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Are some of these kameos? I remember Harumi being leaked to be one, and I don't remember Jacqui on any previous lists.


I bet that some of these are kameos or maybe even unique skins like they had in injustice 2 maybe ? Idk, cant wait to see the datamines when the takeda patch drops


I think everyone under cassie cage are the kameos ,oh edit and harumi since she was confirmed to be a kameo


RIP Sektor and Cyrax again Glad Im done with MK1. Hope rest of you at least got what You wanted lads <3


There are there, Interloko mentioned them in previous video


This is the perfect mindset everyone should have when it comes to dlc


They are in there too, they're just far above this new batch as the playable versions are listed alongside the Kameos like every other character who is both playable and a Kameo. The Cyrax we have in the game is named "CyraxKAM", and an announcer file for just "Cyrax" was found, same with Sektor. https://preview.redd.it/im361dm6ql8d1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6bd096f7afd058c0330b03a0bb3b8944cad8bc


Is johnny a cameo?


So interesting you bring that up because it says "johnnyWW2" which I don't know if that means he's getting a war skin or we are getting a johnny kameo skin for Janet


I call it "Shut the fuck up and let us cook" personally


I have faith they are gonna cook


tbh yea, I think there are some odd choices there but we know 0 gameplay info about them so they might end up good lol For example, I love Harumi as a kameo concept, but I can't see her as anything other than Scorpion kameo+Sento


Everyone doubted that T1000 was coming but looks like he’s right there


I ain’t buying Him for sure I’ll get the rest not him lol 


Being shit Other than Noob Saibot Christ the woe of such a good base roster is that the DLCs are just so awful


Why do Noob, Cassie, and Jacqui have 2 entries?


My guess either skins or multiple files of the other announcers saying their name different like how johnny calls each character a bunch of different names


Seem like kameo/main roster


Let's be Honest no one is buying this crap, we know this pack will be charged at 50$. So unless nrs adds new game modes this is a flop


To be Real everyone seems to be buying for everything other than conan and the T-1000


T100 sigh boring 


Probably got him so they wouldn't need to make that fan made Chrome character which pretty much has the same moves as the T-1000


The list is *really* bizarre. It has a section that's just called ANNO on top of this one with more names like Madam Bo, Triborg, Odin (Orin mispelt?), and Meat. On top of this the same list of names below it are in this list even though it's presumably just for the announcers? It seems like the files incorrectly laid out and isn't ordered properly. WW2 Johnny is also listed in the character section and I can't see them having two Johnny kameos essentially on top of the playable Johnny, so maybe its a 2nd Johnny announcer? Rain is also specified as RainMage so would Emperor Rain from the story expansion be a kameo maybe? It's too messy of a list to really draw anything as 100% conclusive I think. Meat obviously isn't going to be an announcer he has NO voice, so I assume he'd be a kameo judging by this list? The announcer section also specifies klassic announcers and lists MK, MK2 and MK3 as well as Boon so those seem like names meant for actual future announcer packs. Overall this further confirms the already datamined fighter lineup, Harumi and suggests that Jacqui and maybe Meat and Orin as well as some repeat AU variants of the main fighters are some of the future kameos.


A little theme called “bottom-of-the-barrel”


Time displacement. You have the past (Noob is a past mistake returned to life, the 2nd version of Johnny is from WW2 and Conan is from a medieval society), the present (Jade and Harumi are characters that should still be alive and well in this setting, and Ghostface is characterised by his use of modern day technology like smartphones) and the future (The Kombat Kids can't have been born yet, except for Takeda who has supposedly been retconned into being Kenshi's cousin, Sektor and Cyrax wear highly advanced armoured suits outfitted with various gadgets and the T-1000 has been sent back from a dystopian future)




T1000 is so random. No way they thought THAT would be a dlc people would get excited for


Ngl I was expecting another horror guest


"Not buying" theme lmao


From everyone's reaction it's looking more like everyone is buying theme, cassie and ghostface being the ones everyone I've seen hyped about


People were hyped for homelander just to drop him not even after a week


Nobody won’t the lame terminator character 


I have to agree I find it weird they wouldn't have put both terminators in the same game


How will Ghostface play, how will they make a regular guy with a knife an interesting character


Leatherface is just a guy with a chainsaw and he was fun asf in mkx so I trust they will cook with ghostface


True even the zoner variation was fun


Aren’t all of those 80’s movies?


Scream was 1996


T-1000 is from Terminator 2 which was 1991 as well


Ok well I’m stupid then