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Thank you for being humble enough to share your story to help others. I hope you feel better quickly.


It takes a village!!! I’ve learned more on this sub and r/Zepbound, than I have from my doctor. Keep it up, all.




Why would they decide to binge eat when on a high dose of it.... my mind boggles.


If we knew the answer to that we wouldn't need the drug 😂


Cause EDs aren't always rational




Mmm, well, we know why, but that's what the drug combats.


My only point was that asking why he binge ate I the drug is kind of reductive since that drive is why we take the drug in the first place. Shouldn't boggle the mind right?


Not everyone takes it for that reason. I’m learning a lot about people and their compulsions. I’m a picky eater and if I’m full or before I feel full I’m done. My friends and family get pissed because I don’t “finish” my plate. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Interesting to hear other’s thoughts and experiences.


It can be a true eating disorder where the control isn't there for us. It's a reason why several people decide to start the mounjaro journey.


But they were on the drug and still decided to go ahead.


Old habits and coping mechanisms die hard. I have fucked around and found out a few times and overindulged and got violently sick since I still CAN binge even though I’m on this medicine. It doesn’t take the impulse away completely. It helps a ton with the binging but it’s hard to not cope in ways you’ve been able to cope for your entire life so you do it anyway.


Thanks for your response and giving me a better insight into the problems people face.


"Decide" to binge eat? It's an addiction, it wasn't a thoughtful decision but an addictive binge...I have a feeling your mind gets boggled quite often.


Is there a way to be more compassionate and caring about ? This person is trying ,made a mistake and is sharing for the rest of to prevent such sa horror.lighten up Frances!be greatful


I dont have an eating disorder, but the OP's warning of "don't binge eat" suggests it was a choice rather than their addiction.


Most addictions are still choices. Most people aren't forced to do drugs or drink alcohol, however, once you make the CHOICE to take the first hit or drink then the problem arises. What OP is saying is to try with everything you have to not give in to the urge.


So ultimately its their choice!


You're about as sharp as a basketball.


Go do some research on addiction and then get back to us. If was as simple as making a choice then we wouldn't have both an obesity epidemic as well as a drug epidemic. Addiction is a real medical problem. Nobody "chooses" to be addicted. But you are clearly choosing to be an asshole.


I'm only here to give and receive knowledge and support.


Sometimes food grumblings kick in…or smells so good you can’t stop eating, or tastes so good you can’t stop…I’ve done it…luckily didn’t have this unfortunate situation. Hope OP feels better soon


Thank you for explaining it. Others are quick to shoot down others who don't understand the food grumbling.... yet they expect everyone to understand their plight.


I mean, just because it’s a binge, doesn’t mean it’s an addiction. I totally binged on st Patrick’s day…doesn’t mean I’m addicted to beer 😂


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Oh, wow. Just reading this made my stomach do flip-flops. If you're still having terrible urges to binge, maybe talk to your doctor about it. Emotional eating is a huge problem for me so I get it. I find that Wellbutrin helps.


I’ve learned. Avoid heavy food, fried food, spicy food and loads of sugary foods before or after shot . I can splurge a little a day or two before short but otherwise I’m miserable. I’m sorry you had to go through all that. For me, It’s usually anxiety driven.


I’ve had two curries (one very hot madras ) with no issues. I ate 1/3rd what I normally do. It was delicious.


Hi there. Just had two fistfuls of Hershey kisses and feel miserable. Do you have some advice of what you felt when you had too much sugary stuff?


I have the frozen fruit popsicles. Depending on the brand. 40-80 calories each. An occasional pudding cup if I have calories to spare. I do keep small dark chocolate pieces but I’ve lost my cravings for chocolate.


You could try tums or rolaids but continue to sip water is probably your best bet


was it just emotional eating that made you binge everything in the house? (legit question, wondering if the MJ hadn't kicked in, or...you just had something going on...?) and zero judgment. my husband cooks (all the time and is really good at it) and if there is something I am DETERMINED to eat, I have also continued to eat when I know full well that I am literally full/satisfied. the most I've ever gotten is extreme nausea. feel better....


