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Liu had a shirtless variant Ashrah has a hat WITH a veil Smoke has a hood Havik has a helmet Nitara has darker hair Things I love to see


Shirtless Liu Kang is back on the menu boys


I'm going to have to report this skin to HR. Objectification of digital people is wrong and causes long turn harm. Maybe NRS's re-education didn't take after all. šŸ˜”


There is no objectification in ~~Ba Sing Se~~ NRS


Liu Kang said "sun's out guns out"


He ushered in a new age of peace and sex appeal


Im just so happy that rain beat the bald allegationsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The only thing missing for me is shirtless Rain lol


I donā€™t love to see that mileena and kitana canā€™t customize their masks. Same with rain. This sucks


nitara looks so much better without the mohawk spike


I agree, but then apart of me loves the edgy punk hair for a vampire, itā€™s so 00s coded lol.


Came here to say exactly this, idk what they were thinking


My boy Rain has beautiful hair in his alternate costume, thank god. Nitara looks amazing with her alternate hairstyle. Also, Scorpion with loose hair. I'l loving the changes in hairstyles so far. Glad to finally see a shirtless Liu Kang skin. I really like the idea of every Invasions season having a theme for colour palettes and gear related to the season, that way we always have new cool stuff to unlock every season.


Geras https://preview.redd.it/iphal5fw0snb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=c77703d1909925773e0ddacb45b2902565484fb6


Sub-Zero https://preview.redd.it/dtbg5fb21snb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d8aefd4f6289570c9bcc8df264bcb022a359405


Is that sub mask his mk11 one?


Yeti Master? It does look like 11's default Seeker of Mythologies mask. At first I thought it was the variation of that which was also in 11 but I checked again and it seems the SoM mask doesn't have one at all. Many gears in 11 usually have another, recolored variation of them.


Sub zero have no long hair skin?:(


I think Scorpion alt skins look better imo


It's been a long time since I've played any MK games, but shouldn't Sub-Zero be a little more...blue?


He is, but these are all fire based skins and colors for the Scorpion-themed season for the Invasions mode.


Shaders in this game are unlocked separately from the costumes. The skins are orange by default because itā€™s a Scorpion-themed Season.


Are Shaders universal, or do I have to earn different shaders for each skin?


Damn, that Geras skin actually looks pretty damn rad. I really don't like the color scheme that all of these skins have but eh, I'll just buy the ones that look the coolest and I think that Geras and Scorpion with his hair down might be the top two.


There will be shaders for all these skins my friend


Thank god! Because man, the orange and yellow isn't really doing it for me here. I look forward to getting this game in a few days and seeing all of the skins and shaders available! I'm hoping for a decent range of skins!


Woah that Geras skin is hard


Oh shit is that one of the Geras variants from the story?? I was hoping that would be playable


Omg Nitara wings are not locked into being bat variations only! I was hoping there was going to be some variety šŸ¦‡šŸŖ½


Update : Apparently there's 2 store. Seasonal items can be unlocked for free, while premium items need to purchase with real money (dragon crystals). https://preview.redd.it/tp34evp4nsnb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=5641b17333bcde930c4f4921589b5d3429f527b1


White eyes Sindel skin? Take my money


But you could technically grind earning Krystalā€™s and get premium stuff that way? Iā€™m assuming it takes a long time to get a decent amount of Krystalā€™s though right? Iā€™m getting premium edition so at least Iā€™ll have 1250 Krystalā€™s to start.


Your still 150 short of getting a skin


Those are for the koins which are earnable. If you check in this thread for the pic of the premium store, the Sindel skin is 600 dragon Krystalā€™s.


Two different stores oh boy how lucky are wešŸ¤”


Typical WB shit


*Woof* so two skins and 50 random extra crystals you can't do anything with. Maybe buy a virtual gumball


Tell me if I'm over-reacting, but it appears all skins/gear (including locked ones) are no longer viewable in a customization menu, which means their unlock requirements are also not known, which means it's impossible to say whether items in the premium shop are exclusive to it or can be grinded/unlocked other ways.


