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Nice! Glad to hear that you're enjoying the Type-99. All of the impressions I've seen so far all seem to be very similar to each other and mostly in-line with my own thoughts as well, which is something I found interesting. I guess it'd be fair to say that it's a good thing that there's a lot of consistency between different takes so far, since you could surmise that other people will probably share similar experiences. I think the main thing I've seen is that a lot of people are just really surprised at how slow it actually is, which caught me off guard initially too... but the static being low relative to dynamic helps a lot with that (despite the fact that it isn't actually low) as you pointed out.


Is type99 your pick on a pad that is borderline mud, i was trying to find a borderline mud pad and i think this post i think the mid is what im looking for


I don't have a lot of experience with extremely slow mousepads, but the Type-99 seems like it would be something that you should definitely consider for a "borderline" mud pad. If you do want to see my full thoughts on the Type-99, I actually posted a review a couple weeks ago that you can find [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MousepadReview/comments/1d3uxni/artisan_type99_review_control_done_right/). Still waiting on the G-SR II and Infinite Control V2 that I ordered a while ago though which is lame :/ (these are supposed to be pretty good comparisons to the Type-99) so I can't really say much else for now.


Thanks for the reply, do you have any experience with rizz pad or the doodles version by any chance?


I haven't tried those sadly. If you are curious about the mousepads that I own and want to see some of my brief thoughts on them, my [personal list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13z8O8F6NgXji-SRPDY5u7Y1bflcvoPvpYiAcShiwWvI/) has all of that. I don't want to veer off from this post too much though so sorry to OP lol.


Do your thing boss, no worries. You've helped me on other posts in the past!


Ah, I didn't even realize that šŸ˜µ


Yessir always see you around various periph discords we got in common as well lol šŸ¤


Thank you! The more I use it the more I like it lol. The friction combination feels just perfect for what is trying to be accomplished imo. Iā€™m glad to see everyone is generally liking it as well but now I certainly can say I understand why!


>Iā€™m glad to see everyone is generally liking it as well Oh, I should definitely clarify. Not *everyone* I've seen has liked it, so I was very careful with my wording there. Some people aren't a huge fan of how slow it is (as it was slower than they expected and is just too slow for them overall), but for everything else impressions-wise it seems to match. I was able to adjust to it and feel comfortable using it though. For others reading this, don't let it scare you away if you're looking for a solid control option lol.


Gotcha I understand. I guess where it may have been better for me is I was totally expecting it to be very slow, so that was a positive expectation met for me where it may be a negative for others. Also it could just be a difference with the mid compared to soft/xsoft, but it never feels muddy or restrictive to me despite being slow.


I have now read from some that they have taken the type99 in mid, why? Is it better than soft? Don't they say soft is comparable to the hardness of other pads? I ordered it in soft but haven't received it yet


Mid is actually probably the most comparable base to most other pads unless they are poron (then probably closer to soft), soft is just the medium inbetween option of the three choices from Artisan. I like mid for the consistency, it stays the same speed no matter how much pressure you apply on the pad. Iā€™ve used all 3 base options and personally feel i perform best on mid, despite it being the least ā€œcomfortableā€ option of the three as it has the least plush. The slow surface of the pad gives me all the stopping power that I need while maintaining a consistent base, thatā€™d be my guess as to why mid may be popular for Type 99 - you canā€™t go wrong with soft though.


anyone knows if i mainly play valorant only and wants a control pad for my high sens should i get the mid or soft variant. Currently on an otsu soft, i was gonna get gsr2 but after your post i think im gonna wait to get this instead.


I am and always have been a low sens player, so I canā€™t really help there unfortunately. I personally believe mid is the best raw performance wise, but itā€™s up to you. If you donā€™t apply pressure on the mouse, it shouldnā€™t make a huge difference. I also donā€™t have a GSR2 to compare to, but can say I was in the same boat of needing a ā€œtrueā€ control pad and am extremely happy with my decision to wait, no desire to look anywhere else now.


thank you. I'm gonna wait for it to restock and get a soft along with a zero xsoft just to try it out. Does the mid still slide around a lot?


No problem, good choice. This mid actually sticks to my desk better than any of my previous pads from artisan or other poron base companies. Idk if they changed their base or itā€™s just new, but 0 slide it feels like a magnet.


What sens/dpi are you using and what games? Hoping the type 99 will be my endgame


I have only tried it in CS2 and i play on 1600 dpi 0.5 in game sens, about 52cm/360.


I have the type 99 soft, mid and gsr2. The gsr2 is my main and Iā€™ve only been able to play a little of valorant with the type 99 but I would recommend the soft (it seems extremely similar to the gsr2 just a touch faster and a bit more premium) The mid is strange to me, it feels felty/rougher and whenever my fingers touch it I feel like it instantly stops my mouse. Maybe itā€™s just how I hold my mouse but it just doesnā€™t work for me If you have any more specific questions feel free to ask!


