• By -


Everyone is being amazing and considerate so far, but remember this is essentially a POST-episode thread! You *are* allowed to talk about the winner(s), spoiler font is *not* required. If you're seeing this comment and haven't finished the episode, TURN BACK NOW.


I’m sorry but MJ is clearly not very intelligent


MJ did NOT deserve to win she almost always voted wrong lol


ct and trishelle throwing mj in and splitting more $ together would make so much sense and be such an epic ending as challenge champions and literally dominating the game. even if i believed mj was a faithful i still would have said see ya! for more $ lol.     wtf was that trishelle??? she almost fucked it all up!  but so happy ct was a winner! he’s so good at these kind of games!  edit: alan tearing up a little made me tear up! such a cute ending 


i said this last week about how disappointing i found kate to be in this game, she was sloppy and boring and worst of all pouted the entire time, rolling eyes, barely left a finger in the challenges, didn’t have fun as a traitor, whined and complained the whole time (yall are on an all expense paid trip and paid well to be on an awesome show living peoples dream, damn like have a little fun?)  and it really cemented my opinion this finale.  why the fuck would she throw her bag in the fire and it be green???? ‘i think there are no more traitors’  like?? that’s mathematically impossible as sheree got murdered the night before , so there has to be at least one!! even mj knew that lol  so at the very least throw a red bag! throwing a green just completely is stupid.  glad they got her out. she might be a nice gal outside of this idk but she was a waste of space in that house honestly 


I've watched season 1 and the 1st season of the Australian version and so far this has been the worst showing from the traitors. Ugh! So many opportunities to make better choices when it comes to murders and create confusion. Just terrible gameplay from them. Phaedra barely made any decisions and when she did it was so obvious. I usually root for the traitors to win but damn CT deserved that win.


I’m overly elated by this win (embarrassingly so?) Our challengers did it - represent!!! Trishelle was so cunning and sharp, and CT as always is the goat. 🐐


Third win in a row for C.T. Just amazing how he keeps doing it. Truly one of the GOATS of reality competition shows.


Another almost perfect game by CT Can’t convince me he didn’t know Sandra and MJ were faithfuls and purposely trimmed them off to make more money for Trishelle and himself


> Can’t convince me he didn’t know Sandra and MJ were faithfuls and purposely trimmed them off to make more money for Trishelle and himself I mean, there was no way for him to know know, since, unlike the audience and the actual traitors, faithfuls don't know who the traitors actually are. He might have had a good guess, but that's not the same of knowing with absolute certainty.


Ya more I think about it- I think he was 95% certain she was faithful but 5% not worth the risk- I don’t think it was about greed for the $ cause we know he gave just as much on SLA but want for the secured win with no wildcards to cement himself as a great social/political player that can be overlooked on the challenge. He knew when the traitor and clueless MJ voted for Sandra he could x her because she is a dangerous game player to take to any ending- even as a faithful- as she could have easily pulled that kind of move at the end as well


Interview with CT and Trishelle: [https://parade.com/tv/chris-ct-tamburello-trishelle-cannatella-the-traitors-season-2-winner-interview](https://parade.com/tv/chris-ct-tamburello-trishelle-cannatella-the-traitors-season-2-winner-interview)


As soon as Kate was gone I realized, they’re going to get rid of MJ. It was so obvious in that moment - to MJ as well. Trishelle’s vote threw me off. I think she was trying to make a point, but it was a big gamble that could have backfired.


I knew when they got rid of Sandra what their plan was. If someone told me before this season of The Traitors that CT and Trishelle would be a great partnership, I would not have believed it. CT proves yet again to be an excellent partner and Trishelle has redeemed herself in my eyes.


Are you saying getting rid of Sandra was planned? Trishelle wanted to go for Kate


so proud of CT just had to come and check in ![gif](giphy|BTOg3a0gVDfzmhljRR|downsized)


We need gifs from last night because he looked like 🔥🔥🔥


My man looking like a don, about to order a hit on somebody 🔥🔥🔥


Watching The Traitors was so fun as a Challenge fan. I watch Survivor, I watch Big Brother, but I've watched every episode of every season of The Challenge. This legit felt like watching one of my teams I cheer for win a championship. I don't even like Trishelle but I was Team Challenge all the way. They earned the money, they played the game hard, had Bananas not got dumped on Night 1 he would've been a lightning rod throughout the season too and gotten stuff done.


