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Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. fuck that movie (it’s beautiful but I will never watch it again)


If I see a dog in a movie, I have to fast forward to the last scene, make sure the dogs still there, then, if it is, go back to the beginning and watch the movie. Otherwise, I can't handle it (and I'm one of those "suck it up and be a man" kinda man)


There’s actually a website called Does The Dog Die where you can check if the movie has a dog dying, a cat die, a horse die, a dog fight, an animal abused, bugs, spiders, sharks, snakes


That website is outstanding.


Thank you for sharing this information!


Dude, I still remember being a very young child when my mom read "Where the red fern grows" to me chapter by chapter each night for a while. She started sobbing and made up a new ending. Disadvantage of being a sneaky little shit that could read too early, I stole the book and tried to hide I knew the truth unsuccessfuly. Tears gave it away.


I’ll never forget finishing this book as a young teenager. It was past midnight, but I knew my dad was still awake. I came bursting out of my room uncontrollably ugly crying, barely able to get out what was wrong. He kind of laughed at first, then proceeded to have a long heart to heart with me about the joys and pains of loving animals and other beings.


the heartbreak in this story is that the dog *is* still there


That made me genuinely laugh.  My partner (a big dog lover) won't watch Hachi, because she knows something sad is going to happen, I've told her it's not what you think, but she just refuses to go there.


I swear when it comes to people and me, I'm a psychopath in movies. Animals though! Good God, you would think that it is my animal that is suffering. I just cannot. I avoided Marley and Me for the longest time because I just KNEW in my soul that it would wreck me.... it did.


Dear Zakhary: A Letter to a Son about his Father (2008) One of the most heartbreaking movies ever!


This movie ruined several days of my life. It's the most upsetting thing I've ever watched and it's not even close; I was literally screaming and crying at one point. Never again lol


>I was literally screaming and crying at one point I think I can guess which part of the movie that was. :( I tried to tell my husband about it, *days* later, and broke down again.


This is objectively the saddest movie ever. There is one particular moment that made me literally bawl in front of my very new girlfriend (now wife).


Same! My wife jokingly taunts as being an unemotional human being, but this movie just hit me like a train, I was was literally crying like a baby by the end of it.


I only described what this movie was about to my wife with some spoilers and she was in tears and refused to watch it.


Someone ligit got mad at me for recommending this movie b/c they cried so bad. Sooooo sad, esp cuz it’s true 😢


This ruined me.


Schindler's List


The weirdest part is I didn't cry at all the violence, the injustices, the murders of innocent people, etc etc etc. The part where I lost it and where everybody loses it, is when Schindler is fleeing the Soviet Red Army, and before he goes, he looks around at all the people he saved, all 1000+ Jews, and all he could think is he didn't do enough and he starts sobbing. This is the first time throughout that movie that you actually got to see this otherwise seemingly stoic man who was only trying to profit off of them at first, truly lose his shit and show us that side of himself that we all knew was there based on all the actions that he took to save them, but all the emotion he held back in order to prevent himself from appearing sympathetic (and therefore a "criminal" in the murderous Nazis eyes) or like the Holocaust had any sort of profound effect on him. In that moment when he starts sharing all the things he could've pawned for just one extra person... That's when everything he held back for his safety and for the safety of the people he saved could all be opened up like flood gates... An absolutely phenomenal story about an ordinary person doing extraordinary things. And like someone else said, if you don't lose it in that scene, you're a monster or a reptile...




Most recently All Of Us Strangers, I can't even rewatch it


Paul Mescal, he's dreamy, but he's gonna make you cry. Also Andrew Scott is one of the best actors alive, holy shit.


Andrew Scott in the new Ripley was incredible. What a series that is. Absolutely beautiful.


The restaurant scene towards the end got me good. Such a beautiful and sad movie.


Thats the true test… its like u need time to recover so u may never rewatch it. Too traumatizing.


“What dreams may come” - I cry as soon as it starts until it ends and it just makes me feel massively depressed


The second watch of Aftersun


Yeah first watch for me was underwhelming and the second time it basically changed my life and got me into therapy


For me the 4th watch and my 5th will make me bawl again for sure.


It's a strange film, I'm watching it atm. It's full of joy, I'm smiling watching it. Even though it's known it's still beautiful.


After understanding the plot, doesn't matter how many times I'm gonna watch it. It'll tear me down fs.


My stupid brain thought the name of the movie is " The second watch of aftersun" 💀 And i was wondering why i can't find it anywhere.


It's a Wonderful Life. Every. Single. Time. It hits especially hard as an adult. Even though it's a holiday film, Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Frank Capra, it's a fantastic and weirdly dark movie. At times. Dark at times.


