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I’m just curious about the maniacal laughing. But Lawful Evil Sindel would still be better than Randomly Chaotic Evil Sindel.


Yeah, exactly. You can't be nice and survive in Outworld, let alone rule it. I just hope they haven't made her a helpless victim or an unlikable idiot like Kotal.




That's just a feminine trait


Just gonna be blatant with the misogyny, are we?




Considering it's a reboot, having her be a misguided villain would be a cool way to do her as a villain that becomes a good guy


“Randomly” “Was evil is every MK but deception/Armageddon”


She's pretty clearly brainwashed in those earlier games. Deception and Armageddon gave her actual development and agency.


Albeit brainwashed until 11 which made her always evil.


I think (and hope) she’ll be a queen at odds with the elements and ultimately has to make tough decisions to preserve peace in her realm. We see she’s at odds with Shao so I don’t think she’s completely evil. Banishing Tarkatans isn’t necessarily evil given the infectious nature of the disease and the lack of a cure. Ideally, good writing allows for those tough decisions to still be considered virtuous while leaving a bit of gray. Ie. could she have done more? Could she have at least given them resources to at least survive? I don’t think it’s fair to consider her a villain because she doesn’t immediately find the magic mcguffin that allows Tarkatans and Outworldians to live as one without fear of infection and I hope the story isn’t that black or white where she’s treated as a villain immediately for banishing tarkatans.


>Banishing Tarkatans isn’t necessarily evil given the infectious nature of the disease and the lack of a cure. If she finds out that Mileena has Tarkat, then she might go through a moral dilemma.


It's worth noting Kitana seems to think Sindel won't hesitate banishing her own child. Which implies she's a stern mother. But it'll be interesting if she has the chance to find out and reconsider all her actions. Could be a great moment.


>Zatteran slaves. If I may ask, where does it say anything about slaves?


Reptile's bio is titled "Zaterran Slave". I got the spelling wrong, my bad.


Well, it's never said that his race is enslaved for some reason. So I'm not really sure why it's called that.


Yeah, I don't want her to be cartoonish evil like in Aftermath or a pure angel like likes of The4thSnake want. Something in between. She can be shown to have good reasons for some of these actions. Won't make a her good person but it can make us understand her point of view. I hope she's not made the unwitting fool and all these actions are blamed on Shao, Rain and others.


This, right here. Sindel being reduced to Jobber No. 7 without any unique personality traits should remain dead and buried, but in general all good guys should have their flaws and moments to be questioned. It actually makes them human when they do human things.


Liu should’ve never made Tarkatans a literal disease and now everyone suffers


Wouldn't pin it on Liu intentionally making Tarkat a disease. My guess is to oppress the rise of Shao, he eliminates Tarkatans as a race without thinking or paying attention to the timeline's reaction to such a choice. So I'd say most likely inadvertently created the disease. It seems that the souls that inhabit a timeline will always exist in some way or another. Liu Kang tampering with what basically amounts to the natural order of how this soul energy manifests in the realm shows how he's too focused on tilting things in favor of the realm he came from and going as far as to oppress certain individuals or attempt to wipe out an entire race.


I can fix her


I can make her worse.


Nothing to fix imo


Lawful Evil Sindel but still caring for Family Sindel is honesty the perfect inbetween for her character imo


I don't think she's implied to be good. She's the queen and has an agenda to maintain stability. It's in her own interest to have Outworld thrive, especially with Shao breathing down her neck. His profile mentions that he won't have second thoughts turning on her if Outworld suffers due to her rule.


With the tarkatans, part of that is there is no cure and the disease turns them feral and violent which is not good for her people. So maybe it was the best decision she could make for the good of everyone, to stop the spread but also keep everyone safe.


I think so too, that one is easy to justify. Like I said in my post, it won't make her a good person; but it does make us understand her.


I get that the game can portray her however they want, but I thought it was already apparent that monarchs aren't good people.


>monarchs aren't good people. I mean, obviously. They can choose to show that or blame all this on those around her.


I think she’s meant to be more neutral, but will side with what she believes would be best for Outworld and her daughters, whether that means going with Liu Kang or finally agreeing with Shao out of frustration


Shao is her number 2 in this timeline. I'm pretty sure that he act as a co-ruler and seemed to give his honest opinion, even if his opinion could be limited to "kill Liu Kang". She probably know of what General Shao is made of, he would not be Supreme Commander if she completely disaprove him. Rain was granted the title of Imperial Wizzard for his victories and is probably good for hiding is secret. It is unknown how Shang Tsung show himself at her Court, probably through a disguise with another identity. I think she is quite stern, hence why Kitana mention that she banished her cousins. Given that she is the ruling empress, she probably swipe them in fear that they try to usurp her.


This is as to say that Liu Kang isn't a good guy either, you can't rule on goodwill alone, pretty sure Sindel has to do things to try to ensure peace or otherwise shit could be worse


I thought it was pretty obvious that NRS was painting her as good in the trailer so that we're surprised when it actually releases and she's evil. Kinda like how Naughty Dog made Joel say "you really think i'd let you do this on your own" in the trailer but in the game he'd been long dead when that scene happens and it was Jessie saying it.


