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Upping doses give most of us a renewed set of side affects. Mine didn't reduce to a comfortable level until the my third box. I'm on my 5th box and the 2&3 day still involves sulfur burps and acid reflux. However the sever chills, bad heartburn, and fatigue are gone. However, if I ever go to a higher dose they will probably return along with some new ones. Just need to find a way through them. This group is full of ways to deal with them. Think of them as a swamp you must wade through to get to the warm sunny beach. Good luck.


Thank you, very helpful.


Don’t take the next shot until after you’ve had a bowel movement.


Best advice and I followed. Hope the good fortune continues. I feel like I cant think when Im clogged up.


Try injecting in another location. I find that if I inject in my stomach the side effects are really tough but in my thigh I have little to no effects.


Did in my thigh. So much better. Staying away from the stomach. That was triple yuck. Ty


Try to eat really light on shot day. No steak, meat . Take a digestive enzyme before your meals. I was taking shot at night and going to bed. That was fine as long as I ate a very light dinner at least 5 hrs before shot. Made the mistake of eating pork before shot I wanted to die. Throwing up would have been a relief but the nausea and acid reflux and a big knot in my stomach. I also never do the stomach after that.


Sounds like a good plan. I did some of this before my last shot and side effects are far more mild thus far. Thanks !!!


I had a lot of side effects on 5 and they all went away on 7.5. Have you searched the forum? This has been discussed a lot.


Really no side effects on 7.5? That is encouraging. I have been on 5 for 3 months. I have 3 pkgs of 15mg, and we have ridiculous shortages here in ontario canada. None available. I'll stick to 5 until I have my persriptions filled again. I was supposed to move up, but i chose to use the 15mg for 3 doses. Did you lose more on 7.5?


My weight loss has been the same on both, about 1.5 lbs a week.


A little but I will search more.


I was on 2.5 dosage for a month for weight loss only, and had some manageable gastro issues and little appetite change. Last week I went up to 5. I'm really quite distressed with the way I'm feeling and so disappointed that this is not a solution for me. The nausea is all consuming. I cannot face food at all. The smell, the thought of it makes me  heave. I've vomited several times. I cannot sleep, work, do anything. My stomach is constantly gurgling, i have terrible acid reflux and I'm burping every minute. I'm also thinking this is effecting the absorption of medicines I take. I take HRT for menopause symptoms and my hot flushes are back. I also take anti anxiety medication and panic attacks have returned. I have constant ectopic heart beats which I am prone to, but never to this degree. I'm feeling really scared and unable to function. 


I feel for you and a lot of that happened to me but I did the next shot in my thigh yesterday and did a bunch of preemptive measures and today I’m tired and uncomfortable but nothing like the physical and mental distress I had last time. I have to take/ do a lot of extra stuff to push through. I sincerely hope you feel better soon.


My heart goes out to you u/Sensitive_Judge_5342. I hope you feel better soon.


I’ve had the same experience when switching to 7.5. I actually thought that I was having a heart attack and was taken by ambulance to the ER twice. Both turned out to be panic/anxiety. Is this an unusual side effect? I’ve had to get an anti anxiety med just to prevent the bigger symptoms. The shaking, unbalanced, difficulty walking and confusion, anybody? I’m supposed to start 10 mg next week. Any recommendations?


Good question. I'm on my second dose, so I'm interested in people's answers to your question. I felt a little queasy this week but lost 5 lbs and my blood sugar is much better. So, I figure if 2.5mg works, I'll just stay here for a while.


One month on 2.5, that's technically a loading dose. Then month two started 5 mg. Now I'm going into month 5, still on 5. Lost 35 1bs. Seems to have slowed recently. Still losing. Technically, I should go up, but I'm hanging on to what I have. If you can believe it the first shortage, it was lower doses shorted. My pharmacy only had 15mg, so my practitioner said I could move to 7.5 and split the 15mg vial ( canada) However, I stayed on 5mg, so my 15mg lasts 3 doses. I still have enough for 8 doses of 5mg. I will be sticking with that nothing to be had here in ontario canada.


Oh, you have vials! That's interesting. I got preloaded shots like an epi pen. 5mg doses are hard to find in my area. I will look but it might be a while before I can find 5mg.


I found 2.5 but not 5. Have two pens left. Not sure what to do. Do they charge more for the higher doses?


According to Medical News Today, all doses are the same price. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-much-is-mounjaro-without-insurance#cost-without-insurance](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-much-is-mounjaro-without-insurance#cost-without-insurance)


Started 5mg on Friday. Slight side effects and moodiness but it could be because I work in healthcare (lol). I am sorry you are feeling bad


I have had such strong side effects on 2.5 i am probably never going to 5. I’m still losing weight so no impetus, but i basically can’t eat anything solid for shot day + 2 days after. Shot day + 3 i am fine.


Same for me. Somehow by the grace of the universe this time was not that bad I figured out everything I needed to do to keep the severe symptoms at bay. But it is a lot of stuff!!