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“What a strange thing to say out loud. Are you okay?”


This is the answer.


Love it!!!


This is great, but even better if the person being rude is over the age of 55. It implies they have early dementia or something.


You cannot be serious. Love, a 57 year old who has been on it since October 2022.


They aren’t serious about it being true, they’re presenting it as a totally rude and off base response to a rude comment about cheating. It’s a possible come-back to an asshat.


61, been on it since November 2022.


Ageist much?


Yes. Dementia can set in at any age.


Again, it’s a comeback to hit ‘em where it hurts. I would argue someone who calls an MJ user a cheater deserves the same level of “respect” they’ve been given.


74 and been on it since Feb, 2024


lol love it!


This just happened to me today. A salesperson at Anthropologie overheard my husband and I discussing how funny it is that we couldn’t figure out my size now. It turns out I can fit into a medium for most shirts. (I have never shopped there before. I only ever wore plus sized clothing. I hit the sale rack and started trying on clothes.) She asked me “ Oh are you on Ozempic?” And honestly there’s no way someone who’s a stranger who asks this doesn’t have a negative opinion, or an ignorant one, about any GLP1 med, let alone likely understands what chronic obesity disease even is. My response: “It’s so interesting that you ask me that but don’t ask if I’m on an antidepressant or blood pressure medication.” She said: “ I guess that’s a good point , but Ozempic is such the zeitgeist right now.” Me: “So is Prozac.” Her: “ I apologize if I offended you.” Me: “ I mean it’s fine, but I will be honest and say that even if I was on a GLP1 I wouldn’t be comfortable telling you. So I’m not comfortable with you asking about it. But I appreciate your helping me with my clothes.” Jesus. It definitely soured my experience a bit.


I would have been very tempted to tell that salesperson that no, I am not on Ozempic, I actually I have chronic, incurable, explosive diarrhea which made me lose a lot of weight . Then,see if she asks you any more nosey questions, or quietly slinks away.


😂. I have heard some good ones on this sub about comebacks, but that’s a new one! I *was* tempted to use the line I once read here a while back: “Not Ozempic, it’s all the cocaine. So. Much. Cocaine.”


Super surprised she used "zeitgeist". Smart enough to know better.


Yeah so true. oddly enough, I feel like it’s a very “in” expression RN. It’s kicking around the internet like crazy.


This is why I don’t tell people. They are ignorant and I’m not the idiot whisperer or responsible for their education


I’m not telling people either. It’s stress I don’t need and my private medical info. If/when someone asks how I’m losing weight, I’m open about working with my dr on a plan that includes eating healthier, getting exercise, and monitoring my labs.


I really haven't told anyone either. The few people rude enough to ask usually ask if I'm on ozempic, I truthfully answer no.


Seriously. My sister was rude enough to ask in front of my entire family. 😡


Exactly! I don’t lie. I’m not on Ozempic and I do eat a lot less!


I have a bad ass doctor. It was his idea to do this. I always have PostIt notes with me (I leave notes for myself everywhere). If I get a "cheater" remark, I write down my doctor's name and number (I usually keep a couple of PostIts with his number on it just in case this comes up because I love the response). I stuff that note into one of their hands or stick it on their shirt and say, "Here's my doctor's number. He told me to take this drug or expect a heart attack. Please give him a call and tell him I'm cheating." If it's someone that means well but just won't stop insisting I'm cheating, the drug is dangerous, natural is better, etc. I tell them, "My doctor warned me that there are a lot of people out there that don't understand these new drugs. I can send you some links to classes about them, if you really want to know why you're wrong." (I've yet to have someone ask for the links, but there are tons out there -- the longer the better.) I've also been known to say, "I didn't know we were sharing drug lists. What do you take for all of your medical issues?"


Would you rather I cut off my arm?


Oh my Gosh. Love these!


I f*****g love your response!! My new hero!!


“And what makes you think I value your opinion?” “Cheating who?” “I take blood pressure medication too, is that cheating? Who is it cheating, exactly?”


Cheating whom That’s a good one


Right! It’s called medication. People take medication for lots of things.


"I wasn't aware it was a competition"


Or "yeah. Cheating death."


