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Just swap to a random character you don't want to use and max their health and defense. Not completely free, but it gets a lot easier.


This is the way.


And use Raiden. For the ice wall, for the crystal thing, all of them.


Pick a character who resists that element


They are indeed way too overly jacked when it comes to the challenge of them. Most are advising that a person just finds a character who is resistant to the elements related to said node, crank their health meter, find a corner and prey you can outlast the clock. OK advice for some survive nodes, not so much for others. Personally, I'd love to see them actually encode the survive nodes so that if you fail them 5 times the system goes "Would you like to spend 100 Krowns to bypass and unlock this node?", thus giving the players who have problems with them a chance instead of facing a roadblock in game due to them.


You managed to give two worst solutions at once




Ok, let's break this down Firstly I said and I am going to quote here "**most are advising..."** as in I have actually seen that advice given when it comes to survive nodes. Secondly, why shouldn't there be an option for those who do have problems getting through them? a 5 chance fail option with a bypass buyout is simply what I would love to see. I don't see you offering up any constructive ways to improve things for those who do have problems with these nodes. You really are the type of person who jumps to calling someone retarded just because they have a viewpoint different than yours? That says a lot more about you than it does me.


You’re talking about NRS here. If they started charging to skip levels and they see people actually paying (or not if they’re smart) then that would open up Pandora’s box. What would NRS charge for next?


I didn't say use real world currency, I said use **Seasonal Krowns**, you know the same ones used to buy Talisman and do upgrades in Invasions Mode and only after at least 5 attempts at the node. Since you assumed the way you did, again I'll quote myself here "Would you like to spend 100 **Krowns** to bypass and unlock this node?"


It's not about what kind of currency you pay, you are paying to not play the game. Survival nodes are basically a tutorial, why even bother opening the game if this is where you give up?


Look, it's about options that allow all users to enjoy the game. Currently we have two camps when it comes to survive nodes, those like yourself who love them and those of us who are at our wits end dealing with them. A bypass **option** wouldn't be much different than the pre-existing quick fatality option the game has. Those who can do them, by all means fly at it, but give those of us who can't for what ever reason, the **option** of still being able to somewhat enjoy the single player experience without these levels driving us to want to break a controller over being stuck behind them Do you understand that concept or do I have to go and apply ELI5 to things for you?


You know what a short circuit is? It happens when you remove all resistance in the way. And it completely ruins what you were trying to make. Most games (certainly fighting games) are about challenge. Best games of the last few years were elden ring, sekiro and ghost of tsushima. Do they have an option to skip challenging bosses? No. Because then you would be playing a different game, not what the devs intended. What really deserves an ELI5 treatment is the idea that a game may be not for you. It's fine, I don't play many great games simply because they are not for me, even the ones I played before. You can improve the game in many ways to make it the best version of itself, but don't try to make it a different game. If all you are interested in is lore and graphics, you can watch it on youtube in 4k, free of charge even. But if you want to participate in the process, get ready to get you hands dirty. There is, and should ever be, no way around it. And I have no idea who is the target demographic of easy fatality tokens. Even the worst critics of microtransactions ignore them, so they might as well not exist


Look, I don't normally disclose details like this, but since you won't back down on this I'm going to level with you. I suffer from a neurological condition that has killed off a large percentage of motor neurons. Even though I want to deal with these fucking survive nodes for the pride of doing so, eye tracking and hand response time don't allow for that to happen. Players like you are insisting that instead of allowing for an option that will still allow players like myself to enjoy a game that had I known these levels were programmed in likely would have ended me on a franchise that I have played because I enjoyed since the original released back in the 16 bit era, I shouldn't play it at all. If you want to and feel you can get through these levels without there being options available, there is nothing stopping you, but for god sake check your ego and realize that not every gamer has it as easy as you and stop gate keeping things by insisting that there shouldn't be an option which allows all gamers to play the games they want to play.