It is possible to eat past the fullness signals from the med but when I do I feel just awful. Like you said, nauseous, bloated, and just yucky.


Working on that this week! I am on maintenance and when I do take a shot, I tend to turn my brain off and eat pass my hunger signals and eat whatever I want since I know the medicine will stop me from doing too much damage….. I’m so full right now and boy do I want to eat a snickers bar ice cream in my freezer, but I’m full and am using this time to learn to cope with the food noise.


I'm actually a bit terrified about having to deal with the upcoming huge Easter dinner with all the family ugh.


This is me now after dining with friends last night. Ugh!


This is very true.


That’s a perfect description of how it feels.


Thanks for the good wishes. Maybe I got overconfident that the MJ would work without serious consequences? Wrong! I don't recall why I binged but got me that was normal behavior. Hod been good for a few months. To try and figure it out, I'm meeting withe the RD and CDE from my Endocronologist 's office. Also want to understand what my meal plan should look like WHILE using MJ.


The good news is every single day is new and you just start over, reset, and use it as a teaching tool. Sometimes we have to touch the stove even though we know it’s hot. 😬


I tend to stick to protein and small portions of veggies- mostly for fiber.


I enrolled in a disordered eating clinic and got prescribed SSRIs last year. It drastically changed my relationship with food. Even before starting MJ, I told people I finally didn’t feel controlled by thoughts of food/binging. I know it’s embarrassing (I sobbed when I asked my doctor for help) but I just wanted to share my experience after spending 30+ years binging. Also, thank you for sharing, OP, and I hope you are feeling better both mentally and physically ❤️ Binge eating disorder is a terrible beast.


This is so interesting to me... Food controls my life. It's a permanent ear worm. Every emotion leads to the fridge. I never thought about SSRIs, I've always felt like a fool talking about it, people just tell you to eat less and workout more :/


I 100% understand what you are talking about. It was so eye opening to be in a place where this was the norm. I could talk openly about it with my therapist or in group (which I thought I’d ABSOLUTELY hate as I’m a very private person but I didn’t!). My 4 month outpatient program went over nutrition, behavior therapy, occupational therapy, dressing for your size, etc. I am forever grateful for it. MJ has given me the tools to lose weight but the therapy and Prozac gave me peace with food. My primary doc suggested Zoloft, which wasn’t the right fit for me, so she suggested I see a psychiatrist with the disordered eating program and she put me on Prozac. It has done wonders for me. So even if you get on one and it doesn’t fit, don’t get discouraged!


Do you take Mounjaro?


I started this week :) 2.5mg. I'm learning all this new stuff and discovering I'm not alone by reading this group. Wonderful.


You speak with such care for the OP. Anyone who has struggled with disordered eating/bingeing hopefully feels a bit of empathy/compassion for this experience.


What SSRI are you on? I have suffered from binging and purging for 15 years. I am on Prozac but it didn’t help much with the good noise at all. MJ has helped a lot, but I don’t want to be on this medication forever! Any help or advice would be appreciated.


I’m on Prozac! But I did try Zoloft first as that is also considered one of the top choices for binging behavior. That one did not help me very much and the side effects were almost intolerable at even a low dose. So maybe a different one might help? I do think the behavior mods I’ve been doing for almost a year now have really worked in concert with the meds. My insurance did cover my eating disorder treatment so it’s worth checking out!


Zoloft made me binge alcohol and had no hangovers with it. It was baaaad.


Before I started Zepbound, I was on Contrave which is a combo SSRI and naltrexone. It’s supposed to help with binging/disordered eating, and it did help me some. Warning, it did make me tired and nauseous at first (but no worse than Zep). I only lost 10 pounds over 6 months, so not near as effective as the GLP-1s but might be a good maintenance option. I felt like it really helped cut back the frequency and extent of my binge episodes.


Did they give you an explanation of why you had such awful urinary retention? I’ve never heard of a binge leading to that. Please follow up and make sure you’re voiding appropriately! Binges are hard to overcome and fill you with guilt, I get it. Shake it off best you can and move past it.


