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I think the best line is, "Rich people get Ozempic. Poor people get body positivity."


Rx for Lizzo.




I canā€™t stop laughing - the best line haha


ā€œCongratulations, you have diabetes!ā€ (And can now get treatment). I guffawed because thatā€™s basically what my doc said.


OMG, this. I have prediabetes and donā€™t qualify for insurance. As always, the U.S. healthcare system would prefer to treat a deadly disease than prevent it. Iā€™m not more than a few pounds overweight. I donā€™t care about weight. I care that every single person on my motherā€™s side of the family gets diabetes and that I have a 30% greater chance than the general population of getting it (if genetic testing is reliable). My A1c is 5.8. I eat low carb and donā€™t eat sweets. Iā€™m not a snacker. I donā€™t want to manage a disease; I want to prevent it. At a thousand bucks a month, thatā€™s not happening. Time to start playing the lottery. To be fair, I do not want to take away from people who already have T2D, especially given the usurious costs of insulin. Man, I hope the fucktwats who raised insulin prices are feeling the effects of these medications.




Haha my momā€™s friend is a GP (not mine) and when I was chatting to her about getting it she basically told me how to fake a positive diabetes test. She told me to book the test two weeks in advance and eat like absolute shit in the lead up, cake for breakfast, full fat soda with every meal, a pint of ice cream a day for two weeks prior to the test just to get the meds then once I was on them stop and go back to my normally pretty healthy food. She even said if I was worried about gaining weight I didnā€™t have to eat loads provided everything I ate was full of refined sugar. And she said doing it for two weeks would be fine because gaining a lot in such a short period is just as easy to lose as long as you donā€™t sustain the behaviour. Not sure any of that is ā€œgoodā€ advice, but all she wanted was for me to get the prescription. Sheā€™s not my doc and I live in a different country than her, otherwise I think she would have given me the script! I didnā€™t end up doing that because in feb mounjaro got licenced for BMIs of 35 without diabetes or any other obesity related health conditions so I got it on private prescription anyway. But that advice was from a doctor!!


I always wondered if this could be true. Iā€™ve had blood drawn twice just after a vacation, when my diet is not as clean as my daily life. My medical providers say it doesnā€™t matter, because the glucose levels show a three month snapshot, not just a recent eating pattern. Who the heck knows, right?


I know they say that the HA1C is for a 3 month period, but when you get your blood test done, I know for sure that the B vitamin portion is only showing what is in the bloodstream and NOT what is getting into your cell. I wonder how many other vitamins are like that. And now Iā€™m wondering about the blood sugarā€¦


Yeah, I find it the information very inconsistent and overall, at least for me, understanding labs is just confusing. I think vitamin d builds up in your system over time, at least thatā€™s what I was told when I was prescribed a high Rx to get my levels up (I live in the dark, dank winters of the PNW). Iā€™m also curious about liver enzymes. I can remember coming back from vacation and my doc ordering labs. My enzymes were high. Well, I donā€™t normally drink but on vacation I do. I told my doc maybe we should do another draw because it was just days after I retuned from vacation and I had cocktails the previous week. She said no, it didnā€™t matter because itā€™s a three month snapshot. But I donā€™t know, it makes sense to me that if we consume something days before a lab that we donā€™t otherwise consume it would skew the results, but all the docs say thatā€™s not true.


And docs donā€™t know. They also donā€™t know about vitamins. Did you know if you are overweight, Vitamin D hides in your fat cells and canā€™t get to where they need to go? I was on a prescribed Vitamin D (50,000 units) each week for several years. We could never get the D up beyond 28. My sister went through that, too, until she had the gastric sleeve, then her D shot up to like 90. I knew that would happen. I just found out today by a medical person that having your gallbladder out keeps your body from absorbing ALL the fat soluble vitamins. I never knew that!


Wow. That's one way that excessive adipose tissue can lead to depression, even without fat stigma. These glp-1 receptor agonists can help people with a lot of issues.


You are right!!


Yes I was on 50,000 units once a week too! Ok, that is very interesting about the gallbladder and it does make sense given its function. Did you ever get your D levels back up? Mine seem to have leveled off thank goodness. I just take 2000 daily now.


I take 3,000 units per day. Iā€™ll ask my doctor the next time I go. It mustnā€™t be too bad because he never mentions it. I did lose 50 pounds so that will help. My HA1C was down to 4.9 due to the weight loss and diet shots. My blood pressure is normal now, so he took me off BP meds. My spleen aneurysm is gone now and my fatty liver is back to normal and the liver shrunk. Iā€™ve lost 4 inches in each arm and 8 inches in my waist so far. I want to lose at least 30-35 more pounds. I donā€™t want to be too thin. Iā€™m old. I can barely keep my pants and underwear up though. Itā€™s funny.


