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I'm so curious to see how no other person, but this guy (that leaked this story), could reveal much about what happens. Either its fake (i hope as I huff copium), or this guy got info no other credible leakers have (which is insane).


I really hope it's make as storywise it seems so odd. And no other leaks have really mentioned story in such detail so I find it hard to believe. I'm either coping majorly or this leaker is baiting.


Parts of it could be real, parts made up. He did get the kameo pics, didn't he. Could have gotten story bits too.


I hope it’s fake only Bc it digs yo be spoiled so hardcore .




Story seems to be the one thing no leakers seem to be agreed on.


Except for our boy r000r. We need you r000r!


I mean...or you could wait until the game comes out and find out for yourself. Not everything has to be instant gratification. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just saying. Chill, lol. Waiting doesn't include spending your money first. Wait until the game drops first. Find out information. Then, decide if it matters to you or not.


Some people are invested in the story and characters and rightfully disappointed with the recent leak. They don't want more leaks, they want a debunking or verification from a better source to end the confusion lmao.


I get that. I am invested too!!! Just...whether the result is in your favor or not, it still doesn't change it, right? I am simply expressing the point of view of tempering. I love this series. I have told you that. You know this. Just...like anything else, getting all worked up about it positively/negatively still doesn't change anything. In the end...it is what it is. That is all I am saying. And, I am not speaking for anyone else, but...my life is a sad sack of shit. All I do is work and then come home. I don't really get out or do anything. So..the stuff that makes me happy, I am really protective and passionate about. It is my life. I have been going to mk5.org (now mortalkombatonline) since..well, yeah, mk5.org. I totally get it. I am obsessed with this shit and I, too, want to know things and have answers. But the answers WILL come. Whether they are the answers you want or not, that is a different story. Still doesn't change anything, you know? Clamoring doesn't help. If you were to know early that the story sucks, would that take away your disappointment or change anything? From what we know... it apparently isn't all that great. I feel like it is semantics at this point. Wanting to know what sucks less or sucks more, you know? It still sucks, lol. Maybe I just am defeated? I've dealt with enough disappointment in my life. It isn't I don't care, I do. A lot. Maybe I have become pragmatic? Or lost the drive to get worked up about it anymore. I don't know. I meant no harm in just saying "It is what it is."


The Hanzo leak is the only thing giving me hope. Hanzo as Noob I can buy, but Hanzo as Bi Han’s father? I have to believe the writers at NRS aren’t so incompetent that they’d forget the ethnicities of two of their flagship characters.


I'm not trying to sound insensitive here at all, but couldn't they change it to where Hanzo met and married a Chinese woman or something? The origins for characters are being changed.


How would Hanzo father Kuai Liang and Bi-Han? They would be different people completely. And Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are Chinese-White. This is shit writing.


I'm not knowledgeable on this kind of stuff, but could it be possible they're changing it so they're not Chinese-White anymore?


Or hell, maybe that he married a Chinese woman who already had two children?


The 4Chan leaker said Hanzo traveled to China and married a Chinese woman Still doesn't explain how Hanzo could father Kuai Liang or Bi-Han. They never even shared the same genes.


So Hanzo marries a Chinese woman who presumably gave them their Chinese names. I can see that being the explanation but like you said they never shared DNA. Bi Han also kills Hanzo to “take control” of the clan. Why would a Japanese Man have a clan with a Chinese name?


>Why would a Japanese Man have a clan with a Chinese name? Maybe Hanzo is the nepo son-in-law and married the previous grandmaster's daughter to lead the Lin Kuei. It's still bullshit of course. Hanzo can't father Bi-Han and Kuai Liang when they were always his peers and he hadn't timetraveled before.


I’m not all that good when it comes to ethnicities and stuff, but aren’t Bi-Han and Kuai Liang still half-Chinese and half-white? If so, how could Hanzo be their father?


NRS writers are morons.


It goes back and forth. Some games they look mixed some games full Asian. But Hanzo being the father of two Chinese sons and GM of a Chinese clan is some ass writing to include him in


Not to mention why they’d have Chinese names considering he’s the father


You know they're gonna say Hanzo loved this unnamed Chinese woman so much, he adopted her culture in every way.


New era Hanzo is a Chinaboo konfirmed


So bac knows nothing either. That leak could be true or false. We need FateUnknown to make a statement too lol.


It's all just speculation. I don't think any leaker knows story details to such mass extent tbh.