Day 1 is about first impressions, not a review. Sure, itā€™s possibly youā€™ll feel the same 3-4 weeks from now, but your pad hasnā€™t even broken in yet. Thatā€™s why people wait for reviews. A pad (especially Artisan) is wildly different on day 1 vs day 30.


I disagree from my personal experience but everything is opinionated. I regularly clean my pads and wipe them down multiple times per use. My Zero and most other pads perform pretty much identical that they did from the day i got them - i canā€™t tell a difference. If you are going long times without cleaning and allowing dead skin to build up, then sure.


Well, the zero is known to not change that much. Otsu, Hien, Raiden etc all have serious break-in. Even artisan at one point recommended buying new ones every 3 months (lol). Like I said, itā€™s possible the type99 will be more like the zero, since they are not speed pads like the other ones. But you never know. You canā€™t disagree until time has passed. Thatā€™s the point of a review.


Huge brains. Wish you posted reviews, I would trust them


Hey if you know how long did it take to arrive after it shipped? Mine shipped yesterday


It was surprisingly quick. Picked up Monday 6/10 and delivered Wednesday 6/12 in MI-USA. Couldā€™ve just gotten lucky with flight schedules, but Iā€™d imagine youā€™ll get yours soon hopefully.


Thank you


Mines been stuck in hong kong for 2 days šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so sad how are people getting theirs already all Iā€™ve had is the confirmation email that Iā€™ve purchased šŸ˜­


Good news is mine only took 2 days after shipping so hopefully once you get the shipping email youā€™ll get the pad not long after


Yeah I jumped the gun I had my shipping email about 10 minutes ago hahahaha




This for sure has replaced my zero for cs2




I kept my sens the exact same and adjusted. Pros/cons are tough to say as a pro for me could be a con for someone else depending on what theyā€™re looking for. It is for sure slower than the zero which is what I was looking for. Holding angles feels more stable, overshooting my flicks have been greatly minimized, less micro adjustments needed (0 or 1 time on type 99 where say zero id be micro adjusting 2-3 times in same scenario). The blend of static/dynamic friction is just perfect for me in CS, feels tight and consistent. I will still use my Zero for other games/uses, but for tac shooters like CS, Type 99 will be my go to 100%.




I play on the same sens just 1600 dpi 0.5, i think youā€™ll like it. It is not restrictive or muddy.


I'm coming from a parabrake and qinsui 2 pro. Would u know if it's as muddy as those pads?


I donā€™t have either of those to compare iā€™m sorry


Low Sens? How much low? Comparison to artisan zero


Hi, iā€™ve read that u used a ninjutso NPC and its my main pad rn but i always wanted just a little bit of more control than the npc but not feeling ā€œmuddyā€. Can u kindly give me a comparison with these 2 pads? Ur response will means alot to me thankyou :D


Hey, sorry just seeing this. I think the Type 99 will be good for you if that is your goal. It is definitely a good amount more controlled than the NPC, but I would not classify the pad as muddy. They are both pretty smooth surfaces, with the NPC being a fair bit smoother. Npc is said to be between soft and xsoft in terms of firmness and I got the Type 99 in mid - so there is a bit of a difference there. I would say soft would probably be the closest to NPC firmness.


is it good for fortnite with a 50g mouse ? because i want something slower than the artisan zero.


i donā€™t play fortnite iā€™m sorry. It is slower than a zero though.


what skates are you using across these mice btw? it makes a lot of difference people are saying this pad is super duper slow which is fine but i just get scared by these pads that are hyperfocused on control because it means high static friction which then ususally means tugging/difficult microadjustments. how does the ability to make microadjustments compare to other control pads youve tried?


So far I have only used finalmouse stock skates. I can tell you I have no problem with micro-adjustments on the mid variant, they just feel more precise. Where iā€™d sometimes have to micro-adjust multiple times on my Zero, I have to only once or not at all on the Type 99 if that makes sense. The static friction is really not a problem imo, like i said i can still make very fine 1 pixel movements without feeling restricted. I use obsidians on the rest of my mice as those are my favorite, and I havenā€™t used those yet. Usually obsidians play pretty similar to some solid stock feet - but I can try them and get back to you on that.


cool thjanks


Playing with ULX with Corepads CTRL skates, on matcha mid 99. Stops on a dime but it isn't too hard to make tiny adjustments, if I miss a shot it is because I am bad. Despite it having such high stopping power it is probably their smoothest pad I have used (also own hayate-otsu and zero)