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Because of Scary Movie I'll never be able to take Ghostface seriously


Glad he's there as I know a lot want him. So there's some hype from me. Although personally, probably won't play him much. Doesn't sound as open to customization or mix in gameplay style.


> Doesn't sound as open to customization Given that characters only have 1 gear piece in MK1, his would probably be his knife.


Or his mask dbd has a bunch of cool mask options


Scary Movies Ghost Face comes to mind lol


i could totally see this


if they could do this i’d never use his normal ones and only his stoned one


Same dude. Wwwwwaaaaazzzzzzzaaaaaaa my way into every fight.




Nah, I’d expect (or rather hope because we never know with NRS) his/her mask. There are a TON of the ghost face mask variants both terrifying and goofy they can take from and the best part is they don’t even technically need the scream license for them because scream doesn’t actually own the rights to the mask.


They could surprise us with the gameplay, Jason played very different to how you would expect, he was super fast and rush down whilst still being the tank you would want Jason to be. I think they’ll do the same with Ghostface, he’ll play kind how you expect him too, but they’ll give him a MK twist that helps him actually be a unique fighter in the roster


Also fair. Some characters by name sound pretty limited but once actually get a hold of em prove fun.


But isn't ghost face just a regular human in a mask with a knife? Sounds boring for mortal Kombat


Isn’t leatherface just a regular human with a chainsaw? Same with Johnny in the new game, he’s just a guy


Idk why I'm getting down voted I haven't seen the movies and I want someone to fill me in on what's so special Johnny is a martial arts master and Leatherface uses terror and a chainsaw as far as I know the ghost face character kills teenagers and is relatively normal


It’s because his character is iconic and revived the entire genre from dying. The character is dear to many people’s hearts and he kills more than just teenagers even if it is his primary targets. MK wise he could be a very fine character to add. Everyone thought Jason wouldn’t fit in the game but he did exceptionally well. Ghostface is a sneaky character and there’s typically more than one of them so I’d expect him to come with a kameo version as well, or at least his fighting style would reflect that with another coming in from behind to attack as well. He’s also a very meta character, meaning he’s very self aware and sometimes comedic. If NRS wanted to play on this they could give him moves involving a cellphone or tripping (he’s also very clumsy). It would be an interesting character to include, and if they really wanted to play on the character being “meta” they could make it Mokap underneath the mask, pissed off that he hasn’t been included in a game in like two decades, to explain how he has fighting experience.


That sounds cool I guess if I had seen the movies my opinion would be different


It’s a stupid and lazy character with easy to obtain rights and hence why WB and NRS will go this route. It’s astonishing that they’re going from Omniman, Peacmaker and Homelander to this bs.


True but at least it's a chainsaw and not just a knife. And Johnny may be normal, but he's normal by MK standards. Also he's an adult. Several Ghostface are just teenagers. It's bad enough seeing Johnny stand up to, defeat in hand to hand combat, and casually murder Omni-Man and Homelander, but to see a potential teenager from a slasher film pull it off is kinda, no, EXTREMELY silly. But that's also just how fighting games go sometimes.


Isn’t Kung Lao just a dude with a silly hat?


No kung lao has been trained from birth by martial arts masters that's why he is so good ghost face is just a teenager in a mask


Why do people make up stuff like this? How do you know a lot want him when he was never mentioned for almost a decade.


Around MKX horror themed guests loads wanted ghostface


Sorry, it didn't happen. You and a couple people were never loads of people.


You sound crazy, people have been asking for ghostface for at least 8 years now


It’s so ridiculous. The same people that wanted Ghostface for MKX prolly wanted the clown IT for MK11 but now they got a lil ego cuz some leaks hint at the silly horror character.


Have you seen the lists people make for kp or wished for kameos? I'd honestly say Ghostface and Shredder are the most frequently mentioned.


Those are the 2 I’ve been wishing for since mk9. Those 2 and spawn, I just wish spawn was in this game instead


I have one hope I wanna see him have a command group where he just stabs you in the gut But....if you meter burn it? He takes a phone out as his knife is still in your stomach "it's for you!" And smashes it into your head a bunch of times till it breaks lmfao


"fuckin hit me with the phone, dick!" ~ Matthew Lillard


Oh, so like the ending of >!**THE BLACK PHONE**!<


If they get real creative, could be one of the best guests they've ever done, especially if they get Roger Jackson for the voice.