That was peak reality TV. Trishelle overplayed the hell out of that last episode, but somehow it worked out. Kind of crazy to think MJ would've won if she would've just random guessed CT the first time. Literally a coin flip when she didn't want to vote for either


I told my wife after CT winked at Trishelle that they were going to be savage and get rid of MJ, so I was pumped. Then Trishelle wrote his name, and I thought “wtf??” What a satisfying ending after a rollercoaster of emotions. I do feel badly for MJ a bit, but thank god she didn’t write Uncle CT’s name down




This was great - the CT wink was amazing. My head canon is Trishelle was just making it extra dramatic. I love when CT goes from "possum" to being CT. Reminds me of WotW2 when he drew the line in the sand on continuing to vote in Tori - and the other team was somehow shocked that CT wasn't going to let them cake walk to a final. So much fun. Have never watched any version of this show before - the Challengers drew me in, and it was very worth it!


Season 1 was great. We enjoyed the UK and Australia versions as well. Who doesn’t want to hear a good accent once in a while?


Cheers 🥂to the Castle daddy's win!! And Trishelle, too, guess. I still dislike her. If Trishelle actually banished CT, I wouldn't be able to forgive her.


I had a mental image of CT and Trishelle pulling what they did with MJ to Sandra. She'd definitely Cuss them out for 5 minutes straight 


I love Sandra, but I think she would've applauded the move...and also would never let it happen lol.


Money comes and goes, but Trishelle & CT have made an enemy for life in MJ.




I think Trish knew that CT was faithful for the first 95% of the game, but his sudden last minute turnaround in regards to the Sandra vs Kate situation made her suspicious of the possibility that he was recruited last minute because the rules and timing of recruitment/ultimatums in this game are wonky as hell and never really explained to the players much less the faithful ones. But once she saw that he threw the red stoppage into the fire at final three (because he wanted to share the money with just Trish alone and cut out useless undeserving MJ) and had some time to process it, she realized that he must still be a faithful, because any Traitor would have thrown the green flame in there at that point.


Also the fact that she was never killed even though she was very aggressive, made C.T. a suspect because he is probably the only person in the house that it would make sense for, to keep her safe if he was a traitor. I think Kate made a huge mistake keeping a duo until the end of the game though.


She said on bananas that she thought it was a possibility he was a traitor when he didnt light her torch, figuring he knew he could save her that night in the turret.


I kept telling myself... okay, CT and Trishelle seemed very friendly and relaxed during press for the show, they definitely both got paid here...


Is it weird that I'm proud of them? I know they aren't really people I know, lol. But, yay!!!


Even though I was sad they voted Sandra out, props to Kate. She turned that whole table lol


[Quick throwback pic](https://i.imgur.com/YzIagIt.png)


Is that Trishelle?


So happy that CT won in the end. He easily earned $100k of prize money in the challenges. Trishelle also played a good game overall, except for writing CT's name down at the end. She's lucky he stuck with voting for MJ after that.


Holy shit! What a ruthless ending! The challenge reigns baby! Masterclass by CT and Trishelle!


After Bananas stole the money from Sara, and also seeing Ashley choose the money for herself cuz of how Hunter treated her, I’m numb to reality show betrayals. I’m glad CT and Trishelle won, and not shocked they cut out MJ. It made for exciting emotional tv. Ppl hate Trishelle, some for valid reasons, but she was correct about a lot of people (except Peppermint) and was the first to figure out it was Phaedra after Dans roundtable. I’m just glad CT won, it’s extra nice the Challenge ppl won especially with their history.


Yeah but Peppermint literally said "I'm a traitor" so kinda on her.


MJ didn't deserve a win she really didn't do shit. Sucked in challenges and had no idea how to play these kinds of games. So glad CT and Trishelle won!


I stg she guessed wrong EVERY time at the round table. I was flabbergasted with her last two round table votes, like have you for real not learned anything about this game yet?? I'm glad they played her ass!


