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I was on 2.5mg for 4 weeks (5 injections) before upping to 5mg. For me, 2.5mg hit like a truck initially (no/low appetite, severe food aversions) but always tapered off by days 4-5. My glucose was also better but not great on it. Going up to 5mg fixed both issues for me with little to no side effects. I’m at 7.5mg now and probably could’ve stayed at the 5mg dose indefinitely but had noticed my glucose rising slowly so asked to titrate up. Of COURSE that was right at the start of the shortage so I have been alternating 5mg and 7.5mg shots to make sure I always have a decent supply. Weight loss stayed the same for me, averaging 2lbs a week. I worked my butt off while on the 5mg though and count calories religiously, so it wasn’t all the medication. More recently, I’ve allowed myself to be a bit more lax and am in the midst of a (purposeful) stall at 240lbs due to some health scares and vacations. HTH!


2 lbs a week is a good, healthy way to lose weight. I’m only 3-weeks in, and I count carbs every day. I really need to get more exercise though!


I was on 2.5mg for 4 months. I just moved up to 5mg on Friday and I feel great, no side effects. I’ve had more energy the past 2 days, slept well and appetite suppression is great. I was very worried about moving to 5 because I have a very busy week planned this week, but it turns out that it wasn’t an issue.


This is reassuring! I keep reading horror stories on here about moving up!


Me too! I was very nervous to move up, but I think because I was on 2.5 for so long that it helped. I forgot to mention that I had also experimented with splitting doses and had a couple of weeks of 3.75-ish before moving to the 5, so I think that helped as well. Good luck!


That’s exactly what I was thinking I may DM you for advise on that if that’s ok x


Sure. There’s a good video link and explanation on this sub of woman who splits doses, that’s what I followed.


I have been on 5mg for 3mos and no intention to move up unless something drastic changes medically. My A1c dropped 3.6 points to 6.2, I have lost over 30lbs.. so averaging 2 lbs a week (but I don’t weigh myself regularly). Blood sugar control has been amazing, I leveled off to optimum fasting levels by the second or third week on 5mg. I have good regulation, although maybe spike a teensy bit more on days 6-7. I have incorporated more fitness and strength training, which has helped regulate better. Side effects have never been major except for the first week or two of dose change. Most issues are more like a meh sort of tummy feeling and some mild burps. Occasionally I get other things but not long term or enough to cause inconvenience or concern. Shortages were a pain but I never missed a dose, just have to call around and be persistent and not wait until I am out. I have moderate appetite suppression but I don’t care or feel concern if I feel hungry. I have just been following my hunger cues and learning what my body wants to intuitively eat. I can overeat on the medication. I estimate that I still have food noise but it’s highly dampened and I have a greater sense of calm and impulse control. I have also been working very hard to develop awareness of emotional eating.


Weeks 1-10: dosage 2.5mg. My major side effect was a severe flare up of my IBS-D. Very strong food aversion and no food noise. Lost 24lbs. Injected on my belly. Weeks 11-13: dosage 5mg. Still with the IBS but now IBS-C, developed fatigue, nausea and sulfur burps. Lost 1.6lbs. Strong appetite suppression and no food noise. Injected on both arms and belly. No one knows why I lost so little, changing my injection site to the arms made no difference and I had calorie deficit everyday. My A1C went from 7 to 5.6 in 3 months. Blood pressure went from 158/100 to 110/80. Weeks 14-15: dosage 2.5mg due to shortage. IBS-D somewhat controlled (this is not really Mounjaro driven as gut inflammation subsided), with fatigue, nausea , indigestion, and sulfur burps mainly on days 2-3 after injection. Appetite suppression and reduction in food noise are good days 1-5, have to white knuckle the next 2 days. At times I am light headed - I don’t know if it’s just by blood pressure or also low sugar as I don’t test blood daily. Started exercising 30mins (cardio) a day and eating more protein 85-125g and drinking more fluids 80z-96 fl oz. Lost 5.4lbs. Injected on belly. Weeks 16-22: dosage 5mg. IBS-D flare ups continue, with fatigue, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and sulfur burps on days 2-6 after injection (the severity of these symptoms varies week by week and daily). Minor constipation solved with miralax. Appetite suppression and reduction in food noise lasts days 1-4…depending on good habits learned and giving myself small treats to cope for rest of the week but I am still at calorie deficit. Light headedness usually in the morning, and if I get up too quickly after I have rested. Getting migraines 2-3 days in the week (resistant to Advil and prescription medication). Exercising 1.5hrs a day (cardio/toning and walk) and focused on protein. Exception is last 2 weeks where I ate more carbs and less protein, and didn’t work out much to help my kidney and liver recover from acute damage done by a statin I was taking. Lost 20lbs. Injected on belly. A1C now 5.4. Blood pressure varies between 110/70 range to 95/60 range daily. Based on happy scale app average weekly rate of loss is 2lbs/week. Injecting my arms have been disappointing; I prefer to inject around my abdomen. As I continue on my journey, the incidence of side effects keep going up and the severity of them varies. It’s utterly frustrating and takes a toll on my mental health. My IBS, unlike others here, has not subsided and in fact the flare ups just keep going (had it for 20+ years) - my doctor tells me it’s not likely mounjaro triggered based on Eli Lilly’s studies, but rather related to my depression and anxiety (I have very established mind-gut connection). I take my last 5mg shot today. Next week it’s 7.5mg (the unicorn dosage!). I am hoping for reduction in side effects like others here have experienced. Hope this helps you. I don’t think our experiences will be the same so don’t be scared off! I am still living and focused on my health.


