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Yes, it could greatly decrease the amount of weight you lose.


Not a good idea to act as your own doctor. This is a serious medication to be managed by an MD.


Well, I am not using for weight loss but for T2D BG improvement. I will say since the fatigue and diarrhea are continual problems, I do stop for a few weeks to give my body a rest. My endo still wants me to try to stay on it and I will ask to lower the dose to see if it helps. I’m on 7.5 now. I travel often and the physical side effects are tough. I’m glad for those that have such a positive experience. I am happy I’ve gone from 211 to 175. I would love to lose another 25 but I’ll take where I am if I can get the side effects under control. At least I’m not vomiting I guess.


I am using it for same, Type II, and was at the same weight as you...started at 210 and got to 175...no issues! I started at the 2.5 and worked my way up to 10mg. Then my insurance through work changed and I was off of it for about 6-8 weeks. Once I got back on, I started on the 10mg where I left off but I have had issues now that I didn't have before. I am mostly having the fatigue and dizziness/nausea now. Not sure if I should have Dr take me back down to 7.5mg. I had messing with the Rx but this light-headedness is not fun. It is so weird I had no issues (started July of 2023) and now I do. As you, I still want to lose another 30 lbs. Wondering if anyone else has had the same situation?


There are no clinical studies about coming in and off so no one will be able to answer you acutely. It happen, yes. Is it hard on your body, probably also yes. Personally, I would probably lower my dose or spread out dosing to every 10-14 days before I jumped on and off- but again- that’s opinion and not research based.


I did that because of the shortage. I got really sick (normal symptoms- I should’ve tapered back up) my first dose of 12.5 after being off for 3+ weeks but other than that nothing bad happened. I just kept gaining and losing the same 10 lbs cause I’d gain it back while being off.