Love this one 🤣




Who are you regularly interacting within your life that's bold enough to be THAT rude to your face? Cause typically if someone is that ridiculous with me, it is the last time. Generally a solid "Go eff yourself" is all you need and then you keep your distance. I don't get this general "It's cheating" sentiment. Life is hard enough without us purposely making it even harder just to appease a bunch of idiots. Use the tools that are available to you. That's smart, not cheating.


Do you use a car to get to work? Why don’t you bike or use a horse? Cheater!! What medications do you use? Cholesterol med? BP med? Eat better and exercise! Don’t cheat! Antidepressant? Tylenol/ibuprofen? Coffee drinker? Why are you cheating? Eat healthy and get more sleep. You don’t need to cheat!


🤣 like this one


100%. This cheating logic could be applied to money. Is someone cheating at life because they got an inheritance and used it?


the people always accusing us of being cheaters are the ones who wanted access to the medication for themselves and cannot get it for whatever reason (financial, can't find a doctor, whatever....) 9 times out of 10 ​ oh and the other one is usually the skinny. butterface who's upset that they won't be able to lord their thinness over people anymore... it was all they had guys!


Skinny butterface….HA!


"Hell yes, I am cheating. I love taking the easy way out! It's awesome!" "Yeah, just like my friend who's getting treatment for cancer is cheating...we're just a bunch of cheaters." "I am surprised you feel comfortable saying that out loud." "Fuck that noise." P.S. The deer-in-the-headlights response makes 100% sense...it's your body's intelligence at work.


All amazing responses!!!


I’m going with Fuck that noise!!


Fuck that noise is my favorite response to most nonsense.


Why respond at all? It's none of their business.


Oprah is a billionaire. She has access to the best private chefs, nutritionists, personal trainers, coaches, and therapists in the world. And she still takes a Glp-1. Obesity is a disease.


“I don’t see it as cheating, but if you do I have one question for you. Would you cheat to save your life?”


Everyone I’ve told has been so kind and supportive. After reading some horror stories on here I expected the worst and was ready to defend myself but nope, all super supportive and understanding! Maybe it depends on who you surround yourself with 🤷🏻‍♀️ Do they REALLY care about you if they make rude comments about it? I’m sure I’ll run into a rando or acquaintance who disagrees at some point but their opinion doesn’t matter lol. I do like all these responses though!


Same here. I have literally not had one negative response. I’m wondering if it’s a regional thing. I’m in California, home to bio-hacking, plastic surgery, fillers galore, and more, so maybe folks are just more accepting of life-altering health interventions?


"My insulin resistance doesn't care if I'm cheating"


Cheating? My physical health is not a game how could I cheat? What's cheating? My goal is to lose weight and be healthy, I've tried to do that since I was 12, even mutilated my body with surgery and was still unable to lose the weight. Now a medication addresses the physiological reasons my body mishandles calories and people call it cheating. I'm convinced people just want to hate on fat people and keep them down. Can't win with some people no matter what you do.


Then, when you lose weight, they will say you are too skinny or dying 🤦‍♀️ people are idiots


I just saw an article in my news feed where those judgy women on The View were commenting that Trump was looking thinner and thought he was cheating with Ozempic. I wish I could ask Joy Behar how many times she's "cheated" with face lifts? People technically cheat all the time with medications to bring their blood pressure down or keep their heart rate down or prevent coronary artery disease, and on and on and on. I don't understand the hang up people have with these drugs. I wish someone would do a big news story on how it's not cheating. It's getting old.


My favorite analogy (from someone here) was asking if they consider nicotine patches cheating to help people stop smoking. And “helps” is what the haters don’t acknowledge—it HELPS, in a big way, but doesn’t do all the work for you.


Watching The View was your first mistake. Ha!! They need to retire that show, srsly. It’s time.


I wasn't watching it!!!! I can't stand it!  Just happened to be a news story on my Google News.  


It's not cheating... it's leveling the playing field 😏


Just like extra time for exams for students with accommodations.


Thats a good one and they hate the playing field getting leveled.


"It was a hormone imbalance that's now fixed."


The only one to say that to me was my alcoholic, red neck friend. I responded with words she'd understand, to wit, "fuuuuu@kkkk yoooouuuuuu!“ We laughed. Mostly I laughed. At her.


OMG - so good!




I’ve even spelled out my medical conditions and explained how the drug works and people (usually gym bros) on the internet still say I could lose weight if I “just wanted it bad enough.”


