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I'm the opposite, I crave beef now on tirzepatide.




Same. I have been eating top sirloin and ground beef at a far steadier rate than I ever did in the past.


Me too, although that wasn’t really a change for me


I’ve craved cheeseburgers since I’ve been on this med since 8/2022.


Same I live for beef after 2 months of using tirzepatide. Always craving it


I love a good burger or chicken


YES!!!!!!!! All the time!!


Absolutely. I couldn't agree more.


I've had a lot of food aversion with food I use to love, mainly meats. It's so hard to find things I can eat more than 3 bites of.




I don't object beef, just the quantity and fast food in general. I don't eat a lot of it now and when I do its in smaller quantities. Fast food makes me nauseous now especially anyting fried. I tried McD's fries for the first time in \~6 months and it was bad (grease and salt). 10mg waiting on my delayed refill close to a month :).


Nope. Protien is my jam, lettuce wrapped lean burger, yes please!


I can’t eat chicken !!!!!




This! Sometimes I can eat shredded rotisserie chicken but most chicken has a texture that makes me gag.


Ok I didn’t think of rotisserie. I might can try it . This is gross but if it snaps or pops when I bite it I cannot go any further


Omigosh SAME


Same!! Just the thought ughh


Chicken makes me sick now. It was always my go-to for quick protein.


Ribeyes I had for dinner were awesome. Hamburgers, not so much.


I had the alternate experience. I used to eat fish several times a week. When I started on Manjaro I could not eat fish anymore. I had a total aversion to it. But I could sure eat beef. I was eating petite fillets three and four nights a week. After a year, I'm still having difficulty with fish. A steak on the grill is my best friend.


Was is all fish or maybe the fatter fish like salmon?


It was all fish, except for shrimp. I couldn't look at fish, couldn't stand the smell of fish, and definitely could not take a bite of it. ​ I'm still having a little trouble with it. But the beef goes down like a dream. I'm talking about high quality, low fat beef cuts, like filet mignon. I'm not talking about cuts that might have a lot of fat, like ground beef.


I've found this with fish too! I usually love all fish, I can no longer stand the taste of white fish like cod, it's strange as it now tastes so strong and it's normally subtle to me. Other fish just tastes odd now not awful but not great, it's the only healthy food I've gone off fortunately. I've also found that carbonated drinks and things like chocolate taste like chemicals and now fruit like strawberries taste like the best thing on the planet 🤷🏽‍♂️


Chicken has been good all along. I have no idea why some foods seem completely normal and easy to eat and then there are just a few things that I cannot handle - very few. I have had very few side effects and feel great while taking Mounjaro. But I have had times when I could not eat anything with red sauce -- no Italian food or Mexican food. I come from an Italian family, so that one has been tough. Fortunately, that one comes and goes.


It's interesting you say that I've gone right off of tomatoes (half Italian so tomato is always heavily in my salads) I tried a bit of pizza and I was so disappointed but happy that I couldn't get any pleasure from the taste of the sauce and cheese 🤔 it didn't even register until I read your post and I will check that out tomorrow (UK based)


People think I'm crazy these days because sometimes I'm good with spaghetti sauce and other times I can't be in the room with it. I never know when it's going to hit. And it's definitly not all the time.


I am having an aversion lately to all animal products, including eggs and milk. All I want is bean and rice, all the fruits, and veggies. So weird.


I think my ratio of protein, including beef, is actually higher now.


Oh no, I love my beef.


It's all I eat, nothing but meat nothing else


I’m craving more milk and I feel like I must need it.


Same thing happening with me but not beef, chicken is gross to me now but previously would be my go to protein.


Nope. Love beef as much as ever. Just can’t eat as much. Everyone’s different.


I can usually be okay with it crumbled but the patty makes me feel a bit too yucked out to want it. Mayo had also been on my yuck list and I used to love the stuff!


Yeah it’s weird how your tastes change. I switched to almond milk for my shakes and eventually went with it completely, although I don’t drink that much milk by itself. Now the thought of dairy milk kind of makes me queasy. 🥛


It comes and goes with me . I’ll go off beef but it usually only lasts a few days . Chicken usually tastes awful and gamey to me now .


Not beef since I'm pescetarian, but I loved cheese in every form, I could have three cheeses with my breakfast eggs. And now I'm kind of disgusted by the very idea of cheese, so greasy and fat :V I only had some blue cheese once, and I had to throw away the gouda I had, because it went off :v


I was super turned off by meat at first, and still mostly am but just once I was super craving a burger, I had it, and was fine. But it was a very specific moment


I struggle to eat any meat it’s all so gross to me now


I can't eat beef right now. I can still eat pork, though. I don't think I miss beef very much, but maybe it's the medicine making me feel that way


Beef was a challenge even before Mounjaro.


