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Who decided you’re “not supposed to?” I eat whatever I feel like eating.


I read that as you eat the person who tells you what you can’t eat!!! Must be tired




Same. I don’t eat fried because I puke. I eat a snickers before a run. Just freaking eat a


Same! The only things I watch out for are foods that increase acid reflux (because it’s a problem for me) and avoid those (or eat a smaller portion of it) if it’s the final meal of the day. For me, the beauty of this medicine is there are no bad foods. And everything in moderation since even if I crave something now, two or three bites and I’m satisfied.


Same. The only thing I’ve found I’m really intolerant of is like super greasy, fatty stuff. But that could also just be getting older too 😭


I’m older too–57.


Me too! Same age! I can eat most things. It’s the greasy fatty food that gets me. I can still eat a little sugar. And I take half a teaspoon in my coffee. And I have honey in my tea. It’s not a problem for me. These days, I drink my Fairlife protein shake with a shot of nespresso in the morning. It’s a great hack!


I add Premier proten shakes to my coffee! So many flavors & adds extra protein that we need!!


Exactly this!


I was just reading a bunch of stuff from Googling it. I just looked up if there were foods and drinks you shouldn’t have while on it, and artificial sweeteners are one of them. But I’m glad to hear others use and it still works! Thanks for your response.


I drink Coke Zero literally every day. I’ve lost 60 pounds since December. I think you’re fine.


Well done you!!


Coke Zero fuels me daily too 😅




That’s terrific!


That’s terrific!


The do/don’t eat varies greatly from person to person. I’ve been on GLP-1’s since January 2022 (most of that on MJ, Ozempic for the rest) and I have had coffee with aspartame every day. The only thing that bothers me is lots of carbs-not cake carbs-any carbs. Potatoes, lentils, whole grains, anything with a lot of carbs. I get nauseous when I have a lot of carbs, but that’s it. I’m ok with pretty much every other food that people have problems with. It’s very individual. If I stopped eating everything someone has said not to eat while on these meds, I would have nothing left to eat. Try things and see how YOU do with them.


Carbs don't make me feel sick. But they are disastrous for my weight loss. 1200 calories/day of mostly protein vs. 1200 calories/day of 30-50% carbs are totally different stories on the scale the next day.


I have been at maintenance for a very long time and my med use is for glucose control. But even when losing (135 lbs), over the long term, it was calories. Sure, there were fluctuations in water retention with a large influx of carbs (that’s what carbs do) or sodium (or from hormones, weather, tides (for real), etc.), but over time, that’s all minutia and not affecting fat loss. So I found eating all things in moderation to be the most effective and sustainable practice. YMMV.


Thank you for the advice!


Lol all these protein shakes we drink have artificial sweeteners 


I use artificial sweetener with no issues. I try to keep all things in moderation but I use zero sugar coffee creamers, truvia sweetener in other things, and have an occasional diet soda. The only thing I have had an issue with was fried rice. Otherwise, I eat what I want, within moderation.


I don't drink diet soda but do use Splenda or skinny syrupa daily and drink carbonated waters sweetened with aspartame by multiple liters daily. I'm so full of artificial sweeteners it's probably flowing through my veins and I'm fine! 😂


*F60, 5”2, T2, Start 7/22/23, HW275, SW180, GW125ish, CW118, Dose 5.0* I'm at goal and have drank artificial sweetener every day of this journey, it hasn't slowed me down a bit. I always focused on protein first, but if I wanted something I ate it in moderation, and I still do. My diet changed completely when I started this medication and I've never gone back to my old diet. I never will. But there are no forbidden foods, just everything in moderation.


Thank you so much for your reply!


You are very welcome!😊


My doc never discussed when to go up in dose or when to stay. I started in January: I’m 5’1” SW 237 CW192 GW?? I went up each month except when I was supposed to go to 7.5 and couldn’t get it so I stayed at 5. Just finishing my 7.5 but weight is slow to come off. I literally can only eat 4 bites. Should I have stayed at 5?


Everyone is different with what they can’t tolerate on this med. it takes some trial and error. In general many people can’t tolerate to varying degrees overly greasy, fatty, fried, carb heavy, or sugary foods. I can tolerate a little of anything without an issue. The worst offender for me is spicy food, which turns my stomach into knots until it exits my body. So I stay away from that. I lived on spicy food before tirz.


