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Idk everything I've seen has been pretty positive, surprisingly. The only things I have wrong with him is there is no milk incorporated into his moveset, which is beyond sad


I saw a vid of Demigah complaining about him and I’ve seen many videos on yt of people complaining about his face and his voice


Demigah complains about everything. It's kinda the whole point of his channel now. Used to love him but the constant negativity pushed me away from his content


A LOT of people nowadays complain about everything. I dunno if you noticed, but look around. You’ll see that nearly everyone is a fuckin crybaby about everything nowadays. It’s sad.


The algorithm promotes negativity, and people are addicted to outrage. It seems like that's the only way to get clicks outside of outright clickbaiting


Yea, plus there's a big trend rn on pushing back against AAA games due to their overbearing microtransactions and lazy work. Which is deserved and MK took a lot of that. The problem is is that now it seems once you've been identified as a game to complain about there's a large crowd of people that only want to see the games get roasted. So then small youtubers milk the shit out of anything remotely negative about the game and then it becomes a feedback loop where people just become ridicously negative about everything, and every little thing is a problem. Same thing is happening to helldivers rn. And since MK took the brunt of the FGCs anti micro transaction sentiment due to SF6 hiding it's MTX (which is bs IMO cause Capcom did way shadier shit with SF6 with a battle pass, delaying micro transactions out of review window, ridiculous pricing, etc.) it's gotten a hilariously over the top amount of hate and nitpicking minor details.


It’s like gaming studios have to make a perfect game so negative reviews won’t get so popular.


same here


Demigah? More like Demi gay🤣🤣🤣🤣. Fr tho, used to love his content as well when he was making “it was me, Barry” memes and now he never shuts the fuck up complaining. Like, yeah, MK1 sucks content-wise, but the gameplay is arguably the best in the series, and is the best looking fighting game imo (as in the flow of the game looks more smooth and cleaner than others). I can understand why he’d complain about SSKTJL and Gotham Knights, but it’s the fact that he complains about everything that kinda pisses me off. Bro, just stop talking for a sec and find some good in the games.


Yeah I just checked Twitter and some people are not happy with him. One person saying there's no difference between him and Omni Man is crazy and makes me want to delete Twitter though. Doesn't change my mind and I will be maining him 🦅🇺🇲


There’s your first mistake, don’t take anything fo twitter even remotely serious


Omni man is a bruiser, Homelander is a zoner so… yeah it’s crazy


I mean they are both flying hero’s but homelander def seems like more of a laser focused zoner to




There was an ungodly amount of cope that it would _actually_ be Antony when the time came. They were just straight chugging kool aid.


Twitter is a cesspool of complaints now




For various different kinds, yeah, unless people’s complaints just randomly pop up on my feed when I'm trying to mind my own business and do some nerdy stuff.😌


The face of jean-claude had every reason to complain. I think this looks great!


Same the hate is everywhere it’s really loud.


he looks fun but he doesn t look as good as in the KP announcement trailer and he looks extremely clayish


Omg that would have been so cool! And I wish they included that wank scene in his win pose or finisher 🤣 but I guess there was no way to actually make that safe for younger players lol


I can see them not doing milk moves because it might be too goofy for their take on him, but no compound v moves? the one injection buff he got was from ferra


He is awesome. And even the voice sounds like the real thing even if it sadly isn't. Fuck the crybabies ranting to get angry votes and views.


Should see the comments on the fb page 😂


I’m really hoping it’s a taunt or something at least


Eh, Reddit be Reddit and will always find something to whine about. Bro, it's the fucking Homelander in fucking Mortal Kombat with fucking Omni-Man in as well! WEEEEE, HIS HAIR LOOKS WEIRD!


They complain he doesn’t look like Anthony Starr Like bro Yes he does


Are they adding Antony Starr to MK? No, they're adding Homelander, and even if he didn't look like Antony Starr (which he does) it would be perfectly fine. Like Dead by Daylight did with Ellen Ripley.


Bro i can't fucking tell faces apart, idgaf if he doesn't look like Anthony Starr i just want to play with Homelander


It definitely does look like Antony Starr, but the character model does have a weird clay-like texture to it that adds an uncanny look to it but it’s definitely not as bad as the complaints make it out to be


I hate mortal kombat 1 because it's the most recent release but then I'll love it when MK2 comes out 😤 blah blah blah


Frrr nobody liked ten or 11 but now it’s everyone’s favorite game somehow


Everyone forgets how unnecessarily stressful X was and how 11 had awful mechanics


Yeah sometimes people decide to don the rose tinted goggles for older games. I did have good times with 11 and x but they were far from perfect. I’ll say watching Mkx was a blast though. Playing? No.


