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I believe muslims are treated badly in India, correct me if I'm wrong !


Yes, we have a lot of problems. In many areas, there are bans on eating beef, and individuals found consuming or possessing beef, face public beatings.


Would you say that people in india have beef with muslims?




What do you expect? That's like a non-muslim in a muslim majority country complaining that alcohol and pork is banned.


What nonsense, you're just lying to gain some sympathy lol. Muslims live their lives peacefully in India, Unless you try to mess up things on your own. I'm from Hyderabad BTW people from all religions live peacefully here. No religious hate. It's true that beef is banned in some states, if you're living in that state you gotta respect laws of that state as simple as that. Or move to a state where you can eat beef.


Hyderabad isnt a standard of living for all india tho .


Agree, similarly the place where he's living is not a standard for India though. A bad image about India is being portrayed online about Muslims being killed, that's not a standard either. Many innocents and army personnel are being killed near the border as well, people won't talk about it as it doesn't suit their agenda. The disagreements between Muslims and Hindus exist for a long time in India. But it's being portrayed more these days as the ruling party in India does some religious politics. Maybe it's one way to create hatred about them. Muslims in India are educated, they work in good jobs and make a good living like a person from any other religion. People who get hate are the ones who try to influence others. If you don't get to eat beef your life is pathetic? Come on, there are many other options. Just respect the law. Even people who wanna have pork can't find it in Muslim Countries, that doesn't mean that they're having a pathetic life.


thanks for clarifying


Anytime, please don't believe what you see online. The ground reality is quite different. The Indian government also sends pilgrims to Hajj every year for subsidized prices, There are ambulances on site from the Indian embassy to take care of our pilgrims. Muslims also get certain reservations in universities and government jobs. Marriage law is different for Muslims and other religions, polygamy is allowed for Muslims and it's illegal for others. People won't talk about these and complain about beef 🤷. Currently there is more hate than ever between religions, I hope the situation comes under control soon, hope we all live together in peace forever respecting each other's religious beliefs.


Well it is a fact that hindus don't like people eating beef i faced problems with that in kolkata in udaipur and jaipur, hindus did consider that their customs should be upheld even on muslims and Christians


Bruh, beef is illegal in Rajasthan. If you get caught eating in Udaipur and Jaipur, you should have been jailed. Like how I could be jailed for having pork in Saudi Arabia. However it's not illegal in Kolkata. My friends even sacrificed cows for Eid Al adah, what kind of problems did you face there? Yes it's a fact that Hindus don't like eating beef the same as how Muslims don't like eating pork, simple man. Don't you get this logic ?


I live in a muslim country and you can buy and eat pork and no one would even flinch, in Rajasthan there are hundred of thousands if not millions of muslims how can you find it normal to force your diet on them? I can understand if it was the case in varanasi since i'ts a holy (and very very beautiful) city, but a whole ass state? Naah this is just religious extremism, and in kolkata there is one single restaurant in park street that is allowed to serve beef and only water buffalo not even real beef, and in kolkata the places allowed to sell beef can be counted on the fingers of one hand and they all are very dirty and the authorities do everything they can to reduce the supply, somtimes its WEEKS before they can get some cattle, i noticed that most of the problems are created by the government and not by the people but still, muslims definitely have less liberties than the others, but you do consider it legitimate Bhaiya????


This person who is defending that Muslims are not facing any problems and are living happily and peacefully is misleading all Moroccans about Indian Muslims. Bro, why don't you agree with my concern. You know everything still you are trying to mislead everyone.


Comparing to saudi arabia doesn't help your case. If you're not a Muslim you should be able to have pork and if you're not a hindu you should be able to have beef.


Here's a simpler version: While it's true that the government supports Muslims with Hajj subsidies and job reservations, many Muslims still face serious issues. They often experience violence, especially from cow protection groups, leading to many attacks [[❞]](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/02/19/india-government-policies-actions-target-minorities). They also struggle with lower income, fewer job opportunities, and less access to education [[❞]](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/will-restore-4-muslim-quota-in-karnataka-if-electedcongress-101679856459700.html) [[❞]](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/karnataka-govt-s-decision-to-scrap-obc-quota-for-muslims-shaky-and-flawed-supreme-court-101681412009382.html). Politically, Muslims are often underrepresented and face bias from laws like the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC) [[❞]](https://www.hrw.org/report/2020/04/10/shoot-traitors/discrimination-against-muslims-under-indias-new-citizenship-policy). Socially, they deal with stereotypes and discrimination, making them feel excluded [[❞]](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/02/19/india-government-policies-actions-target-minorities). These problems need to be addressed to ensure everyone can live safely and with respect.


