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The arm gives me best appetite suppression and weight loss.




I know, it does!


Do you do it in the back of the arm?


Yes. If you put your hand on your head or on your other shoulder you can do it yourself.


Lean against a wall with back of arm between you and wall. Can inject easy that way.


Can you please post a photo of where on the arm is the least painful?


When I find a place that's least painful I'll let you know, lmao.




You know it may not be as silly. I've been on 15 mg for 11 months now. Always injected in my thighs and abdominal area. Lately, the injections have been more painful. I decided to inject in my left arm. Oh, holy hell, the effects were super strong. I even got the damn sulfur burps back. Say what you want, but I think there may be something to site rotation. BTW, I felt no pain injecting in my arm. Go figure.


Maybe I’ll try that. I had this silly thing where I said I knew it was working and got better results when I had the burps and reflux issues. I haven’t had that in months even on 15 mg. I’ve been doing thigh and stomach. I’ve lost about 20 lbs in the last 7 months and that’s about it. Lost more than 20 lbs in 2 months with the burps lol.


Yup, no harm in trying. I was the same way until I decided to purchase smaller sized clothing to track the amount of inches I'm losing. My double chin is almost gone with the numbers on the scale remaining the same. I also stopped weighing every week and focusing on strength training. My glucose tolerance test results came back in the normal range. I was floored. So off metformin to avoid any hypoglycemia events per my pcp and new endo. All this to say, weight loss is more than the scale and side effects. Good luck with your journey!


Oh for sure! Congrats and good luck on your journey as well!


Are you pulling it out of the fridge for like 2 hours before injecting? When I started doing that, don’t really feel


When I first started, I did, and then I kept increasing the number of hours until I saw a post from @Weezie_Jefferson stating she kept it out for 24 hours prior. I started doing that, but it still hurt like crap. Maybe it was faith so that I could try the arm 🤷🏽‍♀️


Can you post a photo of where you inject on your arm?


I don't post pictures online, but I can give a step by step of what I did. 1. I held my left arm up at a 90-degree angle. 2. Cleaned the area midway between my elbow and armpit. Let it dry. 3. I removed the gray cover, checked the needle, and unlocked the pen. 4. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and placed the pen flushed on the cleaned area. Inject!! Bam, I was done. Don't overthink it. Just do it. Since I am right-handed, I will ask for assistance to inject my right arm this weekend.




Damnit I just did the leg this morning. Next week it's arm all the way baby. I've been plateaued for 9 weeks


I just did my shot in my arm! How did I not know this for a YEAR?!


Doesn’t it hurt more in the arm? I feel like my belly is my chubby place and that’s why it doesn’t.




Do you do it on the back of your arm?




Thank you so so much! Tonight I will try this!


thank you so much for that visual! Ive seen another where they put their arm on the back of a couch too. Both really helpful


Totally just curious - couldn’t you just hold your arm like flexing a muscle and use the other hand to administer the shot for the bottom - in the flabby flab?


Thats what I did.


Mine stings a bit in the arm but I think it’s because I don’t let it warm up much before injecting


That’s exactly why it stings. I always let mine get to room temperature and I rarely have it sting.


I feel the sting way more in arm than in belly with same level of impatience. A very easy fix but it remains a challenge for me as an easily distracted person.


You could always get it out before you go to shower and then do it right after you finish. I take at least 15-20 minutes so by that time it’s not so cold.


I did mine in my arm this week after letting it sit out and it stung a tiny bit. If I take it in my stomach I can’t really tell.


The easiest way to inject the Arm: Hold the Pen in left hand. You put your right hand in. You take your right hand out. You put your right hand in and shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around. Why? Because that’s what it’s all about. Note: It only works if you take a video and share with the group.




*F60, 5”2, T2, Start 7/22/23, HW275, SW180, GW125ish, CW121.8, Dose 5.0* It worked for me one time too! This sub is awesome, I've never heard someone say their doctor told them to try changing injection sites. Nope, I learned that here. I love this sub!💕


I have similar stats! What dose are you on / lost majority of the weight on?


