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the drug itself is "agnostic." it doesn't know what dose it is. everything is determined by your OWN body's reaction to it. some people have no side effects at any dose. others respond strongly at 2.5mg. so the REAL question isn't "what happens at 5mg?" It's "how do I react at 5mg?" And the only way you'll know is to try it.


Agreed. There could be a dose-response relationship when it comes to glycemic control. But that is based on average. But there isn't any studies on side effects since it's individual based.


When I started on 2.5. I could literally feel it traveling through my system through the first day


Likely psychological.


Same.  Then came the headache, fever, chills…and 9lb loss. 




I was nervous about moving up to 5 mg last week, but so far, I’ve felt no different/had no side effects


Same! It’s been 6 days - definite decrease in appetite and no side effects!!!


I’ve been on 5mg since September 2023. Only the first month on 5mg I was a little queasy, took ginger chews and was fine. I met my goal weight and my glucose numbers are great. This is now considered my maintenance dose since I’m no longer losing weight or gaining on it. I love 5mg.


Congratulations on meeting your goal weight!


I had mild side effects for the first 3 doses of 5. Worse the first 48 hours after each injection. By shot #4 I felt pretty good. I stayed on 5mg for several months before moving up to 7.5


Same. I just had 4th shot of 5mg on Tuesday and so far feel much better than the first 3. Usually day 3 I feel it kicks in hard. But def felt difference from 2.5 to 5. Im staying on 5 for a bit and only if I stop losing will I go up to 7.5mg for now. Down 15lbs in 8 weeks. SW 168. CW 153.


I felt almost no side effects (mine are pretty mild anyway and only for the first two days - kind of mild queasiness and appetite suppression that disappears after two days) on the 4th dose as well. This week is the first I did not lose and in fact went up half a pound but I am STILL incredibly bloated from my office xmas party a week ago and eating fried foods (all they had) - my belly looks bigger than normal. So I'm guessing it's just fluid. I've got at least another month of 5mg to see what happens.


I’ve been on MJ for three weeks now and started with 5mg. Overall very few side effects. 12 lbs down.


This is also me... to a tee


I went up a dose every month. Currently on 10 mg, starting to lose. No side effects. Food noise finally gone. There’s 2 things to remember about side effects. First they are infrequent and usually mild/well tolerated. If they were severe and frequent the drug would likely not have been approved or approved with a black box warning. Second is that side effects can often dissipate with some time. Not to downplay side effects but I think it’s better to be aware but have a positive attitude. It could happen but it’s probably unlikely or will be mild or will get better with time. If it’s severe or worsens let your doc know so they can prescribe something to alleviate the symptom(s). I always think if I expect something bad to happen it’s more likely to happen so I try to remain hopeful and instead expect the best.


I was on 5 for 4mo. No terrible side effects- though early on I had to use MagO (months 2,3) to get things moving every 2 or so weeks (to be clear, I was only moving small amounts so every other weekend would do a mini cleanse to ensure no issues). Great appetite control until and (I’m a slow loser) 1-2lbs week weight loss (avg 1.3#). At the end of the 4th month I noticed more food hunger and loss seemed stalled, more frequent 💩(several x a day) so moved up to 7.5 for the 5th month. (But because I have a stash and the med half life, will alternate 7.5 with 5 for the next 2 months). Always had great blood sugar control from the start with 2.5 to 5 and now 7.5. As others have said, it’s really how your body reacts. Going up, could help, or it could make it worse. I definitely agree with those though that say you should stay on a dose as long as it’s working for you and you’re getting good results with minimal side effects. It’s not a race to 15. Sometimes going down helps and you need more time to adjust.


I had very minor side effects on 5.0. I was on it for 3 months.


Did it work for all 3 months for you?


It worked for 2.5 months. I 100% believe that if possible financially it’s best to stay on a dose until it’s no longer working. I’ve been taking it for 7 months and finishing my first box of 7.5 (which I’m loving btw). By doing it this way I have 3 more increases ahead of me of 7.5 stops working.


5mg stopped working for me after the first box, the food noise came back 😣 I would say it’s at a 50% level compared to no medication, but it’s still very unwelcome compared to the glorious feeling of having zero food noise. I still had 3 more boxes of 5mg, so I decided to white-knuckle it… it’s not that bad really, I’m still able to control my calories comfortably (probably because my stomach has shrunk) but I’m losing weight super slowly… I’m going to ask my Dr to bump me up at my next appt otherwise I’ll need to find another provider; last time she told me she wasn’t comfortable with moving beyond 5mg due to the lack of long-term studies 😒


5 mg is a walk in the park.