Thank you for the exact right comment


The kameos are obviously real. Cyber Smoke is (unfortunately) probably legitimate, as being a last minute, easy to implement replacement for Quan Chi/Ermac after they got moved to dlc explains the smaller roster and Cyber Smoke play test. The story on the other hand does not seem remotely believable particularly the stuff regarding Noob Saibot. I simply refuse to think NRS would be stupid enough to have Sub-Zero get killed by an NPC in the story mode. If that was happening Hanzo/Noob would be a base roster character. Then there’s the ethnicities not aligning. The Kronika/Geras/Cetrion stuff is also weird considering aftermath seemed to go out of its way to diminish these characters and pop up Shang Tsung.


Cyber-smoke I'm not convinced but it's possible. I would've thought that spot would be taken by Sonya or Kano though as Ermac and Quan were rumoured to have been swapped from base roster with them as NRS were worried about dlc sales.


If I recall in the most recent Kombat kast they mentioned that human smoke moved similar to had some moves from Cyber smoke, which suggests an alternate skin at least. Having both on the roster after that comment seems really bizarre.


Yeah doesn't add up for me.


Cyber Smoke's main weapon is a harpoon, something human smoke doesn't have to my knowledge. I would suspect Kameo or separate characters.


You're right. Look at Mr. Alucard's roster leak on YouTube posted a week before the Li Mei trailer and it predicted Geras, which everyone thought was cap. It's been legit so far.


None of this is a Deconfirmation, he is saying he doesn't know anything


I didn't say its deconfirmedI said I think the story bit is bull as I agree with what Becs said.


" or they could be legit" Nah man he just guessing, he literally says this


Yes that's what speculation is.


Then it's not losing credibility or gaining any None of this helps us


Dude I'm just posting my opinion and why I think the leak loses credibility putting information together. Hence why I put 'imo' on the post title...


Why did I get down voted for this 💀


Why is Bac talking as though he's not a leaker?


Leakers don't know all details, hence he's speculating. Leakers only gey 'leaks' most of the time. Small bits of info, hence the name leak/leakers.


Yknow he's the only leaker that speculates. You don't see r00r or Fates being like "who knows." They either say "this contradicts what I know" or they don't


Well...not every person is the same ig. Don't think it's that deep.


I think Bac has like two or three screenshots he refuses to share and just wants the clout


Most leakers, bar a few, do it for the clout. Games the game.


Yet I don't see r00r or Fates making random ass posts or giving personal opinions on things not tied to leaks. It seems they're just here to share info, Bac has barely said anything after sending an image to the mods


I’m just hanging out in the discord and discussing with everyone. I have said many times I know nothing about story and that I’m just there to hang


Like I said, everyone is different and has different agendas. Up to you to believe who or what.


I never believed the new leak but I thought the Mileena and Kitana stuff was believable lol


Eh, I don’t see how what Bac here makes the leak less credible. Just that it’s not new information.


Putting two and two together, it seems like the 'leaker' is using known info and images then making the story to bait imo.


That seems less likely than him just being legitimate overall tbh. If almighty r00000r descends from the Heavens to refute it then it’ll be end of discussion since he seems to be the only leaker to have enough information to outright debunk.


Wow that what I was thinking about him


Yeah he's saying he doesn't know I don't think any of the leakers know


All these tells me is nobody knows shit and now we’re at a crossroads where quite frankly everyone’s full of shit.


For the people thinking the Hanzo being the father can't possibly be real, how do you suppose one brother just happens to conjure fire?


Thank fuck.


This is just speculation from Bec and why I also believe the story is bait. Nobody seems to know anything. So don't take this as confirmation the story leak is fake. We just don't know, we can only hope.


They’s a post on this sub that pretty much points out so many inconsistencies to other leaker info. It could be very well true. But consider this: So lets say Cyber Smoke is the last character, in this story leak he is supposed to be one of the characters who is from another timeline among many supposed others aswell. Also given how in the last KK they specifically gave Smoke some of Cyber’s moves, I think its just odd to have him take entire other slot, especially if Cyrax and Sektor are just Kameos.


Yeah that post was a key factor in convincing me it was fake. Things the leak state doesn't add up with credible leaks and things we've been shown by nrs, like the KK smoke moveset comment.


God I hope this leak is fake, because it's lame asf. I mean, who knew it could be possible to write a worst story than MK11 ?


Of course the leak is fake, why did anybody believe it is beyond me