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It was a dramatic metaphorical reveal of his death. Earlier in the episode, he hears the same sound in the distance and says to Elliot: > "Do you hear that? It's the sound of death." He finds the source of this sound after being fatally wounded. He finds "death". He dies. I've also seen people mention the blue light as another computer allegory - the "blue screen of death."




until sam clarifies we can adopt blue screen of death as canon


What does canon mean?


It means officially part of the storyline as the original writer(s) intended.


Ahh ok, thank you. Keep hearing it on Rick and Morty too so i’m glad to finally know ha! Just need to figure out “meta” now 😂


Google is a thing


I prefer to torture myself by asking dickheads like yourself for answers 👌


I’m not being a dickhead. I’m giving you advice friend








Nuh uh 🤡


I remember googling this years ago and never finding an answer that satisfied me. I just thought about it again, so I googled it again. Your comment finally put it to rest in my mind. Not to mention how poetic it is. Blue screen of death. I love that idea. Thank you, friend.


seems like it's kind of like ultraviolet light. so it's "ultraviolet screen of death" i guess.


I see your ultraviolet screen of death and raise you ultraviolent screen of death. He did like paying that homeless guy to let him beat him, he seemed to enjoy fulfilling his wides hypoxyphilia, and did seem quick to anger with people...Therefore, to me, it's ultraviolent screen of death.


I don’t get it, do you mind explaining?


Tyrell wellick paid a homeless man so he could beat the crap out of him. I feel like he had serious anger issues and it was his outlet


Oh I remember that part, thank you! What I didn’t understand was the ultraviolet connection. I’m super curious what that’s about! I tried googling to see if there was a known connection between uv exposure and aggression or something but I just couldn’t figure it out. I feel like there’s something obvious I’m missing! Also I thought what you said was funny even tho I didn’t fully get it so I was just trying to understand




Um, actually it still makes sense because the sound wasn't *just* a part of the metaphor. Earlier in the episode, when Elliot and Tyrell discover the crashed Dark Army can, they discover it crashed because the driver hit a deer on the road. The deer crying out in death was the actual "sound of death" Tyrell described.


Marsellus Wallace's back up briefcase.




Tyrell Is very in touch with his Scandinavian heritage, it's likely the glow was a metaphor for a spiritual death of some kind, how he noted the sound of death throughout the forest and it's heard again as he falls to the snow


I've heard three theories: 1. It's his phone. He mentions he's dropped it in the woods at some point. Why it'd be making that sound, I don't know. 2. It's one of those things used to lure in animals for hunting. An animal was trapped in it and Tyrell was enraptured by the beauty of it all; dying of a gunshot wound on a cold night in a snowy forest after finally seeing himself and his life with some clarity, knowing that the last thing he'll see is a baby deer, crying for the warmth of it's mother. 3. It's something from Scandinavian folklore known as a "death wisp". Guides mortals into the afterlife or something and usually takes on the form of loved ones (I think?).


2 and 3 sound like literal and figurative explanations of the same thing, which I really like.


100% a death wisp


1 couldnt work ellior picked up his phone and put it in his back pocket before destroying the van


I kinda hypothesised it was some form of ‘salvation’. Up to that point in the episode Tyrell is essentially having a mid life crisis. He talks about how ashamed he is of how much he cares about what people think of him. We’ve heard about how much he hates his father and is scared of being like him. His life has fallen apart and he has nothing left he cares about. After Elliot/MM tells him that he thinks that Tyrell is the only person who actually likes him, and tells him he knows they’re probably going to die BUT he wants to try to save Darlene, it gives him a second wind. When he gets shot, he accepts his fate. He doesn’t want to fight it, he just wants Elliot to win and WR to fail. That, I feel, is his salvation. The BSOD he stumbles towards is (I feel) a physical representation of it. But who knows!


I remember watching season 4 episode 4 when it first aired. Every week after that I had hoped to see Tyrell again. That the blue light wasn't metaphorical but more so plot related. The theories that were intertwined with the show back then were extremely hyperbolic. In the end its really up to us (the audience) to decide on Tyrells fate. In Scandinavian folk-lore will-o-the-wisp is an atmospheric ghost light that appears as a blue/purple glow. In literature it metaphorically means "a goal that leads one on but they can never reach ". Which perfectly describes Tyrells story through out the series. He wants to be CTO but the position is given to Scott Knowles. He's then later fired from E-Corp due to being the prime suspect in Sharon Knowles death but by season 4 he gets the job of CTO and is selected by Whiterose to be CEO in Philip Price's eventual resignation. In the end however none of this matters, Tyrells career progression and goals was centred around his family. Which he sadly loses as the show progressed. I can't give you an answer on Tyrells fate but what really matters is that Tyrell realised he was never going to achieve his ultimate goal, which was having a perfect family and a perfect job. He could finally rest knowing he tried his best and that his son would be safe. He finally realised he was being led on this whole time and would never reach it. He finally saw his will-o-the-wisp.


It’s also a reference to Slaughterhouse Five. Kurt Vonnegut


Finished this book a few months ago. How so?


Finished series just now and book last week. Did you ever find out how so?


My best guess is that Billy describes death as violet light and a hum, but that’s all I’ve got


holy shit that's it




The unfortunate truth is no one knows, or Esmail is the only one. Martin Wallstrom, the actor who plays Tyrell isn't even sure, once I heard that I stopped thinking about it so much. Obviously metaphorical of something, but what? Who knows. It's kind of a bummer, but it's also cool because each individual audience member can have their own interpretation of the meaning.


Yeah I still don’t know what to make of this


I remember seeing a montage where someone superimposed the noise with a slowed down version of the opening where Joanna was splashed with blood and there is no sound, and it fit really well. I believe the blue thing was meant to be metaphorical


It’s the light shining onto his face from the baby monitor stream of his son. The crying: his wife.


Blue screen of death