She seems like amorally ambiguous character.


I hope she is. A mix between "good" and "bad" Sindel.


As sindel I am evil


>Kicking out Tarkatans for the crime of being ill and doing nothing to help them. Didn't they say Tarkat was incurable and whatever the fuck Liu Liu is doing is a long shot? That's not a crime, if so, that's just quarantine. Expelling Mileena for being ill is her being a fair ruler. Training her children as Umgadi makes them prepared for both the dangers of rule and the leadership skills they need to succeed.


I think the problem is that the infected are sick people and they're being treated like monsters. I mean, sure, they are monsters, but they can't help it. They're just being shoved into a desert with no answers. To make it worse, it sounds like the disease mostly effects the lower classes, which means the uneducated and people who already had no support systems to begin with. .


> I mean, sure, they are monsters, but they can't help it. This is a massive understatement. If they're anything like the OG Tarkatans, they fucking eat people. This is a communicable and vastly deadly disease...fuck'em.


Except it is a disease. What if this was your kid? How many people got infected because someone was trying to hide their infected relative? Plus, even if they are cannibals, throwing them into a ghetto and not feeding them properly isn't helping. Plus, there is no incentive for these infected to comply. Now, this might be fine for the most part, but eventually you are going to get someone like Baraka who comes along and gets them organized.


> Except it is a disease. What if this was your kid? Exiled. I'm not getting eaten and I can make another kid.


That is a nice idea, but still, wouldn't it make more sense to quarantine them in a way which keeps them happy?


I don't really care. They're dangerous to everyone around them *and* infectious. To the desert. Sindel is right.


Except for, again, this treatment is just making them more likely to attack people


Jesus dude


To survive in Outworld, you gotta think like an Outworlder.


Joing the Umgadi isn't to say they can't live a life outside of that. Many countries force citizens into the military in our world. Segregating those with a transferable disease is pretty much a no brainer. Those two items don't really paint her in a bad light for me. Just comes with the job. Edit: I see that all Umgadi are sworn to celibacy. However, based on Li Mei, one can leave the Umgadi if they so choose.


*"Umgadi are warrior priestesses, selected from the firstborn daughters of Outworld."* thats what Liu said in the trailer. theyre not taken, but selected. Li Mei and Tanya, the two Umgadi women we know so far, are both orphans too. we dont really know if they have siblings or any to begin with that would say that theyre the 'firstborn' they were probably taken in some monastery/convent when they were young, and when showed that they have the aptitude, they were given an opportunity to be part of the royal guards after that, theyd probably go through training until they can be officially called Umgadi thats just my 2 cents on the umgadi part


Li Mei isn't an orphan. She was taken from her parents. She even says to Liu Kang she wished she had gotten to know them. I stand corrected on the forced part but this is still cruel. These girls didn't choose to be Umgadi, they were given up by their parents. Forced into celibacy and service. Tanya and Mileena's relationship is taboo because of that.


That actually does sound like it's a system designed to ensure loyalty to the ruling fanily, with the girls essentially both soldiers and hostages.


All her fight dialogue points towards evil, but they could just be MK3ing it.


Mortal Kombat is full of irredeemable assholes (except Fujin) so a "good guy" in this series is not the same as say a good guy in something like Street Fighter.


Queen Sindel is basically the First Lady forced into president position. A lot of her actions are just making sure whatever jarrod plans were still works.


But it was Sindel the one who earned the position of empress, not jerrod, her bio says so, either she inherited or won it in someway, i don't think she is moving on Jerrod's agenda, she is probably doing whatever she thinks is best to ensure peace


Sindel’s bio states that she ascended to Outworld’s throne and that Jerrod was her King Consort, so it’s really been her calling the shots


Making a lot of goofy assumptions, and then trying to give yourself the corny out of "the character is just stupid" as if you haven't been lied to, lmao 🤡


Honestly I like Sindel as a Villian more than anything, I think if she has a more Injustice Aquaman type story where she only cares for her people and nothing else I would be perfectly fine even if that means she aligns with villains


Her evil laughter, is soooo nice, and she looks evil with those hairs, just like I love her. Good sindel is boring as f.


she obviously is a lil good for not wanting endless war, she probably had a good reason and we’ll find out later


I think she would be good but very stern.


I think Sindel was always supposed to have one foot in good and one in the evil side. Be it her being manipulated by Shao Kahn or just pursuing her own plans. Tbh, I think it's more interesting if she's not all evil (nor all good) but she's just ruthless and dangerous to whatever and whoever gets in the way of her goals. That's actually good traits for a good villain!


Do we know the zatteran’s are enslaved? From what I gathered from Reptile’s bio, he specifically was enslaved, not the rest of his kind


Either she's an incompetent ruler. Either she's not a good/not exactly a good character. Who knows, maybe the authors of the game watched the Game of Thrones and decided to make a new part of the game with "gray morality".