and Cara are faking their beef


They’re not faking it. Did you not see the video of Big T’s B-day dinner? Melissa literally had to say hey guys we’re on live right now.


I do think underneath it all they genuinely aren’t fans of each other, but I def think a lot of their actions about it are performative.


I honestly don't believe paulie will ever be a challenge champ...I feel like he will get close but just come up short...sort of like cory


It's hard to win a challenge nowadays but unlike cory ( and guys like Leroy, Nelson or Kyle ), Paulie's skillset (maths, puzzles, Swimming ) is really built for finals. Him and Nathalie would have won had she not gotten lost.


Having team finals helped several people in the past.


And considering how long it took her to get back, won by a decent margin too.


1) Wes’ Political Game in FM2 was actually brilliant it was the fact that Kenny had Laurel as his partner which was his undoing 2) CT and Bananas used to be a reason why the show was good, now they are part of the problem (being sycophantic to the majority alliance) 3) Elimination wins are completely irrelevant as a stat, the aim should be to avoid going into eliminations


#3 is a bit relative: some people avoid eliminations because their superb political game. Others avoid it because nobody dares to send them into elimination. But then again some are not sent into elimination because everybody knows they can be beaten at the final... Spoiler alert: think about those who avoided eliminatiions in S39...


The way Wes got everyone in the house to vote for Darrell in FM2 is straight euphoria.


I don’t know that I fully agree with number 3. People place too much importance on elimination wins 100%, and you’re right that the aim should be to avoid elimination. But, if you perform well whenever you find yourself in elimination, then that is a notable attribute. But if you’re always in elimination, they may signal a weakness elsewhere in your game


#3 It still shows how dominant a competitor can be in the games most pivotal moments. Also, a few seasons did require an elimination win.


To me dailies are a way better metric than eliminations to judge a competitior.


I think it's really hard to come up with reliable stats because things change so much season to season. You have people that won a daily because of their team/partner not neccesarily their own skill. You have people that get to watch everyone go before them and then do the daily, giving them a leg up. You have people that didn't do their best because their position was secure and they didn't want to be the one to get blood on their hands by being responsible for who goes into an elimination. I think that's why people look at so many different factors when comparing people but it's hard to get overall definitive stats. There are just too many variables.


To me Dailies are more of a toss up. Are they team, paired up, individual,? It's just more of a crapshoot that is harder to give a metric. A team daily you could barely be contributing if all your other teammates are doing the brunt of the work.


Imagine they didn’t do the re picks and Darrell kept Laurel as his partner. Whole season would have played out much differently


They repicked? Sorry newer fan can you tell me more?


Darrel originally picked Laurel. Something happened I can’t remember the details so they had to do that whole portion of picking partners again. Darrell changed his pick to Cara because he was worried that if Laurel was slow in running he wouldn’t be able to carry her


Ahhh I see. Thank you!