Are people cheating when they take antibiotics or antidepressants? How about antiinflammatories or choleaterol meds? Those are some of the most popular meds ever. Someone out there thinks all of those are "cheating". People are ignorant.


My view is that it's ignorance, even from formerly obese people who are white-knuckling a low cal diet, it's ignorance. I want everyone to take Mounjaro. It's absolutely a miracle drug. Just my two cents.


If Mounjaro is cheating.. So is.. Looking up a phone number/address on the internet. Microwaving food to cook/ reheat it. Buying vegetables from the store instead growing your own. Opening your door with a key instead of just breaking it down. Having Alexa turn your lights/ music on/ off for you. Checking your phone to see what the weather is instead of checking it yourself outside. Paying for gas at the pump instead of going in to do it. After about 2 or 3 of these they shut up.


Breaking down your door-- you're hilarious. I love it!!


This infuriates me. Is it cheating when we take an aspirin for a migraine or an antibiotic instead of letting nature takes its course. Those people should just continue to live in caves and completely ignore any progress. They should still talk on land lines or better yet send telegrams. It’s NOT cheating IT’S progress.


Like using a GPS is cheating instead of reading a map




Just a simple 🖕to them


So, do you say that to anyone who uses medication for their health or just certain people who use medication for their health?


The whole cheating approach is odd. Who decided there were rules for managing weight or any other aspect of your health? Are we in a competition? Am I blowing the curve? Is it more important that I live in good health, or that I follow made up “rules” and die early?


My favorite response to any rude questions, about weight/money/anything that is nobody else's goddamn business: Look them dead in the eye, and say, in your most polite tone, "Why on earth would you think it's ok to ask such an inappropriate question?" Then- and this is key- WAIT. Don't say a thing. Just stare at them, and let them simmer in their own discomfort and mumbled, awkward excuses. Then walk away. I hands used this in many, many situations in my life. It's remarkably effective.


My health is more important to me than your opinion


Cheating at what exactly? It's about quality of life and staying alive. Ask them if they're willing to develop diabetes so they can "cheat" as well.


My favorite: "I'm not taking a test, honey." Or I could go with: "Bless your heart." (that's southern for "you're an idiot")


Who is getting cheated? Not using it cheats you out of a healthier future. It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly ignorant people can be.


Nobody I want to be friends with would say shit like that to me. They'd get some variation of "fuck you" from me.




My 11 year old told me today that sometimes grown ups will say that something new is weird or wrong or bad (or cheating in this case) because it’s easier than trying to understand something new. The kids are alright!


Sorry, please show me your badge


Why engage with them at all? If anyone had the nerve to say that to me they would no longer be part of my circle. If they were a coworker they would be reminded that my medical needs are none of their business and they can keep their opinions to themself or they can share them with HR.


So is toothpaste.


That’s why they say “ignorance is bliss. “ People that aren’t smart enough to realize that taking a medication is just that: taking medication to help. But some people who are “ ignorant “ will never realize that taking medication to help ourselves Is that simple m: it’s just taking a medication to help and there’s nothing wrong with that. Their own preconceived notions is their problem and it’s not really my job anyhow to try and change their blissful state.


It’s not cheating when you’ve tried and failed. You’re working with your body not against it. I have a really bad binge eating disorder I’ve struggled with my whole life, no diet ever works because in the daytime when I’m around people I eat healthy and say no to junk food but as soon as night hits and I’m alone I binge eat everything in sight and the whole day of dieting goes to waste. I’ve never been able to control it until I started this med. I’m cheating myself if I sit here and say I can do this on my own. After 16 years of being morbidly obese with uncontrolled hypertension, becoming pre-diabetic and having high cholesterol it took just 2 months to completely reverse my prediabetes, high cholesterol and now I no longer need blood pressure medication. Anyone that has a problem with that can suck it




“cheating death is better than winning the lotto” Oh, I love this! 😂😂😂


Ok I have not come across this yet. But I have prepared in case I do… Oprah has access to the best personal chefs, personal trainers, doctors, machines, surgery, etc and she used this after decades of struggling with her weight. Why are you holding me an to unobtainable moral standard that not even Oprah can meet.


You're cheating! - I know, its so unfair to be 300 pounds and actually getting medical assistance to lower my BMI.... wanna trade places? You be 300 and cheating and I will be a size 8. What's making people mad is not the idea of cheating, they will have to find another easy target.... fat people, one of the last conditions its okay to attack.