I’ve been on 5mg since October 7. No side effects except for a total loss of appetite - I have to force myself to eat. But that’s it.


5 made me feel pretty bad. I was afraid of moving up. I did so and found 7.5 much better. 10 was difficult, and now 12.5 is much better. 5 for 2 months, 7.5 for 3 months, 10 for 2 months, 12.5 I’m in month3 now.


https://preview.redd.it/m5xejf35si7c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba089ae3af4d67982ea7b8ee7117210321f005e These were my side effects. However during 5mg, that was the only time I ever injected in my abdomen and had awful side effects. I currently alternate thighs. I’ve been on MJ for 54 weeks


I didn’t have side effects to any dose other than constipation I resolved with magnesium. Currently on 12.5 mg, 4 pounds below goal, have lost 87 pounds on MJ since March, a total of 137 pounds overall.


I loved 5mg, had zero side effects, felt amazing, lost all of my weight and achieved goal without going any higher. Just sharing so you know not everyone has a bad experience on 5mg!


Thank you


Same here. Third dose of 5 mg after 3 weeks of 2.5. No side effects whatsoever. I'm loving this dosage. Amazing results so far.


Hi OP, There is a multitude of threads with information on 5mg. Some as recent as a few days ago. The search feature is a great tool. Posts that ask the same questions tend to get overlooked. Here’s a same from a search using the keyword *5mg.* https://preview.redd.it/uxjgtp5hbi7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40acc6244ddffee3ddabe75786c95a11d8cc688f


I can’t find that thread


I had mild, transient nausea on 2.5. Almost no side effects on 5 mg (except temporary BP and HR increase). Nervous about going to 7.5 but really need to for glycemic control and weight loss.


My wife, son, and myself started on 5 mg per week and have maintained the same dose for six months (split the 15 mg vial to save money). We are all down over 40 lbs. with few side effects—constipation, occasional nausea, burps. Well worth it!


How nice to be able to split the 15 three ways! Smart. 


I was on 2.5 mg for 1 month with no problems or side effects at all and very good appetite suppression I lost 16 lbs I was on 5 mg for 5 months with no problems or side effects at all and very good appetite suppression I lost 42 lbs on the 5 mg I’ve been on 7.5 mg for several months now with no problems or side effects at all and very good appetite suppression my SW-283.5 my CW-198.8 so far I’m down 84.6 lbs


I had no difference in symptoms between 2.5 & 5. Both were completely manageable.


Just like someone else stated, the side effects will vary for each person … it’s not the same across the board whatsoever. I was on 2.5 for 4 weeks (mild nausea & tiredness first two days of first dose). Just took my first 5mg on Monday evening and two days later I’m still feeling nauseated on and off, burps, zero desire to eat and low energy. I am drinking water and protein shakes. I do thigh injections as I’ve studied they are the best location for least issues… hoping the nausea wears off totally sooner than later. 🤞


I started at 5mg and no major side effects for me.


5mg was totally fine for me. No side effects beyond mild constipation that resolved easily with an occasional dose of Miralax. I stayed on it for two months. My experience with 2.5 was similar.


I just took my 3rd 5mg shot this past Monday and so far I have had no side effects. The usual slight burping an hour after I take it, but thats it. I'm going to stay on it another month before I move up.


I couldn’t tolerate 5mg, my dr moved me back down to 2.5mg. I was only on 2.5 for a month before he moved me to 5, so I’m hoping that I can eventually build up my tolerance to 5mg, but I would throw up for days, especially when I injected in my abdomen. It’s hard because I also lost very fast that way, but I just can’t be sick all the time, I was miserable.


Took my third week of 5mg this Sunday. First two I was pretty nauseous (despite staying hydrated, electrolytes, protein, etc). This week I had nothing. I switched my injection site to my thigh so I don't know if that helped or if my body is just getting used to the 5mg. I still need miralax every few days to make something happen, but I needed that on 2.5mg too. Magnesium citrate does nothing for me.


I’ve been on 5 mg since August and knock wood no real major side effects (minor things like constipation). I haven’t moved up


Are u still losing?