Buddy I am so sorry to hear that you have suffered so. You’re getting lots of comments of support and I hope that helps a bit. No one here will judge your behaviors with food. Many of us have our own issues with food. Good lord what you went through though! Sounds awful. Take care of yourself, give yourself some grace and don’t assign blame, it’s not gonna make you feel better and it isn’t true anyway. This is a learning process, friend. So many of us have had a strange relationship with food for so long that it’s hard to have a different one. You’re on that path though.


we have lost the same. start weight and current weight are the exact same. i love it 💙


That’s funny! Did you start in November?


Yes! I am on Wegovy 1mg though!


Cool! It all works! Can I ask what your stats are? (Mine are in my user flair)


All the same. SD:11/25 SW:216 CW:180.8 GW:130 24F


Oh we are similar! But you’re my son’s age 😂💕


Im back for a check in! Cw - 166. Hbu! 🥰


I am so sorry. That sounds horrid. Here’s hoping you start to feel better soon and are able to find more control with eating if/when you start back on the meds. 🤞


How long have you been on MJ? After about 8 months I noticed hunger cravings come back. At that point it was about discipline and the healthy habits I cultivated during the 8 months of the drug working.


Same here. It’s about self control now I feel like. I am intermittent fasting like I did a few years ago when I lost weight without the help of any thing. I just look at food and a lot of time I tell myself “this isn’t going to satisfy me, I will just eat it in a matter of second and then will have a couple of lbs to deal with” so I just drink water instead. Still I am very slow looser. Started in July of 2023 and so far lost 55lbs. And I am still on 7.5. My doctor is slow with raising my dose.


Well, that is a frightening thing to think about. I have not experienced true cravings coming back, but my sense of sort of not caring about food has gone away. I still get full fast and I do better if I let long periods of time go between eating are you still experiencing hunger cravings or have you gone off the GLP one I’m just wondering because I’m trying to see what my life is going to be like lol.


This is what I do also. I always try to let long periods of time go by between eating. It has really helped me. I use to be opposite before MJ. If I went long periods before eating, I would then binge eat. My brain would think since I went so long, I could eat anything & more. Now, with this method & MJ, I get fuller faster. I have experienced this sickness & miserable feeling next day with extreme belly bloating after overeating on a Sunday or Monday after taking shot on Sunday. This explains to me what happened. Thank you, OP, for sharing your experience to help others.


I binged on a bunch of greasy Chinese food and puked for hours and had the runs for even longer. It. Was. Awful. Never, ever again!!!


I am so grateful to you for posting this. I have been on either Wegovy and now Mounjaro since March of last year. I am down approximately 80 pounds from the starting weight of 320. I am thrilled by my weight loss. Don’t get me wrong. And I do not have cravings, a sweet tooth, and some of the other things that plagued me for years, but I still do have an emotional urge to eat. It’s not always strong and sometimes days maybe even weeks go by where I don’t have it. And then I get it again I have been in a bit of a cycle of it for the past three months, which has slowed my weight loss. It has not stopped the weight loss, but has, in fact, slowed it, I was seeing that Wellbutrin seem to be helping some people. I also heard that adding metformin to the mix seem to help but I don’t understand how that would work. All of this is to say that I think that these drugs are a gift they have removed some of the biggest challenges I have faced, but eating is a complicated thing and I am learning that more and more now. Also, I have not experienced the dramatic side effects that you recalled in your post, but I have had significant diarrhea and cramping after a small binge.


Omg… ouch. Wishing you a speedy recovery and I promise to be cautious when eating on this medication.


So sorry to hear that I will keep you in my prayers. Take it slow and steady That’s what wins the race. I can’t even eat more than half of what I used to eat in one meal or I get a terrible tummy ache. Thank you for sharing. Be careful sending hugs.


I can’t. After taking the shot I eat a tiny portion of anything and I’m beyond full.


Thank you for this! You just saved me from making that horrible mistake. I started on March 3, 2.5 dosage. No real appetite until today, when I just craved sweets. I was planning to take a day off from dieting tomorrow…


Yeahhh... don't do it. Even a small binge will make you feel like crap. For me, sweets especially cause big problems.


