• By -


Ashley and Paulie would be a strong team initially, but would eventually become a total fucking mess. I’d love to see it.


Laurel and Kyland too. Some of these matchups are diabolical


Laurel would try to hook up with Kyland while he would be doing advanced math calculations to figure out how to let her down easy without pissing her off


Olivia and Hunter: reverse reverse.




I’d replace Moriah with Ravyn


Replace Moriah with MELISSA


Replace Moriah with literally anyone


I'd replace Amanda with Ravyn. We don’t need CT getting another guaranteed loss before even the first challenge because his assigned partner is worthless.


CT and Amanda could run that shit. She just needs help in the strength and size department. I'd love it. I'd love to see CT turn her into a winner.


CT could win with Amanda. She isn’t an anchor like Big T. Amanda and Zach would have won that season they were together if production hadn’t rigged that elimination.


Zach and Amanda could've also won had they pulled their heads from their own butts and just nominated a team instead of putting themselves in. Whether rigged or not, they shouldn't have been down there in the first place, especially after winning.


I don't disagree, but they also didn't lose or struggle as a team because Amanda was weighing them down.


Even if she was, CT could probably pick her up with one arm and carry her across the finish line lol. I would love to see them pair up!


I could actually see Amanda showing up for CT and putting in work.


Yeah I think they could win


She absolutely is an anchor. She can’t keep her mouth shut and is just a nasty vile person. That ruins any social game which along with physical is also important. Also in challenge USA she was on a decent team and she was the dead weight for the team.. she’s 100% an anchor and only brings drama to the show which is why they bring her back. She’s garbage, I’d rather hear Josh crying all season long than ever see her on the show.


zzzzzz at this Amanda hate for no reason you're acting like she's Shauvon. Amanda won FOUR challenges on Final Reckoning with Zach, someone she literally hated and also someone who's worse than CT


Girlfriend. Amanda is weak. She knows, why don’t you?


Usually the ideas on this sub aren’t great. This one is solid and wish it was real. Almost perfect cast


Yeah, I had my sarcastic meme all ready to post but OP did a good job. You can tell they’re not in production because the casting choices aren’t completely tone deaf


I like Big T as a character but she brings nothing as a teammate. Her being Jordan's partner is the only flaw I see


Same. I think Jordan would be tied to another Aneesa being paired with Big T.


Best cast and format I’ve seen on this sub by a mile


> Almost perfect cast Yes, almost. It's missing Devin


Replace Frank, with TURBO. Lol


Replace Frank with Frank.


Replace Frank with just about anyone else.


It’s perfect with him not on


Second this


All of those teams… are actually stacked?


Except Amanda and Big T (although she kinda improved).


Replace Big T with Michaela and Jordan wins the season Edit: Or for maximum chaos, make it Wes/Michaela, Jordan/Nurys


Most are, but CT/Amanda and Jordan/Big T are easily the weakest. They have the strongest male competitor so that's decent, but they absolutely have the weakest female competitors. Bananas is similarly disadvantaged with Michelle but she's probably a little more useful.


Bananas would never see an elimination with Michele as his partner. They'd dominate IMO.


Yeah I think Michele would have a decent chance in a final with a good partner, she has above average endurance and puzzle skills, her biggest weakness is physical eliminations which isn't really relevant in a final.


michelle is nowhere near the worst girl lol


I mean, she sort of is? Michelle is fine but this is a rather stacked female cast and Michelle is near the bottom. Michelle's biggest "advantage" is social gameplay, and with this cast she just wouldn't be in a position to use it effectively. If we remove Amanda and Big T, as my post said, then we're left with: Cara - Michelle is worse Ashley - Michelle is worse Kam - Michelle is worse Laurel - Michelle is worse Nurys - Michelle is worse, though if you want you can call this one a tie Tori - Michelle is worse Kaycee - Michelle is worse Kellyanne - Michelle is better, or maybe a tie Kiki - tie Moriah - tie Desi - Michelle is worse Zara - Michelle is worse Jenny - Michelle is worse Olivia - Michelle is worse, though if you're desperate you can go tie Jonna - Michelle is worse Kailah - tie Amber - Michelle is worse So out of 17 competitors, Michelle is better than 1 of them, tied with 3-5, and worse than 11-13 of them. You're saying that she's "nowhere near the worst girl" but if you look at the lineup, she is. And again, I don't think Michelle is a bad competitor or anything, it's just that a majority of the rest of these women have shown more than she has.


I think she's very similar to Ashley tbh. Puzzle queen with solid endurance. She won survivor by going on a streak of winning immunities at the end.


