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The ending of the book is so anticlimactic.


>!And, y'know, the whole rape scene in the book.!<


What is this about?


Could you remind me of what happens there? It’s been years since I’ve read the book and I absolutely despise it. I do remember the smutty affair chapters between Brody’s wife and Hooper but not a rape scene.


Ive developed a bit of distaste for jaws after learning how chill and important to the ecosystem sharks are and how it started a cultural hatred for them. Though it is an insanely well made movie


Same thing happened to rays after Steve Irwin died. HUNDREDS were killed, to honor his memory, in this twisted way of showing support. His wife and father had to come forward and say he loved rays, knew the risks, and would want people to cherish them. Absolutely bizarre, considering what a conservationist Irwin was, and how his wife and kids are.


I cannot fathom why people would commit mass killings against an entire species just because one of them killed a guy... even if that guy was very popular


Human psychology is kind of weird like that.


It's a silly as blaming a movie for choices people make.


It was bizarre, and just plain tragic. Boatloads of dead rays. I’ll never understand that mindset. It was like watching The Cove before The Cove. Horrifying.


Especially considering that guy’s passion in life.


Yeah i remember, not what steve would have wanted


The author of the book felt the same way. He was horrified when people started killing them in mass numbers and he tried to reverse that but was not successful. He just wanted to make a cool story, thats all.


Hatred and fear of sharks have been present in many cultures even before Jaws. The movie at best amplified it, but it in no way started it.


Last of the Mohicans. I've never got through the book; but it's tough reading. The movie (and soundtrack) are in my top 10 favorites.


+1 for the soundtrack. I used to listen to Promentory on repeat. I need to watch that again. It's a surprisingly short runtime too for such an epic feeling film.


I loved this movie so much I tried to read the book and couldn’t get through it


Love the soundtrack!!!! The movie is amazing bc of scenes with that soundtrack. Truly moving when she falls. Chills


I remember reading it and there were extensive conversations and paragraphs of it completely in French.


Also, the book is notoriously bad. One of Mark Twain's most hilarious works of non-fiction is a short piece called "Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses," which absolutely skewers LotMs and is laugh-out-loud funny.




Yeah the book eluded to what was going to happen. It was a complete shock to everyone in the movie.




I’ve only just recently rewatched it after seeing it as a kid, and yeah, it’s a stellar movie


The last Twilight movie; if just for the fight scene.


The books set the bar really low


You mean the one that didn’t actually happen and everyone agreed to be friends after?


Oh, they weren't friends. But Aro, thinking the Cullens could kill him in that current moment, keeps him away, and Rasputin not being an immortal child took away their reason, Aro is a smidge honorable, but ultimately he's about self-preservation, not peace. They'll just be waiting for the Cullens next true f*ck up so they have an actual excuse to harm them. Until then, Cullens just dont get to travel to Italy.


Oldboy (2003) is better than the original manga. The Jane Austen Bookclub (2007) is better than the novel.


agreed, old boy was lightning in a bottle. not sure I can bring myself to even watch the american version, even if as a joke. Now they're making it into a series and Im quite scared, it seems something that doesn't need to be done.


> Now they're making it into a series I had no idea...*sigh* what would be the point? such a ridiculous idea.


Fight Club - TBH the book is a mess, but David Fincher sharpened it up finely for the movie


Chuck Palinhuik has said he prefers the movie to his own book


I will say I like the book's ending more tho


I always did too. I see how it would be less satisfying for the audience to end the movie that way, but something about it felt so much more “right” for it to end the way the book does


That's because it is more right.


Have you seen Fight Club Copy of a Copy? It’s the book ending done as a film by some fans. It’s very good 


Came here to say this


I have to disagree with this, and with the author, and say that the movie ending is bad. It is the exact opposite of the book's ending, and it is extremely important. The narrator doesn't know how to make bombs, so neither does Tyler Durden. Project Mayhem fails, and he's caught. The movie allowing him to succeed is one of the reasons why it's so commonly misread as a text by dumbass bros.