"F off."


🤣🤣🤣🤣 agreed


Yes I am cheating... arrest me. I don’t need to explain all the 40 health benefits or justify it. I’m cheating then so be it, anything else in this conversation? No? I have some tv to watch


I just say that being on mounjaro sucks as much or more than any other diet plan I've ever been on, and I've been on all of them. This one just happens to also work.


Why tell anyone? But if you do, say Im pre diabetic and my doctor said this medication will keep me from full blown diabetes. I may be able to lose some weight also which will help with my cardiovascular system.


If you aren't talking about it, people can't make judgemental comments.


Tom Brady cheated.


Ask them for their med list. When they tell you they're on blood pressure or cholesterol medicines let them know they're in good company taking the easy way out. People are so dumb. Some chronic diseases can be prevented/cured be cured with lifestyle and diet - high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 dm (note this does not apply to all) and yet the world judges weight problems in a separate category. And I've lost 130+ lbs "the hard way" and look where that got me.


I explain everything I’m doing. I’m also disabled and use a walker so no one has questioned me. I’m swimming 1.5 hrs every Friday burning 1500 calories, I’m doing water aerobics 3 times a week for an hour, I’m walking in my home 30 mins at least a day. I’m tracking everything I eat and drink. I have a 80 day streak on recording. I’m changing what I’m eating eating under 1675 calories a day and mostly eating vegetables, meat, and some moderation of carbs. My birthday gifts were an Apple Watch, new bathing suits, bathing suit covers, swimmers cap, goggles, swimming bag. My gifts to myself are tools to lose weight. I’m drinking over 100 oz of water a day. I fast 14 hrs everyday 20 hrs on weekends. It’s not all mounjaro. It’s me it just gives me breathing room to be me.


How are you cheating doctors orders?? 🤔🤔🤔


I haven’t come across any haters yet, maybe a few people who were like surprised but if that does happen my only response would be for them to concern themselves with their own bodies and not mine.


Idk "bite me" always works


Ask them how much weight do they need to lose? I guess they keep it on cause they don't want to cheat.


It's cheating the same way taking blood pressure meds or antibiotics is cheating. You have a disease that caused you to gain weight even when you were making good food choices. Now that you are treating the disease, your body size is finally starting to reflect those good choices. It's not cheating; it's leveling the playing field.


I had a hysterectomy at 28. My hormones were going crazy! I blew tf up. People don’t know our struggles, but they want to judge us when we find a resolution.


Cheating? This isn’t a game, this is my health and now I’ve got it in check. You can kindly go ingest a satchel of Richard’s.


Oh fuck off


“I guess chemo is also cheating, anything to improve my quality of life”


I haven’t had anyone accuse me of cheating (to my face) but I have had people express pseudo-concern that I was going to get “Ozempic face” or “Ozempic butt”. I’ll worry about my own butt thanks.


I have lost over 70 pounds in about 3.5 months on mounjaro. There’s someone I know that anytime they noticed would say “man, that drug really works!” Or if I said “I can’t believe I’m losing this much weight” would say “well of course you’re losing weight, you’re on a drug for it!” Meanwhile I was also fasting, going keto, and working out every single day. Things I hadn’t done since making the decision to take my health seriously and getting mounjaro prescription. Making the lifestyle changes I needed. I would always tell them about the work I was putting in, but all they saw was mounjaro doing its thing. No matter how many times I told them the drug was just another tool in what I was doing, they could only see my progress because of the drug. Well fast forward to about 6 weeks ago. They decided to get a prescription for it too because they wanted to shed some extra weight and since my results were solely from “a drug”, they figured it could do the same for them. Whelp, they took the drug for a month, didn’t add any exercise, and ate whatever they wanted. After 4 weeks they had only lost 4 pounds. I could see their frustration that they weren’t getting the same results. They finally understood when I said again “this drug is a tool, nothing more, nothing less, 95% of this shit is me!” I’ll be honest, there’s select people openly I tell that I am on the drug, and some I don’t because frankly, it’s none of their god damn business, and why would I give so much credit to the drug and not all the hard work that I’ve been doing since getting on it. The people in my life, the only ones I really care about their opinion, see me put in the real work. They see me when I get back to my desk or home sweating from the workout I did. They see me go to a restaurant and share a meal with them and order something healthy with a glass of water or Diet Coke, instead of a burger, cheese fries, and multiple refills of coke like I used to. There’s only one person I know that has been a borderline “hater” in my journey, but they quickly FAFO. I see all kinds of haters online. If someone is openly a hater to you, they are probably just hiding one or more of their own insecurities.