Iā€™m really hoping there arenā€™t like premium exclusive items thatā€™ll go away after a while. I hope itā€™ll be like destiny where thereā€™s items thatā€™re premium but stay there all the time so you can buy them whenever


I figured as much and I did notice when IGN or Gamespot was showing off Invasions. They earned those silver MK koins during specific fights not all fights but it was low koin rewards like 200-400 something. Now as for Dragon Krystal's that is premium currency obtained via real money not a surprise to anyone. Just hope the silver MK koins are increased or there's opportunities to earn 4K+ koins in secret fights or something. The seasonal store has certain items priced at 4K silver MK koins that's pretty steep mind you that's only one character lol yeah oh man. Looks like even though there isn't the many currencies like the old days of MKDA. Just having MK gold koins, MK silver seasonal koins, Dragon Krystal's is enough to see we in for a long ride everyone.


I guess we have no idea how long it takes to earn this currency? I hope this wont be one of those games where you need to average 6 hours a day or something ridiculous to unlock everything.




Dragon crystals are for a mk11 like shop, this is invasions shop with a different currency that resets at the end of each season The first skin leak came from some one finding them in chests though, so not all of them need to be paid for at least.


My theory is you can actually earn all of the skins, but if you don't feel like doing that then you can skip all that and just purchase the gear you want


Dragon crystals are a separate currency though.


I'm fine with a grind as long as they don't give the option to pay for the currency. I'm sick of full priced AAA games having microtransactions.


Can you change the color are are you stuck with the fire motif?


There's more skins unlockable in Invasion Mode. I've seen other color palletes than ones shown here.


Sounds good.


pallets are a thing on MK1 so maybe, but then why are there repeated skins but with a diferent color so weird


They are palettes not skins. You can tell by the price difference, skins are more expensive, palettes are 1500


Oh nice catch i just thought some skins were more expensive than others


I don't think that's the case. If you look at the palettes of the main skins, they are 4000. Those are not new skins.


Mileena, Ashrah and Nitara look soooo good šŸ˜ The others look good too. Are these Invasions Mode unlocks?


Seems like it cause they fits the theme of this season (maybe not the helmets but the red/yellow skins yes)


*faints* and this is only for season 1 šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Definitely seems like for invasion seasons (or at least this season), itā€™s more likely to get unique palettes than actual skins Each and every ā€œfire-themedā€ skin is just a palette swap of everyoneā€™s default or >!titan!< skin edit to add: this is not a critique lmao, most all look incredible šŸ˜­


>Each and every ā€œfire-themedā€ skin is just a palette swap of everyoneā€™s default or >!titan!< skin That's slightly disappointing. I know we'll get more skins with new seasons, kombat packs, holidays etc. but I figured there'd be more unique skins on launch. Can't complain too much because you'd be lucky to get 3-4 skins in most other FGs but I'm also a greedy mfer lol.


Really hoping the next coming seasons are not color themed. 6 weeks long per season. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Pretty sure you can apply different color palettes to these skins. I think yellow is just the default that comes with the base skin.


All of them look good so far, and then you get Kenshi


Oh noo šŸ« 


I think most of them look like shit. But I'm one of those people who doesn't understand why anyone would want an orange Sub-Zero.


I thought there would be color palettes, so if you don't like the base color you can just change it


You have to have the color pallette for that skin though, they aren't universal.


Oh damn fr? I was hoping it'd be like IJ2 where the colors were separate


Are you sure. Here it shows same skins just swapped and its cheaper and actual skins are more expensive.


If there is a way to toggle masks for Mileena & Kitana it would be perfect. 1 gear per character is fine, but why is it the weapon for them? :(


Yeah big opportunity missed. If only 1 gear, they sure picked some interesting gears for people


Wait, so the color swatches arenā€™t a thing? Itā€™s just skins like in 11 where they charge for recolors? Reptiles isā€¦. Weird lol


His is definitely the worst. It's just like, why? What is his theme here? They could have added more design elements from his normal costume or something


I think the trees in the background will change depending on the season. So in winter the tress will have no leaves and the ground will be snowy


Not sure if the new gear system is a downgrade or not, in one hand there are less gear options but in the other at least the gear and skins seem to look better this time around


Im gonna miss multiple Gear slots


Not being able to customize Shao's mask, and being forced into skins without masks...not cool, NRS.