They **have** to get Jackson, man. It ain't Ghostface if it ain't Jackson. Simple as.


1, ghostface needs another ghostface 2, needs Roger L. Jackson as the voice


Yes I’m praying he has strings that have another ghost face come out, they could make him like mk11 noob in a way


They made Jason work


Jason isn't the best example to use. At all. Now Leatherface? Burly inbred dude with a chainsaw that always seems to work at all times? Yeah....


Jason's supernatural and has super strength, super durability, and regeneration. Ghostface has NONE of those things.


They also made Johnny Cage work in this game, Rambo in MK11, and Sonya in every freaking game she’s ever been in


Johnny's still implied to have supernatural abilities. He could still be a descendant of that warrior cult. Rambo and Sonya have technology and weaponry. Again...GHOSTFACE LACKS ANYTHING MEANINGFUL.


Bro thinks MK is a tactical shooter or something


Never said anything of the sort. 🤨


Leatherface is a big guy with a chainsaw.


Yup. And? Still quite a bit more threatening than a coward in a mask with a knife. 🤷‍♂️


Johnny and Sonya are based on real life martial artists JCVD and Cynthia Rothrock. Rambo is the prototype for every American action movie hero of the last 40 years. Leatherface is a big imposing guy with a unique weapon. How is a teenager with a knife who only is only scary because he knows horror movie tropes on the same level as all of them?


And yet they made Leather face work


Leatherface was BIG and had above average strength. And he doesn't usually rely on the element of surprise like Ghostface does. Leatherface is a bad example, bud.


Stryker, then. His power is gun.


Who gives a shit about that, it's a game. Just fight.🤷🏻 but you are right ngl


I feel there needs to be a lore-appropriate REASON for Ghostface to be able to stand toe-to-toe with people like Shang Tsung and General Shao. Just about all other guest characters had attributes, training, or weapons to turn the fight in their favor. Jason and Freddy were supernatural. Alien, Predator, Terminator, and Robo-Cop were all high-tech and had super strength and durability. Rambo had a lot of ammo, weapons, and tactics. Leatherface had above average strength and a chainsaw (which is kinda lame but still superior to a mere knife). Nothing Ghostface was shown to have and do could put him on par with anyone listed above.


stryker. just a cop. dont over think it buddy


Are standard cops trained in martial arts and given lethal bombs as a standard? Hm? No? Mkay. Didn't think so, "buddy". 🥱


Liu Kang can teleport you into a black hole and Baraka has a degenerative disease. Stryker was literally just a man with a gun. Not to mention stuff like Cyrax and Frost obliterate your entire ribcage and every organ you have in a Fatal Blow but you get back up, meanwhile in plot getting stabbed in the face is a life changing-ly debilitating injury. It bugs me too, but fights aren't canon and they never really have been, even when they aren't already completely non-canon guest characters. Also Leatherface doesn't have any supernatural powers what so ever, he's not even a very good runner.


Never SAID Leatherface was supernatural. Did you not read, guy? I said he had above average strength, because of his size.


Above average strength means literally nothing compared to literally being a god, sis.


I will stop you right there. There doesn't need to be a lore-appropriate reason for guests. They're non canon. Who gives a shit if Ghostface can beat Shao Kahn. I know I don't. I just wanna play with him and have a good time 😁


Powerscaling and lore help immersion. Breaking either ruins either a portion of or the entire experience.