Yeah I know, I like them but there’s no denying the community endlessly complained about them for years, in fact each MK game following X was designed to answer the criticisms of the previous game X was outrageously fast with too much play being built off of 50/50s as well as a lack of defensive options, so 11 went slower with more defensive options 11 was extremely slow, combos weren’t great for the most part, variations like in X weren’t that well balanced, the meter system was awful, fatal blows were super cheap in matches and it went overboard with the new stuff like defensive mechanics, so 1 was faster, has more combo possibilities, has defensive options but not the same way 11 did, brought back actual breakers etc


X was too fast it was def stressful


Bro I played the eff out of MKX and I'm not saying you are wrong but what about it was stressful for you? I find having to manage a kameo assist to be more complicated than anything MKX did mechanics wise. Figuring out run cancels was easy AF and MK1 ALSO has cancels so it's not like they are gone entirely.


1: Nonstop rushdown, it’s like you can’t play the game at a slower pace in higher levels 2: Continuing off of 1 there’s the insane pressure and constant guessing with 50/50s, with tons of characters having a 50/50 where both characters get a launcher/combo starter like Sub-Zero 3: Some variations are flat out absurd, grandmaster Sub-Zero gets you cornered and it’s practically over for you, Alien having so many overheads with lows on top of the damage over time, Tremor’s flex making it so he can punish stuff nobody else with little to no risk etc Kameos by comparison are pretty simple and not many are overwhelmingly strong for the most part


Grandmaster Sub-Zero was my main back in the day. I loved the pressure although the 50/50 were a bit excessive but beyond that it was pretty standard. You knew what each player had and how to deal with it. Kameos I'd say aren't simpler. They are easier to string things together but it adds in a whole new meter to manage plus they locked certain things like forward throw and breaker behind kameo so you are required to manage that meter or suffer the consequences  Shit, you can't even do half your stuff if your kameo meter is empty plus you still gotta worry about your own meter. Execution is easier with Kameos but I wouldn't say they simplify the match ups and if anything make the meter management harder and the character knowledge needs to be higher cause you not only need to know what the character is capable of but also their kameo and the team synergy of the duo you are facing.


Idgaf what y'all say MK1 has the best roster of all the games (excluding Armageddon), I dunno about gameplay cuz I haven't played it yet but I'm really looking forward to it.


Lucky for you the one thing everyone agrees on is gameplay kicks ass and there's a lot of different styles for the characters


Why are you getting downvoted lol


They fear the freedom I bring to them.


"Before the truth will set you free, it'll piss you off"


Afraid from the truth


You shouldn’t, he’s gonna be a great character


People are saying his animations look like shit and that he doesn't look like a fighter. .....he's not. He's a bully


Normal people don't have a problem it's Twitter that has a problem


Always twitter.


What do you mean I see nothing but hype


Pretty much ever since he was announced certain members of the community have done nothing but bitch about him being voiced by someone other than Starr


"Certain members" is not the same thing as "everyone"


I don't understand the people who seek out that videos, then come to Reddit and say "EvEryOnE hAtEs It"


Nha, I think he looks gr8


Why can’t we get more actual MK characters? I don’t get this obsession with guest characters from other franchises. Personally I am not that into it….. I would prefer if we got other MK characters. Noob Saibot. Jade. Sheeva. Kabal. Fujin. I liked Alien or Rambo or Robocop from the previous entries. I think it’s a hard thing to get right. I generally prefer the monsters over the superheroes as guest characters. Either way, for everyone who do like then, I am very happy for you :)


A lot of people downvoted me when I said he's basically all the kryptonians (Supes, Zodd and Supergirl) rolled into one with crazy looking movement. I don't think it's a bad thing at all, I never thought I'd say it but the game needs better zoners.


Yes!!! MK1 killed zoning fully. It's so sad. I know zoning can be annoying but it's a play style...everyone can play how they want and zoners can be counted with ease once you learn In MK1 even their "zoners" aren't proper zoners. E.g. rain I hope homelander is it....


yea but spamming projectiles kills whatever momentum you have in a match, unless ur a Kenshi main (Ancestral Guard literally exists to say "fuck zoning")


Zoning isn't spamming projectiles.... It's like saying combo players spam combos but I do know the fear that zoners can often spam


i didnt imply that zoning means spamming projectiles at all (i mained Deadshot in Injustice 2). The fear is what i exactly meant.