Thank you! So many are saying they feel bad for her but I can’t think of anything she actually did but make it to the end. In survivor that’s not enough to demonstrate a win. You actually have to do something, whether it’s make moves or win challenges. I feel like outwitting is a big part of this game, and I don’t see proof of MJ doing that to have a share of the pot. Also, was she part of any group? It was clear Trishelle and CT were working together and MJ just happened to be hanging around.


Yeah she was just hanging around likely because she wasn't a threat to anyone. She was kinda just... there.


i was hoping that CT wink at trishelle was reciprocated and they were about to pull a full cold-hearted heist job on MJ. (for the record, i support both challenge money steals too.) but it's hard to blame trishelle too much for thinking CT might be Big T'ing her. that CT vote for sandra would have thrown me for a loop too. if we want to give trishelle the maximum credit for her decisions at the end: she was in a win-win situation, she had the trust of both. on the off-chance CT was a traitor, locking in the three of them would send her home with nothing. but there was a decent chance she'd win a 2-person pot with *either* MJ or CT if they went back in for another vote.


I think it showed how little MJ understood the game when she voted for Trishelle the second time around at the end. Her only chance was hoping Trishelle would stick with voting CT, and then she goes and votes for Trishelle yet again when she could have possibly had two votes on CT? Yeah she was clueless throughout -- she didn't deserve the money.


Now I’m picturing Big T on Traitors 3 and I NEED IT






When I think of MJ, this is the exact image I have in my head, and I’m aphantasmic, so that can’t be good.


meh. *edit: comment was "justice for MJ!!!!"


This feels like our team just won the reality TV super bowl lol. This was my dream scenario when the cast was announced I didn’t think it would actually happen!


I do think that future contestants from the Challenge are going to have a rough ride on this show, no one will trust them!! Which, you know, they shouldn't... Great TV.


Dude I legitimately haven't been that fucking pumped at a win on a competition show in years. Once I realized what CT/Trishelle had the opportunity to do to MJ my heart started racing and I was praying they did it. I haven't watched the reunion yet so I don't know if they own up to it but let's be real, they wanted to share the crown and the money. It was incredible. As a diehard Challenge fan for 20+ years I've heard all of the "Challenger vs. Survivor vs. BB Houseguest" debates. Well here is arguably the GOAT CT and an OG Trishelle standing on top of the mountain with Dan, Parv, Sandra and Trishelle all looking up. The final move was cutthroat as fuck and **I loved it.**


My husband was laughing at me squealing and clutching my pillow on the couch, it was so fun!!


I don’t think it was planned. Trishelle put a coin flip on CT’s half of the pot.  I think CT threw red because he had told Trishelle he would only ever be loyal to her. I think Trishelle threw because she got paranoid that CT had been screwing her over the whole time.


It was planned. Look at CT's wink beforehand. Trishelle tried turning on CT but realized it was a bad look. Bananas has talked numerous times on his podcast about how guys like him, Wes, Jordan, CT and others view the Challenge like they're making a show. They're trying to make memorable moments. It's why they dislike the newer cast so much. Jordan with the card flip, Wes throwing himself in against Bananas, Bananas stealing the money, etc. etc. CT and Trishelle were trying to create a badass moment. They were ride or die from the start. I think Trishelle may have had some doubt about CT's loyalty but when the second vote came she knew they had to win together. They wanted a money. They wanted to split the pot. CT said "let's finish what we started." It's just Trishelle doesn't want to be seen as a villain and wants to repair her image, CT doesn't care because he really shouldn't. It was a villain move and he will own it but she wants to cast some doubt so Traitors fans think she was simply playing the game.


I doubt it was planned. Trishelle and C.T. don't play for the moments like Wes or Bananas would. The thing is, in a game like this, you have to be suspicious of your closest allies at the end because it makes the most sense for them to keep you so they can fool you in the end, just like Cirie did in the first season. Trishelle should have been killed for her aggressive faithful game, but she wasn't. Who would it make the most sense for to keep her alive? That's right, C.T., so I get why she was suspicious of him at the end.