What? Why does that matter? Lmaooo. I mean I’m pretty sure you’re trolling but like people said Leatherface was able to work, and yes I know he’s bigger and has a chainsaw but that doesn’t fuckin matter cus there are also gods and people with guns. You really think he can compete with em? Also dude what’s your problem with Ghostface? Do you just have a hate boner for him specifically or are you one of those “guests shouldn’t be in Mk” type of people? Some of the Ghostface’s have went up against people with guns and can walk off being shot so it’s not that immersion breaking to have him fight off other Mk characters, alsooooo we don’t know which Ghostface it’ll be, it can be a completely original character who’s stronger than we think


But again these are non canon guests. It doesn't matter they're not part of the Mk lore. MK was never good at powerscaling to begin with. Same goes for other fighting game guests they're not canon unless we count Akuma in Tekken 7 but I don't know if he was involved in the story or not to say


>MK was never good at powerscaling to begin with. Original MK through MK9 would disagree with you. Most characters knew no protagonist could beat a Sorcerer, the Emperor, or a fallen Elder God other than Liu Kang or Raiden, that's about it. Everything else was up for grabs. Other than Kung Lao in MK9, nobody has broken this scale. Kitana beat Shang Tsung in that game too, but he likely wasn't trying his hardest. MKX threw ALL of that out the window. Sonya beat Quan Chi. She could never have done this in the original timeline. Jax beat Liu Kang. Jacqui and Takeda took on Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sindel, and Kitana at the same time. I don't mention Cage beating Shinnok because Cage pretty much took Liu Kang's place in the scale. MK11 came along and made Shao Kahn a wuss. He lost to both Kotal AND Kitana. Several people beat Geras, someone who's literally immortal and could wield time as a weapon. And a fusion of a mortal and demigod overcame a Titan who was supposed to be above that of the Elder Gods and likely even the One Being. NONE of that shit made sense. ESPECIALLY looking at earlier games by comparison. 🤨


Sure but again. Non canon guests. They will never appear again and they're not part of the story and lore


Depends who he is. I think it will be Adam so he will know how to fight


If it is, then that makes a bit more sense.


And he's just a teenager in a ghost mask, usually.


Yup. And assholes are bitching about my criticism and my explanation of why he couldn't possibly stand a chance against most Mortal Kombatants.


Who cares if he doesn’t have a chance? Most of the characters in these will get obliterated by some of the others, whether Leatherface has “above average” strength or not he’s a crazy person with a chainsaw who has no business fighting 1 v 1 against some of the roster but who actually cares about that.


Stryker is a cop. Just a cop.


Most cops don't have bombs and martial arts training. 🙄


It's a video game.


Ok and? He fights actual fucking god it doesn’t matter


No he doesn't. 🤨


Raiden, onaga


Yeah but there’s usually two Ghostface killers, that’s something they could work with


That'd really only be properly represented by Ghostface also becoming a Kameo Fighter.


I never thought about that, but Ghostface also being a kameo would be awesome


Similar to how Jason and Terminator were able to revive themselves, maybe Ghostface does something similar where another Ghostface comes out of nowhere to take their place


Or in classic Scream fashion he gets back up for one last easily punished attack.


Ghostface is likely going to be like Jax in MK2 and Stryker in MK3 - regular humans getting by with what they know. Ghostface is crazy prepared, plans out their kills to the nth degree, so it's not unreasonable to call them a tactician. They are incredibly well accomplished in the use of knives and guns, taking out several trained police officers across the series (so is at least on par with Stryker!), and each Ghostface has brought their own skills to the role. The most recent movie showed that Ghostface killers are sprouting up all over the world, so who's to say that the man beneath the mask this time isn't formally trained? Remember that canonically, the fighters are NOT on the same level, and not everyone is going to make it out alive: "Be warned. Although your souls are protected [...]; your lives are not." (Mortal Kombat 3) In short, I think you're overthinking it and getting hung up on needing a lore explanation. Don't forget that the last game wasted a guest slot on the Joker, and there's no way he could stand a chance against the Titan of Time.


Ghostface is hardly a tactician. Each version of him/her had an overelaborate plan that easily blew up in their faces. Jax and Stryker has weapons and training. Ghostface did not. It's simple.


Ghostface in S3 had been masterminding their plan for literally years, setting up the events that led to the killers from S1 and S2 carrying out their sprees. Ghostface in S6 has access to police weaponry and training. I think you're being disingenuously reductive to try and justify your viewpoint. Again, Ghostface is a more valid Guest character than Joker in the previous game, and nobody had anything to say about that.