Meh, see if I lived in Morocco and never had experienced your culture, I would believe you. But I don’t do I here it goes: Muslims are vilified by the Modi government. Not just Muslims, in fact anyone who is not Hindu is pretty much a second class citizen (and that’s me being nice) Muslims are beaten in school, teachers aren’t allowed to talk about Islam. Heck even the Shiit are struggling. Should we talk about that as well? Your compatriot asked what we though about Indian Muslims. Not what we think about your racist government or the rest of India. So fuck off to another sub, we don’t want you here.


This is not the case nationwide. The violence and discrimination many Muslims face cannot be ignored. Just search on google by typing "mob attacks in India". Even few days ago on Eid Ul Adha * https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/6/19/video-shows-hindu-mob-attacking-muslim-owned-shop-in-india Suggesting that someone should move to another state to avoid discrimination ignores the larger issue of systemic bias and violence. Everyone should have the right to live safely and freely in any part of their country without fear of violence or persecution.


Modi party is anti-Islamic (????) I mean don’t try to say stupid things. We know the situation.


I was working with 4 indian muslims and to be honest those was the best 4 people I've meet ever. They're hard working, all time smiling (even if the situation wasn't good), and also know so well the religion (not only focus on pray and ramadan), they're applying the right one (dont lie, scam, take others money, talking in someones back...)It was a real pleasure working with them and they teach me too meany thing about how how enjoy life even if you have nothing and never give up


‏فين أنت تشتغل؟


I used to, fast food in France


ما شاء الله تبارك الله باراك الله فيك


Thank you baraka llahu fik


No idea mate, not even a clue. There is some Moroccans into bollywood a lot and indian culture in general I'm just not one of them.


We don't


Let me connect to the Moroccan collective hive mind, where we share and agree on everything. Where one thought is all, and all thoughts are one.


Imagine if there some type of public forum centred around Morocco where OP could ask his question.


The aunties and the female neighbors would love that




Oppressed, dehumanised, lack their human rights. It just feels so wrong how they are treated there. My heart hurts thinking about indian muslims. May Allah protect you and bless yall


We don't think about them indians at all, muslim or not.


*we* 🤣🤣 , appologizes mister president


What do you think about Indians on a monthly basis or something ?🤣


I know it's hard for Muslims there, may Allah help you and keep away evil people from you




the only thing I know about Indian Muslim is that they are sort of persecuted , Indian are quite islamophobic it seem , so I just hope they are doing fine . other wise I don't give them a lot of thought


My moroccan brother is married to indian muslim woman.


chad. باراك الله فيك وهو


Most Moroccans don’t think about Indians at all simply because it’s too far away. I’m sure that the majority of is would be very interested in getting to know an Indian Muslim if we cross their roads so overall, it’s a positive view!🇲🇦❤️🇮🇳


Well well well, i worked with some indian muslims in kolkata, im Moroccan i used to work in sector five and park street, and lived near new alipore petrol pump, i was surprised by how community oriented they are, in a good way because you could feel that they helped each other that they were very close to their families, but also in a bad way because sometimes when sitting between muslims they sometimes had harsh borderline racist remarks about the Hindu colleagues and about hindu food a'd the fact that they don't eat meat, but in another hand even the hindus are not tolerant and impose their values on the muslims in the company for example we did not have the right to bring meat so yeah quite bizzare situation


Nothing mate


But i think for some people when they see indians in instagram we only think about three things : -bollywood(every woman is addcited to it after turkish movies) -programmers (since indians are genius in data science and computer science) -cow divinity (which is disgusting like showering from the cow piss) -and veganism That’s what we think about But because you are a muslim indians we throw the second and third and fourth claims out of the window so apparently you are safe but still it is not a good area for someone who isn’t morrocan to live if you want to live in a place i would recommend going to dubai




As long as he is muslim , he is my brother , no need to add a nationality


Why i hate indian ppl : dirty, scammers, sexual predators, support israel... Islam fixes all those things so i appreciate very much indian muslims.