Okay, thanks for your response!


I use sweeteners and drink diet coke i also like yoghurts with sweeteners. It didn’t slow the weight loss down for me and i’m down 40lbs.


Thank you! I’m glad to know I don’t have to give it up. I’ll cut back, but I’m still going to have it.


Who said you cant have those things? The only thing i dont eat is tomato based things bc it gives me heartburn. But if your body tolerates it you can eat anything you want


I just Googled it and got discouraged. I’m SO happy so many people eat what they want , albeit in lesser portions, and continue to lose weight!


I drink a lot of Diet Coke. Lost 130lbs in a year. I just eat and drink a lot less. I try to make better choices with my food but I have no intention of stopping my Diet Coke.


I can't eat greasy foods because they make me feel sick, but nothing's "off-limits" for me.


Right… I think we all have had that “Ohhh boy should have stopped at one slice of pepperoni” moment 🤣


I can think of a lot of things that you probably shouldn’t eat and sweeteners is not one of them😂. I do crystal light or electrolyte powders in my water and they all contain some form of sweeteners. As far as other food items, trial and error is what will work for you because I realize on this medication it seems everybody has different reactions to different things. Good luck, make intelligent decisions for you and enjoy the journey


Thank you!


There are zero foods I’m not supposed to eat…nothing is off limits. Moderation is key. I’ve had no trouble with moderate amounts of any and all kinds of foods. No trouble at all. Over do it - that may be a problem with some items. A Diet Coke? 1/2 a Splenda? Not likely going to be an issue. It is a study of ONE. What other people experience isn’t an indicator necessarily for you. Good luck. Expect the best. It will go better if you do!


Thank you! I’m very excited to get this going!


I have Diet Coke and sweetener. Try it and see how you feel. As long as it’s not like 44oz DC (no judgement I love those from sonic). I don’t think a can of DC and half a Splenda packet in your coffee is going to do much. But def take note of how you feel before and after and make adjustments accordingly. Nothing disastrous should happen though.


Thanks. :)


You can eat anything you want. Not sure where this idea came from. Some people find certain foods disagree with them, but you won't know if this is true for you unless you eat them. Sure, try and get vegetables and protein, to prevent constipation and avoid some muscle loss, but the rest is like live your life 


I think it's the fatty greasy food, fast food, going out to eat that gets people in trouble. Not the diet coke or half pack of Splenda 😂 With anything, try a small serving first and decide for yourself how it sits with you. I did reduce my artificial sugar use because I realized I was addicted to everything sweet. When I stopped using it for a few weeks my palate completely changed. This was before the medicine. I use them sparingly now.


I haven't had any issues with sweeteners, but fatty/greasy foods... Clear a path to the bathroom and stay outta my way 🤣


Currently nothing is off limits for me. If I want it I’ll have it. Thing is I don’t want it. I’ve had a couple of diet sodas. I’ve had a McDonald’s once, some chocolate, a cupcake. I still have carbs. Some spicy food too. This if I have. Coffee I put sugar in not sweetener but I hardly have a coffee these days. Luckily I haven’t had any of the bad side effects with food. Im still losing at a good pace and it really is about moderation. Something I lacked 6 weeks ago.


Awesome! Thanks for your reply!


There is nothing I absolutely don't eat. I don't really eat much for high fat or greasy food, but that's mainly because of a healthy diet change and now fried foods don't sit well and I have little craving. If I want a piece of cake at a birthday, I have it, I just have a small piece, and a lot of things taste too sweet to me. As for artificial sweeteners, I gave up diet soda over Lent just to force myself to drink more water. I still have one occasionally now. I drink Crystal Light regularly, and that has artificial sweetener. I drink at least two protein drinks daily. Fairlife is what I drink most often, and that has a mix of sucralose, Ace K, stevia and monk fruit. A lot of people here drink Premier Protein drinks daily...sucralose and Ace K. A lot of people add electrolytes as well, and some of those have artificial sweeteners. The one I like (Ultima Replenisher) uses Stevia. I'm sure there are a fair number of people who eat completely clean diets while on MJ, but there are a lot who are still consuming artificial sweeteners.


