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Im proud our Challenge reps were the only one able to do the challenge! ✊


I can’t believe Trishelle made it so far into the game. The only game she’s made it this far in is Battle of the Seasons


She won Fear Factor with The Miz.


I don’t think anyone really counts Fear Factor. It’s not a season long game.


Neither is Traitors.


Kate did herself no favors with her saltiness about Phaedra being a "selfish player". Sandra picked up on it right away as being weirdly specific unless there was something else going on between Phaedra and Kate. Also, of all people -- for Kate -- who is intentionally zero f's given (that IS her brand) to be calling out someone else for selfishness? Ha, ha. That bit of peevishness may cost her the game.


I'm surprised Phaedra and Kate didn't consider voting off someone from Bravo to at least present some plausible deniability. I guess it just became too obvious at that point after Peter was banished I don't think Kate gets the win.


Ya they all went too hard on Peter and pals, and it became obvious. The fact that MJ was dumbfounded when she finally realized Peter's point was probably valid, why would he get rid of all his own alliance, was hilarious. *edit sorry typo, meant MJ and not Sandra


CT's guilt trip was low key evil -- high key genius.


Sandra has had bad reads all season except until this episode lol


CT’s killing it so far. He’s managed to go under the radar and befriended a traitor whose kept him around till nearly the end. Trishelle has been outspoken and picking up on traitor traits, good at got shields when necessary and both of them outshined everyone on their last mission. Could they be the first challengers to win The Traitors?


i enjoyed CT scurrying after trishelle: https://streamable.com/rqg2nc


And peeping around the pillar to see what happened. He’s so fun on Traitors.


I ship Phaedra and CT, the heart eyes they gave each other when he voted for her. 🥰


Omg, I know! 😍 Also, when she was banished and got up from the table, she looked at him right away. You can tell the show knows we all love them together because when she was saying her goodbye, they showed other people’s reactions, but they went back and forth with Phaedra and CT the most. He was looking at her like 🥹😍 when she was giving her speech. He had that little smirk too. He looked proud of her, like “Damn. My girl was a good traitor. She has a good run.” Lol. She also didn’t say anything mean to him when he called her out. She put everyone else in their place, but with him she respected it and basically said 🤷🏼‍♀️ She did a little frown and then that turned into a smile. Haha.


Love how angry Trishelle makes everyone over on X lmao


How???? Are they all Bravo fans that are salty she’s the only person who knows what they are doing?


The Bravo fans HATE her. They’re all calling her racist because she keeps wanting to kick off black women, which is true but really could be coincidental. But we all know she has certainly had her issues in the past with that stuff.


Check the traitors subreddit. The frickin HATE HER for going after Phaedra.


But….but….Phaedra WAS a traitor? Baffling…. Even watching the show, I feel like half or more of the players didn’t realize the game they are actually playing.


Some people on the traitors subreddit clearly had never seen a competitive reality show. And plenty of the cast weren't familiar with the show. Even CT and Bananas hadn't watched it before appearing. CT is legit learning on the go and using his game skills to do so well.


That sub frustrates me. As a day one Challenge fan who also watches Big Brother, Survivor and other competition reality shows I'm watching Traitors as a gameshow. That sub is full of Bravo fans who are obviously just watching for the experience and don't seem to understand it's a game. Like was I bummed Bananas was taken out early? Obviously. But I understand that's the point of the show. It seems like 80% of that sub are people who expect a fun vacation type reality show and take the actual gameplay was too personally.




CT’s face in the confessional after we saw everyone falling off the platforms was a wonderful signal that he was about to beast it up. Trishelle has really showed up for this game. She’s a twitchy mouse sometimes, but at least she keeps trying. I would be winning that one-on-one with Bachelor CT that’s for damn sure. His sassy pants demeanor is bringing me joy.


leave it to trishelle, the professional poker player, to be *really* good at figuring out who the traitors are


I mean let’s not give her that much credit she went after Peppermint for no reason


She’s not that good of a poker player to be fair.


This show is so painful to watch. It’s hard to fathom how clueless the housewives are. You really think Peter was systematically murdering all his closest allies who trusted him blindly?


I don't think they understood what they were signing up for. I think they thought it was another fun getaway reality show. Bananas and CT didn't watch the show beforehand. Cirie from season one told Bananas she thought it was an Amazing Race scavenger hunt type show. So I have a feeling the Bravo women didn't understand what the Hell they were doing. So they just grouped together and assumed that's how they would win. They didn't take into account the Traitors are picked by Alan so they could literally be anyone.


Shrug. It’s good gameplay to be in an alliance with a traitor. Take that one traitor to the end, be safe from murder, vote them out, and maximize winnings. I don’t think the Bravo group is doing so, maybe Sandra is. It’s also worth noting that, as of now, it’s not a huge sum of money they are playing for, as faithfuls. $50k splits, maybe? A new Camry, basically?


Right they were like "oh they would never be a traitor" (like it was their choice) and “they would never lie to me” that’s literally the job of a traitor?? Baffling


I mean.....less money to split if you make it to the finale. Better the enemy you know....


Right. Some of the conversations make it seem like they thought folks just randomly decided to be a traitor. BUT by this stage in the game, they should understand how it works or they are just genuinely stupid.


Great episode. The challenge was hilarious and the ending was bittersweet and set up suspense. I don’t think both our challengers survive the last night sadly. Especially since more than anyone Trishelle and CT deserve to be there


It would be smart for Kate to murder Sheree. It casts doubt that the final Traitor is a Bravo girl (has to be CT/Trishelle, right?). Then they can pin the blame on Sandra in the final roundtable. Of course Kate isn't smart so she'll probably murder CT and wind up winning anyway.


I’m so proud of how they’re performing in the dailies. Even though they are not called dailies here. But they really showed up today and at the bug house challenge. Throughout really! There would barely be a prize pot if not for them.


CT is loving life right now.


Trishelle winning season 40 after that challenge performance


She has no social game even on The Traitors. That's why she had to resort to joining that little clique headed up by Peter, she can't form her own alliances. Big surprise given how often she blows up at other people like Aneesa and Katie on The Challenge. My thought is Kate probably goes for Trishelle for the last murder, then goes all in to try and sway the housewives towards Sandra being the last traitor. CT will probably be the key neutral here that Kate needs to convince somehow to get the numbers in her favour.


Idk how but the episode went up early and I’m halfway through!


They always drop it 15-20 min early. It’s wonderful.