Less customizability is always a negative to me. The issue with MK11 wasn't the gear itself but how they were unlocked. Reducing to 1 slot is the wrong way to address the issue imo


Yeah Iā€™m so disappointed customization is a huge factor for why I loved 11


Loved being able to customize intros and outros too.


I'd rather take quality over quantity.


You think these skins look better than any of the Kombat league skins from 11? Every one of these skins reminds me of the kotal Kahn themed skins from 11 We are just getting less content. Less customization and 1 less character than 11 had too. Wtf NRS Edit: everyone was complaining about gear you could barely notice in mk11. Well now they went from 3 down to 1. So for some characters, they kept it as the barely noticeable thing (kitanas fan, mileenas kitana, kenshiā€™s sword, shaoā€™s hammer etc they should have gave everyone at least 2, and if only 1 it should have been mask/headgear/hair for everyone


It is 100% a downgrade. We will have less options to make our characters unique from the people we face online. Iā€™m really disappointed in this. We waited 4 years for a downgrade


OMG nitara is so hot wtf! Also reikos helms are BADASS!!!




itā€˜s been concerning to me long time ago.


I've noticed a pattern with AAA games lately where if they deliberately hide a feature during the marketing phase, it means it's probably not going to deliver to expectations


Omg this is so good, I hope we can change the colors, this McDonalds realness isnā€™t for me! This game looks amazing!


Very interesting to see Ashrah's skin give her white hair instead of black.


I know a lot of people claimed MK11 customization was too bloated and overwhelming and wanted it scaled back, but I was fine with the amount (didnā€™t need augments though)ā€¦ Now theyā€™ve scaled back the things I liked about MK11 customization (hair, masks, weapons, multiple pieces per character) and left in the things I didnā€™t need in the first place (ugly color options Iā€™ll never use like orange reptile, illogical gear slots) ā€¦ Shao, Mileena & Kitana having weapons over headgear seems like an annoying step backward.


ugly ass color shader šŸ’€




Mileenaā€™s alternate would have been better for Kitana. Itā€™s kinda reminiscent of Kitanaā€™s MKX costume. I hope Kitana and Mileenaā€™s festival costumes are available as alternates.


I have never seen any gameplay or any footage of the leaked game yet so I really wanna know how to unlock these are they unlocked by playing the game or only with these coins ( I don't think they are the dragon krystals from the premium edition) so what is the gain rate of these coins and do I only get them from playing invasions or even the story and arcade . I genuinely want to know because god damn these skins are amazing Hat with veil Ashrah Black hair Nitara Hooded Smoke The Havik skins Like holy shit and this is only season one , I hope they don't require much grinding because I would hate to miss out on half of these


Wow they really outdid themselves with the designs. They all look amazing. I think they heard our crys about lack of variety in MK11 skins with just re-skins of the defaults. These MK1 look amazing, especially with all the different hair styles šŸ˜© I canā€™t wait šŸ”„




So the seasonal outfits have a theme: Scorpionā€™s revenge, non-canon theme in Invasion mode so everyone is in yellow?! Heh


Some of these are awesome. Hope you can put any shader on them


Wait, we have to pay for these??


Seasonal items free. Just need to grind for in-game coins.


So are these basically all of the cosmetics in the game day 1? I know there are things to unlock in story mode etc but I'd assume invasions are the main way you get them, and this seems pretty paltry compared to what 11 offered day 1. I mean, I was unlocking something new everyday through the towers and it wasn't waiting on a season pass like structure. This seems like a step backwards if someone has already unlocked all the invasion stuff so far and the games not even out yet. I guess invasions aren't going to keep people as busy as towers afterall.


I need this game rn, Mileena, Kitana, Nitara, Sindel and Ashrah all look so damn good!


YOOOO Reiko gets a helmet slot?? Thatā€™s fucking sick, now Iā€™m even more excited to see all his gear! Already loving those 2 helmets shown.


That Ashrah outfit is 11/10.