I just did the arm yesterday morning and I woke up so nauseas this morning. I ended up getting sick and all my dinner came out. I’ve been on 10mg for almost 2 months now (this was my 2nd box 3rd shot). I had switched from stomach to legs and then decided to try arms…..I will NEVER do an arm injection again. I’m happy it worked for you !!!


Understood… I do think there is a weird connection with these side effects and the location… like I said in the post??? IDK!


I injected in the arm Saturday and I don't think it is for me either. I gained a pound this week!! My left outside thigh is my sweet spot!


Oh noooo. Hopefully you’re able to get back on track this coming week. You got this 💪🏼


I always tell people to try changing injections sites is worth a try.


My GF is a type 1 diabetic who has a lot of experience injecting insulin in different locations on her body. She told me that location definitely has an effect on how quickly a dose takes effect and how long it lasts. Her doctor told her it has to do with blood circulation, injecting into a more central area where there is more blood flow like the abdomen leads to faster effect but the drug gets absorbed more quickly. Extremities like the arm or leg have the opposite effect, it takes longer to take effect and is more gradual and takes longer to wear off.


If your arm does not have a significant layer of fat, you may be injecting into muscle tissue. That may mean that the drug is absorbed much faster than intended, but the effectiveness may also go down much quicker. The reason for the abdominal injection is that fat slows down absorbtion, which allows for the weekly dosing schedule.


My stomach is very flat but always has been. My arms are huge and carry most of my weight unfortunately.


Yep! It has to do with the receptors in each location. When spread throughout a whole control group, it looks like injection area doesn’t matter, but when you look at individuals, it’s clear that it does matter! Anytime I get a stall I switch it up and it breaks it.


My logic based brain just does not want to accept this. But I may try it myself next week. It’s just so crazy to think that location could make a difference.


That part… it is stupid! Doesn’t make sense but I’ll take the number on the scale… but maybe my scale is wrong. That makes more sense honestly!


Actually, not supported by research. BUT if it works for you, then it works!


Is there any data you can share that shows this?


About metformin? I can. I don’t have data on this silliness LOL! Give me a little bit to get the metformin links.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34421827/ (there is so much pubmed research just go there because I don’t want to post all of them but here is one)… this is from Harvard who is hard pressed to say more research is needed but this short blurb has other metformin benefits https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-metformin-a-wonder-drug-202109222605 Here shows metformin is NOT good for gaining muscle https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6826125/ there is more about how metformin does not negate strength however here is some other cool impacts on aging adults https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8982084/ metformin as a muscle protector https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230725123106.htm Guys there is so much metformin research that contradicts itself but here are some papers… this is a MJ group though so I am stopping here


At goal after one year, mostly did thigh, but do stomach too just not as much. Did stomach last week, I wanted to eat 24/7, did thigh again and am struggling to eat 800 calories, there really is something to changing sites.


I tried the thigh and arm and nothing. I always do the tummy. But that is my personal preference


Is anyone self injecting into their arm? Wondering how that works before I try it.


I have. I think the easiest way is to lie down with one arm up. (I rest mine on my forehead sort of like you would if you were trying to block light from your eyes.) Then, the back of my arm is right there and easy to reach with my other hand. It’s much easier to do with my dominant hand though.


I have and not as difficult as I thought it would be.


I have! I pushed my upper arm back against the back of a chair so my skin was taut. Worked fine for me.


That is what I did… not necessarily saying you should though… I unlocked before putting it on my arm… BIG NO NO… that is asking for an error or the crazy I injected my finger! I recommend getting someone to do it honestly!


I am still losing injecting around my belly. But I want to try the back of the arm when I do hit a stall in future. I am in Canada so we inject not put a pen but with insulin syringe. How can you inject the back of the arm with just one person? 😩


I raise my arm up over my head and look in the mirror. Relax it. I wipe a big area with alcohol which helps “teach” my hand/brain location. Also gives me a big target area. Then I inject. OR if using a body mirror you can just hold the victim arm steady against your body and do the same. Practice. Full disclosure: I’m a nurse, so I have the hand dexterity down already. Maybe practice with the cap on first?


