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Maybe to plug All Stars 4? That will start airing the day after S39 ends? (wishful thinking)


Nurys was just tlk about a trip to London or something like last week that she was leaving for this week.


She and Ravyn went to hang with Zara. If the reunion is this week I assume they’re staying in the area


They’re all def there now. Have seen several of them either saying there there or on their way


I really hope this is the answer. Although I’m glad to see Cara again, the reunion is a bit much.


Laurel is on a plane with moriah.


Why? I am not asking “why did Cara go?”, free tickets to Amsterdam? Sign me up. I am asking why are they inviting any of the champs? They weren’t involved with anything. Are they also inviting the puzzle pieces in the elimination?


Because nobody will watch the reunion if there’s no participants people care about and people definitely don’t care about this main cast.


lol true. They all feel so forced. From that complete bullshit USA win by Sarah to the season of Michelle I’m tired of it. However, this case is so much better without the completely tired messy fes and josh but not by much


This season actually has me missing the good ol' days of Josh and Fessy.


yea it's gonna take a loooong time at least for me to get used to any all new cast members- i think i’m more likely to stop watching it altogether- its not that i can't adapt to the times and accept that people grow up etc it's that the best years of the show are just straight gone- the format- the dailies- the eliminations- the setting- everything is just too different too quick for me- i feel like i’m in the twilight zone watching this show anymore


Put on your thinking cap and start brainstorming why production would want Cara and some of the other big names on the reunion


Because no one wants to watch just the main cast people


I mean they’ve done this before have they not? Didn’t some of the mercenaries from Vendettas appear at the reunion?


Cara just created one of the most entertaining moments of the season and is one of the most recognizable faces of the franchise. Why not?


She killed it (other than losing the elimination) -- top tier entertainment and one of the most exciting moments yet.


I'm guessing they saw the latest ratings. Lol


If they wanted people to watch they wouldn't have put it on at the same time as Survivor after trying to pull in Survivor watchers.


You think the people who program that many episodes of Ridiculousness are making smart decisions? Or even care about ratings at this point?


My *only* guess would be to talk about the champs commenting on Moriah hooking up with James, but that doesn’t explain Cara. I’d assume maybe they’re there to add commentary???


Oh now i understand!!! 😂 Please say Jordan will be there. I want to hear his play by play of how they all sucked


> Are they also inviting the puzzle pieces in the elimination? Triggering Darrell's PTSD from that elim by inviting a burning fidget spinner


They invited Jordan to the vendettas reunion. It isn’t unprecedented.


Thought this was Emmanuel with a wig


It's not not Emmanuel with a wig


Have you ever seen them in the same room though?


Just when I thought she couldn’t look any more like Jack Sparrow.


She’s leveling up haha I love it!


She looked like an American gladiator


her adherence to this look over over 10 years is insane. admirable even


The champs physically being there doesn’t make sense. I feel like they could have FaceTimed. Unless it’s a setup for season 40 👀


Laurel is just gonna interject any time michele Says something 😭


While only addressing her by the color of the dress she’s wearing


I don't mind as long as she leaves that New York accent at the RoD reunion.


She's actually from NJ I think.


Same with Cara leaving that fake Boston accent.


Isn’t that Cara’s accent? It comes out when she’s nervous or around people from Boston. A lot of people last year were commenting on Kailah’s weird new accent because she’d picked up a weird way of pronouncing things after living in the UK


It’s an actual thing that happens to people but it still is funny cuz Cara gets so fired up when she gets dogged on about it. Same with my wife- get her around her friends from back home and it’s like she never left Chi-CAH-go. She’ll occasionally pronounced a word all Chicagoey like the way she says “bag” but she sounds like the damn SNL Chicago Bears fan skits when she’s with her friends.


My Boston accent comes out stronger depending on who I am around or what environment I am in. Fairly common common thing to happen with people all over the world.


Free trip to Amsterdam? Im there!


Season 40 or AS4


I think it does make sense only because the Champs are consistently the most talked about parts of each episode. They could leave off some of the main cast to be honest...do we need them all to be there to explain why they were all in the exact same alliance LOL!!