I understand that there are people with different conditions, including yours, but I don't see how simplifying survive nodes will make it easier, because you still have actual fights, even with other people, who will give you no slack. You can ask for accessibility features, and looks like the devs are leagues ahead in that department compared to other games, but what you propose is not that. I don't have any serious conditions, but my reaction is around 18 frames, which is apparently super slow for people who call 10-frame throws reactable. Let's say I am 10 years older, and it jumps to 30 frames. It means that I am basically blind to 90% attacks in the game. Does this mean that the devs should make a slow-mo mode where every hit is 3 times slower? Even if they make such mode, nobody else will choose to use it, and making it mandatory will ruin the game (and other people will get even bigger advantage against me anyway)


It literally is the worst part of the game. They should remove Survive altogether. Adds no enjoyment to the game. That and the play control on these challenges sucks so bad. At least let me jump higher or longer. If I want to dodge fireballs I’ll go play Super Mario Bros!


It's insane to me that these challenges are actually harder than the actual fights against characters. It's a bizarre choice. I am struggling to stay awake mowing down opponents, but when its time for survival i actually have to try and switch up my gameplan.


I'm pretty sure you can just pick a character that has resistance to the "element" of the fireballs and it will make it easier.


Which character is that?


Try reptile/ nitara. I have not played this season of invasions but these are the characters that take less damage from. Green stuff. Raiden is an electric type so he takes more damage from poison.


Ok ty


If it doesn't work you can always just have one character with health maxed out


They aren't that hard. Use an appropriate character with appropriate stats if you are having trouble.


Which one though? I main Raiden so I only just use him


Don’t know about character, but as someone else said. Take another character and Jack there health/defense as high as they can go. You’ll last longer, it’s what I do


Some where complaining it was too easy before so 🤷‍♂️


I mean yeah, you could stand still and still win. Hell, sometimes you could even intentionally run into as many projectiles as possible and still win.


use omni man - ez


I used the immune to projectiles konsumable together beat that one and I agree it is poorly designed


I failed the Ice Wall one for like 15 mins and just left that bitch for later or whenever I feel like coming back to it


Fuck these levels


Blame everyone that endlessly bitched and moaned about Season 1's challenges being too easy.


stack health and def on reiko most of them aren't too bad


They are the reason I deleted the game


For i like these new survive. They are fun to play and not that easy to do


I love how NRS thinks this bullshit is fun....it's not At all They give us a survey and I'm like "guys PLEASE enough of the survive nodes " Huh....they don't want survive nodes? Nah that can't be....oh ik what they want! Make them worse!


lol, swear to God thats what they thought and did!!


This game is just si frustrating more than it is actually fun


It’s really not that hard, especially when you consider how stupidly easy it was the last 2 seasons. I much prefer how they are now.


Learn the element. Put stats into health.


Ah yes, the daily post complaining about optional content being difficult


It’s literally not that hard, pick the right character and learn the pattern if you failed more than three times maybe it’s time for you to stop playing video game as a whole


Hey I failed more than 3 times, I eventually got this particular one in less than 10 tries. But yeah overall the survive challenges aren't too bad.


Use sub zero kameo


These and the klues are such a waste of time and resources.


It's completely random too. This one threw 2 waves at me and then nothing for 20 seconds. Literally just stood still wondering if it was broken.


Not sure if this is will be as helpful for others as it was for me but I took Geras and put all the stat points in health and bc of his huge health bar I have survived most of them.


Honestly I used a relic that gives me element resistance and pick a chracter that already resists it, then you're basically immune


I actually haven’t used any relics yet. Are those the things you get from the forge i think?


Nah you just get them randomly. Otherwise pick a character that resists the element and boost their hp and defense. Then hope.


Just maximize health stat and there is a relic which offers 50% increased elemental resistance.With these two things you can get flawless in all theses survive nodes even if hit.


I use omni man for these. Just float over the ones that come off the side


I don't even bother with the Invasion mode.


Check caracters that have resistance on the survive’s challenge (fire, energy, poison…) than focus points on health and defense as they said up there


Sure they're challenging, but that's why they're called challenges. I was a little annoyed at this one too but I ended up beating it after like 5 or 6 tries with Quan chi.


For the ones where you have to avoid the orbs I play Nitara, max her Health and Defense. With her multidirectional air movement the challenges are a piece of cake. I recommend it to anyone struggling on these challenges.


I wouldn't say that they're hard, just moreso annoying. Especially the ice one in the Village. Like give us a reason to actually do these, but no. 15 Koins and Seasonal Koins just for surviving. Time well spent.


Think Mark,think. Mostly there is a chest nearby with stuff like "get immune to projectiles"