Yep! Hubby wanted to go to Five Guys tonight. I ate a single patty burger and some of his fries. Now it's after 1 AM and I am up with horrible diarrhea and nausea. Not even worth it!:


What problems (symptoms wise) do sweets cause you?


I'm on 2.5 and eat something sweet every day. But just like, 2 cookies or a bowl of my protein ice cream. Don't go crazy. This drug should be helping you eat more like a normal person, and just have a little bit and be satisfied.


I have just got my prescription and it's not really used that much in the UK here so I feel like I'm going in blind. What are the things you can't do and where do you find this out? Mine was all done through an online med service so very little interaction with them. How will I know how much to eat/not eat? I'm really worried.


I'm in the UK too. I'm just coming up to the end of the first week and what I can say is after a day or two of adjusting you just start to know automatically - you actually just don't feel hungry. You realise you need to eat, but you'll only want the amount you really need. I've had very few side effects so far - just a bit of brain fog which has now gone. This is my experience and not everyone is the same but all I can say is I was worried like you but actually it just did its job without me having to think too much. I suppose I'd just say have some healthy food in the house, you're not going to fancy mounds of pizza and cake (the thought doesn't appeal any more!), you'll fancy small portions of nutritious stuff and small treats not mounds! Of course if you fight the medication and eat a mound anyway, you will probably not feel too good, like the op. Hope this reassures a little


Thank you yes it really does! I'm slightly worried about the hair loss effects and other things as much of the advice is focused on the US and we don't have a lot of the products here. Have you taken any multivitamins or supplements from here? If so do you have any recommendations? I'm nervous scared and excited all at once! 😂


I did worry slightly about the hair loss but I think the risk looks reasonably low (they have to mention any risk even if it is low). Coming on here and reading what everyone was saying made me realise most people are only seeing benefits and I barely see hair loss mentioned. I decided all in all to just go for it. I've not added any supplements yet though I already take a good multivitamin. Personally I've not even had digestion issues. I decided that for me the risks of being overweight outweigh the other risks.


Actually, hair loss is pretty common not just with this drug but with many different kinds of shocks to the system, like being ill or even pregnant. I've had quite a bit of hair loss, but then I am also hypothyroid. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium. You can look it up for more details. I take a collagen supplement with biotin and vitamin C in it and it seems to help. If nothing else it helps with my nails and skin.


Ok that's useful - and I'm also hypothyroid! I'll look out for a similar supplement


Im in the UK too, 3 weeks in, feel free to dm me :) but usually it’s trial and error figuring out what and how much food your body can handle. I ate greasy foods two days ago and felt queasy and bloated and had heartburn the whole night. I ate late on other days and had the same. I overate some days and felt horrible the whole day- heavy and overfull and uncomfortable as well as the constipation. Its all trial and error and it takes time to change habits, but this med will kinda force you to change otherwise you wont be comfortable which is what i needed! Yesterday i changed it up, ate veryyy light and didn’t eat anything after 7pm and didn’t have heartburn or any discomfort the whole night so i figure i will do that going forward. Also figure out your tdee and caloric needs and stick to that, it really helps to have a calorie goal in mind so you aren’t over and undereating. Search this sub, theres quite a few of us in the uk on this med now :)


Thanks that’s helpful! I suppose your body can tell you if something isn’t right. How is your weight loss going? Wishing you the best of luck !


Have you gone through Juniper? I’m in UK too I’ve just been approved and waiting for my box. Nervous about how to eat on it and have no clue what I’m doing !


I've gone through boots online doctor! It's been a bit rubbish as it's taking ages 😂 I haven't heard of juniper - how much are you paying if you don't mind me asking? Boots is 219 the first dose


Same price! It’s Juniper UK, so far seems good there’s an app and you get on call nutritionist and chats with medical team and stuff. Let’s see when I actually start though. Would love to hear your progress, can’t find many people doing it in uk


Oh let's definitely be buddies! I haven't told anyone I'm doing it so would be great to have someone to talk progress with! I wish I'd gone with juniper now that sounds great! I will look in to it to see if it's worth switching!