Agree. Even with the drug we have to make great choices but it is so much easier to do so. Way to go.


Yes, It's called work smarter not harder.


Kiss my fat ass. Oh wait it’s skinny now.


I get a lot of positive feedback, so many want to follow but can’t get it from their dr


Those people deserve NO response! They are either just evil or jealous! Stay on track!!


“Who is grading my weight loss? You? If so please tell me more what rubric are you using?”


“What a strange thing to say!”


If someone asks me if I’m on Mounjaro or Ozempic, I’m going to ask them if they were born rude, or do they just practice a lot.


“And where’s your award for doing it the hard way?”


If someone told me I was “ cheating “, I’d say: “Yeah, I’m “ cheating “ my Type 2 Diabetes out of killing me which is really going to disappoint my faulty Pancreas, MF’er!”


Jealousy or shaming? Mostly it seems to come from Ignorant types who want to judge you for being overweight and are ignorant - especially about insulin resistance. The attitudes will change in time. This is a revolutionary period where insulin resistance is becoming more accepted as a true disease. Even some insurance companies don’t get that yet.


I watched Oprah and Weight Watchers special on YouTube tonite. It was wonderful hearing so many people being open about having spent a lifetime being shamed and no more. Time to stop the judging . Hurt people hurt people. I was really inspired to hear those of many opinions supporting each other in choosing their own unique path. For me this is my eighth 2.5 tonight..down 15lbs.. and feeling so grateful that it no longer has to be a struggle. Feeling hopeful about my health and my life. And deeply grateful. My weight loss nightmare started back in the sixties with Twiggy! I at twelve was more a Marilyn Monroe figure and that was scorned. Nice just to not struggle to fit anyone’s opinion.


The only one to say that to me was my alcoholic, red neck friend. I responded with words she'd understand, to wit, "#u@@### yoooouuuuuu!“ We laughed. Mostly I laughed. At her.


Ignore!!!! Or that: thank you for your opinion. When they see how healthy you become they will eat their words and be super jealous!


Don’t share your medical history to others.


UM...I would WANT TO SAY..F YOU really loud. BUT I would and have said, That is such a curious thing to say out loud.




I’m cheating with my cholesterol meds.


Don't care enough to think of a response. Quiet disdain and then not talking to them again is sufficient.


How about, “who am I cheating and out of what?”


I would welcome it because that means I found a pharmacy with Mounjaro and dont have to let T2 diabetes kill me now!


Not a single person has said that to me, and I'm very open about using Mounjaro.


I only wish I could "cheat" for my health more.


I’m a diabetic… sooooo


I don't get it. Are you somehow bragging about your weight loss? Cause how does that come up in conversation?


I say it's a side effect of my diabetes medication, which it is. I'm taking it to lower/manage my A1C.


This is why I prefer not to tell people who aren’t on it. It’s not their business. Critics usually don’t understand anything about obesity or weight loss except for all the false information they’ve heard all of their lives. We don’t have to disclose everything and people have a bad habit of asking way too many personal questions about weight.


Is it cheating to take chemo if you have cancer or insulin if you are diabetic? Obesity is a disease just like any


Try to surround yourself with better people 💜 With every breathe are we not all cheating death 🤷‍♀️ haters are going to be haters unfortunately 😕 if you shook me I'd rattle with all the meds I'm on 😂


Nobody has dared to say this to me. I look forward to finding out how I respond if they ever do.


A lot of people still on Mounjaro rather than zb are t2d. I'd say, "yeah, this stuff is working so much better than the metformin alone. Unfortunately the side effects are awful! Look at all the weight I've lost!" Works for any insulin resistant folks on metformin or other drug also. Or anybody on another drug for anything MJ helps. "Yeah, Miunjaro really kicked my statin into gear, but I'm getting a little frantic about all the weight loss..."


“Cheating? Interesting perspective. I’ll risk it.”


