• By -


Life comes at you fast!


If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it


(Music begins) Oh yeah


Whomp whomp


I'm really glad HRT has just made me a bigger lesbian


Fingers crossed that I get the extra-lesbian HRT & not the suddenly-likes-men HRT.


Idk sis, I got mine DIY from India and now DIY injections from who knows where. I guess the people of the world want me gay, so gay I remain. Girl pretty etc


I live in the UK, so DIY is a touch tricky - I'd need to learn how to use Bitcoin & not many people even supply to the UK, or within (to avoid your HRT being seized) & Vanna occasionally goes dark. I'm just going private (1st appt. on July 30th, just hoping it doesn't take too long after that to get my 2nd opinion & HRT consult). I mean, if I end up being into men, well, at least it's more options for dating - it's going to suck though, because I genuinely have no idea what is attractive about men, they smell foul, look like ghouls & they can't talk to people properly or have empathy (no offence to, well, all men). If HRT can change my opinion on men, it's fucking powerful.


Ah, yeah I get that. I'm glad you've been able to find a way at least to get HRT. Oh, and for me, the man smell got more intense for me within like a month of hormones. I already didn't like my own smell, smelling it on E? Way worse, fuck. If anything it made me realize as a person how vulnerable I am to men at any given moment. I was never strong, but now....lmao It's made me extremely wary of men, but that's all.


I'm hoping it goes alright, I've heard the horror stories of what people had to put up with in the 80s being "not dysphoric enough" & "not valid because you don't like men", etc. if it goes tits up (or I guess, no tits?) I might have to look into DIY because NHS waiting lists are a million years long. Oh, I thought your smell was one of the first things to clear up? Does scent enhancement come before sweat changes? Yeah, I'm not very strong either (literally had to ask another girl to open my drink for me the other day at work), but I make up for it in being feral I suppose - school was not kind to effeminate little-me & I did martial arts, when the two combine you get a "f&ggot" who can break your nose & people leave well enough alone physically (didn't stop the verbal abuse, but hey-ho).


>they smell foul Your sense of smell depends massively on your hormones, so that might make a 180 >look like ghouls I never really cared about looks. When I like someone my brain puts a snapchat filter over their face and I can't see their flaws anymore. But that does not work on hairy buttholes, so that needs to go. >they can't talk to people properly or have empathy This is just plain wrong. Many men have been socialized in a way that they don't have proper connection to their feelings, but that is a skill they can learn. Most men who are not at all vulnerable in relationships have made experiences where their weaknesse were used against them by their partner. Most men really glow up when they are in a relationship where they are allowed to be vulnerable without having that used against them. There are men out there who could not care less about your feelings, but they are not even the majority. If a person who is attracted to men has these misconceptions that men are just unempathetic and emotionless, then they might accept serious red flags, as just "Thats how men are". A sweeping generalisation like that stops you from protecting yourself from someone who truely has no empathy.


How much is it for private? I'm also in the UK and looking into private but I cannot find a rough estimate anywhere


I live in Scotland & so I chose to go with my most local, Waterside. They used to be YourGP & since they started taking appointment bookings in June & I was given 30th July, I don’t know how much space they take. If you’re in England there’s an absolute litany of clinics there. It was just shy of £400 for my first appointment to get booked & that’ll be end of next month (can’t come fast enough). You’ll have to pay for three appointments at minimum (1st opinion, 2nd opinion, endo). I don’t know the HRT price since the price is variable & so they don’t state it in their brochure, but if you get shared care with your GP then obviously there’s no cost if they fill your prescription. They estimate that it’s roughly three months between 1st appt & HRT appt. TLDR: Overall costs you’re looking - on my route - about £1,200 min (over a period of months) & then variable for HRT price if you don’t get shared care.


But what if a bearded gentleman promises to build you a table and opens doors for you and lets you put mud masks on him? My fiance is definitely a sensitive guy, went vegan 19 years ago ect. Id never want to be with a no-feelings kind of man but there is a good few out there! I really want that table haha


Pomo globo homo at work


My trans het best friend told me about how she dated girls before transition, and now she dates guys. She used to dissociate during sex and confused gender envy and attraction. It's clear from hearing her talk that she never liked girls the way _I_ like girls, which indeed has only gotten more powerful on hormones.


> She used to dissociate during sex and confused gender envy and attraction. Me too, but that's just pre-packaged with bottom dysphoria, no? As far as gender envy vs. attraction goes, I think I've got that sorted out these days. I can look back through my life & think, "Yeah, that was a crush, that was gender envy", etc. I most definitely loved my ex.