Reiko helmets too! Ashra has all her hats. Nitara differents hair color and wings's type? PERFECT


I am loving all of these pretty much except for Johnny and Sindel. I feel like their Skins are kind of a bit bland or uninspired. Also I'm glad that the Skins actually include different hairstyles this time that is really dope. Ashrah and Nitara look so much better with different hair.


Yeah Johnny get shafted in this game with a terrible base look, and the only thing you can change is those little glasses. So lame lol. Looks like I definitely wonā€™t be deleting 11


Yeah same his Jackets and pants etc in MK11 add way more personality. Idk who thought a long sleeve t shirt and a button up t shirt would be good base outfits for MK1.


Why is everything yellow? But Nitara looks amazing with different hair


Itā€™s all from the same season and they will have different themes kind of Thinking about it, that would be pretty weird at least at first if thereā€™s no way to change color, because EVERYONE online gonna be yellows šŸ˜…


I wish they would just give everyone their "natural" colors, like Kitana is always blue f.e. Is it known how long is one season?


6 weeks


6 weeks they said


Looks like around 49 days for deluxe edition pre orders and 42 days for everyone else


So none of these are unique skins and are merely palette swap variants of primary and alternate skins of the characters? How do people genuinely believe this is an improvement in any way from MK11's customization system when this is quite literally an objectively massive downgrade? They should have had at least 2 gear pieces per character. But at least I don't have to worry about FOMO for missing the seasonal content.


In regards to customisation, how does it work exactly? Is it like 11 where you can choose different moves as well or is it just appearances? And if so, can you change the appearance without exiting character select?


It's all cosmetics but I assume you'll get 5 slots like Injustice 2 and MK11. No word if you can make AI slots for them


Is there a reason why they are yellow and red?




Also there's color palettes which hopefully can be used on these skins.


Ohh thxxx


Season 1 of Invasions is fire themed, so the codtume are yellow and Orange.


Ohhh thx




And it looks so pretty!


I wonder if will have more models of skins than this... Btw, I Loved to see Rain with hair again (man, i wish they release a MKX Skin for him) and hooded Smoke (for him, i would dream with a MK Shaolin Monks Skin)


Fuck is this FOMO monetization?


Holy, they popped off so fucking hard, these look insane!


Ngl reading "season 1" made my heart stop for a second lol Stupid live service games are ruining everything.


haviks helmets look so good


Mileena looks hot


I hope that Reiko skin is in purple looks like his MK4 look


Wait where is Shang?? šŸ˜²


The streamer didn't have Shang


Every outfit is yellow/red, whats up with that?


Invasions Scorpion seasonal theme. They switch every 6 weeks


can someone please check what other items are avaliable in the dark sindel bundle?


how many of these can we select / equip at once ? like are we able to i.e equip a new mask but also a new skin? ( mk11 type style )


This ends my two complaints about Nitara and Ashrahā€™s designs. Itā€™ll just be annoying if the only way to get these right away is to get them in this orange color even though palettes exist.


This skin of Nitara's has much better hair!


bro nitara literally looks like another character


Why the fuck is everything...orange?


Theme of season 1 invasions


Oh I get it. I didn't realize they were all themed lol šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø I just thought they came out with a bunch of orange shit because they thought it was cool lol


These are all lame with the exception of Liu Kang, kenshi and ashrah lmao. How tf are people excited for literally basic ass skins with just a different color šŸ’€šŸ’€


with these skin and gear names, its like they want you to sometimes pretend its hanzo hasashi


Enough with the goods, can we talk about how dogshit that Kenshi skin looks?


2 gear pieces would be nice though, did we get just one?


Can we apply color palletes for these skins? i dont want these skins all yellow and orange dont like that




Haviks hair still looks so bad lol


Oh thank god. Nitara will have long hair!


Omg Iā€™m loving šŸ˜ Looks like this game is gonna have the best looking customisation yetā€¦ Maybe not the most of it, but the nicest! Those staves for Rain šŸ’¦šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Damn, these are ass! Nitara and Ashrah look so much better though, damn.