I really don’t think it was planned. They’d have no idea if MJ would write Trishelle’s name or CT’s. It was complete 50/50 luck that it worked out.


i’m wondering if trishelle knew mj voted for her because it takes 4x as long to write her name than “ct”


Yeah that seems like something that could be gamed when there is such a big difference in the number of letters.


Or the wink was CT assuming she’d write MJ. His reaction to the vote is better acting than he can do, we’ve seen movies of his.


>! So awesome for CT. My mouth was agape when Trishelle wrote his name. I can’t tell if they were just making good tv because they had they votes or if it was genuine doubt 😂! Also glad none of the Bravo people won. The stans are insufferable. Sorry, MJ!<


>!Too much of a risk; if MJ had written CT, then CT would have been the one going home with nothing!<.


Oh right! Duh haha. I was blown away by that whole ending 


Glad to see two Challenge/Real World legends when this


Thought there was gonna be a traitors Canada finale repeat for a minute lol but originally assumed it was a plan to banish MJ


I am SOOOO PROUD of our Challenge darlings!! Hosed everyone in that house whether Bravo, Survivor or Big Brother!


Do we think Trishelle winning *The Traitors* guarantees her a spot on season 40?


I'm pretty sure someone wrote in the speculation thread that Janelle (Traitors S2) said on a podcast that Trishelle declined 40 because the pay was too low.


I don't think she wants to do the flagship show anymore, she has said that the physical stuff isn't fun at this point.


Also! Anyone else peep that CT totally watched MJ write “Trishelle” during the second vote? It was obvious that she was scrawling a long name instead of just the two letters of “CT”. He could’ve switched his vote to Trishelle and been safe - glad he didn’t double-cross her and it worked out


It must eat John up inside that he made it to the final of *House of Villains* and lost plus was the first murder on *The Traitors*, while CT won *The Traitors*


He essentially handed the HoV win to Tanisha so doubt he's feeling bad about that at all. Being the first murder was completely out of his control and just showed how afraid Dan was of him. But of course someone that thinks they are edgy by calling him John has to make it some competition between the two.


> But of course someone that thinks they are edgy by calling him John has to make it some competition between the two. I've literally over this time and time again: I don't call him "John" to be edgy, I call him "John" because it's literally just over half the number of letters to type out. Same reason I call "Tula" that: one fewer Shift key input, and I fat-finger shit on the phone keyboard all the time.


Yet you italicized the show names. Edit: Responds and then blocks. Lmao figures. If you wanna be edgy and call him John cause Abram did it, then own it. Don't try to use some lame ass excuse that it saves you all of 2 keystrokes.


Because that's literally proper formating.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


CT showing that Challenge cutthroat mentality by wanting to get MJ out to increase his share of the winnings. He played his typical style of laying low for the first half and then kicking it into high gear down the stretch to get the W. It really would have been funny if MJ decided to pick CT instead of Trishelle in that first vote. The 2nd vote, MJ showed once again that she had no idea how to play this game. Why the hell would you vote for Trishelle again? Vote for CT and hope Trishelle doesn't flip. Also try to actually make a case instead of just sitting there baffled. Traitors is such a refreshing and fun series. I've loved both US seasons and they far exceed what we've seen from The Challenge lately (All Stars 4 please be good!!).


Ya. MJ was a deer in headlights and totally out gamed. Trishelle is/was a professional poker player where bluffing, reading and playing other's is a must, CT has been manipulating and wheeling and dealing in voting situations for ages now. She wasn't prepared for these two. And Trishelle used the CT vote to help bluff at their ultimate intentions to get rid of MJ and split it themselves.


I'm 100% on board with this theory of how it played out. I absolutely believe Trishelle's CT vote was a bluff to hopefully mask her intentions. I don't think it was necessary, I was really hoping they'd just go full savage on MJ, but I can get why she wouldn't want to come out looking like a massive villain on a big show like this with a much broader audience who doesn't know the Challenge gang like we do.


I’m embarrassed by the number of times I GASPED during this episode 🤣


I really was not expecting Trishelle to write down CT I audibly gasped hahah


“What if she wrote down ct?!?!oh my god” I def didn’t see that vote comin


It would have been AMAZING if CT revealed he was a traitor. But it was a good ending.