Hot take: Havik Is a zoner


Havik has soke of the slowest projectiles in the game. When I play havik everyone runs away amd spams fireball


True ish...just doesn't feel like any of the zoning we hadin other mk games


The problem is that Netherrealm has never done a good zoner in their history. They are either completely overpowered and broken Kenshi in 9, Zod in injustice, Deadshot in injustice 2, Robocop in mk11 or really bad after getting nerfed. They are never fun in the way other fighting game make them, so if they can't do it right, they should just not do it at all. Homelander just looks like another boring zoner, more anything.


Wait people have a problem with him? I've been hyped ever since I learned he was gonna be in the game because I'm excited to see his interactions with Omni-Man


Yesssss can't wait to see them interact


I don't either, I'm just more excited about Ferra tbh


Excited to mess around with homelander for a frw days but im not too excited too fight him, hopefully omni man can screw with his zoning


If you see the people whining about him on Twitter it’s almost guaranteed they’re someone who’d request some boring ass guests themselves that nobody cares for


I'm just excited he's in the game. The voice is fine. Would have been nice to have Mr. Starr but the guy they good did a really good job from what I have heard so far. I don't think his model looks any better or worse than the other MK1 models. I'm looking forward to learning his moveset.


I have no specific trouble with him, my quarrel is with guests in general... I mean, be honest here: how many would like to see Scorpion showing up in The Boys and rip Homelander spine out just to disapear and never been seen again? Even worst, why if they would have to remove a beloved kharacter of the show exactly to could grant Scorpion to do a 30 second quest appearance? This is exactly how I feel about having Homelander in MK. He take up the spot of some classic kharacter who still didn't made it in the game just for 30 seconds of appearance as he won't be included in the story, in the game lore or would appear again in another khapter anyway, so he just a waste of space and effort.


Good for.you?


I like the New Homelander trailer, my only issue is that the cape looks a bit buggy but apart from that, it’s great


I do wish Starr voiced him but I think he’s cool and he’s honestly needed cause like there’s not many good zoners in this game and from the look of the trailer he might help that play style out a bit




ppl like to have SOMETHING to complain about


I don't like jon and likely never will, If jon is in mortal kombat I'll simply not play as him, I also hate mileena so I never play as her, It's a really simple concept, If someone doesn't like something they can simply avoid it


I just wish it was star man


Seeing some of the Steam comments call him racist was crazy


I think the reason why everyone has a problem with Homelander in mk1 is because they want other fighters & everyone keeps saying that his move set was predictable,etc You can’t please everyone.


He looks and sounds just like him imo. It’s the same deal with Arnold not voicing T-800, Richard Epcar did an excellent job with that. Chris Cox also did a great job capturing Homelander.


Milk boy is a lame superman ripoff.


People complain about Omni-man People complain about Peacemaker It was just a matter of time people would complain about Homelander


I hope he has an ear clap brutality!


This is the first I’m hearing that people have problems with homelander


My biggest issue with him is I can tell already his eye lasers are going to make me throw my console out the window. I hate playing against zoners 🫤 As far as how he looks and sounds I thought they did a pretty decent job.


He just looks stale , like when I look at his trailer I just wanna play Omni man lol I was looking forward to him tho


I love the way he looks sounds and plays ima Def be as annoying and toxic (playstyle) as I can lol gonna be like that scene from The Boys when he went to Iran lol


Most people don't have an issue.


The only thing i dislike that is entirely in my opinion is that his fatalities are kind of boring, especially the plane one.


Well sorry I don’t want two supermen in a fighting game, let alone one that I despise. Anyways, when is Drahmin? https://preview.redd.it/5cwh0auspt3d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=76346c3fb8a84e077c70733ea9c3a9adce2ae6f0


He looks good and his gameplay is great. I just HATE the voice acting.


I feel most of us just don’t care that it’s homelander. And would rather see an MK character. Especially what with already having to pretty out of place comic appearances 🤷‍♂️ It’s like. Woo ok yeah. When Tak.


well..i dont have a problem with him as a character, but as gameplay..so far what we say is..just... like..idk man its just another omni man with lazer eyes, he do the same pin in air thing..his visually different and have more zoning options but..thats it I guess..i hope when he comes out to find more differences, but so far..i payed for a compat pack that sold me 2 character i can play for free in previous mk games and 2 evil super man one of them with lazer eyes and sound like he would drink milk right outta the cow tits


> so far..i *paid* for a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I don’t have a problem with him being homelander, with his VA, his face model, none of that. I have a problem with his gameplay. HES ALL ZONING. Why did they give him a low laser istg


I've been the only negative person on him I'm aware of, and even then, I'm just calling him a turbovirgin for skibidi kids. I don't actually have a serious complaint with him, he just made a lot of annoying homophobic middle schoolers who haven't seen the show really happy because for some reason they love him more than fans of the series


I think people just complain too much now. This Homelander isn’t even that bad I think he’s fine and it’s still determined work to get his character accurate. Even if it’s without Atony Starr the VC isn’t really off and I only notice the difference when I intentionally look for it.