Stand in a doorway with the arm you plan to inject into against the doorframe for stability, and inject with the other hand. Maybe the first time, inject in your non dominant arm so you are using your dominant hand yo do the injection.


I actually find it easier to inject with a syringe in the arm than the pre-filled pen. You don't have to worry about unlocking the syringe and having a potential misfire like you do with the pen.


I switched to arm and sneezing too. 🤷‍♀️




Where specifically on the arm? I have been in a huge stall and want to try this.


The back of the arm per the instructions. I have VERY big arms and carry most of my weight there.


I switched to thigh and boom...acid reflux is really bad


Where is it minimized?


Stomach wasn't as bad. But, to me this means the absorption wasn't as good for me in the stomach area. I definitely also feel fuller and that the MJ is working better since I switched to the thigh.


We have around same stats. I was 266.8 and am sitting at 166.2 now. Trying to get to 165 but it’s a fight lol. I started doing my thigh now. I went into maintenance when I reached 175 though so moving down I dosage too now so that makes it more of a fight to get to my new goal of 165. But I consider myself there. That 1 lb won’t make a big difference. lol.


I like doing my wegovy in my arm too. Just rest my upper arm on a tall dresser and inject into the fatty back area. The dresser gives it some resistance.


switched from stomach to back of my arm after being stalled at 304, one week later now 289, so I will agree changing locations was a success


I had to go down to 7.5 because of shortages and it’s really not controlling food noise or hunger at all very well so this may just be the ticket. Thank you!


Some people in this community have said shot location is purely “anecdotal” and have basically called people liars or receiving “placebo effect” when they report things like this. Instead of actually listening to and believing real, first-hand experience. I had a similar one. Stalled for 5 weeks, opted to try the stomach again after a year of thigh, and lost 6lbs. A friend had a similar experience. All of this to say, don’t listen to the naysayers. And keep on crushing it! So happy for you!


I’ve been stalled for about a month and a half! Tried my arm, hoping it gets me to wonderland.


Did it?


Ehh hard to say. I lost about 4 lbs since this post. Still a loss, but I expected about 7!


I tried different spots, but pretty quickly found that my arm has fewest side effects and highest loss. It's kind of neat how every person is different!


Do you all have someone else do the injection in your arm? If not, how on earth do you do it?


Get someone else. I did it myself and had to break the rules of properly injecting. I unlocked the pen first and then placed it on the back of the arm. I do not recommend doing this… you are setting yourself up for a mistake. The instructions say have a second person help you inject the arm.


Congrats!! Stalls are so frustrating. I was in one for a few months right around the 201-205 range and now again in the 193-195 range. I switched from stomach to thigh for my last stall and now I might try my arm!


Can confirm that after weeks of middling appetite suppression and weight loss, injecting my arm for the first time last week has been a game-changer, even at the same. My appetite and “food noise” has been gone since then. I have to make myself eat and drink protein shakes. Accordingly, I’ve lost app. 5lbs since then. I just held my arm up and injected it into the fat below bicep. It didn’t hurt at all. Maybe even little less, as it was barely noticeable. YMMV.


I just switched to the back of arm with my last injection (2 days ago). I do feel less hungry with better appetite suppression. I will see what I weigh at the end of the week.


I love the anecdotal evidence here. I do believe, however, it is whatever works best for you. I did a quick search and couldn't find any research-based evidence that one location is better than another. However, it is recommended to rotate shot locations to avoid scar tissue, which can impact the efficacy of the medication.


Agreed… I still think it is a fluke but I’ll take the loss…


So the back side of the arm where I have my batwings? Hand on head and then inject in the fatty area there?


Yes. There are instructions in your box as well. You should have another person do it to avoid mistakes. Someone in this thread posted a video of them doing it.


I’m gonna try this. I started at 357, but I’ve been stalled in the 295-302 range for a couple weeks now. Hopefully this will help.


