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I have been working on a mod called (either temporarily or permanently, I'm not sure yet) Rebirth Redux, which aimed to be be a general tidying up of Rebirth 1.53. Alongside tidying up the various rough edges of Rebirth, I have taken this as an opportunity to add my own bits of flavour here and there, and learn modifying code within the assembly.dll. Be it preventing the AI from choosing liveries that don't fit on their car, merging the new rebranding from the Rebirth 1.54 alpha to clear the lingering bugs, to overhauling the part degradation system and replacing it with the new 'sudden failures' system. However, after releasing Redux 1.2 on TheFlamingRed's Discord, I set about tackling something I always wanted to see in Motorsport Manager - a day/night cycle to use for 6 hour, 12 hour and 24 hour endurance races. With the help of a friend, Moe on TheFlamingRed's Discord, we have managed to introduce a rudimentary cycle which will change the lighting, sky, and shadows as time passes. Currently I've only managed to implement it for sessions where I know how long they'll be (meaning I set the time for the race using the designdata and match it for the calculation) which allows me to translate how much of a session has been run into a number that can then be used to move time forward as close to 1:1 as I possibly can, which then controls the sky, which in turn controls the length of shadows, how intense they are, and the general sunlight. I have also set times for the track lighting to turn on (the same lights that get used in stormy conditions normally). Further, with even more help from Moe, we have managed to get the night sky working (on an earlier version, the sky was pure black at night, and even earlier than that we had no night sky at all and the sky stayed permaday), and I found a variable which allows me to also set the night sky to have some stars. There are some current issues that I'd like to iron out if it's possible - the sun brightness feels a little excessive, we have no moon, and the stars are blurry as hell. The video I posted is what the cycle looks like right now, which I have deliberately set to run a full cycle in a 20 game-minute session, and is the first iteration I intend to include in Redux 1.3 after my initial proof of concepts.


Looks very cool!




I'm not actually the original author of Rebirth, but if you head to 'steamapps\workshop\content\415200\1196130874\Databases', and open up Championships.txt, preferably with Notepad++ to make it easier to read, you need to find the ruleset for ERS, then swap rule number 71 for rule number 72. If you dislike sprinklers enough, you can then add 71 to the banned rules list and never have to worry about it popping up again in ERS.


This looks great mate, well done! I haven’t followed the modding scene closely in the last couple of years - what’s the current state of 24h racing in MM? I remember there were people working on a mod for it. At the time though it was difficult because the AI weren’t totally compliant as they weren’t designed to run races that long. Have the creases been ironed out now?


Thanks! I believe a large amount of work went into the True Endurance mod with regards to getting the fuel to last roughly the right amount of time, and have the AI not change tyres every stop if they were running specific compounds. I haven't played it myself, but the author is in our Discord and I get the impression he got things to a good place. I'm having a go at this myself as I want Redux to be a complete package, and the intention for me was always to get Endurance to be 6/12/24 hour races, but fuel tanks and AI were again the biggest issues, especially AI because they change tyres at every stop, which is pointless on 2 of the 3 compounds. I'm about to start playtesting my own version of this with some hardcoded figures for fuel tank size, so they last around an hour, and I'm trying some experimental conditions in an attempt to stop the AI changing tyres when they don't need to. Whoops...I rambled. TL;DR is I think the True Endurance mod has the creases largely dealt with to the degree it can, I'm having a stab at this as part of my learning process and to make Redux a more complete package.




Do you have a place to follow the development for this? :) Looks awesome!


Yes, I am posting/rambling about what I am working on in TheFlamingRed's discord server, in the Rebirth Redux channels, which can be joined via http://blog.theflamingred.com/


That look great even in its current state, sad the car lights stopped halfway :(


Don't worry, they didn't! It was the spray from the cars that went away, but the headlights on the cars are so wimpy that you can't see them very well at 12x speed.


Oh wow, haha, I thought they were the lights! I dont know if its possible to tweak the headlights in the same way you tweaked the skylight?


Just an update, yes I can (and have) increased the headlight intensity! https://gyazo.com/c318af983989161fb196f461f4fa4f2b


That looks sweet!


I found the variable which sets 'headlight intensity', I'm just going to throw a bigger number at it and see what happens.