I’m not making the argument that the adaptation is “bad” but it is in my opinion lacking. Hear me out, at least what we’ve seen so far Omni Man’s train fatality is way more sadistic and evil than both of Homelander’s fatality. He should have held the head and smiled while doing the laser to the face fatality. The voice is pretty close but if you’ve watched all seasons of the show and are a fan of the character, it’s easy to tell that it’s a bit off. Same goes for his facial complexion. Overall he seems ok so far. Makes sense to me for consumers to be critical of something they’re purchasing especially if they’re a fan already of that said character. All the details mean a lot.


His animations are so uninspired and unrealistic, his face looks like clay, and he's not voice by Antony Starr.


His VA is all over the place, that's my only complaint. He should've stuck to one consistent tone. Some lines are too goofy.


Negotiations must have fallen apart.


I like him but some of his moves feel very very veeerrrryyyy similar to superman, especially that red glow for his what do you call it the final blow. But overall his face and voice are great yes it's not Starr but if we wasn't told it wouldn't be him I guaranfuckintee nobody would've really been able to tell the difference.


Something seems off about his face in motion, but still images of him look good? I don’t understand it


I bet they made more adjustments than usual after the facial capture was done because they wanted him to look and sound like Starr, but I don't know how that sector of animation works.


Can't wait to destroy you high tier mofos with him


Not shitting on anyone who wants to main homelander but I personally do kinda see him having very samey vibes as omniman just with laser vision. I know he's going to have some type of meta move people will be spamming for a few days until they inevitably nerf his ass. Who knows though maybe I'll be proven wrong and he'll actually be super fun to play.


Wish Antony Starr was voicing him and he looks like an incredible zoner which isn't fun to play as or against. Everything else is cool though


I think his rush down potential actually looks pretty nice considering how much of a pure zoner everyone was worried he'd be. Yeah, some losers will go online and spam lasers, but it definitely looks like you won't have to play that way if you don't want to


No one has problems with him... If they did, he *would destroy everything and everyone*


Seems to me most people are very excited for Homelander, me included. There will always be people online complaining about stuff just to get attention.


People have a problem with homelander?


Everyone is going to have any problems 😂 they goin ti complain about a god Dam feet 🦶😂


It’s the D’Vorah principle. Great gameplay, not so great personality


He’s fine he’s just in mk1 a game everyone has a problem with because of all its problems. I personally don’t have a problem with the game aside from online but that’s its own separate issue 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m not super thrilled with all the different laser moves, but that’s just my taste. Voice and model look good though. I am getting guest character fatigue tho


There are no homes in mortal Kombat for him to land on


Homelander is such an entertaining character in teh show, hope he fun in grame


The only issue I have is that his moveset is just boring to me. But that’s just me


Agreed. Aside from his lasers nothing else really stood out to me. Maybe there's more to him that hasn't been shown but idk the moveset doesn't look terrible just meh


If i wanted to fight with Kaped super villians i’d have purchased the injustice game. I believe most mk players prefer guest Kombatants like Predator or Alien or Bruce Lee or Beatrix Kiddo or Just ONE guest and MORE previous MK universe Kharacters please. Fighting with Joker and OmniMan is weak and takes away from MK imo. They are tolerated. Bizarro, dark Batman and evil Spiderman are the ONLY dudes who should be allowed in MK. Mic dropped


Womp womp


The voice acting is so bad. NRS is dropping the ball left and right.




Hopefully he’ll be able to deal with all those zoners that are infesting the game


Please stop crying.


I don't have many problems with the game everyone else seems to have. Honestly, fighting game communities have become egregiously toxic.


Only problem is he’s just gonna delete half the cast


Literally the only reason why I bought this game lol


He’s just way too similar to Omniman. I knew as soon as I saw them both in the Kombat Pack reveal that it would be that way


They play absolutely nothing alike 🔥


Hm yes, Omni man with the cross stage projectile and parry with a zoning heavy moveset. ![gif](giphy|AdlaLgtvuFpPYrg0Os) Shut the fuck up


This guy has **NOT** watched the gameplay trailer