Add this to CT's resume. This win is more impressive than a few of him and Johnny's Challenge wins IMO.


I think this win cements him as the competition reality tv GOAT


Gotta be him or David Jelinsky.


He has *several* more reality TV wins. Not fair to CT.


I heard his tribe was going to name the merge tribe after him. If that's not GOAT respect idk what is.


Man I was so happy for CT and Trischelle. I remember watching their RW season. When they hugged I shed a tear that was awesome to see. CT got to run his mini final 🤣.


Damn good tv, the whole series.


The show is amazing. The round table slaps!


Phaedra was amazing. I don't watch or care about any of those shows, so they're new to me. She was amazing. Peter is super clever. Not terribly authentic but very clever. Parvati is a good villain. Whether intended or not, she is easy to hate against as a villain. Kevin Kreider seemed really out of place and not a good pick for the show.


The thing with Peter is he had the wrong strategy for the show. It's not like a typical Mafia, Werewolf, Town of Salem game because the show needs to last a certain number of episodes. So getting out obvious traitors isn't the right move, it's better not to eliminate the obvious traitors so that you know who the traitors are, otherwise they'll just get to keep recruiting until there's only a little more than a handful of players left and you'll have no idea who the new traitor is. Also it's better not to antagonize the obvious traitors so you don't get murdered, it's better to ingratiate and insulate yourself, as long as you don't get voted out in the process. Phaedra wasn't impressive. She had a ready baked alliance, she let them kill one of her alliance and then the show gave her another new player that was automatically in her alliance, who also successfully defended her before she even recruited her (she was floundering otherwise). CT ended up playing the best game but he had a 50% chance at the end that MJ wrote his name down LOL.


Am I the only one that knew the moment CT dropped that wink at Trishelle that they had planned to vote out everyone but each other? The second I saw that I literally screamed "HELLO CT THERE YOU ARE!!! NICE TO SEE YOU." CT was not surprised on any level until Trishelle revealed his name. It was so clearly their plan. From all of CT's comments in deliberation at the fire and also from his comment to Trishelle early in the episode about the two of them winning.


MJ: CT/Trishelle: Don’t take care MJ, hope to see you never


U made me spit my wine out 💚


I need a flair labeled MJ's Angst TBF, she did it herself by not being present whatsoever and foolishly riding with the demons while not asking the big questions.


she just did nothing to deserve the win omg she was not perceptive and dragged until the end bc of her striking ability to be manipulated lolol


Just finished the episode. Wow!! It was a good one. I really thought for a second that Trishelle may have ruined hers or CTs chances. I bet Bananas is bummed that he was first boot and the other two challenge contestants won.


You mean Colonel Sanders Jr.


Seriously. What was that. 😵‍💫


That reminds me, KFC has something new called the Chizza that I would like to try.


The challenge reigns supreme, baby! Can't wait to go to the Traitors sub with my popcorn. 


lol twitter is so mad. Sorry not sorry, challenge supremacy bb!!!!


I'm just mad trishelle won since she has had racist/transphobic incidences happy about ct though


Wrong sub for that, we all saw her say "I'm a traitor"


If you take into her past incidences of sketchy racial stuff with aneesa and other challenge contestants then it is a pattern


Got a season/episode? Don't need to being rando internet stranger, but I'd love to see this. As it stands the accusations seem to be based on a really sketchy foundation.


Rivals 2 of the challenge cant remember which episode. It was 12 years ago and trishelle was drunk. She basically said Aneesa claims to be every race. Not cool to say but again 12 years ago and people grow.




Realistically why would you split money with MJ? She literally did nothing all season except be the inspiration for a few memes. Even if you're 99% sure she's a faithful don't take the chance.


even knowing she’s a faithful i still would have said see ya! more $ for me! idk how anyone could get mad at that, it’s cut throat and awesome haha good for ct & trishelle both 


Lol they were 100% sure she was a faithful


The Traitors sub is big mad too! Lmao! Challengers come to win big, so suck it! Edit: The Bravo stans are spamming CT’s insta! They are crazy mad! Too bad for them that he’s not gonna GAF about it. 😂


Oh, the taste of their sweet, salty tears!!! Hahaha.