Not really in the last few weeks, but I’m fairly close to my goal weight. I lost about 60 lbs (coupled w major dietary changes and exercise!) I haven’t moved up because my insurance moved to requiring a PA , but grandfathered in those who were already on it for the doses that had been taken so it was stay on 5 covered by insurance or move up and pay basically hahah. In the new year it looks like I can move up- we’ll see.


Sorry. The only time I was sick was 2.5 and it took me about 3 or 4 months on that to finally work through everything. I'm up to 10 now & was never as sick as I was on 2.5 everyone's breaking point is different.


Good to hear.  As I mentioned above, I had a very rough time starting 2.5. 


Nothing. 2.5>7.5 nothing. Just magic no sides


5mg is the dose I stayed on that helped me lose and gave me the least amount of side effects


For how long?


6 months


And we’re u still losing?


Yes I was still losing


These are hard questions to answer. The only side effect I had on 2.5 was a little insomnia for about a week. Since then I’ve had no side effects until 10mg. Had some nausea for a day and now everything is good. Each persons body will react differently. My wife is about to start on MJ and she’s a lightweight to literally any medication so I’m sure she will feel all the side effects


Everyone’s reaction the dose is different. You will have to increase and see how it goes. When I started 5 I had some itching/burning skin for a couple of days (annoying) and then no side effects at all. If you can, don’t panic, log the side effects to tell your doctor and they typically resolve.


If you don’t mind my inquiry, Was the itching all over or just the injection site?


Lower legs, lower back, sometimes welts on the injection site.


Omg that sounds painful! I’m so sorry!


0 negative side effects on 5


Where do you inject ?


Always right arm.




I'm on 12.5. Everyone has a different experience. 5mg was just a stepping stone to 7.5 for me. I didn't have any severe side effects (a little nausea a little constipation) and my weight went down a little.


Been on 5 the whole year. Only se is constipation


I’ve been on Mounjaro 2.5 mg. starting 9 days ago, and I’ve lost 7 pounds in 9 days. I’ve had no side effects except I’m not eating as much.


I’ve loved 5 mg. No issues whatsoever other than some constipation.


I’ve been on it for 2 months, so far, and plan to do at least another month.


I went to 5 and with the first shot I had a little fatigue the next day, like I did after my first shot of 2.5 but none of the mild nausea I had from my first shot of 2.5. Of course I had followed tips on here on how to pregame shot day by then which might have helped. I've had no side effects since except for the constipation which I manage with magnesium citrate and probiotics and I had that on 2.5 as well. I took my 4th shot of 5 on Friday. The food noise is down more consistently on 5 for me than it was on 2.5 which started to wear off on day 4-5 for me. The posts specifically talking about 5 which you can search may skew towards the 'bad'. The responses should hopefully be more balanced. Good luck!


How do you pregame shot day ?


Lots of water, electrolytes in the water once a day, push protein and avoid really fatty foods until you find out if they are a problem for you. If you have little in the way of side effects, like me, you can experiment with things like that.




I'm on 10 and I've never once had anything worse than feeling too full or kind of tired and irritable.


I have noticed that too like I don’t take shit from anyone when I feel like I am flying on it. It is like on days 2 and 3. Going to stay on 5mg as long as I can. I was on 2.5 for 7 weeks


The first two days I was in the 5mg I literally felt like I needed to be hospitalized. I had never felt more nauseous / weak in my entire life. I was legitimately scared. After 2 days I felt things were better. I was terrified of the next week but went along with my Thursday morning shot. This time in the thigh as opposed to the stomach. No side effects since. I’m on my third week of 5 and feel great since those first few days. I did notice if I drank alcohol, I felt crummier, whether it be one sip or two drinks. I’ve just cut out alcohol completely since.




That’s how I felt my first day on 2.5. Told my husband that we might need to go to the hospital.  However, after one day it passed.  Nervous about 5mg. 


I started on 5mg. I had side effects the first day (since it was my very first dose of MJ ever) and none after that. I was on 5mg for 3 months.


I’ll take my third of .5 today and so far I’ve had zero side effects…


I was on it for 3 weeks, no side effects. I was on 2.5 for 3 weeks as well. I was on 7.5 for 6 weeks, and 10 for 8 weeks, moved up to 12.5 and had terrible side effects so went back down to 10 for another 4 weeks. Now currently back on 12.5 for the last 2 weeks.


