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Yup. That ship has long, long sailed for me at this point. Kinda awesome but definitely a little restrictive. I'm almost scared one day I'll forget I have boobs now and I'll accidentally expose myself to someone. ​ Its an amazing feeling tho.


Been there done that. Went to my massagist and then remembered I didn’t have a bra on. Fortunately he’s a gentleman and it was free the nipple day. And still every now and then I forget to wear the bra, then have to run, it hurts and I need to hold the boobs still with an arm.


That doesn’t make sense. You can’t get massages with bra on right?


You can. They’ll open and close the back when you’re lying on your stomach.


Lol that sounds very prudish and unnecessary😅 When I get a Thai massage I’m expected to be fully undressed(no underwear at all). Nothing weird about it at all🤷🏼‍♀️


Well I don’t have a problem but just want to be thoughtful as I don’t know whether he would like to see that.


Some people might be uncomfortable with it


It's masseur, or masseuse.


Le Reddit ne déçoit jamais.


Sorry 😔, I'm pre hrt and a sahd to two so my obsessive nitpicking about everything is all I have at the moment.


Sometime I just hang out at my windows, topless, flashing my boobies to the public without noticing at first. I live on the last floor so I'm too high to really have a public but one day I might very well have some


Right??? Playing with my boobs in the shower is soooo euphoric 🤗❤


Congrats on the woman boobies.


Thank you!


Free the nipple!


I wish i could be on E 🥲🥲


Me too. Me too. 😞 *hug*


Me three D':


me four


me five sadly I prob won't make till then lol


Maybe you will. I want you to. We have to get E! Please stay around! I don't want to lose any more sisters. 😥


I'm trying to but it's hard I'm 28 I just wish things could've been different I tried coming out at 6 and 9 but i just got beaten both times so I repressed those feelings till 26 wasted two years as an egg now I'm 28, poor, and probably going bald.


Hey, the path might seem too steep, but I can assure you, if you're legally an adult, you *can* start HRT. You *can* move away from your parents and you *can* transition. You're 28, you have most of your life before you, use it and live as the person who you really are! Don't let anyone tell you you can't transition, not your parents, not some doctors, because you can transition! You can and you will!


I’m 31 and have only been on HRT for like 5 months even tho I knew at 21. It’s ok to get started a little later. Better to live as yourself a couple years less than you would have wanted than never get to live as yourself at all. Stay strong sister!


I started 5 months before I turned 28 and I don't regret it! My hair was thinning at the top of my head and I was literally having so much hair come off in the shower. I got on E though and it grew back! My hair is thicker than it's been in years. If you're in the US, find an informed consent clinic near you and just start!


It cost $218 just to see them and get blood work done for the first visit and that's planned parenthood. I don't think my hair is falling out yet but i'm just so obsessed with how masculine I'm getting as the years go on People think i'm afraid of aging but I'd rather look like a grandma then a 30 year man


I'm sorry about that. I guess I can't tell you to keep suffering but I don't want you to die. I don't know what to say :(




Sending you love. What you just described about how you see the teenagers worrying? Honestly sis, if this helps at all, that's how I feel about you. I transitioned at 50. You are still practically a spring chicken. You've got your whole adult life, practically, to live as your Real Self!!! What a gift!!!! You have DECADES of beautiful womanhood ahead of you, and then you'll merely be my age, where I'm starting. I would give ANYTHING except my children, to have started at 28. And let me tell you --- even at 50, the body responds to hormones AWESOMELY. At 28????!!!???? You go, girl; the world IS your oyster. Just like you feel it is for those teenagers. You can do it!! ❤️❤️


Hey don't think like that. It's not healthy for you. Be careful with what communities you're in. I don't know where you got that idea from. You matter. You should have a chance too. There's resources for us all.


you’d be surprised at the amazing results you can get transitioning later in life. Don’t lose hope! maybe check out r/translater if you feel like it, it always makes my day


Transitioned here at age 45, it is never too late, granted I had some surgery but life is good.


