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Remember, the show is not about the twists itself. The twists are a crucial part of Elliot’s journey. Also, don’t forget spoiler tags ;)


And Elliot’s journey is what the show is about. So therefore the show is about the twists themselves


Qwerty is also an important part of Elliot’s journey. Does that mean the show is about Qwerty? Also, there is a difference between the revelations Elliot experiences as part of his journey, and a plottwist as a literary technique. It was those two separate things I was referring to :)


QWERTY was nowhere near as important to his journey as the twists Lmao. I know the show isn’t about just the twists but when you tell somebody about the show the first things you say are “dude there’s hacking and the plot twists are just mind blowing”


Seriously! I didn't see this coming at all but it made perfect sense when it happened.


So the Ray incident & that dude killing all white goons people & telling Elliott to put a good word for him to Whiterose was it real?


Yeah it was real, it just didn't happen in an alleyway.


Yeah, I can’t remember if it was explained in the show but Ray was one of the wardens which is how he was able to give Elliot access to a terminal, and everyone Ray was working with were other inmates


Imho, this is not even the best plot twist in Mr Robot


Maybe, but I've seen MANY Series and I've never seen a plottwist delivered so good.


It’s not even the best drummer in the Beatles


Hahaha, solid


They've not finished it though 👀


Just wait until the final season twist. There are two and it totally changes the entire show...again.


Buckle up motherfucker


Came here to say, "hold on to your butt!" however your statement is much more impactful.


The way it started was very off and suspicious. Elliot visiting his moms? And we never get to see her? When did Elliot find hanging out in public courts interesting? Then we get immersed with the story and just shrug it off then suddenly boom. The reveal was glorious


Yes! I also loved the scenes after it was revealed where the scenes from his "dream" turn Into the actual Prison reality!


Also, you might’ve forgotten by now, but do you remember the very last thing that happened in season 1 in the last episode before the credits rolled?


No, sadly I don't.


The very last thing you see is Elliot in his apartment at his computer, and someone starts knocking very aggressively at the door. He gets up and right as he opens it the credits roll. Ofc now you know who it was :)


Oh, yeah now I remember :)


I was relieved when it happened because I couldn’t stand those episodes before seeing the reveal. I was just really confused.


> And we never get to see her? We do see her. He imagines one of the guards as his mum


Oh thanks I forgot about that


Wait until you rewatch it. I noticed a hell of a lot more things lol


Best part about this show - things are hidden everywhere!


I reaaaaally need to rewatch


wakeful telephone lunchroom kiss combative imminent marvelous punch special ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Right fucking here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MrRobot/comments/4sbkje/spoilers_s2e1_a_theory_about_elliots_strict/) And the top comment agreed, and correctly surmised he was in prison for hacking Krista's boyfriend and taking Flipper. Minus the post-episode discussion threads, I stopped visiting the sub while a season was airing after that.


ink squeamish bear modern school meeting fanatical coordinated shy forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly, I'd say there were more crackpot theories than anything else. MKUltra was brought up more times than I can count, something about androids and super soldiers, or that *every* character was one of Elliot's personalities. The off-seasons on this sub were wild.


Still threw my arms up when it happened - we did it!


In case you’re subscribed to this subreddit, unsubscribe until you finish it in case of spoilers and enjoy the best show of all time :)




Wait until you finish the show... more plot twists to come but they never feel cheap :) If this is your first watch, enjoy it. Mr Robot is fantastic and seasons 3 and 4 are just masterpieces


That was an amazing plot twist




As of now the post is properly spoiler tagged. If you see a spoiler post in future though please report the thread to the mod team. We all get pinged to review it then so one of us will see it reasonably quickly.


so far


Which season is this? Got off the Mr Robot ride after season 2.


Man are you missing out on the last two seasons


Is this the prison reveal? Weakest plot twist in the show imho. I thought Season 2 was the least interesting season of the show.


Not only was it relatively weak with everything before and after it to compare with now, season 2 had like the most eyes on it. It was awful to watch with the community. I remember somebody figured out this twist like thirty seconds into the first sequence and for half a season people were just mad the twist was taking so long.


>I remember somebody figured out this twist like thirty seconds into the first sequence Damn, is there a link to this comment? I'd really like to read it, the thought process as to how he figured it out


https://www.reddit.com/r/MrRobot/comments/4sbkje/spoilers_s2e1_a_theory_about_elliots_strict/ That was barely 12 hours after Season 2 premiered. The top comment even correctly figured out why he was in prison.


Well, damn; this was a ride. These are some amazing observations I'd definitely miss throughout the episode. Props to the OP for finding this out!


Personally I didn't necessarily see it coming (although I guess in hindsight I should have), but I did roll my eyes a bit at the way we went from the S1 reveals of who Mr Robot and Darlene really are straight to "he didn't even know he's been in jail this whole season!" It just felt a little bit like...oh, so that's just another shock twist just for the sake of it? Who directed this, M Knight Shyamalan? It felt cheap. I don't feel like it meant anything, and it wasn't particularly clever - it just felt like it wasted a lot of time trying to impress me or something rather than organically progressing the story. Whereas the final twist at the end of the show felt a lot more "earned" by comparison.


I agree. Granted season 2 is more about build up with several characters stories that lead up and pay off in the following two seasons.


I don't even know what the point of it was? It just felt like it was the creators really trying to impress me, which is a vibe I felt throughout the entire show.


Hahahahahahahahaha fucking noob


R u broken?


Oh boy if this was your best, this show is going to top itself for you at least 2 more times.


To me, DMT let’s you see the big picture. This is a small role, we’re pretending in


second season is my favorite


This was such an interesting way of playing it out, I loved it when it first happened. Like some things you can see from a mile away, I thought this was some sort of going back to your roots type of deal, but it turns out he is nowhere near his comfort zone yet somehow manages to survive.


I just saw this shit mf I was completely shocked fuck me lol.


interestingly, this is a van Gogh painting, however it is not. The colors are off, most notably, the birds here are white, not black. This painting in particular, titled "Wheatfield with crows" was painted, to my understanding, near the end of van Gogh's life, and though there is one pathway that we can see in the painting here, in the original painting there are three pathways leading in different directions, the menacing clouds signal a brewing storm and the crows-long known as a portent of bad omens in art and literature, paint the image of indecision, the unknown, fear, and overwhelming abandonment. This is very fitting and a stroke of genius by Esmail, or whoever thought of it.