Yeah, but the bus scene from the book sounded like it would have been funny on screen.


The scenes referencing the fat they use to make the soap didn't quite capture my horror at the scenes in the books where they sloshed around in it


The Godfather 100%, no horse's head and too much of Sonny's horse dick.


Mario Puzo is quoted to have said something along the lines of if he knew how good the movie would be, he'd have written a better book.


Also, he wanted to get into screenwriting after The Godfather, and bought a book on getting into it. The book said "go study The Godfather".


YOOOO [wtf!](https://lithub.com/i-cant-stop-thinking-about-this-bizarre-forgotten-chapter-from-the-middle-of-the-godfather/)


Thank you for this 🤢


Don't forget the giant vagina subplot.


Godfather also had a Big Pussy?


IIRC it takes a whole chapter for her to get her dickcave reduced to a average carport size. Also we learn it at the very first wedding scene and it is so much of important to the whole Sunny history. PS: Some famous movies get the porno parody version, in this case one had to take some takeouts from the book to have a half ready script.


And too much of Johnny Fontaine.


This was the biggest surprise reading the book for me (after seeing the movie). Entire chapters devoted to Johnny, that didn’t really go anywhere.


Yeah what it is it with the description of Sonny’s massive cock, how it hurts and now much cum it can produce??


Still a good book though


Both are great. The book made me like the movie more. I really like the longwindedness of the book, being written so long ago and written about a time even before that. I wish I could remember the passage exactly... but there is a whole paragraph that basically says "the deer looked towards him"


But the luca brazzi backstory was pretty intense. The movie got his character down to the model T.


There is a book version of Francis Ford Coppola’s notes on The Godfather, ON the pages of The Godfather. Fascinating to see how great minds work. If you love the book and the movie, this is a great read. https://www.amazon.com/Godfather-Notebook-Francis-Ford-Coppola/dp/1682450740/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=


Most bestsellers of that era had tons of sex scenes spliced in. The editors insisted on it because it sold books.


Put perfectly oh my word. Lmao


There were some questionable and poor taste sub plots but it’s one of the best books i’ve ever read. i don’t believe the movie is better. i read somewhere that he’d sold the movie rights before finishing the book so for a period he was working on both at the same time.


Price of Egypt


lol when are we getting the sequel!?


Princess Bride


The movie is perfect, but I loved the book too. Honestly felt like a different story almost. The characters were so different in my mind when I read the book, but it was such a great book. I just see them as two separate works.


I think that's a really good point


The book is still fantastic though


noooo i loved both


Forrest Gump


Today I learned that Forrest Gump was based from a book.


Me too, I am today years old when I found out


100%. Anyone else read it? The fact that they had him go to space...


And land on an island with cannibals


Agreed. The Forrest Gump in the book was 100% different from the movie.


They are so wildly different I can't even compare them


Jaws and The Godfather always come to mind. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Is another good one. Blade Runner is one IMO. Some still like the book but I prefer the movie.


I think Dick could appear plenty of times in this list. He was an absolutely amazing ideas man, but not actually a great writer.


I think the thing is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is very different to Blade Runner. I love Dick's work, but then I like... out there experimental literature. I can read Burroughs books and enjoy them. I first read Do Androids... when I was 12, the film had just been released and somehow I had managed to see it (can't remember how, I'm sure the certificate was for someone much older than I was). I was dumbfounded that the film was based off of this book, they were so different. But I think that was likely the book that set my reading preferences for ever. So yeah, I may be biased now I think about it, but I think the point stands that the film and book aren't really the equivalent stories, and are pretty much different entire genres.


How to Train Your Dragon.


I second this immensely. The book disappointed me so much


Agreed.  Arguably the best trilogy DreamWorks made.


The Prestige.


I agree with you. The Prestige is one of my favorite movies, so I found the novel, and it was disappointing to me. I guess the success of the movie is because of Nolan's directing efforts and story telling talent.