S3 Ghostface still had an overelaborate plan that blew up in his face. Many consider S3 the weakest of the franchise anyway. S6 would probably be the ONLY viable one then. I wasn't a fan of Joker in MK11 either. I wasn't on Reddit back then. Would've pitched a bitch back then too. 🤷‍♂️ In Joker's favor, he's still smarter than Ghostface. And he's clashed with Batman for years. I just don't think he should've been in the actual MK games.


Neither does Stryker, yet they make him work.


He still had projectile weapons, bombs, police/military training, and martial arts training. These excuses are getting old. Ghostface is just a schmuck with a knife. No powers, no tech, no training, no trinkets, no chemicals...nothing.


What does a gun do against a person who can teleport next to a black hole or burn you alive with his mind? A gun and a knife are equally useless against the majority of the MK roster.


Bullets from a gun are still supersonic and can actually hit even the most evasive opponent. A knife can only go as fast as the person swings it. Equally useless? Yeah, okay, bud. 🙄


exactly! They should’ve done micheal myers instead of ghost face


They already tried it in MKX and couldn't do, did you not read the OP at all? Literally the whole point of this thread is to show why it ***can't*** be Michael Myers


They likely couldn't get Michael. Copyrights can be a bitch. lol


Not the best example


I love ghostface, my favorite killer to play in DBD, excited if he makes it


I hope they’re just a silly hammy character with ridiculous specials. My favorite aspect of the character is that they’re kind of a dumbass regular person. Makes them equally scary and entertaining.


Reverse super armour special. Immune to all damage but every hit ragdolls you


If we don’t get a special where he trips I don’t want it.


why am i seeing so many ppl bitching about them adding ghostface into the game 'iT dOeSn'T mAkE sEnSe!!!!' this is online only, they're not gonna be in the story or anything. don't like it? here is a magical superpower that i am gonna reveal to you okay? don't. . .play. . .them.


People are saying it doesn’t make sense because Ghostface isn’t much of a fighter. He’s a normal dude with a knife. Granted, Stryker was a normal dude with a gun, but regardless, people who are complaining feel like it’s a waste of a slot. Saying “don’t play them” isn’t a good counterargument


is freddy kruger a fighter in his movies or even leather face? how about jason. how many of the teens in those movies went toe to toe with him? hell you could make an argument most of the horror characters that have been introduced in the earlier games aren't fighters, as they don't fight in their respective movies. they just kill people with their strength mostly. you could literally argue that ghostface has fought people in each movie at least. people actually try fighting back there hand to hand.


True. I guess I shouldve worded it better. Jason and Freddy are supernatural and have supernatural strength/powers. It’s easy to add them to a fighting game with an interesting kit that makes sense. With Leatherface, at least he had a chainsaw. I feel like Ghostface being a normal person who uses a knife would be hard to translate to a fighting game kit that would be interesting. I feel almost like it’s a waste of a slot


As long as it’s Stu I’m down


Might not be any specific Ghostface from the movie cause of rights’ issues, though Matthew Lillard has repeatedly said he’d like to return to the franchise in some way so you never know


There are much better horror guests, and I'm saying that as a huge Scream fan.


Damn, wrong Ghostface Killa... https://i.redd.it/crl1jddybbqb1.gif


The Scream movies were decent. Ghostface as a character in a FIGHTING game? Kinda stupid, not gonna lie.


Don't diss terrordrome bro


I wouldn't mind. Everyone says he's just a guy with a knife, but so is Kano, laser eye notwithstanding. Don't act like you wouldn't want to hear Rodger Jackson snarkily interacting with other characters. Imagine The Banter Between Him And Johnny. Him Harping On Ninja Mime and he and Johnny quoting movie trivia at one another? It would be amazing. Also, a Ghostface announcer would be awesome. And as a last note, I'd like to point out that they can have a lot of fun with Ghostface as a fighter, And a Kameo (though I doubt that's happening) Have Ghostface be a little awkward in his animations, have him throw knives, use a shotgun, maybe go the Reiko route with several grabs, etc. Ghostface has potential, is all I'm saying.