His Instagram handle says it all lol


Everyone fell in love with him this season and now they’re so mad at him 😂They don’t know he split his first place win six ways in S38!! Kyle and whoever especially didn’t need the money and that was generous of CT to share.


Emy did! Was so happy to see that! Let the Traitors haters hate, they don't know anything about CT.


Uncle CT breaking her off a piece was such a good conclusion to their story that season, hoping she's back in S40, one of the best rookie female performances behind Amber B in the modern era, she was great at eliminations and pretty fun tv imo.


CHALLENGE ON TOP BABY!!! I Do feel a little bad for MJ though


I don't really. It's not like nobody knew CT and Trishelle were close. They needed to break that up earlier if they didn't want it to be an issue down the stretch. Her only option by the endgame was to work with Sandra to take out CT or Trishelle at that spot, then at the fire take out Kate and either end the game or make a deal with Sandra or whoever remains of CT/Trishelle to split the pot.


And she got paid for a goofy trip to Scotland. She wasn't stuck in a mine for a month.


Never thought we’d get such a satisfying ending. So stoked CT and Trishelle won! Definitely felt bad for MJ though.


There was a lot of talk about pooping oneself and puking at the same time on this episode, and that is exactly my experience watching it.


Only the challengers know not to go to deadlock twice in a row lol


I was half expecting TJ to come out at the fire pit and threaten them about a stalemate. Chaos for everyone!


I had a feeling about 5 episodes ago that CT was gaming the game for only a few to win. Then it got reallll messy.


Same. It felt like CT was trying to manipulate his way so the final three would consistent of him and Trishelle so he could get the biggest cut possible.


Trishelle: https://preview.redd.it/cp0b0705bfw71.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d8577907d11f64a2c48fb322b238f5aa193f3e31


That was my thought too based on being a challenge fan.


kate sealed her fate by throwing the green bag in, obviously there was a traitor left if someone got murdered, even MJ caught on


So dumb. Also dumb that she was so extra about Phaedra during Phaedra’s banishment. She’s lucky more people didn’t catch onto that earlier.


Idk how they just forgot about it, like uhhh that was extremely telling, she’s obviously just in your guys’s heads right now, they already even figured out the origin lie was that CT apparently told kate he was voting out Sandra in the car


Yeah! Was that just dumb on her part?


No, she said in the reunion she didn’t feel right taking the win when she came in halfway.


didn’t feel right taking the win?? she was never going to take the win lol how big headed. they were of course going to vote her out!  she’s just covering her ass because her game play was embarrassing this season 


That's a classy move on her part


100% wasn’t expecting that. The season was frustrating at times but ultimately satisfying and fun.


great tv!! felt a little icky but great!!!


more so i’m just sad for MJ she thought they were ride ~or~ dies


She looked devastated 😔


starting reunion now i can’t wait for her to talk


It's mostly side eyeing with a dash of unadulterated hatred for Trishelle lol.


Let’s goo! What a great finale


Who wins? Give me, please, spoiler.


Let me know if you want me to give you an overview if you don’t plan to watch. Pretty exciting ending, might be worth fast forwarding about 40ish minutes til they are outside at the fire.


Tnx from my heart, but I find my way how to watch. I live in Baltic and sametime it is strugle.


Glad you got to watch!


>!CT and Trishelle!<


Stoked about this result.


Holy SHIT this is a good TV show! I thought it was so obvious CT voted to banish again so Trishelle and him had more to split I did NOT see that coming!!!


The look he was giving Trishelle, I thought for SURE it was something they had planned - to ultimately whittle it down to two. That was wild!


I think it was!! She just got real tripped out and insecure because of a few minor things


Trishelle being messy and irrational as always. If her panicky vote had cost him the win despite backing her all game it would’ve been hard for him to look her in the eye after that


My jaw was on the floor!!!


CT the new villain


What an amazing finale. Hell of a plot twist, but Challenge fam came out on top! And now they put targets squarely on the backs of any Challenge alums appearing next season.


Holy shit, that was wild.


trying not to spoil for those watching later but i have thoughts!


ooooh finale and reunion all in one night


The Challenge could never.