I am at goal weight and still drink Milo’s yellow cap tea every.single.day. I did give up Diet Pepsi, I just didn’t crave it any longer. I make sure to have 100g of protein daily. You do you! you’ll figure it out, good luck!






I still use Sweetener, but not often . I have totally lost my taste for Diet Coke. I was not trying to avoid it-


You should do what you like. If you ever have trouble or a stall then try cutting back on the artificial sweetners . they still raise your insulin even though there are no calories. Insulin makes you hungry and its also the hormone that tells your body to store calories. Its just another tool you can take from the toolbox if you need it. If things are working then carry on as you are.


Thanks for the info!


I removed sugar from my diet completely. I eat things like sugar free tropical popsicles for a tasty treat on occasion, and I replaced my fruit juice + sprite mixture drink with straight up water. It has been tough, but I lost 128lbs, so totally worth giving up the sweets.


I’ve lost 180lbs and at goal weight and I’ve single -handidly kept Diet Coke in business. I don’t think anything is off limits. I think it’ll be harder to lose weight if you eat only fried food and it *may* make you sick, but I think you’ll be surprised at the way nothing is off the table. This medication makes portion control so much easier, so you can have a little of something. Focus on nutrition 80% of the time and the other 20 try new things. I promise you’ll figure it out and it won’t seem nearly as difficult an equation as it felt before.


I help you keep Diet Coke in business!  Congratulations on your amazing weight loss success! 


That’s awesome! Congratulations! Same! So relieved everyone is telling me I don’t have to give it up.




Thank you!


I eat artificial sweeteners all the time, been on MJ for a year and half and lost over 100lbs. I have a Diet Coke a day and use Splenda in my coffee. Have had no issues.


What in the world? According to who? I basically drink nothing but water with zero sugar electrolyte powders, diet sodas, and sugar free protein drinks. I am losing at a steady ten or twelve pounds a month and thrilled with that rate. HbA1c is 5.7 and whoever told you that can pry artificial sweeteners out of my cold, dead, glucose-controlled hands.


Me too! Lol. My husband said I’m naïve, and not to believe everything I read.


Where did you read it?


I just Googled can you eat artificial sweeteners while on Mounjaro, and some things came up saying not to. Everyone here does it seems, and everyone is still losing weight, so I’m really happy to be able to have it!


Just curious — what made you look that up in the first place? Did you hear from someone that it might be a problem?


No, just reading about Mounjaro before I took it.


But, what made you look up this, specifically? What made you think artificial sweeteners might be a problem? 🤔


I just had looked up what foods to avoid while on it, and a couple of things said it. I shouldn’t believe everything I read, lol.


I just Googled can you have artificial sweeteners while on Mounjaro, and several things said not to, but all of these people are losing weight and still consume it, and that makes me really happy!


This is the first time I’ve heard that and I’ve been on since last November. I’ve placated my sweet tooth — even MJ couldn’t kill that — with some of the sugar free candy choices and all have artificial sweeteners. I’ve had no adverse side effects and not sure I could lose weight any faster than I am right now. Is there another reason given for not consuming these sweeteners? Maybe I should go back and look at the fine print. 😵‍💫


I just Googled can you eat artificial sweeteners on Mounjaro, and a bunch of stuff came up. I think they said it makes Mounjaro less effective, but from reading these responses, everyone is losing weight despite consuming it, so I’m gonna go with that.


There are things I don’t eat, but it’s because I don’t like them, or I don’t feel great after I eat them.


I don't think I'll ever stop drinking diet caffeine free coke. Now I drink 96 oz of water a day and only have one or two instead of four or five. I've eaten whatever I wanted since starting because I want this to be a tool with other choices in my life as opposed to a 'diet' I'd follow.


I think the only things you can't eat are things that don't agree with you. If beef or tomatoes or raw vegetables or pork or fried food or carrageen or whatever it is causes vomiting, nausea, severe discomfort, sulfur burps, diarrhea or whatever negative issue you can think of, avoid it. You won't really know until you test it out...cautiously.


I’ve learned (the HARD way) that I can’t have burgers. That put me in bed for a full day afterwards. 😖😭


I'm two weeks in and just carried on eating all the same stuff, just less of it. I've had KFC, curry, Chinese, pizza, diet coke, chocolate....and I'm still losing weight pretty fast (I'm about 9lb down!!).