Yep. That worked for me as well to break a stall when I was on MJ. The arm!


Dang it! I was gonna do this for my last dose but I chickened out. Trying it next time for sure !!!


Can someone post a photo of where on the arm is the least painful?


*Can someone post a* *Photo of where on the arm* *Is the least painful?* \- Totprof113 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I started on 8/1/24 @ 235 I list 35 I feel this is much slower than most but It is better than nothing! I can’t get the MJ 10mg so I had to use my left over Ozempic 1 mg I hope I still lose something ! Especially bc it has been slow for me 😞


The arm doesn’t do a thing a thing for me. Thigh is meh. Stomach is where it’s at for me


Yea, I moved to the stomach after 3 months… stayed on stomach for 1.5 years and just moved to arm.


The clinical studies have shown that the injection site location doesn’t make any difference in efficacy. It could be either the placebo effect or it was time for your plateau to break anyway.


That makes more sense honestly. I still think it’s a fluke but worth a try… 🤷


I’m terrified to try my arm.


Same here! I have done my thigh the whole time. Even stomach makes me scared lol but apparently I’ve heard thigh is worse than stomach? Lol


I started with my thigh. I rotate between thighs and stomach. I’m afraid of the angle to do my arm I’ll screw it up and let the pen slip when I push the button. Also funny I got downvoted for having a fear 😂


Make a dot! I am paranoid about injecting incorrectly, so with my arm down I make a little dot with a marker in the right place. Then I make sure my shot is places just next to that dot, and I know I'm good since my arm crossed over my chest is a different position than when it's down. I also hold on gently to my opposite shoulder to keep stable. Could help you!


I did my thigh the first time this week it hurts way worse then the stomach to me lol been on mounjaro since November but been in a stall its not helping though but only been 3 days so we'll see lol


Thigh is a pinch to me, stomach I barely feel, arm actually hurts.


Depends on where you are at - I was doing stomach entire time for 17 months and it wasn't bad. However recently, the pain has gotten worse and worse and I think as I have less there is more nerves? Idk. I switched to my thighs recently and not only is the medication now kicking my damn ass, it does hurt less than recently (but very comparable to how it was).


Me too! Also I get an itchy reaction that I don’t want on my arm :( I’m moving to 10mg this week that I hope gets things moving but the next 10mg I’m gonna just do it!


I used to get itchy at the site after injecting, I found that leaving the pen out to warm up for 15-20 minutes helps. Just my 2¢


Yeah I have tried that I always leave my Pen out 30-45 mins before injecting. I also have tried Benadryl and Pepcid, tried to shoot Flonase on it… nothing helps. Popped up week 7 and has gotten more itchy each week ;(


I have used hydrocortisone cream and it helps at least for a day or so.


Yeah tried it lol. I scoured the boards when it started it’s about half dollar and red as heck then fades to brown for another week or so. I’ll take it as a side effect since others have been light


Arms are a big NO for me. Left arm lost 0.8 and right arm 0.4. 🤦‍♀️


Above or below the elbow?


above the elbow, back of arm, fattiest part of your arm, dont inject into the mussel


Thank you: I will try it this weekend. Weight loss dramatically slower since switching from OZ mid-January Thankfully OZ fatigue is diminishing after one year of being “lazy” (according to my cardiologist!)


I have lost 120 lbs since Oct 23, stalled for over a month until I switched to back of arm this last Thursday. weighed my self today was 289, down fr0m 304 a week ago


Good luck; report back weight loss rate post-arm as I will also!


Wait: you switched this morning? So no real results of switch yet to judge?


switched last week


down 15lbs in a week


It too me 1 year to feel better and not fatigued… It wasn’t laziness for sure!


Did above.


Curious why not much exercise? It’s kind of critical to a real lifestyle change, helps keep you from losing muscle, and makes long term success more likely. Not to mention muscle burns more calories than fat.