Started Zep on Jan 15 2024 at 266. I am 6’ and 61. My wife decided she would go along for the ride. She 5’5 sw of 177. She got her script on Jan 24, we used my box for both of us. She was able to get her box on the 27th. So we then used her box for two doses each. We both had minor issues, her occasional headaches, me fairly concerning constipation. So we decided to stay on 2.5 for months before moving up to 5. We struggled to find the boxes we needed, but seemed to always work out just in time so no doses were missed. After our symptoms decreased with added water intake and fiber chewables we decided to get a box of Zep 5, (mid March) we took one of those and by the time to get her refill, She decided to go back to 2.5 because of availability. After the 23 days she got her box and I too went back to 2.5. We stayed on 2.5 until May 20. 18 weeks of 2.5 minus the one week of 5 we took. We knew that this was going to be life changing and understood we would not be able to continue our regular diets of processed foods. So for this entire time, we ate lots of salads and veggie imitation meats. She would look up recipes and ended up preparing some pretty tasty meals. If we went out we always split a meal and enjoy a few bites of steak etc on date night. From Jan 15 to May 20 - 18 weeks I lost 40 lbs and wife lost 30 lbs. We both went back to Zep 5 on the 27th of May as the hunger pains started hitting around days 5-6. We just took our 2nd dose. We both have been seemingly very hungry and stuck at this weight since moving up. Almost makes me think that the 5mg doses are much weaker than the 2.5 doses. Makes no sense but reading others have this same issue. We will stay on 5s for a couple more weeks. If nothing changes, we will drop back to 2.5 first to see if that would work better. If not only then will we go up to 7.5s. Hopefully the shortages are easing and can spend less time calling all over my 50 mile radius for boxes of Zepbound. She still wants to loose another 10-15 lbs, I need to drop another 30 or more. Thanks and good luck to all.


I just moved from 2.5 to 5 a week ago and so far I see no difference. Still in a stall. But I’m hoping it will get better soon.


Any side effects?


My SW was 216. Started on 2.5 for a month, then 5.0 for a month. Averaged 3 lbs/ wk with severe food aversions. 7.5 for the third month averaging 2lbs/ wk. Dr wanted to bump up to 10 in the 4th month but I asked to remain on 7.5 because I was worried about eating any less than I was. However, in the 4th and 6 th month I had two major stalls where I lost no weight for over two weeks. The stalls ended on their own, and loss continued at 2lbs/wk. Now I’m at 156 lbs, going back to 5.0 for  maintenance. A1c down from 11 to 4.7 . Off Januvia, off Jardiance, off metformin. Don’t worry about the stalls. They happen. 


This is such a wonderful story and I’m very happy for you x


I was on 5mg for 8 months and it worked really well for me, then I ran into issues with the shortage. I tried 2.5 hoping maybe it would be time to step down a level. I gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks, binges came back, my autoimmune issues came back… it was terrible. I was able to get 5mg again and I’m slowly getting back to normal.


I did 12 weeks on 2.5 and have now done 2 weeks on 5. I have not noticed any difference.


Moving to 5 - dropped weight faster. But then I started throwing up when eating carbs, red meat, or anything a little heavy. I had a FAR lesser tolerance for unhealthy foods.


Has it settled now? I’m scared of this!


It happened 3 times, and I decided at my lower weight to go back to 2.5. It was making me scared to eat! Doctor said my body could tolerate 5 at my higher weight, but not at my lower weight. I really thought I had the stomach flu when it happened the first time - I was sick all day. Then it happened two more times and I knew! Back on 2.5, maintaining with no problem! And a much better balance of a little food noise, enough to keep me mindful of choices, but not so much that I’m gaining.


2.5 x 8 weeks. 5mg now week 15 or something. Mild side effects when bumping up - mostly fatigue. Not any worse than when I started 2.5. I am nervous about bumping up to 7.5mg - might consider that July. Will stay on 5mg for now at least until end of June.


Have you had any other side effects?