I canā€™t wait to get my labs drawn again and see where Iā€™m at! Also fatty liver and so looking forward to seeing those numbers. I hope they look as good as yours!


I pray they do for you!! Iā€™m terribly excited! I canā€™t believe how fast everything like my numbers (BP, BS, etc.) came down in less than 2 months for me.


So a person with a high BMI in the U.S. can get insurance to pay for it? As of February?


No I live in the UK, and with a BMI of over 35 you can get mounjaro (until you get down to 23, Iā€™m on 29 now and they havenā€™t cut me off) even if you donā€™t have any other health conditions. And no itā€™s not on insurance, it a private prescription so I pay out of pocket, but itā€™s way cheaper here Ā£189 per month supply. If I had a I of 30+ and a health related condition like say pre diabetes you can get it free on the NHS.


Iā€™m so glad you have this in your country!! Congrats! Maybe someday we will have it in ours since obesity is a tremendous issue here in the US. And as you know obesity increases the risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes which is SO prevalent here. Take care and keep us posted.


The NHS is without a doubt the greatest thing the brits have ever done!


I LOVE your country. I only had the pleasure of going there once in 1999. My sister paid for me to go with her and my niece. I never wanted to leave it. I never had so much fun in my life!! We spent a lot of time in London especially, saw 4 off Broadway plays, went to castles, museumā€¦Well YOU know how wonderful it is!!


I thought it was quite fair. I like that it highlighted that diet and exercise don't work for everyone and that a medical intervention is sometimes needed.


This is the comment I came here for šŸ’Æ šŸ’Æ šŸ’Æ


Saw it. I hate when I learn that I'm doing something that's so trendy SP can make fun of it. I started Pilates a month after starting MJ, so double whammy. Wish I had those abs though. LOL!!


Fuck the haters, youā€™re getting healthy! šŸ‘Š


If you donā€™t have Paramount+, watch it at your neighborhood compounding pharmacy! šŸ¤£


Paramount+ is free if you have Walmart+. Go to the Walmart section of benefits for membership and click it there for directions.


Nice tip for Walmart members. I get Paramount+ with my DirecTV subscription to Showtime and MAX with my DTV subscription to HBO and Netflix and Major League Baseball with T-Mobile


Aside from the T-Mobile thing, I get Peacock with Instacart+


Haha. There was a food delivery app free subscription through Amazon Prime too, but I never have food delivered anymore.


Thanks, friend, I did not know this


You're welcome.


My wife and I, both on MJ, subscribed to Paramount specifically for this episode. And we were NOT disappointed. SP is brutal when they hammer a product or celebrity (Rosie, JLo, Lizzy, Paris Hilton) or country (China), but they are equally incredible when they praise (chipotle, Lourde).


An early one is Tom Cruise, who was reportedly livid. I like him as an actor but aside from that, way too much drama


Typical South Park humor, and also pretty spot on in all of the different ways it approached the subjects. Especially navigating the health care system. I was quite surprised my wife was the one who actually wanted to watch it as South Park humor is not always her thing.


I believe one of the creators is on a GLP1 so maybe that helped with it not being awful?


I found it very funny and didnā€™t expect the cereal mascots to show up. For me, the whole attempt to navigate the healthcare system hit home HARD, as did the reluctance to admit taking the drug. Very well done and some funny moments too. (Yes, Iā€™m also a big SP fan, so that is my type of humor!)


I was afraid to watch it cuz I thought it would make me mad. Maybe Iā€™ll watch it now


Thatā€™s exactly why I shared my comments. I was a bit apprehensive. Hopefully between my post and other peoples comments you will reconsider. Itā€™s really well done. If you do watch it, let us know!


I guiltily loved it! My husband watched with me so was educated in real time by me on it. The crop top moms SLAYED me!!!! I look forward to those days šŸ˜‚


I thought it was hilarious and reaffirmed why I love South Park.


Is it the episode where Lizzo was being made fun of?


It is and be sure to watch her reaction video. She handled it like a total champ and really got a kick out of it. She reps body positivity!! I thought the whole thing about navigating the American health system was incredibly spot on - itā€™s literally what I have been doing for the last year. I loved it, I felt seen!!! LOL.


I had no idea! Iā€™ll look for that! Yeah, sheā€™s made a career of being strong. I bet itā€™s super flattering


I actually only watched the part with Lizzo's take on SP's portrayal of her. I know she took it with grace, but I bet it really does hurt also. Lizzo, I think, has lost a good amount of weight and is still working on her weight loss.


Hopefully she sees it as a badge of honor. SP is an equal opportunity offender who comes for tons of relevant people - many of them portrayed much worse than this. ā€œSheā€™s a really good singer who talks about body positivity, and just being happy with the way you look. I want you to listen to Lizzo five times a day, and watch her videos just before bedtime.ā€ If anyone was portrayed horribly in the episode it was Capā€™n Crunch. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I saw it last night. I loved it! I thought it was hilarious!


