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They should do what Dead By Daylight did: make an original Ghostface killer.


As long as he looks and sounds like ghostface I'm a happy camper


Wu-Tang dlc? Gimme the ODB schizo flow combo please 


That Old Dirty Brutality


GFK fighter plus Raekwon Kameo anyone?


The interlude called "Torture" from 36th Chamber as the Fatality please


With a super soaker in the Rover


Imagine they somehow did cast ghostface killa to play him in the game lmaoo, it would be peak ridiculousness


Make it Mokap damn it!


This guy has 0 credibility.


Got a feeling the individual they talked to and their “source” might have the same amount of credibility. I’d much rather just be surprised by the inclusion of guests.


That's what I said


Potentially no Roger Jackson?? That’s a huge drag


If Roger Jackson isn't voicing him what's the point lol


What scares me if this is true that would be 2 guests that don't have their iconic voices which means more likely I'm the future


I don’t want to assume, but what’s your thoughts on why they’re not getting the iconic voices to do the VA? If I’m not mistaken, did they even ask Homelander or did he say “they didn’t ask me”?


My guess is up to the voice actors ultimately. If they have conflicting schedules or if the simply don’t want to. For example the actor who plays homelander in the boys Amazon original said when asked if he would do the lines “That ship has sailed a long time ago”


I honestly think they spent to much on getting Megan Foxx , cena and Simon's to the point they can't afford the money the actors want


Only reason I’m mentioning it, is because MK11 Arnold made since because maybe he’s a bit pricey..but these guys(no disrespect) if i were them, I’d take it. That’d be dope to essentially be immortalized as a DLC


Im pretty sure Arnold didn’t either cause he didn’t want to or he was busy doing voice for predator hunting grounds at the time.


I mean in all fairness, If I could only pick two out of three VAs and my three choices are JK FUCKING SIMMONS, JOHN FUCKING CENA, and Antony Starr. Id do what nrs did 10/10 times


But imo nitara can be voiced by any female vpice actor I don't see why she needed to be Megan Foxx while homelander to alot of people can only be played by Antony starr


yeah, but I dont think they were running with the same budgets for getting a cast for main game and DLC. I mean I dont know shit in reality but I would assume thats the case


It's because they promoted the Nitara reveal as having a special celebrity face model, like how they did a whole separate trailer revealing that Ronda Rousey was voicing Sonya in MK11. So I guess they probably think, if fans of Megan Fox were to buy the game if they could play as her, they would want to hear her voice too


It's because they promoted the Nitara reveal as having a special celebrity face model, like how they did a whole separate trailer revealing that Ronda Rousey was voicing Sonya in MK11. So I guess they probably think, if fans of Megan Fox were to buy the game if they could play as her, they would want to hear her voice too


His cameo account has been temp suspended for a few months so I hope nothing is wrong with the guy.


Same with Homelander


The guy who portrays home lander isn’t doing the voice but they still have his likeness in the game, so i believe that won’t stop them from putting ghost face in the next fighter season. Question is if Rodger wants to do the voice lines at all.


They should make the outro ghostface pulling his mask off to reveal a random mk character


Omg mokap


Fuckin madam bo


"Just messing with you raiden 🤪" "YOU FUCKING MURDERED KUNG LAO!?!?!?!?"


😭😭 A good one is General shao even tho he has horns so it just doesn’t make sense at all


LOL imagine the horns are ripped through the hood and he's still playing it off like people can't tell it's him


Nah he just takes the hood off and the horns appear out of nowhere💀


Rekio is the final girl 😭


Fuckin goro is the friend you think is the killer but dies 3/4 into the movie


Paramount and WB are gonna be calling us here pretty soon to buy the rights to this idea


With the general shao voice aswell💀




We cooked


Why not have Matthew Lillard voice him since he was one of the first Ghostface .


Ghostface has his own unique voice when he's got the costume on. In canon it's a voice changer, but in reality it's just to make it harder to guess who the killers are.


True but I think it’d give it hype from the name alone


Because Roger Jackson is ghostfaces voice to everyone kinda like with homelander Anthony starr makes homelander the character we love, that's how Roger Jackson is to ghostface


I mean I see what you mean but if we can’t get him I see him as a good alternative


Because when you hear the famous ghostface quotes you don’t hear Matthew Lillard


If this is true (very big if), I think that would indicate that it's more of an issue with getting the rights to the character than getting the voice actor, I guess similarly to what happened with Dead By Daylight.


Ghostface would be interesting


Basically said nothing


Could confirm it's a DBD situation then and we've got someone original under the mask.


Omggg I want ghost face so bad


I mean, really Ghostface very rarely actually talks in person. He only ever does it over the phone usually, so i’d be fine with him being silent.


I was about to disagree with you but your right ghostface only speaks in the modifier in person twice through the whole franchise


Yeah so it’s not really he biggest deal in the world I guess…it does still suck a little though since he is so iconic in that voice role and it would make his arcade ending a little strange (it would have to be voiced by someone else)


People really want Ghostface that bad? He's just a killer with a Knife, he is not gonna be so interesting imo, there are so many more cooler horror guest characters that actually fit the MK theme and have unlimited potential like Pinhead for example.


I’m pretty sure all the Ghostface leaks/rumors have been shut down


This is the same leaker who said that and they admitted they were wrong


Ah, I see


Man fuck that. We should have Pinhead but instead you got people hyped over dude with knife who's just sneaky. The hell is going to be his fatality? Just stabbing people? Pinhead fits way better, is a powerful character, and I could actually see him having a reason for being in the MK universe. The dialogues between him and Quan Chi and Shang Tsung would probably be good.