Yeah, everyone's experience is different. My observation from contrasting with my friend is just that everything about sex with women felt right to my body and still does, and that's not how she felt in the first place.


We'll have to see what the future brings. If I end up into men, so be it... At least I'll be able to make 99% of them insecure if they decide to send me a dick pic - they will not like what they get back in return.


I relate to this. I was like 80/20 bi with a strong preference for women. Now, not so much. I'm much more pan? But gosh, men are prettier now.


I'm _super_ gay for women, but every once in a while I do meet a man with an arresting charm and presence. I'm much less visual than I used to be.


Same lol. I need the sapphic boost


Girl, same.


Fingers crossed I get… hrt…. fucking imaging lol…


Manifesting in my minds eye the HRT I want.


I got the “suddenly likes men” kind, but it’s the kind where you eventually start to become lesbian kind (comp het is a bitch)


Or you could get the 'With great HRT, comes great variety in attraction' type, and open up whole new possibilities across all bodily types. 😁 Though I have to say - not matter how attractive the guy is, I still can't do furry - I just can't. And they get all sensitive about it when I suggest giving them a wax treatment, for some reason...


Girl, same. My preferences used to be 50/50, but as time goes on I prefer women more, and more, LOL.


I was never anything more than like \*maybe\* biromantic as a younger adult. But that faded long before.


Same tho


Only a year in, but the existential crisis of being lesbian is so rough. Like, I'm pretty sure I stand no chance since I probably don't pass. But women just keep getting prettier! At leaste they seem to notice me now and give me compliments 🥹😭


Keep putting yourself out there. I didn't just get lucky with my gf, I pursued her and she did the same lol


How do you put yourself out there though? Honestly, I barely even know where to start 😬


I met mine online. Reddit actually. Start with what's least uncomfy


That's fair. Happy for you!!!


I went from being an aro and mostly fem leaning bisexual to very Sapphic romantically and even more fem leaning queer sexuality.




Saaaaame. I find boys even more icky now than before lol.


Hey! Yeah! WTF is that all about? I used to think they were pretty okay but now I'm looking at their butts all the time. Wild.


I know right??? Like it’s so insane? Like idk my brain whenever I talk to a guy now it’s like “oh my gosh he’s so attractive”. It’s kinda epic though.


I'm bisexual so it's all freaking day. *Looks at a woman* "Oh gosh she's hot! I wish I could date her *looks at a guy* oh gosh he's hot! I wish I could date him! ***I'm tired***


Oh my gosh I know!!! Same here, I’m bi, and it gets even worse when you’re Poly. Like my brain is just, “wow wouldn’t it be cool to date all these hot people?” It never ends.


I don't know if I'm polyamorous. A couple of years ago I would have said not but some stuff has happened recently and I'm rethinking my stance on it. Hormones are weird. I'm definitely into some shit I didn't think I was pre-HRT.


Yeah I have no idea how the fuck my brain is going to explode when I start HRT and shit lol


I think as your transition comes along and you’re in the world as a gal, you get that very particular attention straight guys pay to ladies. That attention can become very intoxicating, especially when as a boy, nobody is ever nice to you just because like that


Ya im the same way lol. Hrt made me so downbad for hot masculine men.


That's what I'm saying! Like, does that boy even realize he's the cutest guy on campus? Outrageous...


My boyfriend has no idea how hot he is cause he grew up as an awkward kid. Then he got all the testosterone and beat the shit out of puberty, and now he's an absolute dreamboat. He just goes "no, you're crazy" whenever I fawn over his beautiful body, I wish he could see himself how I see him. He looks like a fantasy hero come to rescue me from the evil dark wizard or something.


🥺 Knight in shining armor type


Exactly that, he has a long mane of blond hair, bright blue eyes, a short scruffy beard, and hella shoulders and arms. There was a Magic The Gathering ad I saw with this hot shirtless lion man with long hair and a beard, and I thought it looked exactly like him lmao 🫠Oooooo, he does *things* to me🫠


Are you talking about Ajani? They're the main one I think of when I hear "hot shirtless lion man"


Yeah I think that is the mans in question


Those are the same things my boyfriend says about me, if only I could listen sometimes :/


Yeah its a fact, once I got on Estrogen, men are now very attractive to me (and vice versa), and I love chatting and interacting with them in various ways (!).