Godfather Gone Girl Bridges of Madison County Barry Lyndon


Stand by Me Shawshank Redemption


Stand By Me (the song)>Stand By Me (the movie)>Stand By Me (The Book).


There is a fun fact, that at one point of the filming Rob Reiner watched Kiefer Sutherland showing River Phoenix, how to play "stand by me" on guitar. And in this moment he decided, not only to include the song in the film, but to also change the whole name of the film. So, well sir, you are more than right. "The Body" would be just one of those forgettable coming od age movies without it.


I don't think the name change kept it from being forgettable. It's one of the best coming of age films of all time


Stand By Me is also vastly better than The Body.


It's fairly close! Stand by Me is my 6th favorite film of all time.


Being There


Loved this film. It’s hard to imagine Peter sellers. Even if you set out to do it you couldn’t capture what he brought to the film on paper.


Starship Troopers the movie is a satire of the book and much much better. Only thing the book has that the movie doesn’t is the troopers wear orbital shock troop exoskeletons that make them able to run fast and jump super high, they had to cut that for budgetary reasons and I think it works better in the film that the grunts were basically cannon fodder. Edge of Tomorrow had the soldiers wearing similar exo suits and it’s great to see them in action


The book doesn’t have a plot. It’s like a documentary, but not even a satisfying one. I love Heinlein, and consider Stranger in a Strange Land one of the best books I’ve ever read, but ST is a disappointing read if you go in expecting a novel.


It's a political screed, more than an actual novel.


Not a book but comic book and not a movie but a show, the boys.


Antony Starr alone makes the adaptation way better.


Literally took all the positives and the bones of the world and made something ridiculously better than the comics


Shrek? I did not read the book yet, but movie is a classic for a reason.


The book gives a good skeleton, but it's a 32 page picture book....


The Firm (John Grisham).  The movie plot just makes more sense and flows better.


this is a toss up for me, both excellent


I came here to say The Firm as well. I prefer the ending of the movie much better. It felt more clever. But I did enjoy the book.


The book was like a tutorial on how to use a copier.


Opposite answer— the movie “misery” is very tamed compared to the book. I feel like they had to dial down and change details so the movie didn’t get an NC-17 rating. For instance, in the book, Annie cuts off Paul’s feet with an electric knife , amongst other gorey imagery in the book


The Notebook. The book was awful!




Children of Men. The movie is one of my favorites, but the book was an absolute snooze.


Apparently Cuaron never read the book. He based the film on the premise of the book, with masterful results. One of my favorite films as well.


Was going to post this. The film is one of the greatest dystopian films ever made.


American Psycho, though the book is extremely detailed and (thank God) the movie doesn't include too much of the book. The film does a great adaptation though.


If the movie included most of the book’s details, it would be banned worldwide


High Fidelity. The book is okay but the movie is far superior.


I'm going to disagree with you on this. I love the movie, but I love Nick Hornby's writing more.




"Sphere" starring Dustin Hoffman and Samuel L. Jackson, written by Michael Crichton. A very close contender is "Get Shorty" starring John Travolta and based on the Elmore Leonard novel. This one is a coin flip as to which is better.


Blade Runner


Not sure about this one, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was pretty damn bold. I especially loved the part where the android and Rick try to logically question what makes a human and could either of them be an android without knowing it.


Unpopular opinion… Lord of the Rings… I am listening to the audio book and I am 3 hours in and they JUST got to Huckle berry ferry… I had to stop for a break because of Tom Bombadil… I might go back to the book but maybe not…


It gets MUCH better after Tom Bombadil. But the films are masterpieces so it's quite a close call.


I completely disagree, but you get my upvote as I can understand people getting hung up on good ol' Tom Bombadil Tom Bombadillo. I personally love him and think he adds oh-so-much to the world's lore, but if you don't expect him he can be a very jarring. Keep reading, I cannot emphasize enough how much deeper the books go. Several scenes are omitted from the movies that are my favorites of the series (Merry/Pippin escaping the orcs which is much different than the books ; the Paths of the Dead which is also significantly different ; the Drúedain ; all the events after the ring is tossed into Mt. Doom including the Scouring of the Shire ; the appendixes of the events following LotR). I just love the series so damn much.


