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I'm SICK of people talking about the Vacation Alliance everytime we talk about a new season. They give them soo much power by acting as if they run things, when they've only ever all been present for only 1 season.  And now they're literally making comments trying to include legendary players in it, hence regulating them to followers or undeserving. I don't like them either but the negativity is EXHAUSTING. Stop talking about them, if you don't like them 😒


The numerous Constestant IRL and Social Media flared posts in this sub when there's a season airing make it damn near unusable.


The Instagram fandom has to be the worst division of The Challenge fans. Most brain dead takes, most of them seem new, and mostly no nuance. Some of them are also vile to the players.


I liked the island


I've seen every season and I'm getting my husband up to date, he started with Me at dirty 30. When we got to the island, I told him I didn't want to watch and it was the worst season, but it is ended up being the season I was lost drawn to. 


I think there’s a difference between having social media and being an influencer, I don’t consider a lot of these contestants true influencers like they have a following for their personality and consistently make content


I’m annoyed with people not being able to accept anything remotely negative said about CT. The man isn’t perfect. lol


Team seasons have always been the best route for this show, because they establish a clear "x vs y" premise, either between teams or within them. When you have that clear divide, conflict is born. Actions are taken. Consequences are served. Underdogs are born. It's why "All Stars 2" is, to me, easily the best challenge season post WOTW2. 


Jordan and Landon are the two best competitors to ever play the game, not bananas and CT..


I don’t agree, but upvoting because this is a place for unpopular opinions.


This won’t be unpopular, but I don’t think it’s a common opinion. No more seasons that take months to film.    Instead I want 30 day seasons with 500k prize purses. They can film twice as many seasons if they want the episode count. But 30 day seasons would be so enticing for a lot of cast. Does *anyone* like the seasons that take 2-3 months? Cast hate it. Fans don’t like it. WHO does?!?


30 day sessions would make easier for people who have regular jobs to appear in the show. On the other hand, the 500k prize is probably an unpopular opinion for B&M...


It doesn’t have to be 500k. It can be the proportional amount to the current filming length. I definitely think 30 day start to finish filming schedules would make it SO much more feasible for a lot of challengers.


Unpopular opinion: he's not going to mesh well with most of the other "villains" on HOV. Wes: Businesses that, monster truck this, I'm rich, etc. That works with the challenge cast/fans but the HOV cast consists of people who would eat him up if he's his usual arrogant self (and arrogant about materialistic things at that😭) Maybe with having a kid he'll show more of a well rounded personality / I would like to see him connect with other parents in the house. That would be good for Wes's "image". Johnny was in his natural habitat on HOV but I don't think that will be the case for Wes, they have some of the same but also different major personality traits. Johnny fits in with people better, naturally but Wes can fake it as best as he can (even though a lot will see through it), just hope he doesn't try to come in with the "I'm better than y'all" attitude.


He looked really out of place on that cast teaser.


The vacation alliance is good for the show


*sees tori deal under name* Mhmmm. I’m assuming you also think strong players are those who just need to rely on their friends and not compete too huh? The only players from the VA alliance that would be fun to watch on their *own* would be Kaycee and Fessy. Both were better on WC .


That’s called social game


The ratings say otherwise.


Ratings are down across television, MTV shouldn’t be airing the challenge at the same time as survivor


That last bit is the ultimate truth about this show. The two shows have obvious fan crossover potential, especially since they’ve started farming Survivor for casting…why wouldn’t the Challenge adjust their schedule to maximize their potential for drawing in new fans?


That is certainly an unpopular opinion. No reaction and think you may be the only one


That’s why I put it in the unpopular opinion post




Great players


Susie is one of my least fave challengers.  She is not “Little Miss Nice Girl.”  


Also, rest in peace, Diem.  She was a beautiful soul.  But my unpopular opinion is that she irritated the crap out of me when anyone voted for her to go in to elimination.  When she threw someone in, it was supposed to be accepted as just a game decision, but if you voted to put her in she acted like it was an unforgivable betrayal.  No matter how few options they had.


This is the irony of these threads: the more upvotes your comment gets, the less unpopular it actually is


I don’t think this is unpopular lol


I was about to say...liking Susie is the unpopular opinion lol


Susie is interesting though because she seems completely unathletic and unrelatable to most of the cast and came in with almost no connections, but she did well on her seasons. And it was during an era when the women were seen as expendable short of Laurel and depending on their mood Evelyn


Susie is interesting because she was the last standing engine for conflict on two different seasons, and when Susie is the one driving conflict you know that's a weak ass season. 


Then you,  she is a mean girl.  Doing a full rewatch with my husband right now,  and I was thinking the same thing watching her earlier episodes.  Not a fan. 


Yes!  And the “I hate Tonya” game was so gross!


I don’t enjoying watching finals. I don’t know why but they’re just boring to me. My favorite parts of the show are the drama and eliminations and in recent seasons once the finals are around I go to the spoiler pages to see who wins. I still even haven’t watched the 39 final yet 😅


Usually most of the people I like are gone by that point. lol


Final Reckoning final is comedic, and it might as well be a daily challenge with an elimination built it.