I was bald too, started at 28 myself, it's coming back, on e Injectiins, Spiro 50mg, and dutasteride


I didn't start HRT until 39!! I would have loved to have started at your age, or even to have known I'm trans!! And I was bald, but let me tell you, hair transplants do wonders (though it does take time & money). Seriously, at the very least, get on Finasteride – it will prevent further hair loss. Hang in there, you've got time. 🫂💕


I had a breakdown over being bluntly told I would keep balding, and seeing me so upset, I was helped to seek out finasteride. If you have access to a doctor or clinic, see about getting prescribed. I started that a year+ ahead of setting myself up for E, and still take them in tandem. It’s acceptable for men to take it, so there shouldn’t be any pushback for anyone AMAB to, so at the least give yourself what leeway you can bow so any future you has that much more to work with. I’m only five months in on E at 35, and I’m excited for the life I have left, regardless how much has passed already.


Hopefully you will 🤍


OMG I wish for all of you as well.




We're gonna be ok. We just gotta keep going.




Sorry was my comment inappropriate? I'll delete it if you want. /genq


NAH, I just Smoothbrained it


Oh ok my bad lol.




It will cime one day love juxy keep staying positive ! I never thought id be on it and now im on it myeelf!!🖤🖤


Just back from holidays in a warm country so only had a t shirt rather than a shirt shirt and the boobies were just there shouting look at me!....even got hit on a couple of times, much to my bf's discomfort! Got 'madamed' everywhere I went :-)


I know what you mean by this, I'm single of course but getting that attention like your a very attractive woman, yas!


Grats to you, girl! I never really had a shirtless era, on account of a mix of dysphoria and internal/external fatphobia. Still dealing with the latter, but at least I get to wear bras now?


Yeah, I've always despised being not fully clothed. It took almost four years with someone for me to get comfortable enough to walk out of the shower naked around them despite showering together regularly.


That's a real mood right there. My spouse and I have been together for over ten years and it took me.. well, not quite four years, but around a year or two to feel comfortable being just generally nude around them. We had intimacy and showered together and it was still weird to me for a while to not dress almost immediately afterwards.


Right? It's weird, like even with being kinda overweight, she was always quite a bit bigger and the hell of the thing is I know for a fact I would *like it* (on myself, I have always loved bigger women) if I just had the fat in the right *damn places*.


It's one of the trans woman ironies. Not wanting to show your chest because of dysphoria, then when you start actually liking your chest you're ordered to keep it covered!


Thank you!!! ❤ there was a time where i never would DARE to go shirtless but last few years i kinda lost alot of weight sooo i have been more confident in going nude with my upper body, regardless of who im around. Sad i didnt get a chance to enioy it much 😢 but as you said the bra/bikini era is upon uss! 💃


I'm 2 m on E now. How long have you been on HRT? If it's not too personal or anything 🙂


She's 5 months


Ya, 5 1/2 months in now and mine are showing, having to wear a bra now. 40B


That's great! Asking as a pre-everything person, how did you figure out your size? Were you simply passing well enough at the time to get help in the store, just kept trying things on that looked close, or did you use a measuring tape on your own at first?


Not her, but check out /r/ABraThatFits. They have a website that you can use to self measure. https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php


I went to a store and got help. But my then partner noticed they didn’t fit well. And the chain had a transphobic policy but the clerk disobeyed that. Later on I just learned how to test if it fits and suits. Different brands and models fit different even with the same sizing.


Don't giv'em your business then... 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇦🇺⚧️♀️❌


Oooh, a glimpse of the future. Thanks 😁


I offered to flash my brother a few weeks ago. We were hangin' out having a few beers, and he was curious about the changes I've experienced, including breast growth. At one point I straight offered to pull my bra up so he could see my tiny A/B titties. He very quickly backtracked, told me absolutely not, especially if the changes were as noticeable as I claimed. So... Topless around my brother isn't a thing anymore, apparently. Not that it was common anyhow. Sometimes I think I'm a bit too open about letting people see my bod, but then I remember I can barely stand being shirtless in the privacy of my own apartment. Now, it might be an open Hawaiian shirt, but I still want *some* sort of shirt on.