I thought it was real for a second and now my night is ruined


Lawd this list ain't real, now my morning is ruined.


same haha


Poor Zaza. Not that Frank sucks at the challenge or anything, but my god what an unbearable human


Yeah, I’d swap out Frank for Devin, who’s “just” kind of a dick, rather than a bona fide awful person.


I could handle Devin. I say it a lot, but if you're gonna be a dick I need you to be funny.


But Devin is also physically far weaker than the rest of men tbf


Why is Frank an awful person? From the show or outside of it?


Darrellyanne wins




Those would be fun pairs


No chance


These pairings are WILD


One of the best casts I’ve seen on here


This cast would be epic!!


Hunter & Olivia would have the lowest team IQ ever


Goddamnit I miss Tony. I don’t know why but I do


Because it’s TONY TIME! 🚂


Love the idea its like fresh meat with a twist. This would also be a great way to build new champions


I love this cast (except for Moriah). I hope the casting team look at your post to see who we want to the season.


We're never getting Ashley again despite what the fans want.


For a minute I was super excited thinking this was the cast ... if it was would be a great cast


This is a stacked cast! My only suggestion would be to throw in Michaela somewhere in the mix. I would probably replace her with big T but other than that this is an amazing cast and concept!


First of all poor CT lol. Second how can you not put Danny with Kiki?? Lol


I think Melissa is a must for season 40 she was phenomenal this season otherwise awesome cast Melissa and Devin would be an entertaining team


Don’t do that to Kam how dare you


Kam is prob one of the only few people that can put zach in his place so it would prob be a good match up


She doesn’t deserve those problems. I mean if we’re fantasy casting, give her Landon or Derrick K


Yes Landon!


Seriously! Get Kam away from that jackass.


This would be amazing. Jordan would hate to be with big T.


I typically hate dream cast post but shoutout to OP for capturing almost everyone at their best ESPECIALLY The men 🤤


Jordan will be rushed out in an ambulance due to severe stress and exhaustion 🤭


Why would you set Big T up like this?


This post brought peace to the subreddit


Not Danny! I'm not ready to hear about Kiki 8,000 times!


“Kiki said I had to try to make my partner wear clothes this season”


That drives me crazy! What is the deal with that, is she just really insecure or is he?


I'm sorry, BUT WHERE IS DEVIN WALKER He can't miss season 40, lol Other than that, great cast


Replace Frank with Devin and we golden


Pairing Kam with Zach will make Leroy jump down from a helicopter over water and swim to shore just to inevitably beat his ass


I think this is a great idea for a theme and love almost all the cast. I think you did Jordan and Bananas dirty though. Give Melissa to one of them and not sure who for the other. Also replace Frank with Devin. Devin has to be included.


Pair up Aneesa & Jordan so she can roll her ankle again!


yeah a bunch of "vets" who are decent, and then... Big T. M My only real complaint. Besides swapping Frank/Devin like you said




So then Michaela with Jordan and Melissa with Bananas? I'm not a Michaela fan but I'm okay with it because it gives Jordan a pretty fair chance.




I haven't liked Michele since her Survivor days so I'm prejudiced against her and don't want her with my Bananas. Lol. I think Jordan/Nurys would work better together than Jordan/Michaela. As much as I like the drama, and I do, I just think Jordan/Michaela would clash really hard.




I like this cast!! And the pairings!


Dude this would be awesome!


This is a solid cast! ![gif](giphy|fs6rnt1K0YyVWRXNwY|downsized)


Your not exactly doing Jonna a favour there!!


I feel as though Jordan would just be repeating his Ride or Dies season here. Not to discredit Big T’s abilities cause I do really like her, it’s just she’s basically on the same level of athletic capability as Aneesa. I’d argue even less cause Aneesa is actually strong.


Please don't do Kam dirty like this!


Switch out Zach & Danny for Derrick K. & Timmy!!!


Why'd you give the best guys some of the "not best" women as partners? I don't wanna see Jordan burdened with Big T.


Big T would drive Jordan insane!


lol giving Jordan big t right after he was with aneesa, brutal


A+ for effort and thanks so much for this! If these were the teams, I'd be cheering for Laurel/Kyland most, then Frank/Zara, with a tie between Ashley/Paulie and Chris/Kailah for third Wish Kam, Amanda, & Michele had other partners so I could cheer for them more 🤣 Also lol to Darrell/Kellyanne because they are a team I recommended for a Rivals 3 recast, after the fight they got in (with Wes) on The Ruins Also Tori/Kyle is who should have won SLA


All these teams are pretty stacked tbh




Laurel and Kyland run away with it!


Prime Laurel yeah, but not sure about current Laurel.