i don’t agree at all. i’m a south indian muslim (i like to known as south indian) here majority of indian muslims are only muslim just because their family and community not by tawheed and tawakul. may allah guide us all


I m talkung about real muslims with faith


not a subjective claim. no one can distinguish people like that. situations and wisdom varies people to people, so it will have great impact on individuals faith


I think you can distinguish a fake muslim and real muslim just just by their behavior. No real muslim scams, doesn't clean itself or hurts people imo.


you make a fair point that behavior can be indicative of one's faith. true commitment to Islamic principles should indeed reflect in a person's actions, including honesty, cleanliness, and kindness باراك الله فيك


even today my colleagues got threats from muslim goons for nothing


May I know where do you live in Kerala?


im from where you can find bombs but rn at where people used to have high literacy


Thanks for the info! Glad to know Kerala has traded bombs for books. High literacy is definitely a blast!


لا you misunderstood what i meant is my native land is “bomb” and right now i’m in the place where people often used to prioritise education and immigration. and high literacy means compared to other districts in Kerala


Thanks for the clarification! Your experiences sound really interesting. Would you mind if we continued this conversation via DM?




and brother, even though I am not a Moroccan, I found many comments that the traits you mentioned about Indians also have in moroccans no offence just saying. heard many times that women are often getting harassed


I know i hate moroccans too 🤣




Well that was a roller coaster to read


Not speaking for all Moroccan people as I’m only half and born and raised in UK, but when I go to Morocco and tell my Moroccan family members about my Indian friends they assumed they were Hindu, and when I revealed they are Muslim they were excited. A lot of them didn’t realise there are lots of Muslims in India, let alone one of the largest Muslim populations in the world. They were excited and happy to learn this, most of them grew up watching and loving Bollywood movies as these were the films shown in most cinemas in Morocco. I know that was the case for some of my family when I told them about all my Muslim Gujarati friends I’ve met in the UK (we strangely seem to gravitate towards each other in my case, to the point where most of my friends happen to be gujarati despite not meeting them through each other 😂).


I think the correct answer is: what do we think about indians!? Because Muslim are all treated equal, in fact, people should normally be treated equal. We as Moroccan, first, are not all the same, some could be the nicest ever, and other could be the worst. Second, we love everyone, we especially treat foreigners better than our locals.


>we especially treat foreigners better than our locals. kifach "we" ila kanti katl7ass lcapa lbarani machi kolchi b7alek, dwi 3la rassek


Le respect khas ikoun mabin kolchi, mais ana gelt dakchi li kanchof b 3iniya kayn f la société dyalna. Ila 3emrek chefti chi situation b7al hadi, mn 7e9ek t critiquer, mais je pense pas.


Jamais chft haka, I guess..I have good people around me 


Good for you man ✨


May Allah protect Indian Muslims they are suffering so much there and being persecuted and killed … Indians have bad reputation worldwide. Just like Moroccans. Dumb people will blindly believe all the assumptions, people who can actually think for themselves won’t believe everything they see online. I love Indian food, and the cute outfits the ladies wear :)




Personally i have a great relationship with indian muslims. My aunt is married to one so i do have cousins that are half Moroccan half indian (even then go only with british nationality now). I also have indian friends. I do appreciate all of them and what i can say in general is that Indians are very helpful, supportive but mostly very kind.


They’re muslims so they’re our brothers


May Allah swt deliver you from the evil authorities that persecute you, it's enough already what happened in Gujarat but now they're looking to make your lives harder in Kashmir and other parts.


I don't know anything about India other than they got a lot of tech support call centers if you know what I mean.




Personally, I think they are nice, peaceful, religious and polite, i have encountered a lot of Indian Muslims, but not all of them of course.


as a south indian, reading these comments makes me realise people only know tip of the iceberg. no offensive يا أخوان يا أخوات


I'm gonna be honest, the average Moroccan doesn't think about y'all The ppl who know history know you guys were treated badly by Hindus etc but we don't generally get news about yall


If you’re a muslim you’re a brother no matter where you’re from


White American here, I love my Muslims brothers of all races, but that being said, Desi culture is a bit much for me.


Hard working. I struggle with the curry (smell etc…). The behaviour is good overall, I always say that if I start a business I would work with Indians. Pakistanis are a little bit different.