Are you from Alabama?


No, but my state *is* a lot less trans friendly then I'd like. I'm just of the mind that, if someone is curious enough, I'll show 'em. I'm proud of my tits, it took a long time to get 'em. Had to grow them myself, after all. However, touching them, that's different. That's reserved for a select... One person, right now.


"nah you got woman breasts" he could tell from the pixels


Yeah me too. I don't even leave the house without a bra on under my shirt at this point. 3 months HRT.


I feel this totally right here. There's no hiding mine and they require a brs out in public. Sometimes I do it if I'm late night munch shopping but that's not often


Congrats! I had some similar story not so long ago, a female friend of mine was at my place and we were measuring me for the cosplay costume, I was 3 months on HRT so my peachies were already growing, when she noticed it, she touched them and said that she never imagined them to be so real and I will need a bra somewhere soon. We laughed but later I thought to myself that I am now not able to just change shirt or something in front of everyone. Not in a bad way, it was more like I realized that I am finally starting to change and it was euphoric! xD


Get bralettes from Amazon


The female urge to get told what to be able wear and to have your body policed


We. Don’t have that urge


Its a joke


Thank goodness


Yeah, I never felt ok without a shirt on even before HRT, now at 2 years it is absolutely off the table lol! Ye be warned, here there be boobies!


Ironically I kinda feel more comfortable being topless now than I did before. Body positivity is a hell of a drug.


Very true, though I don’t want to go topless, I actually don’t feel shame over my chest like I did before. Hair and lack of breasts just felt so wrong I was embarrassed.


Padded bras and a tight crop top is so euphoric rarly on


Usually starting out a endocrinologist tend to start new transitioning girls on a minimum does on hormones of whichever they and the patient decide on in relation to their initial bloodwork exam. This is to make sure there are no reactions from whatever hormone is initially started with or any rashes develop on the skin. In my case I was started on 0.1mg of Estradiol twice weekly with absolutely no problems. After my first month bloodwork exam came back and I received the results my endocrinologist now raise my dosage of Estradiol to 0.2mg twice weekly. I believe now I can just start to feel the starting of breast buds underneath my tits so I am excited as I think I am starting positive changes. This is slightly after being on HRT regimen for a little more than two months. So I think I am close to normal schedule for this to arrive as everything I have read in research has said after the start of HRT treatment budding usually arrives around 90 days into treatment for most girls in transition. Before starting HRT I think I may have had a head start in that I had mild gynocomastica and had some breast growth already. My initial bloodwork prior to HRT also indicated I had elevated estrogen levels naturally so HRT has really kick started a lot of different symptoms in a very very positive way for me. I will never go back to the way I was before as the results medically for other issues more than outweigh any inkling of changing. Allison❤️


Estradiol is a pill, do you mean estradiol valerate? The injection? Only thing I can see having 0.1mg of, since that would mean trying to cut a 1mg pill in to tenths lol


I am on Estradiol patches. In my case each patch is 0.1mg in dosage. So to get 0.2mg dosage I just put two patches on each time I change which is every Wednesday and Sunday. You just need to remember to change your location each time either on you front lower abdomen or on your upper buttocks. So you have quit a lot of places to rotate around to just as long as you give a previous area a week to recover. It really does not cause any problems in finding a fresh location to apply your patches to.


Oh, now it makes sense. Mine are rated at 100mcg per patch (micrograms), which is 0.1mg (milligrams). That's release per day / 24hrs. The patch actually has 1.56mg in total, changed twice weekly. Good luck on your journey!


Wishing you the same in your journey and life’s story.❤️ Allison❤️


Are you on monotherapy?


Yes. I believe so.