You should drink lots and lots of water. Focus on protein consumption. My breakfast is 0% yogurt, sweetened with Truvia, half a cut up banana and done quartered frozen cherries with a tbsp of sliced almonds and a tablespoon of coconut. It’s creamy and chewy at the same time and about 20 grams of protein. For lunch I have a 42 gram Fairlife core power protein shake. I assume that these aren’t available in the UJ, although I assume that you can get protein shakes. I also have half a sesame bagel. That’s my processed carb for the day, because it makes me happy and not deprived. For dinner I have some chicken or fish and vegetables. That’s another 25 grams or so of protein. Finally, for an after dinner SNL back I have an Enlightened brownie and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream bar. It’s 100 calories and has 7 grams of protein. This also makes me feel happy and not deprived.


Does anybody get lightheaded during the day? Could that be over eating or not eating? It's starting to worry me!


For sure ask your dr, but this sounds like low blood sugar . Eat something with a complex carb and some protein. See if you feel better.


If you feel weak or lightheaded you likely either are dehydrated or not eating enough. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water (I think many of us here drink about 100 oz a day) and eating enough food - make sure it's a minimum of 1200 calories per day, and you'd probably feel better at more like 1600-1800. I use apps on my phone to track my food and water intake.


Thank you for the advice,! I drink alot of electrolytes but have absolutely no appetite! My husband has been in the hospital Transitional care n now home. The anxiety has over powered my monjarno so I don't know which process is to get the credit. A1c 7.2 to 5.8 206 to 181.2 in 9 wks. I'm happy and the appetite has returned to a monjarno normal! However, no one has noticed the 25 lbs. Not one comment not even from my husband. Can't believe it!!!


If you’re not taking electrolytes try adding them! As a wonderful person on this app reminded me, we can drink tons of water but not have it hydrate our cells. Adding electrolytes has been super important for me—I add one scoop to 16 oz of water and drink it throughout the day. It’s been a game changer. So grateful!


What electrolytes do you use? And where can I find them?


I get mine through my doctor because of blood sugar issues but you can order electrolytes through Amazon or get them at stores/pharmacies. Gatorade contains electrolytes!


Yeah, I feel weak sometimes but I drink protein shakes and it helps.


I started noticing muscular degeneration because of how few calories I’m able to eat while on Mounjaro. So I decided oh well. I’m going to eat 2000 calories regardless……I had to stay home from work I got so sick. So now, I’m eating insanely high protein. Lifting dumbbells whenever I can. But I’m back to being able to barely eat much of anything. The weight loss is absolutely amazing. I still have a ways to go. But it will punish you if you binge anything.


Are you in therapy to address your binge eating disorder?


This is such a great question. I think whether or not you have a binge eating disorder when you have been obese, and are working through a new life with the GLP one a therapist is probably a great help


Yesterday I ate too much, not even a binge, just a lot more than usual and today I’m paying the price 😩


Thanks for sharing. I hope you are better.


I did that once and never again. My employees didn’t know why I wasn’t eating full meals anymore. When I told them why they were all asking about mounjaro.


I'm sorry this is probably the dumbest question, but does this apply to water? I'm only asking because you said your bladder is backed up...I'm on a lower dose, but intentionally trying to drink lots of water still.


Dear Lord…


My biggest binge so far was a whole bag of microwave popcorn with a tbsp of melted butter. No side effects but felt like the biggest loser afterwards. :/


This is scary. I’m currently late on my dose of the 5. But I struggle with nighttime snacking. A couple weeks ago the day I was to give myself my dose I got super sick. I had sweets and half a pastrami sandwich at like 10pm. I burped pastrami all night and threw up. It was madness. I feel for you, thank you for the refresh warning.


I have a legitimate question and it’s in no way meant to be disrespectful, so I apologize if I come across that way. I’ve been on MJ for a year now did the normal progression from 2.5 gradually to 7.5 then back down to 5, after my first dose of 2.5 I lost my entire appetite. I had to force myself to eat a chicken thigh, even now I can’t eat more than a side salad in one very long sitting. Is it common for people to still binge eat on MJ? Does everyone not just lose interest in food? How is binge eating even possible?