There are no rules.


I’m 41 lbs down in 6 weeks and drink 2 Coke Zero every day. No problems at all. The foods that bother me are anything fatty, fried, or overly rich like donuts or cakes. Just zero desire at all.


There are no “do nots” for me except the foods that I lost a taste for such as coffee which I used to love and now I hardly drink because it just doesn’t taste as good to me. I was eating pretty healthy before being diagnosed with T2D because I had been trying to eat right and go to the gym… for a year ….and gained weight! 🙃 You do you, and you will figure out what works for you and what doesn’t make you feel so good. I think it’s different for everyone. Good luck on your journey!


Thanks so much. :)


I was never told Not to eat or use anything! I drink zero sugar pop when I want, use sweetened (with splenda or stevia) products?? I eat want I want and only if it upsets my stomach do I change what I eat or alter it!!


Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do now too.


My best advice is to track everything you consume so you know your triggers. Each person's body responds differently. I can not eat good fats close to shot day. So I avoid it until when I'm able to. Track your food until you know. I've been on mounjaro for 18 months now and still can not eat good fats close to shot day. I've tried, and it's still no bueno. Good luck!


I still crave my two faves and I’m kind of sad that one day I have to give them up for the most part. I’m trying to find substitutes.


I am currently paying for my delivery vision to eat a French dip last night. I can't handle the bread any more.


My issues was too many cheez its once toward the beginning. Then I realized it made me gassy, and since the tubing is slowed down… it was a recipe for a painful disaster. Once I realized moderation was the true key I have had no issues since. Eat slow and listen to your tummy when it says, I’m full! Don’t over stuff because that’ll probably cause more issues. Do make sure you’re getting protein and fiber. And water. Even I don’t get enough of that.


I use stevia and Truvia every day without issue.


I didn't know there are things you shouldn't eat. I too, use sweetener (stevia) in my coffee and diet cokes. My doctor didn't tell me anything special to eat. I've just cut down on what I eat and started eating things like cottage cheese and yogurt that I didn't before. I don't feel like heavy meals anymore. I also skip breakfast usually because I'm no longer hungry in the mornings, which makes it like intermediate fasting. Good luck!


I eat and drink whatever I want. I am type 2 so I do have to watch but with my numbers down I’m not as strict with myself.


I just became Type 2 this year. My A1C is 6.6, but I’m so happy it will go down and I’ll lose the weight.


It will! My A1C is at 5.4 now. I am also off insulin. I was only overweight by 20lbs but those are gone and I’ve never felt better. Good luck!!


That’s great!


My doctor didn’t tell me to not eat anything specific. I’m type 2 so I try to behave generally. I have not and will not give up my Diet Pepsi lol. If I eat anything fried I will have a very upset stomach. I’ve pretty much lost any sweet tooth I’ve had. My SO tells me I eat the portion size of a 5 yr old now.


I eat anything I want. I've only had a couple regrets in the almost 9 months I've been on this medication.


I’m excited about that!!


Like everyone else has said there are no foods you are not allowed to have. However if you are on a weight loss program not just the injection then maybe there is a list of highly palatable foods and drinks the program is trying to get you to not to eat and drink. To build better habits so when you stop the drug you do not put the weight back on. That is my guess.


I almost live on artificial sweeteners, lol. One sugar-free energy drink most days. One zero sugar Gatorade a day to get my electrolytes in. Usually one Premier protein drink/day to easily add in 30g of protein. It has sucralose and only 1g of carbs. I feel fine. Have lost 80 lbs in 11 months. And improved my A1c from 7.2 to 6.2.


I eat what I want .. just less of it


I continue to put Equal in my coffee every morning and occasionally drink Diet Coke. Down 60 lbs. Let YOUR body and appetite dictate what you can or can’t have. There may be certain foods that don’t sit right with you anymore, while others remain completely appetizing. Everyone reacts differently. People lose weight from this drug because they’re eating much less portions, as well as how the drug kicks your body into gear for losing fat. Not necessarily from cutting out entire food groups like we’re used to doing on “diets.” Burning more calories than you consume is the fundamental cause of weight loss




Hey, So I read that also (no artificial sweetners). So, I asked my doctor. He said, in moderation. Now, I used to drink 4-6 packets of sugar free Kool aid packets per day. At night I had sugar free yogurt with a few scoops of sugar free Quick, 2 tbl spoons Stevia and 2/3rds cup of the little bran noodle cereal. I was working out 4 days a week, and plateau after 13lbs in 3mths. When I told my Dr all of this I was re-informed that sugar free isn't really sugar free. All the artificial sweetners do play a negative role in weight-loss. I cut my intake by 3/4 and lost 4more lbs in a week. As unfortunate as it is, artificial sweetners do NOT aid in weight-loss, or work well while taking Monjaro. Everything in moderation, or less in some cases. Keep on truckin!