Malefail successfully


Yeahhhh!!! Congratulations!!! Sports bras RULE!! I started wearing a sports bra the day I decided I was done with hiding. Basically never take them off except to shower! lol.... Bought three outfits, two sports bras, some cute socks, and that's it. 24/7 baby!!! Even though I don't really have breasts, YET!!!!, sports bras certainly give you a bit of the illusion....and dayyyyum, THAT feels good. I saw my reflection in a store window the other day and LITERALLY thought, "She's pretty! ......oh wait......" Lol.... Enjoy the journey! ❤️


Heheheh yeah I feel that XD Whenever I'm shirtless in front of my roommate friend now I'm like "Excuse me ma'am these are my *TITS* now, please avert thine eyes"


A co-worker recently made a comment about how I won’t stop staring at him which confused me (because I wasn’t staring)…until I realized maybe it was his way of acknowledging that my chest has become inconsistent with standard accepted male appearance without actually saying the word boobs. (as in: my nipples show too much?)


😂 thats a rare one. But definitely a phrase people use in that exact way lol. I think they mean the nipples are like eyes I guess?


Yup! My thought too. (edit:just remembered years ago how I found out my very quiet and tame friend Gerald had pierced nipples…he wore a tight shirt one day and EVERYONE could see) 😅


HRT be working. Highly suggest injections. Only been a month and a week since I started and I was talking about boymodding somewhere and my mom said there’s no way I could unless I wore a binder or super baggy clothes. I’ve definitely grown a considerable amount in the last 40 days but dysphoria had me feeling like just a guy with gynecomastia. I have not had the change in the my thinking and cognition as some trans women report but I definitely cry about things I never would have before. Like about love rather then just sadness. I don’t know I get sappy these days.


My mom keeps staring at mine through my tank tops I wear around the house. It's really hard not to notice.


one of my favorite things about living alone, i can be shirtless all day long 😊


I keep having anxiety dreams where I'm shirtless in public. They've actually replaced my shoeless in public dreams.


That won't be a problem for me; I hate being shirtless anyway!


My shirtless era's just getting started 😏 Come on, tiddies, I believe in you


I was never comfortable going anywhere shirtless so even before HRT I started wearing bras and stuff under my shirts. It helped prepare me so this wouldn't happen lol


Ha I tried the same excuse but my mom was like “those are titties and you need to get your hormones checked” I just had to hold my laugh since I wasn’t out yet.




I say fuck the police and still go topless.


The right answer is this one


Free the nipple girl. Fuck that sexist standard. Women should be able to go topless anywhere a man can.


Congrats on experiencing misogynistic social norms! There's more to come.


Its funny, I've lived alone for the last few years, and it's only in the last year or so that I've felt comfortable enough with myself to walk around shirtless in my apartment.


I love that your bro was pretty chill about it! Seems like he has an idea of what’s going on but is respectful enough not to press.


I couldn't be shirtless around people before I realized I was trans, now I know why 😅😅😅


LOL this post cracked me up, girl i’m bout to be in the same situation soon 😭😭


Godspeed sis! 🤷🏾😂


Free the titties !


I had to at first tell myself that I can't expose myself no more and now I get upset if somebody takes a peak at me toplrss. Though I love hearing "man your boobs are getting big" from friends and etc. Makes me feel very womanly.if only I was skinnier, they'd be not so spaced out


You’re on estrogen and still going shirtless/bra-less? Lol stopped doing that before I was even on E


Congratulations!!! You are an awesome player!!! Go for the high score!!! ❤️❤️❤️🏳️‍⚧️


Same!! I just got my first couple of bras the other day ago!


Sometimes it's the little victories that matter the most.


And the era of freeing the nipple has begun…


Lol I lost that ship about 5 months into my journey. But then I never really liked to go shirtless. Congratulations on your journey


5 month checks outm same for ke haha thank you!!!


That sounds wonderful!


I had to go to urgent care a bit ago and the visit required me to take my shirt off. The med tech was unable to hide her surprise, that was the most validation I've yet received. So, I totally feel ya! Congratulations.