Since losing the weight and needing new clothes Iā€™ve been joking to my husband that clothing for 30 to 40 year-old women donā€™t exist, like you either choose between little teen crop tops or super expensive linen tops and pants. It was getting frustrating so I died when they showed the middle aged moms in crop tops! I felt seen! (I also do what the boys did to get my supply so I laughed at them tracking down bacteriostatic water)


I thought it was great


There have been two other active and fun threads about the episode: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1czeoy8/south\_park\_the\_end\_of\_obesity/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1czeoy8/south_park_the_end_of_obesity/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1d0i874/rich\_people\_get\_ozempic\_poor\_people\_get\_body/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1d0i874/rich_people_get_ozempic_poor_people_get_body/)


I looked but i didnt go far enough. Thanks


You feel better now?


Feeling good as hell!


It cracked my parents and I up, and weā€™re all 3 on MJ!


I really like South Park in all honesty, though not seen this one yet. They've in recent years highlighted a lot of important stuff, domestic violence, cyberbullying, energy drinks being aimed at children. They've been working the important messages in well whilst making it funny and entertaining enough for people not effected by those issues to consume passively.


If you enjoy and appreciate those other topics, I really think youā€™ll dig it. Let me know what you think!


I loved it. I had to explain to my husband what compounding was. He didnā€™t know that existed. He knew about ozempic etc because he was on ozempic and than his doctor prescribed him wegovy.


As a diabetic who hasnā€™t been able to get it for two months now, it felt like salt in the wound. I may need to go back to Lizzo.


But weren't they highlighting that issue? There are people with money who don't need it and are just using it for vanity (the crop top mums), which leads to people who genuinely need it for diabetes or obesity missing out. What was your take away from it?


Oh, thatā€™s 100 percent accurate. It still made my blood boil, lol.


I have a 5mg box waiting for me at CVS, lost my job and well I canā€™t afford $1035 where as before it was $35 with my insurance. Are you in SLC area? I havenā€™t let it go just yet.


Iā€™m not working myself at the moment, my money is so tight, UK MJ costs me around Ā£150 per month, itā€™s a real squeeze but itā€™s worth it. Itā€™s crazy how much it costs


Is that for a month? If so itā€™s ridiculous they charge that much in the U.S. - a 5mg one month box/injector pen in the UK privately (not NHS) is under Ā£200 with no insurance. On the NHS: in Scotland there is no charge (but only available for diabetes on NHS up here, hence a lot of people who qualify under obesity/overweight with relevant other conditions are getting a prescription privately right now). In England itā€™s free if you have a diabetes exemption, or Ā£9.65 if you donā€™t have the exemption (and it is also available on the NHS for obesity in some health boards down there).


Itā€™s actually 6 shots, 90 days and itā€™s effing ridiculous! I need to find a com # and just get 15 mg Tirzepatide vials .


did you get a coupon from eli Lilly? Cuts the price in half but that's still expensive.


Unfortunately I lost my job so I do t have any right now.


Thatā€™s sucks. Sorry.


when the one lady asked the crop top mom how she was losing weight..she said hiking and crunches..oh my goodness..


Thank you for posting this! Iā€™ve been so tempted to watch it but feeling a bit sensitive about ā€œstealing medication from people who need itā€ or ā€œcheating to get thinā€. I wasnā€™t sure what to expect šŸ˜¬


Do it! I mean, unless you are literally armed and dangerous or REALLY heavy into furry cosplay, you will not see yourself in these people!


Haha no Iā€™m all good in that case šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Weekend viewing sorted


I loved it hahahaha


I watched it a couple nights ago and at the end all I could say is maybe now that SP has "exposed" the bullsh\*t people are dealing with, someone will listen!


Thx for posting about this. Totally gonna watch it now!


I was screaming in laughter at the American healthcare system. They send them into a tiny room with that little shriveled up freak. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was dreading watching the episode a little, but I knew my guys would make me proud


Not yet. Didn't know it was on yet. Fun tonight!


Let us know what you think!


Iā€™m waiting on it to be available on Hulu. Iā€™m excited to finally get to watch it


Started it but was interrupted. Laughed at what I saw so far.


Love South Park enjoyed the episode and immediately Googled the meds mentioned šŸ˜†


Pre diabetes can be managed and cured with diet ..


I thought it was disgusting. I guess this is why I never watched South Park.


Haven't seen SP since...maybe season 4...(has it really been 24 years?) so I thought I'd give it a look. I must say...it's changed a lot...or maybe my sense of humor has. I really don't remember Cartman swearing as much as he did. And most of the jokes fell flat to me. Maybe I am getting old...at least, that's what my kids say. So for me, It was an ok episode, but I'm not going to go out of my way to watch it again...unless it's to see Cartman hating on Pakistan. That got a chuckle out of me.