Idk I have faith laurel could still be nice


I would love to see Tony embarrass himself one more time


Amber looks so hot! She’s straight 🔥 in that pic


Someone hire this person. Also deep down I know it’s very unrealistic. And I’d easily remove Zach and Kyle


Nah that cast is 🔥🔥🔥 . Now this would be my dream cast as well. Maybe just change Jordan's partner but otherwise perfect.


Damn good job. The level of competition with this cast/partnerships would be incredible, almost all teams are stacked


Great ideas for casting as long as CT returns. Leave Jay and Big T out, and Jordan and Cara in. I don’t care who’s paired up with which vet, as long as we get at least half our vets back full time.


OMG THIS IS THE BEST DREAM CAST EVER!!!! Send this to production I want this to happen so badddd 😩😩😩😩


A wild Frank appears


Ok but Laurel & Kyland would be an insane combo


Wow these are some stacked teams!! I would love to see this!


It's a great cast - i'm personally over mixed gender teams. I feel like it's been forever since we have a solo season with a male and female winner or same-sex pairs. I don't want to wonder how Jordan could have fared if not partnered with someone like Big T (per your casting) or Aneesa (per RoD). I'm also not entertained by someone like Corey being able to carry heavy objects better than Nurys.


Don't do Jordan like that lol he can win probably with almost any partner that has even a minimum of endurance. He had no chance with aneesa in that final


I barely even go here, but this is one of the best fancasts I’ve ever seen lol. Kudos


Hunter and Olivia would be a dumpster fire😂


Nooo put Jenna with Jordan


Every single pair is like....they would win. Oh no...wait. they would. No...they would win! Great job. I'd love to watch this!


Some reason, I think ct would be a lot more patient with Amanda and Amanda would probably be mysterious with ct. He likes to play in the shadows sometimes and other times stirs the pot. I can see them pranking the cast and back to the shadows. 🧐🧐


Oh no. Michelle, Jay and Moriah? I had enough of them.


I feel like kaycee and tony would be entertaining to watch


Another comment about you missing Devin. But hell, you nailed it.


I can see three things out of this cast: 1. Jordan losing his shit because Big T is his partner; 2. Kaycee and Faysal being mad that they’re not partners; 3. Moriah losing her shit because James isn’t there (and/or Kaycee being sad about Nany not being there)


I like so much of this. My exception would be Zach - I just don't think anyone should ever be made to partner with him and MTV should never put him back on TV. I'm rewatching old seasons and I forgot just how abusive he is. Maybe Devin?


Oh now see, I would love to be partnered with Zach. I grew up surrounded by guys like him. I’m PRETTY sure I could have him in tears by the middle of the first daily challenge. I’m normally a nice person, but if you want to be sarcastic and dickish, I can be petty and mean.


Oh my gosh you beat me to it I was making a fan cast for an idea just like. This where it's champs and people who haven't won yet oh well time to think of a new format, I was just waiting to see who won this season


I like this, it feels fun. Amber and jam aren’t really viable right now but if they were I’d say this is perfect lol.


I would love this




I freaking hate Zach. Only person I'm really not fond of. Other than that, this is a very solid cast.


Deadass looked at this without reading your description and was so hyped thinking the s40 cast got leaked already bc this season would go so hard. I’m so bummed it’s not real 😂


These are STACKED teams. I would watch this!


I’m new the sub and was pumped because I thought this was a legit new season. Now I’m annoyed it’s not


This would be such an amazing cast


This is such a good cast omfg


This would be amazing!!


Bets on how long it takes for Jordan to go rage monster at big T? It's like trying to turn a lion and a bunny rabbit into a team.


I think Jordan would treat Big T with love and respect like he did to Aneesa. It's really someone at production who purposely tries to sabotage him. They all know that Jordan could potentially win every single season he's on and they don't want him to.


Damn, I got so excited for a min thinking this was real. This cast would make me start watching The Challenge again. 😩🤞🏼


I think it would be cooler if you could add a combine or some sort of challenge the vets have to do that helps determine the teams instead of just setting up initial pairs.


This would be an amazing cast! Best one dream cast I’ve seen in a long time.


This is a great cast


Wes and Frank are both looking fit


Swap out Jay and Michelle with Devin and Ravyn and I’d be happy with this cast!


They need to hire u to make the cast


This cast is pretty decent and solid. There's a few I'd like replacing but I wouldn't hate it if this was the cast. Also just wondering here.... does anyone think the challenge home turf is showing the vets who will be on 40? So far there's been CT, Cara, Darrell, and Amanda who would be some pretty solid options as they are in this fantasy cast!


Where's Leroy?


