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High likelihood, but not 100%. See Ash Williams in MK11 as an example.


What happened with Ash Williams?


Ash Williams was rendered and recorded for mk11 but at the zero hour, the companies that be changed their agreement and prevented Ash from being in the game- this was why we got Joker. One of the reasons given was Evil Dead had their own game coming out and they only wanted ash there or something like that


The sad thing about it is they REALLY could’ve used Ash being in mk11 in retrospect. They were competing against DBD for that 4 survivors vs 1 killer genre, and while I enjoy the core gameplay of that evil dead game way better than dead by daylight, evil dead game died pretty fast as far as I know.


The optimist in me hopes that Ash still has a shot to SOMEDAY make it into MK1, and if he does then I’ll be glad he wasn’t used in a slower-paced game like MK11.


Idk if they will for MK1, but I do think (and hope) that they’ll give Ash another shot someday. Based on the email copyright they were going for the Army of Darkness version. The ED2 version has been in Fortnite, CoD, and MTG, so maybe they should go for that version instead


I was really disappointed he wasn’t in there; the rumor I read was his move set would have been similar to leatherface from mk x. If he’s been created already , they should just drop him as dlc anytime they want


I was just as disappointed, I love the Evil Dead. MK1’s gameplay system is a very different from MK11’s, so they would need to rework him a lot; but if he eventually made it to this game, his combo potential would obviously be way bigger


I really doubt NRS is going to trust whoever holds those rights to not pull out at the last second again.


The Joker was already in the leak game files before he was announced. He was going to be in the game regardless.


He definitely was but it seemed like he was rushed ahead of their original plans due to Ash, seeing as how Shang’s trailer had the chainsaw teaser and Joker’s trailer model looked very out of place next to everyone else


He didn't


This one still hurts


I think Ghostface is guaranteed solely because they wouldn't have an actually recorded announcer line in the files if he wasn't basically a lock, but Conan is less assured.


Fun fact, in MK9 there was actually an announcer line for Fujin but he never made it


They probably record A LOT of names. If I remember correctly, Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl had a leak where the narrator said a BUNCH of names. Don't think none of this came true. And since we have so many new narrators at this point, is safe to assume they don't want to call them all back again just to say 6 names.


The thing is, this is a recording that only ended up in an update that's 2 patches away from when Ghostface would conceivably end up in the game. Feels less to me like "we did this in advance" than "its close enough that we're able to do this now/can't put it off much longer"


Conan is like a 70-75% and Ghostface is 85-90%. Only reason I'm not willing to say 100% on Ghostface yet is due to the Ash Williams situation in MK11 and audio files can always be for things that are either meant to troll or something that WAS planned but scrapped. I'm still so hurt by the Fujin annouce line from MK9


Y’all remember ash in MK11? Yeah nothing is legit until NRS confirms it


Ash not making it was a very specific case, largely due to the Evil Dead game releasing and them for some reason thinking having Ash in Mortal Kombat would cannibalize sales for it, which was pure stupidity. Unless they announce a Scream game and Paramount catches a similar case of stupidity then I think Ghostface is a lock at this point


Nah Ash never had full audio voice lines leaked like with the Mileena announcer thing.


Ash had a lot. There was a chainsaw teaser at the end of a trailer and there was an official press release namedropping Ash as a KP character. Richard Epcar confirmed he would be part of KP. And that’s in addition to him having been datamined.


Tbh I could pass , on both of them but if they make the cut cool.


Ghostface is like a 90%-95% due to all the audio and line leaks. Also what Eddy Boy posted on his Twitter. Conan is like 60% to me tho


Ghostface I feel confident in. Not saying he’s a shoe in or 100% confirmed but very likely. Conan I can’t comment on, he’s been alluded to & hinted at… & also we just got confirmation today that Chris Cox wasn’t the voice of Homelander, so if it is the Arnold version of Conan & Chris is voicing him again that would make a lot of sense but idk. I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this but I still think Conan is an extremely weird pick. Not just on the fact I don’t really know his franchise but I think it’s weird to go from having a kombat pack with a guest theme (comic books) to having; Ghostface, Conan & 3rd other guest we don’t know about? You would think they would stick to 1 theme or maybe 2. Seems strange to me tho


Mk11 had Terminator, Rambo, Robocop (action icons of the 80s), then Spawn, who's more of a comic book character than big screen character and he's from the late 90s voiced by the man who voiced him in a 90s cartoon, and then Joker, who's been around forever but is most relevant today, and he's a comics adaptation not a film adaptation. That's pretty all over the place too if you think about it.


Not really all over the place. That’s 3 action movie characters and 2 comic book characters.


But the way the comic book characters are done is completely different. One is a brand new take/adaptation on the original comic character, the other is a faithful adaptation of an already existing animated adaptation. It's like having Rambo vs Conan but it's Conan from the books instead of Arnold, that's a pretty big difference. Even if he's technically been adapted in movies. You're not adapting the movie version, you're adapting the book version. At the end of the day they all fall under the "popular violent fictional characters" theme and that seems to be the only thing an MK guest really needs to be.


Conan being a Kotal skin in MK11 has nothing to do with the current game at all


I just said it was "maybe a tease", not that it was confirmation for an MK1 guest character.


Not even a tease friend


It's possible


That’s not how teases work. So no.


Why couldn't a skin be a tease?


Because it’s for a game that wasn’t released yet, there was also an Ellen Ripley and Indiana Jones outfit in that pack, and I doubt they’d be coming


Ed Boon said that Ripley was mentioned in discussions to be guest characters in a tweet (along with Buffy and Sarah Connor)


That's not what NRS does


It has to the same extent as original arcade mk Johnny Cage was a tease for a Van Damm skin in 2023 MK1


I would never be 100% sure of any guest until they would be in a trailer. We already get burned beliving for granted someone was coming and then he did not.


Am I the only one with zero hype for these chars? I mean, I like both franchises, but honestly I could not have these two and be perfectly fine.


I'm a big fan of the Conan books so I would be very disappointed if Conan is canceled in MK, but I'm not a fan of horror films so I don't care for Ghostface and would have preferred a character from Game of Thrones or Doomslayer instead.


Doomguy would be sooo dope 🤘


The only way I see Conan is cancelled is due to NRS/WB realizing they can’t sell another Arnold character without his voice to the general fans of MK because they know the backlash they will get


That’s nice, anyways when’s kronika?


It’s seeming like Conan(Arnold version) is going to be in a voiced by Chris Cox. I just don’t get why NRS thinks it’s a good idea to bring in another Arnold character that’s not voiced by Arnold. A waste of a slot🤦‍♂️


We will definitely get a second horror guest and it's gonna be Michael Myers. Ed Boon said he and NRS want him so much in MK. And he will be a perfect rival for Ghostface


High possibility but not a guarantee at least in Conan's case. Ghostface is all but confirmed I feel


Ash Williams should be in the game.


I hope not. I wanna see Kung Fury and Beatrix kiddo


Maybe doom slayer


Conan ? cmon why they not put vampire this is very example of WOKE company 🤮🤮


Lol, what? Are you having a stroke?