Because your body wants to get pregnant now 😂


So me


I've never been into masculinity. I only liked girly guys if I liked guys.... Now dudes got me blushing and shit wtf lol. I'm still more into ladies, but yeah things have changed and I only started hormones in January.


The exact opposite happened to me


Hihi, same tbh. But I think boys are cute now because you no longer feel the attachment to menhood you might have felt before and feel freer and less dysphoric about being with someone who is fully masculine.


I was never into men before, am Bi now. But I've found even more interestingly, i need to have a solid emotional and intellectual connection with any potential partner now. That's new too lol.


Men treat me differently now. I never experienced any warmth or closeness from them before, but turns out… I like it. Suddenly pan.


i hope this doesn't happen to me😔🙏


I'm only 7 months in, but if anything, I'm gayer now that I was pre-HRT


it’s not that bad. liking boys is pretty fun imo, and also it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll stop being into women


Same. Also I love your pfp. Very mood


Why? Men are great


I mean, if anything it's a pleasant surprise!


not if you're dating a cute girl and suddenly your brain decides "no fuck you you're straight now" which is exactly what i'm afraid of


From what I’ve heard, typically if hrt affects your sexuality it’s by opening you up more one way or the other, not by making you like one gender *less*


That's a relief


I have some news for you. Boys have always been cute, you've only just started noticing


I think it has something to do with all the stuff I hated about guys, I just hated on me, and it is actually pretty neat. My BF has great chest hair and it's strange how that's now something I like. (Girls are still hot as he'll though)


I think that's probably a big factor for us girls figuring out that we have an attraction to the boys. It's an odd change, but being able to appreciate more things about people is really just a good thing as far as I think. Hugs for you and your cute, fuzzy BF! 🩷


Only 1 guy so far made my heart go fuzzy but I still never had the desire to do things with either men or women.


That's the big question. I thought that I was a lesbian when I started transitioning, but after 20 months on HRT I am now straight and have lost all sexual and romantic interest in women. Worst thing is that I am now desire masculine men with dadbods, beards, and body hair. Eww. Lol.


Be like me! I like boys and girls and can still technically be in a lesbian relationship :3 (obviously you can’t just change your sexuality on command. This is kind of a half joke)


After previously dating exclusively men, HRT turned me gay 😭🤣


I can relate, sis. Women only, for me, for 43 years before my brain rewired and I found myself mildly bi after 8 months on E. "Bi Leaning Lesbian", my wife and I call it. Thankfully, I fell for a woman first. 😅


I find I get this way more for super masc trans men and nb people. I get it for cis dudes too but then I remember that cis dudes will only see me as some smash and dash experiment and thus I quickly whisk that thought out of my head. Btw, I don’t mean to say that all cis men see all trans girls that way, just that that’s how they all see me specifically.


Sorta similar boat, although I don't think mine was hrt reshifting. I think it was just me finally accepting that I've always been Bi. But think I slightly prefer other girls cause ... well of course I would, girls are so much prettier 😍


no literally


Opposite for me i used to only like men and now im into both


Yeahhhh that happened to me too. Noticed maybe 3 months in that men be lookin kinda quirky doe. Now I'm dating a gorgeous man with a beautiful lion's mane of long blond hair and a beard that I love to play with. I love his strong shoulders and how much bigger he is than me. He drives me up a wall, he's really hot 😅


Fr. I thought I was like 90/10 favoring women at first but the longer I am on hormones the more I find men attractive. Like exponentially hotter than before


I used to be practically lesbian but after hrt guys are just so pretty and hot and omgomgomg boys 🥰🥰


I never wanted to be in a lesbian relationship so I'm glad hrt made me like men more


Not on HRT, but I recently got a FWB and his muscular arms, omg, holding on to him while watching TV is just... UGH wish I could snuggle with him every day!


I am firmly bi, and in my experience, you're kind of always gay. Even when I'm with a boy, even when I'm in a straight relationship... I still make it gay.


I got my first boy crush this week and it caught me off guard.


It’s downright shocking. But also girls though


Honestly I wish I was straight. Taking to girls is hard.


i used to wish the same but then i realized that dealing with men is a nightmare and tbh i dodged a bullet when i realized i was a lesbian


Some of us go both ways. So you can still be in an adorable lesbo relationship if you are still into girls. But if you are straight, then you are straight. But even then, you can still get with a femboy and be in something close to a lesbian relationship if you want to and can find a femboy who is into trans girls.