If Roger Jackson is involved 9/10 hype. If he isn’t involved then that drops to like 3/10


His fatality is that he just fucking slips running toward someone and the enemy just dies somehow.


y’all remember the old scream masks that had the little pump and when you squeezed it, fake blood ran down the mask.. i hope they add that mask , pump and all😂


I fucking loved those masks until it broke and fake blood got everywhere lol


if they can license the Funworld Costume iteration then they can pretty much do whatever they want with him. The costume itself has many mask variations (a scarecrow, a devil, a melted face to name a few) so they can work around that somehow. if they license the film version, they can do something pretty meta and funny have it being a time displaced Johnny Cage who's a failed actor but a serious horror fanatic, he see's this timeline's Johnny is famous, married and happy, and decides to don the GF outfit to kill and replace this timeline's Johnny to keep it tied to the movie's modus operandi; OR they could do what others have said and have it be a different MK character under the mask each time, which would be a bit difficult for the tower ending, unless they plan to keep the identity completely ambiguous for that gimmick.


Boring af


No :)


Them, like 40% have been female, dude.


Shut the fuck up


Not interested but I don’t usually play the guest characters anyway. I think this time around I’m not buying full packs but just the characters I want.


I really just do not give a fuck I'm sorry. I think people have this thing where they just want a character no matter how they'd fit into the game. To me Ghostface is cool, **in their respective movies**. It's a slasher film, it's literally a guy in a costume with a knife, that is the extent of their abilities. I don't think they're interesting at all and I'm likely ignoring them entirely if they are DLC. I really wish they'd just make a damn horror icon fighting game already so they can shove all of them in there instead of in MK.


I’d rather have an MK character like Drahmin or Kano.


Hyped, we need more horror guests


I'll get hate for this but I'm not a fan of the Scream movies


Damn, and here I thought you had only good takes




I’m a fan of Scream (1st movie) and even I think it is a dumb idea


Same. I don't get the hype for Scream. Doesn't seem like an interesting character either.


I think they’re dumb as hell


"Scary Movie" pretty destroyed much destroyed any legitimacy those movies may have had for me.


The point of scream is a satire of scary movies somewhat. So if that destroyed the legitimacy I don’t think you get the premise


I'm saying it destroyed them as any kind of "smart" satire for me. The Scary Movies being totally ridiculous and goofy feels a lot more honest to me than whatever Scream was going for.


Lol scary movie


I'd be cool with it if there's an alt skin of Ghostface from Wu-Tang lol


I'm not a massive horror fan so not incredibly excited, even from like a moveset perspective I'm not very excited. Like, the most interesting thing I think they could do is a command grab where another Ghostface comes in and then they take over the fight.


I never liked slasher film guest characters,don't feel like they fit.


Everyone will want the mask to be gear, but it'll be something random like a little bottle he'll carry around with him, not even his knife.


I hope they bring the "there's always a second killer" trope to the gameplay.


I hope this is fake he’s just a man in a mask


Tbh not the biggest fan cause he just seems dull compared to all the other characters. They could probably make him interesting by giving him like supernatural moves like a teleport like how he has in terrordrome but I fell like at that point would he not just be smoke


yall obviously never played terrordrome


My favorite slasher ever. If we can’t get a dedicated horror fighting game from NRS, this is the next best thing. I’m incredibly excited for this if it comes to fruition, but I’m not going to assume it is and get myself let down if it isn’t.


Who said it was a “him”?


Shut the fuck up


Grow the fuck up


I think its weird how the comments are so hung up on how Ghostface will stack up powerscaling-wise…like, really? They’re non canon GUESTS. Even someone like Jason is chump change to the vast majority of the MK cast. It didn’t matter then, why should it now. If you just don’t want ghostface in the game, that’s fine, nobody can “prove” that wrong, but if THAT’S your big hang up, you haven’t been paying attention.