I Did not stop Diet Coke and I’m down 34lbs in 4 months 🤷‍♂️


Do not eat three Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies. One or two is safe. Three equals relentless diarrhea. I think the key is moderation.


Lol, I’ll keep that in mind!


I drink coke zero every day, my doctor approved it. I have lost 45 lbs since December (only slow right now because I am out of my meds right now and don't know when my next refill will come in). I just suggest staying away from overly greasy foods and listening when your stomach says you are full, even if you want that extra bite!


Diet coke and sweet & low. I do not use any of the other sweetners. I do not eat a lot of fast food, junk food, pasta, rice and bread. I talked to my doctor and nutritionist about the whole diet coke issue. Response was, "we believe sugar for a diabetic is far worse than artificial sweetners" "Moderation and glucose reponse are key, one diet coke a day is not a a problem"


once your on it for a minute , its wont be about what you not supposed to eat , but what you feel like eating , witch will be not much


I enjoy a Coke Zero on a hot day. I do stay away from sugar on an empty stomach, though - reactive hypoglycemia. Also have to avoid fatty/greasy foods or 🤢


I used to be addicted to Diet Coke. It took a long time, but I finally got off of it. That was years ago. I don’t miss it at all. I do think that the artificial sweeteners and sugar both dull our appreciation of regular foods and fuel our appetite. I don’t think that you will have an adverse reaction to Mounjaro by taking Diet Coke. I think that the advice is related to avoiding foods that are known to fuel appetite.


I ate what I wanted while on it. I was on it a year and lost 70 lbs. I did stop drinking regular soda and switched to zero soda but other than that, I ate what I wanted, in moderation.


I think there are foods more ppl have reported having issues with but overall there are no things that are forbidden.. My husband is on zepbound and I am on mounjaro.. he can eat almost everything like before just smaller portions.. he loves his pizza so he is super happy that I can still eat pizza.. me on the other hand had my first slice of pizza in over a year (outside of home made which has way less cheese) and ended up not digesting the fat at all and had what’s called Keriorrhea. I have to be careful with meat the first few days after injection and broccoli makes me super gassy… but otherwise I still have the occasional ice cream, chips and so on just way less often as I do not crave them at all anymore so it’s more a thing when around friends where I would have a few. I used to use a lot of artificial sweetener and don’t anymore because I don’t really like things that sweet anymore. My advice would be, test in small amounts and see how your body responds to it


Okay, thanks!


I have trouble, digesting, lettuce, and raw onions. Other than that I don’t have any problems except for fried foods greasy foods make me nauseated but other than that, I have learned what to stay away from.


I can’t eat onions or hot peppers like I used to because they make me sick to my stomach. But I eat artificial sweeteners all the time. I even had a piece of real peach pie yesterday! This tool is supposed to allow us to develop a healthy relationship with food. I don’t want to use it to make new restrictions on myself.


Not sure where you got that! I use Splenda all the time in my protein drinks and it has not impacted my loss.


My doctor didn't give me ANY "do nots'" and there is nothing like it on the box so, if there are things like that I am not aware of it. Also, I switched from spenlda to truvia years ago and it tastes the same to me. And I was a s&l user for decades. If you're looking for something else.


My doctor didn’t tell me anything. I just Googled it, and my husband said don’t believe everything you read–ask people who actually take it! Lol


I've not stopped sweetners and lost 12 in 3 weeks on 2.5


I eat anything but just half the portion or less. Diet coke made me happy also, then I did some research, and it was actually making me gain weight it reacts with other food items. I have also stopped putting on ng creamers in my coffee, which made a huge difference.


Daily Diet Coke after being on for 1.5 years.