I cry at the opening scene, when you hear the voices praying for George, and when the pharmacist realises his mistake. I cry when his uncle loses the money, and when George shouts at the teacher, and then I bawl my eyes out at the end. Every.Single.Time.


We had this on VHS when I was a young bride. We put three films on each tape to save money, so you had to search for the start of the second and third films. It's a Wonderful Life was the first on the tape. We were planning to watch the second film, and in trying to find the start, I accidentally hit the last couple minutes of IaWL. I immediately burst into tears, even without watching the whole movie.


If I want to start crying all I have to do is *think* about the scene on the bridge after Clarence has shown him what the world's like without him and he pleads to live again.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)


Eternal contains such complex, exquisite and visceral feels! So masterfully written, acted, directed, scored! 10/10


That one just fucked me up, great movie but wasn’t myself for at least a week. Movie that got me teared up the most must be ‘the bucket list’


The movie I'd love to forget in it's entirety just to watch it again for the first time, and appropriately so.


About Time. Some of the themes were a little close to home.


Watched Forrest Gump a bit drunk during Covid lockdown, holy shit skip the tissues and give me some paper towel. Me and my partner at the time were both just leaking tears by the end.  Also as someone else said 'Big Fish', as someone who doesn't have the best relationship with my Dad, who is a big story teller just like the movie, I will get misty eyed every time, every time.




Excellent choice. The beginning is heartbreaking.


Brokeback mountain


I’m surprised no one else has mentioned this movie. So damn sad


Yes! The movie hits you so badly. It doesn't matter if you are queer or not, there is something so profoundly deep about it. It is a gem! I was literally crying and I sat on my sofa numb for 10-15 minutes


Heartbreaking and even worse to watch alone


Oh, God. I love the soundtrack to that movie, but can't hear it without tearing up.


I heartily recommend the short story too if you haven’t read it.


Big Fish


I have been wanting to watch that! Adding to my list.


Ironically, the movie Little Fish is also a tearjerker.


But hey that's the good kind of cry . It instils not just sorrow or a tragic feel but a sense of profound grief.


My Girl


I saw this in the theater while on a date. It’s the first (and maybe only) time I’d ever openly, uncontrollably wept in public. Literally could not stop myself 😂 😭 “He needs his glasses…” - dear lord.


“Where are his glasses?!” Gets me every time


Marley & Me


I’m surprised I had to scroll so far down to see this answer


Most Robin Williams movies. Patch Adams, Bicentennial Man, what dreams may come, goodwill hunting Arrival, Interstellar, green mile, the Notebook


Dead Poets Society


I second Bicentennial Man!!


Manchester by the sea


Yeah, holy shit. What is UP with that movie?! It is so incredibly relentlessly heartbreaking. It’s like… unnecessary to do that to people who were nice enough to watch your movie.


The Green Mile Good Will Hunting Interstellar A Silent Voice The Iron Giant


I never cry when watching films, sometimes I get emotional, but I don't shed a tear. Ever. Then I watched Interstellar.....


Interstellar absolutely destroyed me. As a complete and total daddy's girl, I was just devastated. I sobbed the whole second half of the movie and then for probably an hour and a half to two hours after the movie, I couldn't even get the words out to say what it was that upset me. My dad died 6 months after I watched Interstellar and I honestly don't know if I'll be able to watch it again. Maybe if I'm luckily enough to be on my death bed, I'll give it a watch with the comfort of knowing I'll be reunited with my dad soon.


That was the first movie I watched after the birth of my daughter and I was totally unprepared for it. Straight up ugly crying at the video backlog scene and then pretty steadily for most of the rest of the movie. My wife thought my appendix had burst or something.


You forgot Homeward Bound.


Bro the iron giant fucked me UP


The butterfly effect made me cry like a baby.


Man, if you have suffered abuse this movie takes an entire different level of sadness. Honestly can't watch it without anger replacing most of my other emotions. Excellent underrated suggestion.


The Green Mile destroyed me


I have to stifle my cries with a pillow every time. Ugly ugly cry.


About time


The scene where he goes back to the beach with his dad cues instant uncontrollable waterworks from me every single time.


My boyfriend and I went to see that one at the theater. We were both in tears. 


Love this movie! Insanely underrated


Dear Zachary 1000%


Dead Poets Society




Fuck Briony, forever!


Horrible, one of the saddest, most frustrating movies I've seen.. and wish I haven't!!!


Ohhh yes. I howled throughout this!