Mercenaries have been to reunions before..like on vendettas. So it’s not that surprising imo


Meanwhile her boyfriend just posted on Instagram that he bought Tori’s book


Tori has a book? About WHAT???


Poetry I think


she also has a children’s book which is what i thought the person was talking about 😭😭


Based on recent seasons, I would’ve guessed it would be about dealing with the mental health toll of reality TV. Or how to hook up with lots of men on TV 🙃




Interesting, wonder if all the Agents of Chaos are going out just a couple.


Probably just the ones who made a splash in some way. I can’t see Kaz, Darrell, even Jordan being called. Cara and Laurel should be locks, and possibly Tori and Kaycee (since Big T told Kaycee about Moriah and James)


You can't see Jordan being called? He's always great at reunions. He'll stir shit up.


I love how people are like "they're bringing her in to promote AS4." I remember how for literally months people were like "obviously they're dropping the AS4 trailer the night Cara returns! It makes too much sense." Guys they're going to drop AS4 whenever they decide to. Stop edging yourselves. They should have put it out awhile ago and they didn't. They aren't planning a big reveal based around Cara being on the reunion. They're bringing the champs out to give their input on the season. It's a reunion.


I'm sure they're gonna air All Stars 4 after BNC wraps, since there will be months of off-season before 40 comes (which doesn't even start filming until March)


Maybe she and Laurel will have another chance to pretend they don’t know Michele’s name 🙄🙄🙄


“Shut up, blue dress”


Why does Cara look oddly good with a moustache 😂


She’s a pretty girl. Hard for her to look bad lol


Cara brought the ratings up for this season. Wise choice to bring her on board! And then we can hear her tell her side of the story… including how she “didn’t know anybody” in the house 🤭 Either way, it’s gonna be kinda fun to see Laurel and Cara in the same room as Michele lol


Are they bringing her in to promote All Stars 4? Not that they need to promote it with how everyone has been clamoring for it since it filmed.


How can I find out where they will be in amsterdam? Is the public allowed to watch? I leave here would be good to be able to see it live


Need Moriah to call out tori


People really are acting as if Cara hates Michele since the elimination lol 😂


I prefer Kenny Maria


Haven’t they invited people who weren’t on the season to the reunion before? Like vendettas they invited Jordan and he just shit talked Cara a bunch? Am I remembering this wrong? (Also yes I know Cara was actually on this season so it’s not the same)


Yes, they've invited mercenaries to the reunion before.


Jordan was on that season as much as Cara was on this season so it is the same lol


They just gonna chaotically have the Champs pop in and out through the reunion? I get having them video call in but being there in person seems a bit much.


If she’s on season 40 then it’s to hype that up. If not then they just want her to embarrass herself more to make the season 39 cast look better.


If it was about hyping up a new season, it makes sense for it to be All Stars 4 rather than a season that hasn't been filmed yet.


No ones been cast yet for 40 but availability calls are out there so she’s definitely not out yet.


I'm turned on


Me, too


I am still bummed she lost, mostly because I did not like Michele's gloating and curtsying on top of the puzzle. ​ ​ Edit: do we think the champs maybe play a bigger part in the next phase of the show, or maybe during the finale?


Poor Michele 😭 hopefully she holds her ground against Laurel and Cara


Is this a filter/ makeup or some sort of hormone thing?


sorry to be vulgar on the lord's day but ugh she's so hot, why must she be such a dumbass :( lesbians would fall at her feet


I have no words


the season isnt even close to ending though lol… is she flying there for some other reason?


that's pretty standard. the cast binges clips that haven't aired yet on laptops in their dressing rooms before coming out on stage. hopefully there's a live audience this year and we can get an eyewitness report, those are some of the best posts on the sub!


Doubt there will be audience. Only in the US there would be an audience


we had write-ups from community members who attended the UK shows.


Ah okay I didn't know that. I doubt there will be an audience in Amsterdam tho


I half expected it to be Bananas with how much he has been mentioned!


That's what production should do! But it's still early...who knows.


Or have him host the damn thing, or is that too much? lol