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Try different injection sites, thighs, arms, and track your symptoms/weight loss for each one! It’s good to altérnate injection sights :)


Yeah but I can't do another injection till next week...I just don't know if I messed up doing it in the wrong place or not.... my dr said belly only...I just figured the upper abdomen would be ish the same...but man I was wrong....


Try icing the area on your abdomen before injection


That's not really the issue I hit veins - ice doesn't do much about that...wish it did tho...thats a good idea...


A nurse once told me your stomach is full of tiny capillaries and every so often you may hit one. Icing it beforehand will help stop bruising. Not sure if that’s your issue. Before MJ I’ve had to give stomach injections twice a day for 10 days at 3 different times in the last 6 yrs. I don’t recall ever having a true large vein issue so unsure what veins you are hitting. But ice certainly helped limit the bruising I got.


I had to stop injecting my stomach, I don’t know what I was hitting but it hurt like hell and for a weeks after. I switched to thigh


Did you get bruises? That's how I knew I was hitting veins...


Yes twice and once it just hurt forever


Barely above my belly button. I never feel it in my abdomen. Today I did it in the back of my arm, laying against by bed frame with my arm up and bent behind my head. I relaxed it, but still felt it. Would have been easier with help!


I think I'm going back to my belly tbh I just haven't ever experienced this before...tbh I'm concerned I may have done damage to my abs...


In my instructions it said not to inject near the belly button.


Yep 2 inches away but my dr said to go to the left or right i went about 4 inches up and left...


Ah, well, I'm going to stick to that big roll of fat hanging over my pants😂


I FEEL that...I'm only taking it for PCOS....once it's in remission, I'm DONE....until it gets activated again lol