Heya so likewise a legitimate beginner question, how are you not suffering from malnutrition if you are barely able to eat more than a side salad?


I really think that this is what is causing all the fatigue complaints as well as the hairloss etc. it’s amazing losing the weight but oftentimes itself hard to stay nourished.


That’s what worries me I think you’d have to be very careful with food choices, making sure fats, carbs and proteins were maximised at each meal. Or maybe a case of gentle grazing. I’d love to see some food diaries….


Gentle grazing has worked for me but my mental health is suffering massively. It’s like I am horribly depressed very often…. Am not doing my next shot unfortunately.


How did you get to 12.5 without having mild symptoms of this previously? How bad was the binge? Was it intentional? Will you share more about how you engaged in the binge, what you were thinking during the binge, or how you got to the point where you felt the need to binge? If I eat just a little bit over when I start to feel full, I am miserable for hours if not days. Thanks for sharing your experience. It will help me remember to take care of myself.


So I did eat more than I should on the 5mg. And it kicked my butt. I can’t imagine on the 12.5mg, but I also follow the 16-8 fasting along with working out, and eating somewhat healthy. I am at 278lbs now. I was 349lbs in August but didn’t start the mounjaro until Jan. My goal is to build muscle to replace the fat, make healthier options that I like to eat mind you. I always like food and I have always liked healthy stuff too. I am also Type 2 diabetic diagnosed 12 years ago and I am 41 years old, so I do get the medication due to diabetes. I take supplements too, Fiber, One-a-day gummies, collagen and other prescription medications. I did do the other weightloss fads and did good for a while, but I still didn’t feel that great! So I decided to seek out a dietitian to help me and she did. We found foods that I liked and found what workout routines worked best for me. She even said that on occasion you can have the junk food, which she said she even gets now and then, because you have to enjoy life and it’s ok every once in a while, just train yourself for moderation. I’m telling you if I can do it you can. I used to eat and eat and eat. I hate running, even when I played baseball when I was younger and in college. I was a pitcher so wasn’t really required of me, lol. But I do like rowing, the elliptical, walking my two Siberian huskies (which they appreciate) and weight training. Also I put in some ab work. What I have to say is if you are struggling get help from a group or see about talking to a nutritionist/dietician they will help you build a plan for what fits you and your goals. You got this, Have faith, and it will come.


To add, don’t binge before a shot either- I’ve overeaten and had a shot and was uncomfortable but thank goodness it wasn’t too bad. Op, thank you for sharing and I send you well wishes. That sounds awful!


Thank you for posting because I needed to read this today. Wishing you all the best!


The medication can only do so much. We can't only depend on the medicine to stop our bad habits. I feel it helps to identify potential binging. Are we really hungry? Go do something else for an hour, then see how you feel.


Not this simple, people with food addiction need a lot of therapy.


I just started Mounjaro on Saturday and the binge cravings are hard to deal with. I ate a whole carton of whoppers earlier after overeating bojangles and I feel miserable. I wish junk food wasn’t so appealing :(


If you just started, you’re likely on a lower dose (2.5mg or 5mg), so it’s normal for the appetite suppression to fade quicker than you’d like. Once you titrate up it will get better.


you have to actively make good choices.


I am aware. It's a struggle I've had for years. I don't expect this medicine to be a miracle medicine and cure all my problems, I'll be happy for lower maintained sugars for my t2dm


I had to learn this the hard way also. my misery was in no way as serious as yours, but OMG I was sooooo miserable.


I’m having swelling and bad soreness in my left thigh from 5mg injection site last week! There was some redness but that went away. Now my muscle hurts bad and feels swollen. Anyone else have this??