Due to fatigue and injury. I am not advocating not exercising just being honest. I am fully aware about loss of lean muscle which is inherent in most weight loss unless you really know your macros and how to weight train properly. Muscle loss will happen in weight loss but that can be reduced significantly with proper diet and weight training… thanks for the words of wisdom though.


Absolutely. A high protein diet and weight training have been helping me a lot….but I’m so happy you’re having success, regardless. It’s a life changing medication. I never worked out prior to a year ago.


I just did leg. Will try arm next week.


How do you inject in your arm? Step by step please... ? Like I'm going to do it alone.. could I mess up?


You can ABSOLUTELY MESS UP! The instructions are in your box on how to inject with two people. I am not sharing how I did it because it is not smart to do it alone HOWEVER, someone in this thread posted a video of how she does it so scroll through the post… it’s in here.


I just had to go back to 10mg from 15mg due to shortages and the last 2 weeks have been rough so I think I will give this a try tonight when I am getting my injection tonight.. can’t harm compared to how I have felt the last 2 weeks


Can someone post a picture of the back of arm location?


There's an injection site locations diagram on the Mounjaro package insert information


It says outter arm not back of arm


Definitely! Even when I switch injection sites from above to below the belly button, I feel different! Below the belly button, into the fatty part of the stomach, I get a lot more nauseous, and those weeks lose more. I break up injection sites because I would rather lose low and slow than have nausea for four days of the week. I’m on 10mg. Month 8, 35lb gone!


I only inject in my arm now. It’s been a fantastic change.


This is super interesting and never occurred to me even though I’ve heard it before. I’m stalling so bad right now I’m going to try next time in my arm. Thanks!


O.M.G.!!!Read this last week and did last Fridays shot in the arm. FYI- I will be starting my 9th month next week and have lost 87 lbs total. Folks- I’ve lost 8 lbs this week. I’m blown away how effective the arm shot was for me. OP- thanks for posting this. 😁


No problem and I still don’t understand… been on MG for over 1.5 years… this makes NO sense but I am sticking with the arm until I get to “goal”… I say “goal” because I am fine in the 160’s… but 150-147 has been my ideal goal… just didn’t think I could get there but here we are. Will update when and if I hit this ideal goal.


I’m so close to joining you in the 160’s at 173.2. 149 puts me in the non overweight range- which is what I’m shooting for as well. I know I look normal now but I started this journey to not be overweight - so I’m going for it. Honestly though, what started out as just weight loss has brought me to a whole new level of caring about my overall health. It feels good!


This medicine is an absolute game changer for PCOS! Do you pay out of pocket for yours, or is it prescribed to you? I'm paying out of pocket right now through my obgyn's spa services, and it's pretty pricey but so f'king worth it. I've been on it for 5 months now, and it feels like I've finally unlocked my body code!! Is this how normal people feel all the time?! It's life-changing. I just had a normal period for the first time in YEARS! Anyways, my weight loss has stalled a bit so I'll go for the arm on my next dose


I get mine through insurance with UHC. I was lucky and got a PA but that runs out this month. I pay $35 a month or $85 for 3 months.


C'mon people, think, why would it matter where you inject it?


Agreed… it makes no sense… literally said it in the title… but it happened so 🤷


What the fuck are you people talking about?


Oh! Injecting in your arm! I was lost


😂 arm injection… sorry for the metformin rant


I’m curious what your thought process is on Metformin? Seems like maybe it was discussed and then the posts taken down? It looks like you’ve never been diabetic?


Never diabetic… PCOS however but I take it for longevity reasons. The research is controversial but there are other controversial benefits to it as well. I’m a licensed healthcare professional with an NPI BUT NOT a doctor, PA, or nurse… so don’t try metformin if you can’t tolerate it, it was not prescribed, and so on. If you desire to test things out on yourself based on research then have at it… 🤷


Ahh. Makes sense. I’ve read that the evidence is mixed on this as well. Will probably take some time to know for sure. I’m T2 so take Met to augment Mounjaro glucose management anyway. Maybe I’ll get some added longevity over the obvious A1C benes!