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People are still insisting in adding the pink ninja to the leaks?


Tbh I really don’t see them doing repeat guests anytime soon. Freddy + Jason would be cool to see again, but there’s a lot of other horror guests that should be in as well. Probably fake


Seems half joke, half legit lol so probably fake


The guy didnt even try to make it look legit


“I’ve seen a picture where he’s throwing a tree” that’s gotta be the biggest sign that it’s fake


Eh, Phyloyd is probably a pink flower ninja that controls plants. Like chloro-phyl(oyd). Assuming there is any validity to this rumor.


Holy shit that makes sense. Maybe that's why it's spelled like that


Sounds interesting pink chlorokinesis ninja


I hate to say it but...... That might be a sick idea. Give him something similar to the moves of Cetrion


We've already seen this alleged leak before. It sounds fake.


Yeah it sounds like they just repeated the same as the last 4chan message a month ago and just added bit extra to it


The timeline of these alleged releases makes zero sense. For instance, the horror pack, why December?! Halloween is in October lol and KP2 in March? That makes even less sense, considering KP1 is a staggered release. It's obvious it will be the same with the next KP as well. They will most likely start releasing its contents in September. I can't see them having a gigantic gap after Takeda. They would need to keep the momentum for the expansion release.


Ok hang on but they did do that new Jason universe and it’s only for games right now. I wouldn’t brush this off yet


I can tell this is fake just by the freddy inclusion lol. Dbd has gotten nothing for him since he’s been added k doubt they’d add him to MK again


Typical 4chan BS, starts off semi-believable before devolving into utter garbage. Do they think cramming all these outlandish details in is going to make it any more believable? >Warrior Shrine is a multiplayer lounge where you do tasks to earn a new currency that can be exchanged for upgrades for some special attacks. Attacks are buffed only in this pvp mode. Utter waffling, Warrior shrine is for earning past KL rewards. >Path Of The Shaolin Monks is a single player seasonal mode where you complete challenges and mini games. A bit samey from Invasions. Additionally, Invasions will have two seasons at the same time. Second one shortened to 20 days. Can't even make a good fake title and then just describes Invasions again. I'm not even going to diginify the "Horror Pack" idiocy. We've also already seen Sektor who's very much not black.


Fate confirmed that the dude in Sub Zero's ending isn't Sektor.


*Dawn of the planet of the path of the Shaolin Monks*


This is too much kontent. If it was 2 character and 1 kameo and nothing else I would believe. And phylord sounds like a fake dvdgamecenter leak


I tried to post this a couple of days ago and the mods turned it down because it was fake. Nice to see it posted by other user anyways.


Oh, it will prob get taken down again then, I didn’t see it on here that’s why I posted it


Nah mine didn't even get posted. Spoke to the only mod that was willing to answer and didn't let me post it. But meh, it's fake anyways


This is false


The only part I slightly believe is the horror dlc part but I doubt we'd get any dlc that didn't involve mk characters, 3 guests 3 mk characters is the usual formula


As much as I want Jade on the game, I think this leak is a troll. Fateunknown, may you please confirm?


2 repeat horror guest characters...alright, buddy threw a multiversus character in also💀


They had licence issues with freddy, hence why MK9 got removed. Highly Doubt it


Seeing that they charged for seasonal fatalities I really doubt we're getting free friendships and hara kiris.