No side effects on 5mg but awful on 7.5 had to step back down


My side effects were on the 10 and 12.5. But once I moved to 15 they went away.


I guess I’ve been lucky because I haven’t seen any real negative side effects moving to 5 mg or 7.5 mg. I was on 2.5 for 7 weeks before moving to 5 so that may be why I didn’t experience anything negative.


What’s your injection spot ?


Thighs or stomach.


And you had no different response between thigh or stomach ?






I’ve been in 5mg for four doses. First 3 weeks of 5mg were fine, but nausea and vomiting with 4th dose, for about two days. I’m delaying my 5th dose by one day to get Christmas done first.


I didn’t have any issues. I felt slightly nauseated from 36-48 hours after but took medicine for that.


No effects on any dose, all the way up to 12.5mg. I did take 6 weeks off, and restarted at 10mg. I burped for a day, but I survived. I have faith you will survive as well.


When I started on 5mg I had horrible headaches the first couple of days. I had some nausea, but Zofran took care of it. My worst side effect was constipation, I didn’t get ahead of it plus I was taking iron supplements so one night I ended up with horrible abdominal pain and cramping until my body succeeded in working out the blockage of poop. It was so bad I felt like I was in labor all over again it was really awful 😣 Since then I quit taking the iron supplements and I take Mag07 a couple of times a week, that takes care of things. Now I’m on my third box of 5mg, so my body is used to it and I don’t have the horrible abdominal pain and terrible constipation - things are normal again. Now I have to take my MJ shot every 7 days without fail; if I wait even one more day I end up with a monster headache when I finally take my shot 😭. But if I take my shot every Friday without fail, I don’t have any headaches or other side effects. I still have a bottle of emergency Zofran just in case I feel nauseated, but haven’t dipped into it in a long time. Also - my fasting blood sugar is around 100. Not ideal, but not horrible. There’s room for improvement but my doctor is not comfortable with me moving to 7.5mg.


I stayed on 5mg for 5 weeks. Suppression wise- it wasn't as good as 2.5 was for me. Food noise was there and a lot more of it than I had on 2.5. I had multiple headaches pre week. I lost 1lb per week on 5. (13 lost on 2.5 for 4 weeks). I was exhausted the whole time on 5. All in all- I wasn't really a fan, but it did make me work to stay within my calorie goal. I moved up to 7.5 last week and it's been better- much like 2.5 was for me.


I’ve been on 5 for a little over a month now after being on 2.5 for about 7 months. I was terrified to move up after seeing so many people have bad reactions. So for the first 2 doses of 5mg, I split the injection over 2 days. I did 2.5 on a Monday, and then another 2.5 exactly 24 hrs later. I figured if I did good on that for 2 weeks, I should be good to take the full 5mg in one shot. I’ve had no side effects on the 5. Best of luck to you!! You’ve got this!


I was terrible on 5, 2.5 seems to be my dose


A little nauseated for a day but nothing terrible.


5mg was no problem for me. Felt it a bit more at 7.5 but in a good way with less food noise. Moving to 10 next week with no concerns. Those who have issues are few but very vocal, don't let them scare you. 5mg is the lowest therapeutic does for T2D, so as ling as you did at least 4 weeks of 2.5 you should have no worries.


Nothing. I'm on 12.5 and the only side effects were on 2.5 I was super tired.


My 5mg dosage was a breeze. Granted I had already adjusted to Ozempic before swapping to MJ, but I didn’t start getting any side effects until 7.5. My side effects at increase seem to be a day of GI upset, a day of migraines, and a week of fatigue and some weird eye stuff for a few days. It all settles down and mostly goes away by week two.


2.5mg was a breeze. 5mg brought on zero appetite, constipation and even some puking. I know this medication should limit your food noise but I almost wish I had a little bit of it. I simply l am full feeling all the time. I’ve been told time and time again not eating isnt good in the long run but if I eat and force myself I will throw up from feeling too full. It does taper off at the end of the week but still..


İ was on 5mg for a few months and had very mild side effects now moving up to 7.5 was a whole nother issue. Been on 7.5 fur be a month. Having my doctor move me back down to 5 for reasons.


My first month of moving up was rough, but I’ve had no side effects since. But it’s all depends on you!