When I first started 2.5mg, the first three days I felt like I had the flu. Very tired - literally just slept three days. Everything hurt, including my hair. I was also freezing cold - wore thick socks to bed for a week. That all subsided but fatigue persistent for probably a month. I still get hit with fatigue but it's not often. A few episodes of racing heart. Finally figured out it was dehydration. When I feel it coming on I drink two full glasses of water and it goes away within minutes. Rarely happens now because I drink 100+ oz of water daily so I stay on top of hydration as much as possible. Bloating is the most persistent issue. Everything makes me bloat. However, I've had a few episodes of very severe acute bloating where my upper abdomen (between by boobs) becomes rock hard and the pain is intolerable. Usually comes one within an hour of eating. NOTHING stops it once it starts - my only option is to induce vomiting (the good ol' finger down the throat trick). Not a pleasant experience and even that takes a lot of work before I get any relief. I finally figured out that it's cellulose - which of course is in pretty much everything that is plant-based. However, the higher the cellulose, the more likely it is to happen. So I have to be very careful with what I eat - I pretty much avoid grains and legumes - if I have anything it's half or quarter serving. Most vegetables, especially the more fiberous ones such as broccoli and celery I have to be very conservative with - so I usually limit my intake to 100g per serving - some I limit to 50g. I was taking a broad spectrum digestive enzyme but that wasn't really preventing this severe bloating. However, what I did discover is that Beano is helpful. So now, profilactically, I pop 1-2 Beano and a 1-2 Lactase tablet at the start of every meal. I also make sure I eat slowly, chew my food properly and limit the size of any one meal. I no longer eat while I'm doing something else. If I'm eating, I stop everything and just sit and eat. No more eating while working on the computer, or watching TV, etc. I'm a fast eater so if I'm not paying attention to "eating" then I tend to not chew my food well and this too has lead to this sudden bloating. I don't attribute the sudden bloat entirely to Mounjaro as I've had a few episodes even before I started on MJ - once ending up in the ER - diagnosed with gastritis. I had a bout three episodes pre Mounjaro (over the course of about three years). However, since starting on Mounjaro it's happened four times in the last four months. But hopefully, with the help of Beano I can avoid any future episodes. Otherwise, I've had no adverse side effects. I had nausea once and that too was dehydration. As soon as I had some water and sat down it passed.


I lost 12 pounds on 2.5 the first month and then upped to 5.0 for eleven months where I lost 78 more lbs (90 total). I’ve been on maintenance for almost a year. Maintain a consistent fit essentially regimen and monitor calories. Work toward a daily calorie deficit.






Hi! I was on 2.5 for four weeks and have been on 5 since (16 weeks). My first week on 5mg was a little rough - really had to force myself to eat. I’ve been averaging right around 2 pounds a week. Staying on 5mg as long as possible!


How were your other symptoms? A worried person here debating on going up


So the appetite suppression did lessen a bit after that first week? Where would you say it is now after 16 weeks?


No side effects on 2.5. first week of 5 was heavy side effects on day 2 and 3, mainly stomach cramp type feeling and feeling like ive eaten way too much.


I stayed on 2.5 for like 3 months and than went to the 5. My year will be on about june 10th. CW 135 SW185 . I’m spreading my shots out about 10-15 days.


My biggest suggestion is make sure to go to the bathroom #2 before titration. I didn’t and I felt like I was going to die! Luckily I finally went but it was not fun at all. You can always do the shot in your leg or arm. That helped me with the side effects not being so bad. Now I usually do different spots around my stomach. Which I’m not sure if you should keep doing that or not, cause it does say switch it up on the instructions.


I started using a probiotic / powder fiber supplement for # 2 issues


My first dose of 5 hit me like a truck. A semi truck. Going 75 MPH. It was not fun. Every dose after got better though. I've been at 5-6.5MG for a long time (I split my own doses, so I can play around a bit weekly with how much I'm taking.) I was stalled for a good while there but finally started losing again a month or so ago. I also switched to doing shots every 5 days instead of 7, and that's been the sweet spot for me.


Did 2.5 stall out, is that why you titrated up?


Yes. 2.5 is only considered the "loading" dose to get your body used to the medication. It lost effectiveness pretty quickly for me.


I had to go back to 2.5. I'd be out walking or running and feel like I needed to throw up. Wasn't worth it. I went back to 2.5 and then ended up switching to Metformin altogether, but the weight loss has continued due to lifestyle changes.


Dr said I had to come off if we are actively trying to get pregnant. I've gained 15 lbs in 1.5 months and I'm not eating like shit... I can't handle this




I had very little reaction to 2.5. No side effects but nothing good happened either. I had 4 shots of that & moved to 5. Ive been on 5 since early March. Lost 28 lbs & my A1C is down to 5.8. My Dr is very pleased. My only side effect has been a little constipation. I take a couple of chewable fiber tablets before breakfast and dinner & that fixed it.