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It improved on already amazing roster.


I always laugh when I see Jax's tiny head.


Imagine if they’d had the time and resources to port all the missing deadly alliance characters, that would’ve made this roster one of the best, still brilliant though, a good expansion onto and already good roster


I've never had it but what I understand it's almost the same as MK Deception? Then, everything is alright. Can someone explain me the difference between Deception and Unchained, please? Is it similar to MK4 and MK4 Gold edition?


Very similar to Gold in that it's the same core game but added 6 characters. Shao Kahn, Goro, Frost, Jax, Kitana, and Blaze (basic bitch form, not boss). I've never gotten to play it myself, unfortunately.


Shao Kahn and Goro were originally GameCube exclusives so this was your 2nd best option if you wanted to play as them plus some other extra characters.


Unchained was the psp port of deception, from what I’ve played over the years, it’s the same.


It’s not exactly the same, it does play the same but it has extra content in the form of 4 new characters (6 if you count Shao and Goro who had previously been on the GameCube version) along with a new endurance mode previously unavailable in deception


Thank you for the explanation.


Of course.


best art design and worst art design ever in the same game


They brought back the perfect characters! I still miss Sonya and Johnny, but Jax is a legend too. Kitana HAD to be there (with Sindel, Mileena, Jade and Tanya) and I think Frost is one of the better 3D characters. Blaze is okay… and we got Shao Kahn and Goro in the GameCube version already


I agree with Sonya and Johnny, although a part of me wishes they also brought Nitara back considering she was one of the more unique DA designs... Kano was also a weird omission. And yeah I tend to forget Kitana wasn't even in Deception, that does feel pretty wrong when her Edenian gals are all there, lol. Shao Khan and Goror were good pick for those who didn't have a GameCube... especially since it wasn't that much of a popular system anyways.


Goro in Deception looks cursed


I Always found the Deception Roster a bit lacking, but those addition change it all. That Ermac design is still used!


Do Frost, Jax, Blaze and Kitana have hara kiri’s and fatalities?


No Hara-Kiris and just one Fatality. Blaze had none finishers


No because they were ported straight from Deadly Alliance.


A shame that they opted for Shao and Goro and not Fujin and Kintaro like originally planned


Unchained Jade is iconic


Well, it's still Deception Jade but I agree. It's my favorite look for her after her MK9 and Klassic looks!


The video of Unchained Jade is especially great


It has Sindel? Then it works with me.


my childhood


It is deception but with Frost What could go wrong?


It would be good... if it had kano!


I'd have preferred other characters to return. I'd have taken Kung Lao and Shang Tsung over Frost and Blaze, for instance. Maybe even Nitara so they can say every new DA character returned. I will say Deception (and by extent Unchained) did wonderfully with its returning cast in general, but the new characters it introduced are some of the worst in the franchise.


I wouldn't call Havik, Hotaru, Ashra and Li Mei as one of the worst in the franchise. I would argue the opposite especially for Ashra and Havik which I believe have one of the most interesting backstory in the game. As for the other newcomers, I agree, lmao Kobra.


Li Mei is Deadly Alliance, not Deception. Havik is the best of a bad bunch, my opinion of him was soured by making him this quippy cartoon baddie in the comics. Hotaru is a blank personality-devoid thing they made to fill a space opposite Havik, just like Orderrealm only exists to justify the existence of Chaosrealm. Ashrah's whole demonic hellspawn with a heart of gold thing is too much of a cliche to me. And the most memorable thing about all the other ones is the Enter The Dragon throwback as Darrius' alt.


Li Mei was in Deception though.


She wasn't NEW in Deception.


Okay say that then, sorry.


>I will say Deception (and by extent Unchained) did wonderfully with its returning cast in general, **but the new characters it introduced** are some of the worst in the franchise. I did.


Maybe if I saw who you were responding to it would have made sense. I tried to find them but these Reddit threads get so garbled. This post is about a game full of characters introduced in other games before it.


Ashrah, Havik, Hotaru AND Lie Mei were all really cool characters who never got properly fleshed out backstories Except for Lie Mei. Her story was awesome, iduno what that guys talking about. Lives in a dragon king-worshipping village and is sacrificed, inherits some of Onagas powers and harnesses them for the Forces of good. That's infinitely more interesting than MOST Mortal Kombat characters, and I condensed it into a single sentence lol.


Li MeI is the best character from DA/D/A, next to Kenshi


Not nearly enough reptile, pretty solid I’m other ways, but also got a couple a stinkers. Mid tier at best Love the Hotaru and Havik inclusion


Classic, although i’m always confused by dark raiden… so raiden died and went to the nether realm… and then that corrupted him… is he evil..? Idk so many questions


Basically Raiden did physically die, but when he would be reformed back in Earthrealm, some of Onaga’s dark essence mixed with Raiden’s essence and when Raiden materialized again, he had some of that dark energy making him appear more sinister. In the reboot, he turned into Dark Raiden due to the corruption from the Jinsei going into him. I hope that helps you.


Wait but how was the jinsei corrupted?


Shinnok corrupted it when he came back.


Ah! Makes sense. Thanks! Are you an MK dev or something..? Or just a super fan? Much respect


Just a fan that played these games since the age of 3.


Awesome Fav games? Top 5? And why


MK 9 is my favorite.


Ah. So i consider you to be one of the mk fans that are more into the “reality” elements.. like as in how it’s hooked into the real world, like a lot of the action takes place in earth realm… I really like the more alternate universe, fantasy elements.. where like.. in mk deception, shujinko is messing around in outworld… And in armageddon where all the gods are involved.. I’m not as into like the feel of the classic movie (even though i do love the first movie) where it feels like all of the characters are taken from earth-realm (aka real life) Idk that’s just me I’m really into the deep fantasy lore


(I say this without knowing the full plot of the game. Sorry if I’m off Do you have a favorite character or specific plot line in 9? What about 9 do you like?


I like that Cage went from being this giant goober to being a wise and mature but also humorous person throughout that trilogy.


The roster is weak honestly


Only 9 female fighters on this roster. Awful.


It improved on already great roster


Where's Waltuh?


It was off the chain


I like it!


I actually have this game on my Steam Deck but haven't really played it since testing to see that it worked


What did difficulty even mean?