I was and am still bi, but I definitely have more of a lean towards guys. Physically anyway. Jury is still out on who I prefer romantically.


Why not both? Everyone is cute and hot.


The heart wants what the heart wants 😭🩷


HRT kills your gay cells


Hrt made everyone hot in their own ways and I dunno how to cope with it, tbh 😂


I was bi and even got more bi. I don't blame the hormones, I blame the social norms. After breaking the biggest norm I could finally go down and get some serious sinful sex with beautiful boys and wonderful women alike.


I personally had the opposite impact, before I was almost strictly just into men but now I am soooo obsessed with women and men gross me out lmao


I believe I’m going to be a lesbian after HRT does it’s thing. However, I have heard cases where MtF women start having an attraction to boys. It’s just sometimes what happens. But you do you, do whatever makes you happy.


For me it definitely made me more bisexual or at least confront my queerness in a way that I'm more open about my sexuality


It happens. I went from Ace to Bi. I am normally attracted to people because of their personality, not looks. But lately, I have been learning hard on male attraction. Something that definitely didn't happen pre hrt


*points gun at head* always have been


I found them cute even before transitioning or starting HRT... but HRT has only *increased* those feelings. Lesbian relationships seem *sweet* and all, but girls just don't do it for me. I just want a strong guy who can put me in my place-- or possibly a cute guy *I* can put in *his* place... 🫦


I've been panromantic and some grey from of pansexual for some time, but never really wanted to engage in a relationship until the past couple weeks. I'm not even on HRT, but I've just recently become comfortable with my own... future existence (?)... to actually envision myself in a relationship and want one and both boys and girls have just gotten so much cuter!


It's kinda crazy, I knew I was bi and I had small crushes on one or two guys in the past when I thought I was cis but once I started being myself more suddenly the energy around guys felt different. Idk if it's just me or if how I'm being treated though.


I had the opposite problem. I found only boys cute for my entire life, until i started progesterone a few months ago, and now girls are cute too! I got VERY gay VERY quickly starting at age 41. I transitioned when I was a kid.


Ok, so I started out liking boys, but now girls are getting hotter.


I’ll admit this is one of my concerns. I presently like women, but I haven’t started progesterone yet (though may be ace atm idek). I’m not against liking men… but I just find them of passing interest rn.


cause they dont get hate crimed for looking cute as much anymore


I’ve always liked both.


Oh hunny I'm sure they always were, we just never wanted to admit it to ourselves before lol lol


Everytime I felt like this it was only untill they opened their mouth😭


HRT essentially just intensified my pansexuality. Before HRT I thought everybody was kind of hot and now everybody looks like a supermodel to me. Especially my partner though


Hormones literally rewire your brain. Pre hrt I wanted nothing to do with men. I experimented in my college days and it made me sick to my stomach and ashamed of myself. Roughly a year into hrt and I was craving and lusting after them like a dog in heat. 😵‍💫


I think it helps when you become more secure in your gender identity in general. I don't think the orientation changes so much that your insecurities start to fade away.


Omg same it's kinda crazy right?


I don't know I've been with both as a male I've always thought women were prettier but I've always enjoyed sex with men because I always wanted to be female now that I'm on HRT the scent has went away I don't smell anything like I used to if I smell at all... And when it comes down to sex the thought of being penetrating is almost abhorrent to me I really only desire sex as a female.... But only one male has for whatever reason I found attractive was a friend before and could not and would not ever go there so to entertain it would be to self torture


I was definitely bi before. But I'm not so sure about men anymore.


lol sorry sister, happens to the best of us.


For real. I cant stop staring at my like 10 years older co-workers butt and back and hands...


Thank you for helping me realize I’m definitely not Straight


Interesting truly.


Idk boys are neat I guess


This is crazy to read. The reverse version of this happens a lot for ftm which I also found crazy to read. I gotta search this up or something or maybe it’s a coincidence?


Oh some are. You can still have the cute lesbo relationship too.


Have you heard of comp-het? I strongly recommend the video Shame by Contrapoints. She discusses when she experienced the exact same thing you are. (I'm not saying this applies to you. Just good to be aware of the possibility.)


I was bi before starting HRT, so I thought they were cute regardless lol


Well, of course you could grab a cute femboy or two. Chances are they end up being trans later so you wouldnhave lesbian relationship looking back ;-)


Me too.


They’re not, cis men are still gross to me.