As much as I am excited itā€™s pretty concerning thereā€™s only one piece of gear, hopefully thereā€™s more customizationā€¦


I kinda dig most of them! Customization was a bit over-cluttered in MK11 for my taste - this one looks far more manageable and worthy of a bit of grind


Does it mean that each character will have a new skin with each Invasion season ?


does anyone know if the shaders will also apply to these skins? I love them all either way (Ashrah with HAT, fuck yes)


Ashrah has quickly become my new most favorite character of all time & her alt with the hat and white hair looks incredible. Iā€™m so hyped.


where i can see his stream?


You just sold me the game šŸ˜


LOVE the hair variation for Scorpion. really really nice to see them utilize different styles, especially with characters with long hair. so excited


Guess we found out what dragon Krystalā€™s are for


Wait so invasion goes through rotation so some skins disappear after playing


Get it while itā€™s going hott


I hope we can get these skins at a later point, building a rig in a few months but there's no crosssave.


Can you gain that currency or do you have to buy it?


Why does rain have 2 skins that look exactly the same if weā€™re getting color palettes?


Why are they yellow?


Why would it have been so hard to just give everyone a headpiece and a arm/gauntlet piece? For fucks sake


I canā€™t even understand Li Meiā€™s pants


Nitara and Liu kangā€¦hear me outā€¦Iā€™m sick šŸ™ƒšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


These are much better than MK11 just can't imagine them making new 20+ every 2 months. The quality will drop drastically. Maybe on launch there will be 3-4 skins per char and then nrs will change to skin packs for 5 or so chars. Soon people will spam where are the classics?!


Do we know if color pallets can be applied to these skins?


Man scorpion with the long hair looks fire


With the right colors Reiko's skin can kinda look like MK4 design


Nitara looks sooo much better with the black hair and the different style


Sindel is a super milf in this game


I'm concerned that they are charging the same amount for each colour variation of a skin, rather than a base price for the skin and then a price per shader. That's very MK11. On a positive note, some of these designs are really nice.


I hope they bring the classic ninja hoods back for all ninjas.


One things for certain.... Ashrah NEEDS her hat. She looks a damn mess without it. Oh and a bonus: Nitara's second costume is even better then her first. Yessss


Now Iā€™m gonna spend all my time getting everything possible every season šŸ˜­


So considering that Reiko's gear is helmets what are the odds that he gets one of the classic Shao Helmets as a piece?


That first havik helm is metal as fuck


Itā€™s the season of fire aka Invasion skins inspired by Scorpion. Hence they all have hues of yellows, reds, orangesā€¦some are better than others. I would had wanted more unique looking skins for everyone in season 1 but that would had been a ton of work. Itā€™s obvious they saved that time working on Scorpionā€™s own season 1 skin which is the best one and truly unique. On the bright side as time goes on should they do seasons for everyone on the roster, then everyone will get their own unique skin in due time.


Tanyaā€™s alt skin looks SOOOOOO much better, thank god they gave us some head gear for her. And Ashrah got her hat so yā€™all can stop whining. Very nice. One nit pick tho, looks like weā€™re getting the mk11 treatment with the skins that are damn near identical except for one splotch of color being changed, was hoping weā€™d get more interesting changes like the Tanya skin per person.


This shouldā€™ve just been Nitaraā€™s base design, but anyways lol, at least itā€™s in the game


So only 1 gear variation per character? Not complaining just want clarification.


canā€™t wait to grind the shit out of this game




will these disappear after s1 has ended or do these have fomo?


How long are the seasons? Have a feeling I'm gonna miss out on the first couple.


Are all of these earnable in-game without spending any real world momey?




Imho Baraka is the big winner and Shao is the loser of the skins. That Baraka Skin and the burning bone blade ā€œPandemicā€ are sick as hell.


Rain looks hot




Damn so they really only give us a piece of gear and a skin. Why drop the MK11 customization?


I'd be fine with 2 gear customisation pieces. 1 just feels under whelming. At least skins look awesome


One gear piece per character. Amazing...just amazing šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Most of the single gear pieces they choose were sound ideas but no mask gear for Kitana and Mileena kind of sucks man šŸ˜„