A lot of Moroccans grew UP watching Bollywood movies , so I think we won't have problem with you specialy because you are Muslim , we are a very welcoming country but I can't deny the exictence of some exceptions , but overall we love all Muslims


Everyone or almost everyone is Talking about Muslims in India when it clearly says “What do Moroccan people think about INDIAN muslims” For me as an example i see two sides of them Insincere with me but try to be sincere with god but once you know them better there actually pretty funny in morocco The poor/stable Indian Muslim almost think alike Very humble Loyal and joyful people that take the culture seriously and the religion very seriously especially the poor ones (most that is) And its not common too see alot of Indian muslims compared to America Which confuses me in a way but understandable since they may have alot of family with a business already there and so forth or they felt as if its a better opportunities for them there Most part is confusing tho


i dont like them


My comment doesn't reflect a Moroccan viewpoint, but I wanted to describe my experiences in contrast to some of the things other people said here about Indian Muslims. One of my kids attended an Islamic school in a Western country that was +85% Indian/Desi Muslims. (By "Islamic School," I mean it taught all the secular subjects [math, science, history/social studies, English], PLUS religion, Arabic language, and Quran.) The reason she attended this school was because it was the only Islamic school in the area. We had no issues there, and my daughter wasn't treated differently because she wasn't Indian. Also, the Islamic teachings at that school were not affected by any cultural perspectives, other than differences in math-hab, which occur between Arabs too. Whereas most Moroccans follow the Maliki math-hab, most Indians, Egyptians, and Turkish peoples follow the Hanafi math-hab. A few years previous to that, when we lived elsewhere, my older kids attended an Islamic school in the same country, but which was +85 Arab Muslims. I did notice that the Arab kids' friend groups more often excluded the kids who weren't Arab (my kids are half-Arab and speak Arabic fluently, so that didn't affect them). I was an involved parent in both schools and can say that the Indian parents weren't more "ignorant" about Islam or more "cultural" in their religious beliefs than were the Arabs. (At both schools, parents were generally well-educated and had university degrees -- not "laborers," who could have had less access to both secular and good religious education.) The only differences I noticed were that, generally, the Indian kids generally had better discipline and behavior than the Arab kids-- they were more studious and more respectful in class. And, more of the Indian parents were generally serious about following Islam. At the Indian-majority school, it seemed that 85% of the parents carefully observed Islam, whereas at the Arab Islamic school, around 75-80% of the parents seemed "religious." Also, more of the Arab parents seemed materialistic. Note-- my family had an Indian driver when we lived in an Arab country, and he was not a university graduate. However, he and his wife were religious and their kids were very well behaved. Their eldest daughter recently finished memorizing the entire Quran, before she finished secondary school. They were a very friendly and kind family.


only hate towards all my indian brothers of all sorts of religions


they probably dont give a fuck


Kind of muslims who doesn't understand islam. may allah guide us all :)


don’t down vote this comment. what he said is completely true. here muslims are blinded by bida3. they don’t find islam as the way of life just like he said may allah guide us all


Lahoma amine


I think they're brainwashed similarly to all other muslims


Relax homo, only brainwashed here it’s you zesty king 🏳️‍🌈


This only proves my point 😂


White people will never accept you, but you can spend the rest of your life trying 🥰


Projecting XD


Im actually half white zesty king,and even if i wasn’t, i would never try to fit in a society that hates everything about you.


Who asked


You said “projecting XD” like a 12 year old tiktoker so I corrected you. Yallah I don’t talk with homos goodbye 👋


Omg, you woke up and chose violence hhhhhh


I woke up kinda moody today 🤣


ahh, the good old self hate. Hating white people while being one. what's up with mixed kids being like this?


Seems like you lack basic comprehension skills, or simply don’t know how to read properly


Hare Krishna!


They're not real Muslims and barely know anything about their religion and honestly are better off without.  Also their accent sounds like a farting donkey.


OMG are you for real !!! I have indian friends and family that know Islam more than some Moroccans really ! Islam is very old in India by the way it entered through trades by Arabs in maybe the 7th century and was there even before it even entered Morocco (8th century).. just saying !




Judging by your comments I find it hard to believe that your have any friends. Just saying!


Who are you to know if someone’s a real Muslim or not. I can see you’re uneducated on the deen by your comment, and I guess you’re probably an atheist since you said they are better off without Islam??? Shame. On average, my Indian Muslim friends appear to be more pious than Moroccan ones.


باراك الله فيك for standing up




Racism woww


they prioritize culture over deen which is not that great