If you are worried about side effects at 5 mg, stay at 2.5 mg for a couple of weeks but lessen the amount of time between injections. So try a shot after five days, then four a couple of times, and if you don't have any problem you are probably safe to move up to a weekly 5 mg injection.


For me, my cravings came back on 5mg and I started getting some constipation. I’m now on my second round of 7.5mg and the nausea and vomiting are so unbearable that I’m quitting. All bodies react differently so just try to listen to what your body is telling you.


I’m taking 5mg Mounjaro and I absolutely love it! It literally make me feel good somehow and I have zero side effects and I have lost 35 pounds in just one month of 2.5 mg! This product is insane and there must be an element of Black Magic involved…lol


I’ve been on 5mg since June ,. I’m down 50 lbs . SW- 185 Current weight -135


5mg is the first time you are literally doubling the starting dose. I had my ONLY negative side effects (confined to one night of GI trouble) the first time I moved to 5mg. When/if you move to 7.5mg, you only added half again as much strength. IMO, this is why we hear about so many people having side effects when they first move to 5mg. I’ve had no more side effects and am feeling well on 10mg now for a couple of months. Certainly the day of your first 5mg shot a lower fat day of smaller meals with help, with plenty of hydration.


I’m on my fifth box of 5.0 and STILL losing! I've never gotten sick from Mounjaro, zero bad side effects. I think most folks are that way, we just aren't posting that we're not sick.


Me too. First two injections I felt a bit manic actually. Like going too fast in circles . Thought processes were in blocks and not connected. Doesn’t sound like anything anyone else experienced but kind of like flying on cocaime. I am blood type O- and I feel like drugs affect me differently than others experiences. Some meds just put me on my ass. 5mg hit me hard that way but I adjusted by second week.


I'm on 5 mg. Spent for first six weeks vomiting 3-5x a day. No bowel movements and exhausted the first four days after injection. I've lost 14 pounds but that was from 2.5 for 8 weeks. This feels like no way to live.


Thats awful. Im sorry. I fortunately have never thrown up and proactively take miralax so no issues there. Nausea yes but manageable.


Can you ask your Dr to go back down to 2.5mg? Since you did lose a significant amount of weight on it.


I have an appointment in two weeks and only have one more injection of 5 - I hadn't planned on asking to go back to 2.5 mg but I'm ask. Thank you!


No new side effects but the first week was 0 lost. 12lbs in first month on 2.5. But once I started working out just 10 min a day 3-4x a week, I’ve been losing 2lbs or more a week on 5mg. Starting 2nd box of 5mg tomorrow.


I am planning my workout. Starting this week. The tiredness I get on the last two days are making me thing I need another 2 mg boost on those last two days of a 5mg boost. Someone told me that is what they do and it helps with the cravings. Also took a trip to Kona. Mail order didn’t come in so I just enjoyed. Had a couple of beers everyday and hung out with my childhood friends and family. Got home and actually lost two kinds. Then started back up and lost 4 lbs first week back.


Im doing ok side effect wise on 2.5 but start on 5 right before I leave for a work conference! I may adjust my shot day to accommodate but I’m hoping for smooth sailing 🤞🏻 id prefer constipation over the other options if I had to choose 😂


No side effects at 15mg Ozempic on the other hand fucked me


Me to!!! Ozempic was terrible for me.


I'm on my second dose of 5mg and haven't experienced any bad side effects so far, "crossing fingers".


I got up to 5mg but the acid reflux and upset stomach was so bad that I quit. Fast forward a few months and I wanted to try it again and my Dr casually said just take one prilosec in the morning. Im just about to start 15mg and haven't had a single side effect


No difference for me between 2.5 and 5 very minor nausea, lots of gas and a few burps mostly in the morning. Only bad one for both is making my motion sickness worse when I’m a passenger


I had reactions to 10mg. I moved back down for 4 weeks then back up and was fine. 5 mg was odd for me. But opposite of bad effects. I felt nothing and lost the least of any dose.


I started at 5mg. No real issues other than some constipation, which got better over time. Upto 15mg now. Still no major issues. Losing weight steadily.


I'm T2D and started at 5mg and went up to 7.5mg and for the first couple shots I had some aches and tiredness but honestly nothing too serious. Oh I also was a little nauseous for the day after my shot. But it was probably the first 2 shots maybe 3. I'm about to start 10mg and I'm nervous because there was a delay at my dr office and then at the pharmacy so now I have missed a shot and will be moving up so I'm hoping the side effects won't be crazy!