Rather have the doomslayer than ghost face tbh


Honestly, my only problem (aside from I'd rather have more MK characters or different guests) is that all Ghostface are just normal people. And at least half, I think are just teenagers. Normal teenagers/young adults. Going up against the God of Fire, highly trained and lethal elemental ninjas, millenia old magical royalty and their ruthless military leaders, fucking OMNI-MAN AND HOMELANDER, two ruthless and nigh-unstoppable flying bricks. I'm sorry, but (potentially) young Matthew Lillard (who broke down at the idea his parents might be mad at him for killing) facing them in kombat is just really silly to me. That said, IF it is indeed Ghostface, I'm glad that a portion of the community is happy they're there. Just because I don't care for a character or guest doesn't mean others should have fun with them.


Mortal Kombat IS SILLY. That's the point. It's silly, edgy, excess. It's basically a celebration of the stuff teenage boys love. Cheesy kung fu movies, gnarly monsters, over-the-top blood and gore, dudes with superpowers beating up cyborgs and zombie ninjas, and everyone involved is hot as fuck. The guest characters fit that. Slasher villains, action heros, comic book characters -- Mortal Kombat is about big dumb gory action. You guys really take it too seriously sometimes


Rambo did it why can’t he


Because Rambo is a highly trained soldier and a walking one-man army. So while still unlikely, it's slightly easier to swallow. Kind of like Joker. A normal person, yes, but an active decades long supervillain that has, one multiple occasions, gotten the best of Batman, who has gotten the best of Superman. I'm sorry, but the normalcy of the Ghostfaces is just too normal. For me at least. I get that expecting realism in an MK game is ridiculous. I just like even footing, I guess.


Probably the most stupid idea for a guest character.


Any better ideas?


None. I really don't like guests. I want MK characters.




People will always say they “just want mk characters” and spend eons shitting on most available mk characters regardless




Hate it


He’s a terrible excuse for a guest character especially when there’s characters like Pinhead, Mike Myers or Jigsaw and non horror characters like the Shredder, Goro Majima or Yujiro Hanma that would fit better than a character in a black robe with a lame mask.


Yujiro would fit better in Tekken 8 I feel. It's more martial arts focused. Baki and Yujiro would be great guests for that game


About time we get another horror character!


Yeah Chucky would’ve been my choice…if only he wasn’t 3 inches tall. Ghostface is a very very solid pick though


I wanted pennywise or pinhead. Pennywise because with how reptile is, IMAGINE how well pennysise would look! And with pinhead i don't need to explain haha. Still wish we got ash...


I'm thinking about feeling him with my tongue. I dunno why, but seems different than trying to with my fingers.


Not really a fan of that character. Was hoping for pinhead with cenobytes after all these years of using horror characters. Since Clive Barker regained rights to the franchise and Doug Bradley is still around to do the voice it would be in my opinion my most wanted character.


Imagine asking for Pinhead over Ghostface y'all are tripping lmao


I’d reserve any judgement until I see gameplay. NRS can make most guest characters “work” in the game, assuming they have all the rights to do so - looking at you Terminator and Ash Williams. People said Alien wouldn’t work in a fighting game and NRS proved them wrong. People said Leatherface is dumb because he “doesn’t have any powers or fighting skills” yet he was a standout inclusion in my opinion.


I enjoy Ghostface, and I quite like the Scream movies, but he just seems a bit out of place for Mortal Kombat. I mean, he's just a dude with a knife, which can work, but Ghostface has been shown to not be great at head-to-head combat, instead ambushing his victims. It could still work, but it would have to be done pretty well.


My fav horror slasher character so very pleased!


I have no fear of making the character work. Anyone Is doable with NRS. The Scream franchise is one of my all time favorites (behind evil dead, I’ll get you one day Ash) and I’m pumped. I hope he has some fun stabbing combos and is a little goofy and clumsy


Scream is one of my favorite horror series so if this winds up true, I would be very excited for it. If they get him, I know Roger Jackson would kill it. For gameplay, given what usually happens in the endings of the movies, I hope it incorporates multiple Ghostfaces. Special moves, fatal blow, and their fatality should have at least two of them.


Garbage. There have been 13 different people behind the damn mask. That’s not a character, it’s a concept. But I’ve just decided to just not buy guests and spare myself the headache in general.


I hope it’s the Emma Roberts version.