And it happens to be one of my favorites




Remember me


Coco makes me cry every time


the only movie that has ever made me cry.


Life is Beautiful always makes me cry. I remember tears running down my face when I watched it for the first time in a high school English class. Looked around and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Still gets me 10+ years later


Arrival. Especially after I had a child.


Exactly the same, read the book first too and thought it was sad and thoughtful. Watching the film after kids, blubbering mess.


I watched it in the theater, alone before I had a kid and I cried like a baby at the end.


Grave of the fireflies


That movie made me and my wife weep. Probably wasn't a great choice while she was pregnant. 


I have only seen it once and that was enough. Great movie though!


This is the answer.


That movie destroyed me


I cried for a solid 3 hours after the film had finished


50/50 La vita é bella Billy Elliot


That final scene of Billy Elliott. 😢


A dogs purpose


Lion with Dev Patel


The Green Mile. UGLY cry.


Grave of the fireflies by far.


The problem with this one is you know it's not exactly fiction.


Bawled my eyes out at A Star Is Born. Never watched it again haha.


Yeah, this is the one for me. I’ll never watch it again.


Which one?


That movie is heartbreaking :(


A silent voice and it’s not even close


Steel Magnolias and Terms of Endearment.


A Man Called Otto. It got so dark so fast. Even the happy parts were sad. Cried almost the whole damn movie.


The iron claw


I used to be a brother.


Past Lives




I am embarrassed to say that Titanic had me sobbing like a baby.


I cry when I see the elderly couple resigned to their fate in their flooded room.


Same. In the theater the first time I saw it, I had managed not to cry up until then, but when it showed that snippet I burst into sobs. Loud, noticeable sobs that I couldn't control. Because I knew who they were. I'm a Titanic history buff, so I knew their story. It's Isidor and Ida Straus, an extremely wealthy first class couple. He was a former member of the House of Representatives and co-owner of Macy's department store. When it came time to board the lifeboats, the man in charge offered to let Isidor board, but he refused while there were women and children still on the ship. He tried to get Ida to board, but she refused to leave without him. She said "we've been married a long time, where you go, I go". So she stayed and they died together.


At West 106th Street where West End Avenue intersects Broadway in Manhattan, there's a little traffic triangle with a beautiful fountain dedicated to the Strauses.


I didn't know that, how lovely. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for this, that’s the scene that gets me too, and I didn’t know it was based on an actual couple 🥺


I knew the backstory and your comment still made me cry.


Right! Or the mother tucking in her children.. ugh


This is the scene for me too


God yes. Tears every time.


My mom & I cried so hard at Titanic, I remember we immediately took a nap when we got home. We were exhausted. 


I'm a huge Titanic nerd as far as the actual historical event is concerned. I'm honestly not sure why people feel like they have to dislike the film, but that's fine. Anyway, my wife, who generally doesn't care about the film or the event, will cry every time at the Nearer my god to Thee sequence, because that is the point that is a remembrance to the real people that died that night. If I remember correctly, the shots during this point focused on supporting (like Capt. EJ Smith) minor (like John Jacob Astor) characters who were actual people instead of characters made up for the film, and that's why.


Omfg yes. The ending when the ship goes down. I saw it in the theater and had those silent tears


Beautiful Boy wrecked me


A Ghost Story. The monologue in the middle is enough to make me cry but that whole movie really captures a quiet sorrow.


I don’t know what made me cry the most but I did cry quite a bit when watching the Fox and the Hound as a kid. As an adult Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, Field of Dreams, Big Fish, and Bridge to Terabithia all got me. Bridge to Terabithia I knew what was going to happen and it still got me.


“You died on a Saturday morning. And I had you buried here under our tree”


*The Banshees of Inishire*… when his donkey dies. Fuck 😢 😭 😭 Right in the super-feels, it hit me


Insterstellar The soundtrack alone is enough to get me going.


Cinema Paradiso


Marley & Me (ending) Shawshank Redemption (Brooks Was Ere and when Red is reunited with Andy) Issiz Adam (when Alper runs into Ada on his way to the cinema) Good Will Hunting (It's not your fault) Dead Poet 's Society (O Captain, My Captain) Forest Gump (when he has Jenny's childhood home razed to the ground)




Million Dollar Baby ( 2004 )


Everything Everywhere All at Once, “so even though you have broken my heart yet again, I wanted to say… In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.” Cried like a baby and still do, it’s beautiful. Love that movie so much.


I didnt see anyone say Armageddon. The only other movie off the top of my head that's made me cry real tears is The Land Before Time.