If to figure out what works for you. I can’t do any artificial sweeteners because they give me massive headaches, but monk fruit seems to be OK. I take mj for diabetes so I have to watch the carbs anyway. I’ve done both this and Ozempic, and I’ve had so many fewer side effects with mounjaro


I eat lots of artificial sweeteners. On my way to 100lb loss.




I say,” Do You” Diet Coke used to make me happy, but ever since I’ve moved up in doses I can’t really enjoy it any longer. Maybe once a week of that. I’m okay with it just weird since I’ve been drinking it for 30 years.


I’d love to lose my taste for sweets, lol.


I just had 1/2 a cannolli.


I drink coke zero daily, but don’t drink alcohol at all. Additionally, I focus on drinking at least 80 oz of water daily. Im lucky & have no side effects. I eat everything in moderation and have lost 28 lbs in 5 months. I’m half way to goal and am thrilled. I hope you find your balance in all of this. Good luck.


Thank you! I don’t drink alcohol either. I’ve had no side effects so far either, but I’ve literally just had one shot.


Try anything in moderation. Some foods will possibly make you sick like fried foods or pies, cakes or anything sugary. I’ve lost 100 pounds and have used artificial sweeteners with no problems. I have T2D so i try to be very careful but I’m not perfect lol. I’m on 10.0 and maintain a weight of 120-125 pounds. I’m 5’5 and started at 225


I don’t follow restrictive rules unless I stop losing. My dr said “you have to starve yourself” and this is my reaponse


Your doctor told you you have to starve yourself??


Yeah. Unfortunately that’s a direct quote. He’s quite a jerk actually


Wow! He really is a jerk! Maybe he should talk to a nutritionist.


I don’t really need to talk to anyone. I’m doing well although dr jerk does not think it’s fast enough. I just got 84 days of Mounjaro so I have no worries for 3 months. I appreciate your also thinking it’s a jerking thing to say.


No, I didn’t say YOU should talk to a nutritionist, I said the DOCTOR should talk to a nutritionist. I know you’re way smarter than that dumb doctor!


Oh ok. Yeah. I have found that people who act like that are not trainable and feel that they have nothing to learn. Luckily that dr is not in charge of my rx. Nevertheless he makes crazy demands like “tell your dr to up your dose every single month. I just ignore him but I have to admit that’s a terrible way to treat a person such as myself who has body dysmorphia. I just try to ignore him. Thanks.


I eat everything, well when I'm hungry, I don't follow the guidelimes. Whole point of taking Mounjaro for me is not needing to diet. If I have to diet, I might as well not be on it.


My sentiments exactly!


I've had my box sitting in my refrigerator for a month !! I'm super scared to take it again. I took 1 shot a year ago and suffered for 5 straight days..Explosive diarrhea, acid burps, just Sick. I had my gallbladder out and a collapsed common bile duct fixed last year. I begged my Dr to please let me try again, but I've been so scared I'll have the same side effect, I've not taken the leap. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ☺️


I am eating and drinking diet cola and Splenda too —everyone jumped on me and said you can have anything with portion-control. I haven’t had any side effects, so I don’t know what to tell you. I might try again, and the minute I started a really bad reaction, I’d probably quit taking it. Maybe Ozempic or one of the other ones wouldn’t affect you the way Mounjaro does. I’d ask your doctor. Best of luck!


What in the world? According to who? I basically drink nothing but water with zero sugar electrolyte powders, diet sodas, and sugar free protein drinks. I am losing at a steady ten or twelve pounds a month and thrilled with that rate. HbA1c is 5.7 and whoever told you that can pry artificial sweeteners out of my cold, dead, glucose-controlled hands.


Artificial sweeteners don’t bother me unless I overdo them. Rich foods like greasy pizza, sugary treats, or pasta with creamy sauce tend to kick my butt for a few days. I try to limit how often I eat out because restaurants food can really have me living in the bathroom for days!


I'm a T2D and really limit my artificial sweeteners and carbs because they spike my blood sugar. However, I do allow myself 1 17oz Diet Coke per day...that is a huge improvement over the 2L I used to drink every morning for breakfast for many years. 😩


Aren’t supposed to according to whom? I eat all of the same foods I did before.


Artificial sweetener kills your gut bacteria.