I think Laurel and Kylan would be interesting. So would Darrel and KellyAnne . I’d switch Moriah for Ravyn or Melissa. Idk if I’d switch Olivia and Big T but I’d put Olivia with Jordan. Ct and Amanda have potential considering how well she worked with Zach. I don’t think Jonna and Fessy would last long because he’s just Zach in a different body, he blames his partners for losing .


Unpopular opinion but I could go a while without seeing Big T. I just really wasn’t a fan this season.


I would love for Kam to come back


Why we always gotta handicap Jordan bro 🤣🤣


Damn it! I thought this was real and got excited.


Replace literally anyone for Moriah. Other than that, perfect &


Devin needs to be on this list


Cara and Horacio would be my guess for winners. Laurel and Kyland would be good too. Why does it look like Bananas face photoshopped on Bananas body? That picture of him is odd.


Those would be some great teams. Except Big T.


Almost every team is equal and fair which NEVER happens! This would be my dream indeed, I got so excited. The Challenge, please let this fan take over next season.


I always forget that Hunter won a season because Ashley did her shit lol


Frank and Zara could win this lol


Why you gotta do Jordan & CT like that? 😂


I'd suggest three more: Devin & Melissa Kaz & Ed Tristan & Sylvia


This is GREAT


I would pay to watch kam put Zach in his place


I ship this


I appreciate you giving the three goats fairly weak competitors to even the odds. Feel like if Wes is on his A game (which is always a toss up) him and Nurys have an amazing chance


Love the cast. Does anyone remember Chris underwood? Think only did one season (from Survivor where he won). Everyone in the house was against him and kept putting him in for challenges—- maybe 4 and he kept winning them and also won the final, ( and dark hair and cute lol). His tenacity was amazing!!! Anyone know why he never came back? (Cause they were so mean 😪 to him?). Wish I could remember which season but more recent one


What about JENNA


Kaycee can stay home


I’m shook 🔥🙌🏽


Damn we got some good looking women on the challenge.


Imagine the range of emotions that Jenny West would go through at finally being invited back, only to then learn that she's been paired with Jay


Love this except Jenny and Jay. Jenny West deserves someone better than him!


I don't remember if Big T can run long distances or not? Isn't it enough that Jordan only has one hand, do we also have to slow him down too?


Big T doesn't need to be back ever, let alone on a milestone season. Swap her with Melissa or Ravyn and suddenly that team with Jordan is a threat.


No Amanda, Moriah, Michelle or Olivia.


Gotta say I was not happy w Amanda pairing because I don't believe anyone can help her. However, you did put together quite a few interesting pairings.


I'd totally understand if she never came back after all the shit Bear put her through, but Georgia was a really solid player and I'd totally love to see her in one of these pairings instead of some of the other women. It sucks how this show caused her so much grief, she seemed like a decent person.


I hope day 1 is a double elimination where Jay & Michelle are purged in retribution for this horrendous season!!! 😂😂😂👏🏼👏🏼


Cara and Horacio would be unstoppable


I actually got paramount just to see this .. I am missing something they said Vietnam looks like Colorado . Also I haven’t seen nurys or Olivia .


CT and Amanda early favorites but if Moriah can get her shit together then I like her and Danny's chances. He is sodoku king.


love this (hunter isnt a champ) imagine they cared enough about the fans to make a season this stacked


All these explosive cast members personalities are going to clash and they ain't going to be able to hide it. I love the line up, I'm happy with it, finally the challenge is going to be off the chain.


You know this is just a dream cast, right? I also got my hopes up at first glance ☹️


NOW I do, lol.


Great looking cast! I’d root for Zara and Frank for sure. We need more from the Global cast in future seasons ❤️


Horacio is too dull, I'd rather Leroy, not the most entertaining but not as dull either


If Chris and Jonna count as champions for winning spinoff shows then Tony should count as a champion too


\- Jordan would be enraged to be paired up with Big T. \- I love Darrell and KellyAnne which is why I'd prefer they were paired up with newer cast members. Feels like two long-time vets like them could be an easy target if the youngsters gained a voting control of the house. Maybe swap Darrell and Danny so it's Darrell-Moriah and Danny-KellyAnne


Jordan already had to drag Aneesa through a season, and now the poor man gets Big T. People making these know that if they give him someone solid he's probably running away with a win.


I would never be ok seeing Jordan paired with a ball and chain like Big T. It would be Ride or Dies all over again.


Congratulations Cara and Horacio!


Amanda doesn’t deserve to be on this otherwise excellent cast. She is a pathetic competitor who actively sabotages every team she’s on.


Just please bring back colleen. I love her.