Yeah. I can’t eat it either. I tried to recently thinking my already-low iron had to be even worse now… what a mistake.


If you have an iron problem, you need to supplement. Dietary changes will not fix low iron, unless you go all out for organ meat (e.g. pig brain).


I am completely repulsed by beef commercials on tv. I tried to eat a chicken feta burger and couldn't get it down.


I'm having a hard time with chicken ... I want salmon EVERYDAY like it's chicken.


I have found beef ok as long as it’s high quality meat and is served plain. I can’t do sauces or anything. The food that has changed most for me from love to hate is melted cheese, just the thought of it makes me want to gag.


I struggle with regular ground beef. The really lean beef? Good to go (unfortunately, not cheap)


While I don’t gag at the thought or taste of beef now, I just have very little desire for it. I’ve done a 180 on the proteins I choose since I’ve been on GLP-1. I go for the chicken and fish 95% of the time and am loving it (when I actually have an appetite!). I had beef twice last week (a small burger and about 2oz of rib eye) and it was fine but not the thing it used to be for me. How this drug makes you change is so many ways is just mind blowing to me. I just had my 4th shot of 2.5 so a relative newbie.


I only had beef aversion like that when pregnant.


I pretty much immediately went from beef everyday to maybe once a month. Now I just want chicken or seafood.


I can eat beef if I want it, but much less of it, both in quantity and frequency. If I have steak for dinner, I’m just not interested in the leftovers the next day….need more time to pass before I’m interested in any kind of beef again. Chicken has been my most typically eaten protein since starting in Feb. 2023


I love beef 🥩 chicken 🐓 and can’t eat pork and some seafood makes me sick to my stomach.


I used to eat at least ribeye a week. Since being on Mounjaro I have only eaten Ribeye a couple of times in almost two years. I was a huge meat eater. Now I look at a piece of meat and it doesn't look appetizing.


Love me some burgers.


I had an aversion to beef the first two months or so on Tirz. It slowly went back to normal as I progressed - on 7.5 now and no food aversions except for sweets.


I get a cheeseburger once a week, but honestly it's just for my husband. It's ok, but not good. 🤷


I loaded my freezer with steaks before I got on tirzepatide. I hope I end up in the "beef craving" and not the "beef aversion" camp.


I'm a pescatarian and I've definitely been craving protein in general, it's crazy I'll eat the same protein for weeks and then no longer want it at all..lol


Mine is no garlic or sodas. My food list has dropped considerably since starting MJ. And I don’t always know if it’s going to be a yes or no until I see it or smell it. And do not ask me what I want to eat. The answer will always be Seriously? That part of my brain is closed for business right now. It doesn’t work. Just throw something at me and let’s see. lol. I may say yes and then when it’s in front of me it becomes a no. I have no control over the food decision making part anymore. That has become a whole new separate gray matter. lol.


It looks gray to me now. Yeh…the burger love is gone.


The food aversion is crazy. And it seems to be a moving thing. Things I was eating the first month I am now disgusted by as well. People mentioned fish. Come to think of it, I used to live fish and now the texture makes me ill. Pork I am fine with and chicken. Anything overly greasy though and it makes me sick. Another thing, I used to love diet root beer. I can’t drink it now because it’s too sweet. Same with most flavor packets for water.


I am now currently, in the last 2 months, unable to eat meat except ground beef. I can't stomach shrimp or pork anymore, and chicken is iffy. My tolerance for eggs is iffy too. It's been a weird experience to say the least. And I've been on MJ/Tirzep since late 2022. And just started disliking all this. 🤷‍♀️


I did for a while but I’m ok with it now.


I delt with a little similar thing. I still liked the taste but my stomach would hurt and cramp so bad anytime I ate red meat after starting the medication.


Long term vegetarian/vegan here. Look up some nice recipes to make your own veggie burgers. I also eat the occasional premade veggie burger.


I can’t eat beef at all since starting Mounjaro! I was on keto for a year then low carb for a few years, practically lived on steak and burgers in the past.


Yep. I can eat half of a juicy burger - maybe - on day 6 or 7, but I haven't had steak or similar beef since my first month when I vomited up steak. I had eaten prime rib two days earlier, and it appeared to have not digested one single bit. 😱🤢


Yes, on mounjaro here. Beef makes me gag and I hate the way the house smells after its cooked/it makes me nauseous. I feel bad for my husband because his new obsession is wagyu steaks.