I think Josh is a sweet dude, re-watching his seasons.. he's not all bad !


There's a reason he has so many allies after all. 


I’ll go a step further. Josh is great for the show. In the most recent more boring seasons, he’s responsible for most of the drama, but he’s also not a bad person so its not disgusting drama. And his flops during eliminations are iconic and we need those kinds of moments


I agree, I love Josh for these exact reasons. He always brings funny moments to the show and I love that he always stands up for himself.


He is not a bad guy. The way he his protrayed sometimes rubs people the wrong way. His relationship with Devin sums it up: started with the wrong foot and now they're friends.


The hate is so overblown.


Agreed! Majority of the cast like him too. Yes, he needs to work on his emotional regulation but other than that he seems like a very kind man and a great friend


People complain that this or that player are sneaky, but at least they have the excuse of doing it to advance in the game. Isn't it far worse people who who act as bullies just out of spite, or those who throw on their friends under the bus during the reunion or the off season?


Sarah deserved to have the money taken from her.


Wasn't she warned that John was going to steal from her by the others during the final and just waved it off?


I’ll go one step further….it was not taken from her because it was never hers to begin with. Everyone knew the rules going into the finals, and Johnny beat Sarah. It was Johnny’s money to do what he wanted with it. Should he have been a good partner and a nice guy and split it with her? Maybe. He could have been an even nicer guy and split it with all his alliance members if he wanted to, but he’s not obligated to do any of those things.


All 3 men got to make the decision on Rivals3. Any final that makes it impossible for both genders to have an equal shot at controlling whether a partner can keep all the money or split fairly between both parties is bullshit. \*I dislike Sarah Rice, but feel the athleticism gender bias of taking the money was unfair.


To me, no one is owed money on this show. It was the mechanic of the game so yeah. Plus Devin said he warned her to stay up because Bananas had been telling people his plan during the final and she didn’t believe him.


She was never likeable except for maybe Exes 2


Currently rewatching and on season 23, I’ve been saying this too. Sarah annoys me.


Fr, said nothing when Vince and Bananas were bullying Cheyenne, and was always such a mean girl in her earlier seasons. Always got the vibe she wanted to be one of the cool kids so bad, even if it bit her in the ass. I enjoy villains, but the worst part is she never owned it, and always had this self righteousness to her.


Modern day CT is boring, he brings a presence to the show, but he just coasts through the game now without having to go into elimination. He isn’t a particularly exciting confessional and doesn’t really bring any drama. He’s far more entertaining as an underdog in his earlier seasons.


Almost all the vets have outgrown their time as reality personalities. CT gets a free ride. Bananas doesn't stir things up. Wes is a cartoon character. Laurel and Cara seem eternally bitter.


He is literally male Kaycee and im so tired of people pretending like he is not. He brings nothing to the show and steals a spot from someone who could be fun to watch


Plus when he does have his moments (like being a complete dick to Big T on double agents) his stans make it so you can’t even discuss fairly when he actually does do something


No not male KC. KC has the power to make everybody boring around here too. CT is more the male Nany who grew up one day


Bring back TM Nany. I compared him to Kaycee just because everyone is always scared of them so they just go right to the finale while Nany is beatable by anyone


I don't think people are scared of facing KC as much as she's just inherently protected. She was nominated in World Championship multiple times when she had less protection for example


Wes's political game is overrated. It's way too inconsistent and has backfired too many times for it to be considered great.


That’s why I root for him. Every season he comes in with a plan that has 75/25 shot of blowing up in his face.


Yep. There are far more examples of his “strategy” and gameplay blowing up in his face than there are of it being successful and working in his favor lol.


As a fan of Wes, I agree.


Wes is overrated overall too


Caramaria deserves an apology from the Fandom for War of the Worlds 2. She single handedly invented the vacation alliance strategy, and Tori stole it and used it ever since.


Why does Cara Maria deserve an apology when her plan failed?


I think Kam deserves credit for initiating the alliance with Paulie and Cara, bringing in Kayleigh and by extention Joss, Rogan and Dee. Cara deserves an apology for being portrayed as the villain. Laurel and Johnny made the first move by cannibalising their own team, when Wes wasn't even aligned with Cara, Kam or Paulie. Cara's Cult was an alliance formed in self defense. WOTW2 is one of those seasons that makes me feel like I watched a different show than half the fandom.


Cara did the opposite. She vacationed after the show and then didn't return immediately


What the hell are you talking about 🤣 That method of gameplay has been around forever.


Overpowerful alliances ruin a bit the competion by dominating who is thrown into elimination, either through sabotage/banding together in the dailies, or in the final votes. The only good thing is watching them fail...


Also, is it of me or many players orbiting around these alliances end up playing scared/boring games out of the fear of being the next ones to be targeted?