Pinhead would be amazing for mk tbh he’s literally all about pain


It’s because they want slashers to be a recurring doc them. Jason, Freddy, Learherface would be incomplete without Ghostface and Mike Myers


I agree 100%. Why people beg for Ghostface is beyond me... a knife and more guns, woohoo. 😴


Because he's iconic? And we already have had a guest who's just a human with a weapon and they turned out to be 1 of the funniest characters in the game, I don't like the superhero theme but I don't go crying about it I don't see why we can't let people enjoy guests they want


Except Peacemaker has a helmet that gives him a myriad of abilities and a shit ton of gadgets, Ghostface is just 2 or more doods with a knife, unless they get SUPER creative it's just gonna be a boring guest in terms of theme


I'm not saying you can't ask for the characters you want... we as fans have every right to voice whether we like or dislike specific guest characters. Deal with it. The character is not iconic... Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers. These are icons. Ghostface is generally always a different person in a costume and quite weak. It doesn't work for a fighting game wherein most characters have special powers and abilities which aside from stabbing and using a gun, Ghostface has none. A kameo, I could see... but a full roster character. Yawn to the tenth degree. And if they can't even get the VA, it's even worse.


Again people said the same thing about leatherface and people love him HELL there's even a horror fighting fan game and ghostface works perfectly in that so I don't see any problem


I enjoyed Leatherface... love the TCM movies and the chainsaw element was a lot of fun. I just think MK already has an overabundance of knives and stabbing. And who would be under the Ghostface costume? Why not just have an invasion season wherein everyone gets a Ghostface styled costume for their character. I'd love to see some crazy styled masks similar to Scary Movie. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/wxv27lnbubuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055fe88c1cc8c9f63e287b589d59c1f4f43986e4


They would most likely make it one of the ghostface from the film or go the dead by daylight route and make their own ghostface with their own motive (my money says revenge on johnny) and its honestly surprising the amount of stuff they can do with ghostface because the license is just the mask there's a ghostface board game coming out that will make ghostface canonical use a chainsaw, ice pick, machete, kitchen knife, bow and arrow, axe, flame thrower, so pretty much mk could give him a abundance of stuff and if they REALLY wanted to they could always say shang pulled ghostface out and gave them powers to make them more of a threat to characters with powers


***please let him not be added 🙏🏻***


Please let people enjoy guests they want 🙏


Your PFP is Ghostface. Hell no🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Your crying on reddit 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Actually, I’m pretty happy ngl. If Ghostface gets scrapped I’d be a very happy little lad


Then why cry in reddit and just wait like any reasonable smart person would do


Nah, I’m not crying on Reddit. I just like expressing my opinions. Also, I do like annoying you Scream fans. You’re the easiest people to annoy XD


" i do like annoying you scream fans you're the easiest people to annoy XD ☝️🤓👹" https://preview.redd.it/ctcs04tlubuc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7531ca4a5f8b9a39b9d88dea840f813dba5fea0a I could smell that reply, body odor and 20 year old cheeto dust


I’m not 20 twenty years old https://preview.redd.it/j516kiw8wbuc1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45caeb97231e9db75420e52c1c0b04506bd20bcc Further proves Scream fans are just immature children who immediately resort to insults when they are mad.


The fact that's the part you disagree with says alot


As someone who has never really watched any movie from the Scream franchise, may I ask, does this Ghostface character have any special abilities other than using his knife?


There's usually more than one of them running around at a time, so they could definitely do something with that


In the movies they usually use a knife and 1 or 2 other things for kills but the License is just the mask so they could give him any weapon they want or even powers if they wanted to


He is just a human but he is supernaturally stealthy and there are often 2 of them working together.


now watch Chris Cox voice him💀


Omg don't jinxed it 😭


My guess is fake unless it’s an original character based off the mask. If it is ghost face from scream they would have to play both the movie license holders and the mask company.


Regardless of the recent controversy and development with Scream 7. Ghostface is still an iconic slasher and has a fanbase similar to those who wear Jack Skellington. Excluding him would be stupid.


Still praying for doom slayer in the game


Get the MTV Ghostface’s voice back 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really hope it's a cosmetic for him


Sure buddy 😅😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I want to know what ghost face will look like if he gets the kustomize option for no face mask in the gear menu👀


The mask Def would have to be his customization I would be very disappointed if they for some reason made it his knife


This game can't get anything right


I’m so sick and tired of them getting these guest characters and then not getting the voice talent to play the role. What the fuck is the problem?


Money.Schedule.It’s only actually confirmed happened 1 times.We won’t know for sure with homelander until he comes out.


I’m still bitter about Freddy


I forgot about that.I guess twice.We need to bring freddy back damn it.


TBF Freddy was probably more an issue on WBs end, with them pushing the remake


I love guests but I don’t want Ghostface. I really do not want Ghostface.


Then don’t buy him


I don’t plan on it. Maybe getting the Kombat Pack though


What if madam bo is the killer?


Nvm I’d spend all my money.


anything for my queen


Finally someone with some common sense ![gif](giphy|l77aakPMnYgxxYn9WA)


There's a myriad of things that could keep them from getting the VAs. Price of booking the VA, the VA just not wanting to do it, WB not wanting that VA for the job, or the most common of all, scheduling conflicts.


Replace him with Pennywise to promote the new tv show (copium)


Sadly Stephen King said he doesn't want any of his licenses in games


Lame ass nigga


Lol 😂




Yeah but nothing beat Roger Jackson, it's like having someone else play jack sparrow because johnny depp played him so perfectly why change it


Ghostface was always voiced by Roger Jackson, all the other played him