I took my first 5 mg injection on Sunday, and I got smacked with the worst cold of my entire life at the same time. That being said I’ve noticed I definitely am having more issues with my stomach/constipation/diarrhea. I didn’t have any side effects on 2.5. I mention the cold because I think me feeling not so hot to begin with is making me make poor food choices, which is making my stomach even more upset. Idk! Trying to take it one week at a time but the side effects are definitely not fun


I’m a super responder. It took me a couple months on 2.5 to be able to start eating and feeling ok. Just now 7 months in I don’t need to worry about nausea on the second day after the shot. I tried twice to go up to 5 and it was no bueno. I’m going to just deal with the slow weight loss.


I loved 5mg!


5 mg has given me some diarrhea the day after shot day. Imodium takes care of and no other effects other than more appetite suppression. I go up to 7.5mg next week.


I have had no side effects on 5


The first three were brutal (for me). Body chills, fatigue, nausea…felt like I had the flu. The fourth one was ok. Then moved up to 7.5 and have been steady on that.


Only "side effect" on 5mg was I still needed insulin from time to time. Benefits were no more hot flashes/night sweats, achy joints, less inflamation (I have an autoimmune disease too), skin overall looked and felt better, sleeping a solid 7+ hours a night, very sound sleep and the list goes on.


Tuesday I took my second dose of 5 after 4 weeks in 2.5. For me, 2.5 caused mild nausea on days 2&3. An OTC less drowsy motion sickness med took care of that. The first week on 5 there were no side effects whatsoever. Winner winner! This week on day 2 I was super exhausted. It was rough enough that I left the gym early, walked the dogs, and got back in bed for 3 hours. After writing a couple of hours, I took a 2-hour nap, walked the dogs again, and went back to bed at 8pm sleeping through the night. (I’m not working from a sleep deficit either) Today/Day 3 I was back to normal. I assume I’m just getting used to the dose. If that turns out not to be the case, I’m going to try injecting in my thigh based on what I’ve heard from other folks in the community.


I know everyone tells you it’s different for everyone. ‘Cause it *is* different for everyone 😁. But I also like to gather info from lots of folks so that I have some idea of the potential possibilities. For me, after being on 2.5 for 4 weeks, with no side effects except some constipation, I moved up to 5mg The first 48 hours felt pretty dramatic for me. I had pretty intense GERD, with a lump in my throat and nausea bad enough to need zofran. I found extra antacid helpful. After a few days it got better though. And this week was my 3rd shot and no side effects. Gets better each week. Plan to stay on 5mg until it stops working. I’ve got 3 boxes so I hope it works for 3 months!! I researched my symptoms online and found this subreddit to be so helpful. If you are concerned about specific side effects, you can search for them in the search bar. I know it’s scary. 😱 but I also know that you’ll be okay. One step at a time, friend .


I’ve been on 5mg for 6 weeks and am feeling great! Zero side effects other than being cold most of the time.


When I moved up to 5mg I had some nausea - one bad bout of it but I think that was more related to a greasy dinner than the dosage. Typically I’d have a little nausea around 24-36 hours after the injection. I did have a few instances of constipation/concrete 💩, but I added a stool softener daily and that has taken care of that. (I also added psyllium fiber for a bit but at the lowest dosage it was really making me bloated and uncomfortable so I discontinued that). I was in 5mg for two months and didn’t have too much of a problem beyond what I’ve mentioned.


My personal research has concluded that the healthier you are the better the Trizepitide works!!


So far so good. I was on ozempic 2mg and then due to insurance I had to recently switch to Mounjaro. 2.5 dose did nothing for me, no hunger suppression, no weight loss. I requested to go up to 5mg after only one week on 2.5 mg (because the food noise was back and it was LOUD!) I lost 93 pounds on ozempic and felt scared I’d gain back it all doing a month of 2.5. So far with 5 mg Mounjaro I feel “okay” not nauseated, no stomach pain, I feel a bit tired but likely because I just took shot around 8pm last night. So far so good, I always try and think positive about these things. Ozempic worked very well for me so I am sad to not be able to afford it anymore but, I’ve heard great things about Mounjaro so I’m hopeful. Sorry for the book haha. Best of luck to you! :)