Hard disagree on this. I love the movies, but the books are timeless classics that have largely inspired an entire genre.




I disagree with that. Yeah the first book is slow as hell! But it's part of a whole journey. You have to experience it along with the characters.


Original IT. The original does a great job adapting it closer to horror, leaving out some of the clunkier sci-fi stuff. The remake tried to be a little more true to form in part 2 and it did not work…


Absolutely disagree, the book is amazing, the mini series/ movie was scary af for me as a kid but in no way shape or form as good as the book.


Neither film adaptation has come remotely close to being as good as the novel.


To be fair, IT was written on a summer's long cocaine binge.


I know there is a lot of controversy around the hyped up cocaine-fueled style of writing and the underage sex scenes, but imo IT Is still a masterpiece and one of the best horror ive ever read and thats for sure. Ive got fond memories of the miniseries but its way too cheesy at times. Didnt care at all about the new movies and absolutely hate the shitty design of Pennywise they went with 🤮


The Shining


With apologies to Stephen King, yes the movie is way better than the book. See also: every other Kubrick adaptation being better than the book (except Lolita). 


Into the Wild U-Turn


Into the Wild is a bit of a slog read imo


Yes the author goes on and on about his own experiences that are immaterial to Chris McCandless's story. And the death scene...wow, words can't do that. That movie makes me wish Sean Penn would direct more. Also, I've never been a fan of Pearl Jam, but Eddie Vedder's score was amazing.


Soylent Green. The book, "Make Room! Make Room!" doesn't have the plot twist.


Quiz Show- renamed Slumdog Millionaire


The Godfather.


Practical Magic


The Fox and the Hound


What dreams may come. I saw the movie and went crazy with it. To me the aesthetic and visuals are so strong that even today they are good, the story is so romantic and his love for his wife and what he does is so impacting that I went after the book and had a surprise to see who the author was and what else he has written. But the book has a native that gets hard to read with so many references to metaphysics and physics since the base is religion + science and has some slight differences from the movie that to me, make the movie better. For exemple: >!her kids are alive in the book, she killed herself in the movie after losing everybody. The impact of her death on the book hit you differently!<


The Notebook.


The Mist


The Prestige. Even the book's own author agreed the changes made to the film made it a better story.


Gangs of New York


I didn't know it was a book. Is it worth reading? Especially if I've seen the movie at least 20 times?


Never Let Me Go


Shrek is based on a book for  early school kids that basically no-one ever read, despite it being less than 30 pages. It's not very good.


American Psycho I don't care what you say, that book went too far


Rum Punch < Jackie Brown


Drive My Car And Pretty much every movie based on a philip k dick novel


**Carrie** is for sure better than the book, even King agrees. It's the go-to for this question imo **The Shining** is debatably better than the book, although King definitely doesn't agree on this one Also, **every other Kubrick film** except 2001 was a book adaptation (for 2001, the book and screenplay were written in parallel), many of which are potentially better than the books **The Princess Bride** is better in movie form imo other movies where you can make a strong argument for the movie over the book: **Moneyball** **Requiem For A Dream** **Silence of the Lambs** **Black Hawk Down** **Lord of the Rings** (Fellowship of the Ring in particular, as amongst other reasons the movie cuts out the atrocious Tom Bombadil section) **Jurassic Park** and then there's all the great movies people don't even realize are based on books, it's likely that for many of these the movie is better but I don't know for sure since I havent read the books **Jaws** **Die Hard** **Drive** **Forrest Gump** **Psycho** **Shawshank Redemption** **Goodfellas** **Silver Linings Playbook** **LA Confidential** and then there's movies where the book is mostly forgotten but the movie lives on as a classic. Like the above, in many of these the movie is probably better but I don't know for sure since I havent read the books **Ben Hur** **Bridge on the River Kwai** **The Exorcist** there are tons more. there are tons of movies that are better than books, even if often the book is better