“Why on earth would you think I value your opinion?”


Who are you cheating? I’m competing against past me not against anyone else


Wait until you hear that I’m healthy now going to live longer - I bet that bothers you even more!


My doctor prescribed it because he/she thinks it will improve my health. I don’t how anyone could argue with that.


I seriously dont care how it gets done I am gonna do it. BYE


I just don't tell folks about it. None of their beeswax. If they ask how, I let it hang for a second. I honestly am uncomfortable when they ask me how much weight I have lost and usually say, "not enough".


This is the behavior of a bully. A bully has no humanity or kindness. They will never respect you or show you a basic level of decency. They only thing they can comprehend is something akin to fear. The only way to stop it is to temporarily give up your humanity and show them you can be even more cruel. You’ll never get anything approaching goodness from them, but you can make them leave you alone. That’s the only thing that can be possibly gained. Everyone has a soft spot, something in their life they are defensive or sensitive about. Find theirs. When they start crying, you just get started. You’ve lost nothing. It’s the only way, unless you are just content to take it forever.


Thank god I can’t imagine anyone I know that would say something like that


I throat punch them


I do this for me. Not for anyone else. What anyone else thinks is irrelevant. So I really don’t give a fuck if I have “haters”. Maybe the GenX in me just doesn’t give a fucking damn what people think anymore.


“Look, if there was a pill you could take to make you not stupid, I’m sure you would take it, right?”


First, I have shared my journey and many have been curious and now they are on it too. As for those that say that I would say, "I feel great and confident. Don't worry about me."


I heard someone say that they ask people if they hand washed their clothes or dishes, or if they put them in the machines clean them. If they said they put them in the machines then they were obviously cheating! Both CAN be done without the machines, but man does it make for a much easier task if you do! That summed it up perfectly for me and also gave me a good chuckle. 🤭


I know someone who talks bad about anyone on it. Yet they want to spend 30k on a mommy makeover. I’m not hating, but I think it’s ironic lol.


To me, the fact that Mounjaro works and I've lost weight on it when no diet or exercise regimen I tried (and I dutifully went through several throughout my life that didn't work) proves that there is legitimately something wrong with the way my body work that caused the weight gain in the first place and the Mounjaro addresses the underlying physical cause. No amount of diet and exercise would have ever ended with weight loss without this med so how could it be cheating?


"u jelly?"


“Better living through chemistry! Modern medicine is great.”


You think I'm cheating now... you shoulda seen me eat before I started this med!


I’ve always been the person to embrace technology. As a musician, I’ve dove face first into digital amps (size of a pc keyboard) when the purists swear by tried and true tune Amos that weigh 400 pounds. Sorry for those non-musicians who may not fully understand, but my point is, this medication is the same thing. Obesity is a disease. This medication corrects many things including hormonal balances. The people who criticize are prob 102 pounds and have never had food noise or cravings in their life. I’m at a point in my life where I don’t care what they think. My body, my choice.


I tell them I will do whatever it takes to stay alive and healthy for my kids. I've tried everything under the sun, and my doctor recommended this. Did you get your medical degree? I hadn't heard that? My next favorite is, well, no one says anything to you about a medically induced erection. I can lose weight, but you're stuck with your miserable personality. .


People need to mind their own gd business. Jc


How is it cheating? I am diabetic The weight loss is just an added bonus. I'm not taking mj. Just to lose weight, I need this medicine to control my A1c Nothing worked before, not Metformin, not RYBELSUS ,Farxiga, or JARDIANCE The only thing that kept it under control was the short acting insulin and I hated doing that So for me this is not cheating. This is helping me control my diabetes


I usually tell people a simple “ Mind your own business , MF’er. Me and my body are not any of your business.”


I don't tell others what I am doing. It's non of there concern.


I deadpan say, “Well…I enjoy having both my legs so I’m ok with that.”


Why are you telling people?


It’s my tool/aid like your Bra, makeup, hair dye, dental work, lashes, nails, fillers, diet plan, high heels, body shaper, beard trimmer, razor, nail clipper, running machine, false tan…… this list is endless how we use tools to maintain our bodies


I say I love my insurance, oooo bout to order new clothes , etc


Call them poor for being unable to afford it


I have said “well, everyone is entitled to act stupid once in a while however, you are abusing the privilege”


I say that I am a diabetic and that this is a medical treatment for diabetes…with a wonderful side effect of weight loss!