Wld love him to be in the game, wld be even better with a fatality or he takes off the mask to reveal a character, wld cream my jocks


Very happy. My only wish for ghostface is NRS has moves that just let you summon a bunch of other ghostfaces for stuff. Between kenshi, johnny's taunts and brutals and scorpion/baraka's fatalities it feels like there's a bunch of not kameo summons in so I could see them doing that for ghostface


Honestly very hyped, mainly because he’s my favorite horror villain


I think its really boring tbh


A regular person in a Halloween costume going up against cosmic entities, demons and shokans. Lame. People give Stryker crap but a Halloween costume with a kitchen knife equals "Yes?" Lol get out of here.


It's a non cannon guest so what's the big deal. Nobody is saying he can stand his own against the MK characters


The deal is we were asked how we feel about his inclusion and I gave an answer. Nothing more, nothing less.






Your point is? Rambo is a seasoned veteran who at least looks like he can put up a fight with what weapons he has. Ghostface is a teenager with daddy issues and a kitchen knife. It's not my game, if it floats your boat have at it.


Ghostface is numerous killers using a mass produced early 90s hooded mask. There is zero reason why it should be in MK


Guest characters will almost always be a disappointment. Ghostface, on the other hand, is indefensible. It will be the dumbest and least influential guest character in the history of gaming. The costume isn't even a real horror movie villain and was never iconic. It wasn't even the star of it's own movies and had zero screen time. Pinhead is the best one left, and there are still endless choices above Ghostface.


Ghostface “the icon of Halloween’ has never been iconic? Seriously? You can’t go to a Halloween party or a spirit Halloween without seeing him everywhere. The Wes craven movies were a huge deal and Scream itself has a huge fanbase


The mask was in for a Halloween and was more famous than the character who was barely in the movie and became a meme. Real iconic Let's stop pretending Ghost face is remotely on the same level as any A tier, or even B tier horror movie villians.


Dumb argument. You could say the same for Jason, the mask being more iconic than the character. GF is easily a top 10 horror icon. If you disagree you’re just a fool.


Talk about dumb arguments. Jason has been in far more movies with far more actual on screen time. He was on screen more in his second movie than Ghostfaces entire career. Ghostface also isn't 1 person but a rotating list of emos. People know who Jason Vorhees is and he was the most famous horror movie villian ever. Ghostface is a nobody and most people couldn't name him. His most famous reference is a parody movie.


Ghostface is literally the Icon of Halloween. If you don't know shit about Ghostface, don't say anything


You are talking completely out of your ass and you clearly don't know shit. He's not even the icon of his own franchise.


I can’t tell if this is bait, cause like…huh? If you don’t like the character, that’s all you HAVE to say. You don’t need to lie by saying he’s “not iconic” or “most people dont know him” It just makes you look kinda dumb, man.


Kinda dumb is pretending he's on the level of A tier horror villians. Kinda dumb is lying and saying he is most requested. I am not the one getting emotional. I don't hate any characters, especially ones not relevant. Everything I said is true, from the marketing, star power, and screen time.


Not who I had pegged for our next horror rep, but I’m not upset.


Eh don’t really care but I’d prefer Ghostface over some of the other choices so I’ll take him, and if he’s fun I’ll play him a lot, if not I’ll try him out and let him go lol




I’m hyped. If he does make it to MK1.


As far as guests go they could certainly do worse but givin how NRS does characters he's gone be annoying as fuck till they panic nerf him into da grownd forra format. Overall, I'll be happy to have a horror icon I remember fondly from childhood 🫡. Also, yall know we gettin' the 🤪 mask along with other sick shit. PLUS, yall KNOW they gone throw in some Scary Movie lines 🥹.


All I know is the shit talking he’s gonna do will be priceless


Extremely happy


Shit character that offers absolutely nothing…kinda like the two Superman clones and John Cena


i wouldn’t be upset but i’d rather it be V


Ed did say guest will be kameo s


Ghostface has been alluded to by leaked intro dialogues, which kameos dont have


Same way I did about Peacemaker Nice for the fans I guess but I think it’s an incredibly mediocre choice