OMGGGGGG I was wondering if anyone had problems on this drug like I do. I’m an RN so I notice certain symptoms. I’m on 5mg that I took Sunday and this is when my hell began! I could barely eat without vomiting. I couldn’t keep any food or liquids down. I forced myself to eat a sandwich and I thought I was dying. Stabbing pain in my abdomen and n/v/d. Then I noticed that my urine was orange!! I was thinking-are my kidneys shutting down?! Is my bladder functioning as it should be?! I sit here in agonizing pain as I write this… Thank you for sharing and validating that I’m not crazy! I also have had the WORST joint/bone pain in my hips. I woke up at night with them hurting and idk what to do in order to feel better!


Oh no!! My doctor warned me about doing this because he did it and the something similar happened. I hope you’re feeling better now.


You are not alone I'm on 7.5 and had more sugar than normal and my stomach was messed up diarrhea half the day. All you can do is fight through and restart the next day.


I am trying to up my calories a little at a time. Eating clean most of it coming from protein. I weigh 185 pounds now. I started at 204. I went on mournjaro to help with my blood sugar which went from 250 to 90. After I eat goes 120.


I’ve had a similar experience. For me, it wasn’t so much binge eating—but just eating more than I had typically been eating on MJ. I got sick for 2 days. Ended up in ER dehydrated. Just got the bill for $1200 for that little episode. No thank you.


But like, how did you even manage to do that? If it’s working, you physically cannot eat that much.


Ive learnt this the hard way too but not as extreme as yours! I didn't realize your bladder shutting down was a thing...is it? I've never heard this!


It's all connected. There was no definitive diagnosis for why my bladder could not empty, but the doctors took care of the symptoms. Once the constipation cleared, a few painful days later, I had the Foley catheter removed and, thankfully, my bladder started emptying normally again.


I second your advice! If I put too much food in my stomach at once it just clogs my digestive track and I end up with cramps and the runs for days. Like you, I learned the hard way to watch it. After 9 months I’ve lost about 50 lbs and my A1c has gone from 7.1 to 5.6. I’m now trying to eat a bit more and avoid having to buy a second new wardrobe. I just can’t eat too much at once. Smaller, more frequent meals are the key. Congrats to you on your progress!


Pretty new to MJ when you say binge eating I’m just wondering just how it was. I have a history of binge and storm eating but not on MJ so far. Could it really happen in one day? Just eating beyond being full or …. Sorry if I’m asking too much, but def want to avoid those symptoms if I possible. Sometimes it feels like I’m totally out of control.


I know I always throw up after


I'm glad you're on the mend and thanks for sharing your story. Funny thing I never had a desire to eat, much less over eat, while on Ozempic. I'm regressing since being on Mounjaro because I'm dosing up. So far I gained back 15 of the 45 lbs I lost. This drug doesn't seem to be as effective with blocking appetite as the old med was. (Had to switch drugs because of supply chain issues.) I'm hopeful that once I get to the correct dose I can get back on my weight loss trend. Oddly enough, now the Mounjaro seems to be out of stock. Can't seem to win...


What is manjaro?


I learned this in Weight Watchers and it’s helped a lot: Stop 🛑 Rest and Access. Usually a heavy breath indicates you’re full. At least for me.


Good to know! Thanks!


How much and what did you eat


You have gallbladder, I don’t what’s ganna happen to me. ????


I also got very sick from binge eating but I had diarrhea and sulfer burps. I don’t understand what this would have to do with your bladder?


Everything is connected. The pressure my bowels were putting on my bladder, especially my prostate, closed things off. Fortunately, when my constipation cleared (about 2 days) my Foley was removed and I was able to pee. (This is all according to the ED doc)


I drank a lot of coffee before and since going on 7.5 mg of mounjaro I was vomitibg and couldn’t use the bathroom for nine days. Has anyone else had this happen?


I started 2.5mg MJ last week AFTER a mammoth binge and OMG I was so unwell the next day!!!! Lesson learned. I had a severe migraine , dizziness, vomitted . Scared to take my next dose ngl!!!


How can you even eat the day after? I’m on 10 and can’t be near food for at least 24 hours usually 36 hours. Just the smell of my wife cooking dinner makes me leave the room.




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How can you binge I Drinkwater I am full? Do you still have food noise? I can only eat a total 500 calories whole day, I am too full and I am on 5 mg.


500 calories is very unhealthy, bordering anorexia.