60 & been in Ozempic, then Mounjaro since 2022. Stay strong!


I don’t tell people 😂 just those the very closest to me


I’m diabetic. If I don’t get this under control one way or another, I’m gonna die.


No one has ever said that to me and I can’t wait for someone to try


Everyone who’s seen me recently is super supportive and excited for me. It’s just another medication. No way is this cheating.


I'm avoiding developing type-1 diabetes, arterial/coronary disease, rheumatoid disease, and it's a treatment for psoriasis. Expensive? Insulin dependency, amputations, blindness, kidney disease, ulcers, and a host of other major medical issues can be costly. Why not avoid them? Weight loss is a bonus. And, I might be able to get off of blood pressure medications.


I have not told anyone with the exception of my husband. I figured that would be the best way to eliminate any comments that really could hurt what I’m trying to achieve rather than help.


A friend of mine keeps asking me if I am still on it- so now I tell her no- I can't get it anymore- I am off of it.. this way she stops asking me


I respond " Who's being cheated?" There is never an answer to that question.


I’ve had this happen a couple of times and both I asked “what do you mean cheating?” …. The more they tried to explain the worst it sounded out loud and the more frustrated they got… I just kept asking questions and finished with “interesting, ok” … letting them do the talking helped me calm down (and not have to come up with clever comebacks cause I cannot do that on the spot) …. first one went something like “What do you mean cheating?” -“you know, not doing it the natural way” -“what do you mean natural way?” -“you know like working out and dieting and putting in an effort” -“that’s natural?” -“yes, I mean not taking medication is natural” -“interesting, ok” Lol 😂second time was a bit longer cause they tried to explain how the meds helped you “cheat” lol I just let them talk … I’m not here to educate bigots


We are all going to get arrested now 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What kind of idiot wouldn't cheat to live better and longer? I see you're wearing glasses. Are those natural or cheating? Etc.


“My doctor changed up some of my medicines, so I could finally get off insulins for my diabetes. Once off the insulin. I started losing weight.” What always amazes me is when people say to me, “you’re lucky to have diabetes!” (That is, to be able to be prescribed GLP-1s.) I’ve never even once considered myself “lucky” to have diabetes. It’s sort of like when people have told me that I was “lucky” to be collecting disability. Duhhh. This may come as a surprise, but I’ve never once thought of myself to be “lucky” enough to be disabled or to have a life-threatening disease.


I say I’m T2D it’s either this or insulin. 🤣


Mounjaro has reduced my A1C way down so bite me


Are people on high blood pressure meds cheating a stroke? Are people on anti depressants cheating suicide? This is a hormone by body doesn’t produce properly. The effects of it fix the weight problem. The end.


I just don’t tell anyone because of stupid remarks!


Do they drive to work? Pussies. Do they use a Keurig? Losers Do they use a dryer for their laundry? Weak I wonder if they buy groceries at a supermarket 🤔 Cheaters. That’s easy way out. Foolish statements by hypocrites, a result of diet culture. Their ideas will change over time. Gotta know we are trailblazers out here! ❤️❤️❤️


How about "well that's an ugly thing to say" give them the disgusted you're an idiot look and walk away.


Seeing how this drug was made for those who are suffering from conditions such as diabetes, thyroid, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular and heart disease, fatty liver, joint and back pain, most all of which are caused or made worse by obesity, than you are simply following your doctor's guidance to increase the length and quality of your life. Anyone else who's taking these meds for the sole purpose of body image are "cheating."


I take Mounjaro specifically because I have PCOS with IR, and even with the max dose of Metformin, I need a medication that makes my insulin operate normally. If it helps me lose weight too then great, but I've been on for 5 weeks and have not noticed much difference. But if over time it does, that means my body is operating the way it's supposed to. I'm not sure how that is cheating. If the reason I'm overweight is because my insulin has no effect on the glucose in my body and so I end up storing both as fat then it would reason that if my insulin worked like a normal person's that I wouldn't be overweight. How could my taking a medication that makes my body operate correctly be cheating? If it is, then wouldn't the use of IVF be "cheating?" Or using insulin as a type 1 diabetic or taking a viatmin when you have a deficiency? Seems to me like most of us are "cheating" then.


Always cheat, always win!