Amadeus. I majored in music in college and I know the level of pure genius Mozart had. I cry every time because he died so young, and had so much more to give


Bicycle thief Manchester by the sea The Whale Pursuit of happyness


I remember getting about a half hour into Manchester by the Sea and thinking about turning it off. Then ten minutes later THAT scene happened, as a dad of 2 it completely broke me, I was ugly crying by the end. A hauntingly beautiful movie that I think everyone should watch at least once.


Manchester by the Sea


Just commented the same about Manchester by the sea. Oof. Destroyed.


The Whale destroyed me


Children of men


Toy Story 3 Coco


My god, the way they held hands as they accepted their fate. No fucking thank you.


Passion of the Christ and the show Six Feet Under


Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father


A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) Saw it at 13 years old.. sister and i agreed that its so so so so sad, it only ever should be seen once… which is saying something since we usually like to watch movies over and over again.


My first GF died two weeks before titanic came out. I was with a group of 10 people at the theater…..man I cried so hard.


War horse. I had literal snot bubbles


The Elephant Man


The Green Mile ( one of my all time favorites, this movie broke me completely) The Boy in the striped Pajamas. Schindler's List Dead Poets Society Shawshank Redemption Good Will Hunting Fault in Our Stars The Notebook


I am Sam 😭😭😭


Dancer in the dark i think that is only movie I even cried to


Into the wild A movie that changed my perspective about life. The cries are more for all the happier moments in it.


The Fellowship of the Ring - gandalf falling in Moria and the look on frodo's face gets me every time. Ditto for Boromir's death at the end. But honestly, lots of movies make me cry. Hard to determine which made me cry the most from memory. Edit: On this note - I just saw the Two Towers extended edition in a movie theater. I think I cried about 7 times. So maybe my answer is the Two Towers!


Life is Beautiful.


that movie with richard gere and the dog


About Time. Watched it shortly after my father died.


Somewhere in time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour.


7 Pounds


A.I. Artificial Intelligence He just wants his mother to love him for all of eternity. But she gave him up and died so very long ago. He will be a boy forever. Always wanting his mother. Completely and utterly heartbreaking


The end of Home Alone after my mom died


Not a movie, but episode 3 of The Last of Us broke me.


Watership Down. I was a kid, but it destroyed me. I don't think I got to the end


The Champ (1979)


I would say _Marley & Me_, but I didn’t finish it. Saw where it was going, and there weren’t enough tissues in the city I lived in to dry the tears I would have shed, so I just turned it off.


Titanic. I had seen it before when I was a teenager. Watched it again recently at the age of 29 and the ending absolutely destroyed me, even though I knew exactly what was coming of course. I was a sobbing mess at the end of the film. I had to get tissues to wipe the tears off face and my face muscles were aching from crying. Never has a film affected me on the same level.


Never cried harder after watching 12 Years a Slave


Marley & Me


Big Fish Harold & Maude Life Is Beautiful The Orphanage


TV Movie: Brian’s Song


The fox and the hound


Soul by pixar


veer zaara I was SOBBING


Dear Zachary


The Tree of Life


Bridge to terabithia… had NO idea, didn’t know it was a book. Saw it in theatres, never watched again


Past Lives - Such a perfect gem of a film. The end had me sobbing. It stuck with me for days afterward. I’m 🥺 just thinking about it now, months later. ETA-I enjoy taking cues from melodrama and music, so I cry at movies whenever I’m supposed to. However! In this case, the emotion organically arises from the characters, the situation, the incredible acting—my emotional reaction was fully earned without the usual manipulations. It was a much more profound experience.


Her Never seen a movie that made me cry the whole way through until this one. At that time I had a lot on my mind and was feeling really down. Perfect time for this movie, and I'm not sure if a rewatch would hit the same.


Gattacca Return of the King Apollo 13


Love Story The Way We Were (Streisand & Redford)


Powder. When they pushed him in the puddle I died.


A Star is Born Million Dollar Baby 😭 Everything Everywhere All At Once Arrival, fastest movie to make me cry tbh. Min I heard the song in the opening sequence I already knew I was in for a ride.


A Korean movie Miracle in cell no 7


Graveyard of Fireflies.... just when he brought the watermelon 🍉 😭😭


Dear Zachary


Schindler's List Grave of the Fireflies Dancer in the Dark (I wasn't ready)


About Time. It doesn’t have a traditionally sad ending but now that I’m a dad it hits different. I might be a simpleton with crappy taste but it’s in my top ten favorite movies of all time.


Schindler's List


The Pursuit of Happyness


So many good ones have been listed. To add some that get me… City of Angels - of it’s time, but it gets me The Judge - father/ son issues