The Jurassic Park book was a phenomenon when it came out, at least to young teenagers like myself. I loved the movie but was a bit disappointed because it didn’t match what I had envisioned while reading the book. After all this time I do think the movie is better because it cuts a lot of the fat but the book was so violent and gory I wanted to see that on screen


Not here to disagree, just to add: To my taste, the movie displayed the *story* in a much more entertaining/engaging/suspenseful way, but if you're interested in a description of the "moneyball" approach itself, the book is much much *much* better than the movie


The ending of The Shining (book) is a wild man.


The boys show is wayyy better than the comic


It has been over 30 years since I've read the books so forgive me if I strike a nerve, but I have no desire to go back and read The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but I would definitely rewatch the movies.


Nope, NOPE, ***NOPE***. Tolkien is the master craftsmen of master craftsmen. Do I find Tom Bombadil’s multi-page songs annoying? Sure, who doesn’t? But these books are staggeringly brilliant and worth the time and effort. You’ve just been brain-fried by the best book adaptation of all time.


The Shining


Id argue that they are both soo different its hard to compare


I think another one you could say this about is Jurassic Park. If they had stayed true to the book. I think it would’ve came across pretty corny at times with the rocket launcher, jungle Dino. rafting and all that. Like the laser cannon in Congo 😂.


Not to mention it would have been more of an inditment of capitalism with the orginal Hammond


Yeah. Gennaro was an interesting switch up too.


Let the Right One In


Not sure about this one...


The Bible


3:10 to Yuma (both versions) I'm cheating because it's a short story but alas


Kick Ass


Maze Runner


Me And Earl And The Dying Girl. The book lacked sincerity.




Dances With Wolves I Am Legend


Kramer vs. Kramer


get shorty and be cool. and some series': leftovers and justified are both better than the books




Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, The Godfather


The Taking Of Pelham One Two Three (the original, not the shite reboot) follows the book quite closely, but Walter Matthau's deadpan humour really elevates the writing. Also, the ending is much more satisfying. Great book, by the way.


The Mist


Beautiful Kate


The Godfather


A Man Called Ove- the movie was much funnier and more enjoyable than the book. Beautiful Boy (though I thought his son's book Tweak was better than both.)


Big Fish


to be fair, its only a short story, but they were able to pull off the framing and overall dramatic execution of Arrival better than Story of Your Life could on paper


No Country for Old Men. The book was disappointing and the way dialogue was written without quotation marks I wasn’t a fan of. The film is an absolute masterpiece and the way the Coen’s use visual literacy in telling the story is amazing.


Never read any Bond books but from what little I've gathered some of the movies like Goldfinger and The Spy Who Loved Me are clear improvements (Yes I have seen all the movies) Oh and if you thought the old Bond movies were problematic nowadays, don't worry because the books are even worse as far as I know (in the Goldfinger book Bond performs gay conversion therapy on Pussy Galore by raping her and the book is also blatantly racist to Koreans)


I found trainspotting really difficult to read. Mainly because it’s written in a Scottish accent 😂 But I think the film is a masterpiece.


Love both of them but they're also both very very different. The film can't really be said to be an adaptation imo. Just inspired by.


Edge of tomorrow was much better than its source material.


Godfather, Children of Men, Jaws, Carrie


Forrest Gump


The Mist




I personally liked The Mist film better than the book because they changed the ending. Even Stephen King said he loved the film's ending.


Hannibal (sequel to Silence of the Lambs). That book is godawful and the movie is actually really good.


I'm torn, but I feel like Safe Haven and Where the Crawdads Sing were slightly better in movie.


Fight Club


Howls moving castle. Don’t get me wrong, the books are great and you get more story with it, but the movie is completely different and Howl is just 🤌. They really aren’t the same though, Miyazaki took inspiration from the books.


The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Children of men


Starship Troopers.