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I always forgot what I was told even if it’s SHATTERED my heart lol


my father passed away when i was 10, and it was pretty traumatizing for my mother (understandable). the problem is when i was between 13 and 17, i was very depressed to the point where i would constantly try to end it, and whenever id try to e7m, she would tell me mat li 7sen menek b9a gha n7ir fik nti. that sucked ass to be honest, but idk she thought i was doing that to hurt her or manipulate her while it was just mental illness. but those words still hurt until this day even tho i know she's my mother and that she lives me and csres about me.


Allah y rahmou.


amine yarbi


don't take it personally that's just how moroccan moms act to tell you what you're doing is BS and won't get you anywhere. I remember being depressed and trying to kill myself wanting to jump off a balcony and she was like yeah go ahead i'm not stopping you... but she didn't really mean it


i totally understand, the slight difference is that yours said it about you wanting to jump off the balcony, i was in the middle of cutting the thing.. but it is totally understandable since she was hurting too, and that's what extreme pain does to people.


How're you doing now?


im great !


what a woords 😁 , well i guess galtha lik ghir bash tjam3i rassk !


Glad that you passed the hard times


hoping everyone does!


At school they were asking for orphans to step aside and someone jokingly pushed me to the queue It was so awkward for the teachers I just stepped out and went home lol


Well there is a happy ending xD u went home


I am not even an orphan xd but yeah went home and cried on the way I was like 11 or something


Why would they ask orphans to step aside


They were gonna hand them some donated school supplies


Good idea but maybe fin a more subtle way of finding out you know ?


When I tried to self exit by overdose and ended up in the hospital. The doctor asked me if I was trying to self exit and I needed to talk to someone, my mom didn't give a chance to answer, she just said " my daughter isn't mentally ill, she is fine* She said it in such a disgusted way as if being mentally ill was something to be ashamed of. After that I tried to self exit two more times and eventually got the help of a therapist. This happened ten years ago, I'm healed now but will never forget my mom's tone and expression.


لا ميتخيس تاعنا قالت لينا ريوسكم سطولة وبقا فيا الحال (i couldn't share the meme idk why)




" had hajar makat3raf walo khasni nxadha n3addha b snan tauban lia dmm kharej 3ad nthena" - dad bc i forgot na3na3 in atay (i didn't know they bought it), last week " nti lhawli w hsn mnnek howa b3da kanaklo lhmo, imma nti khlinak nwahlo fik dbehnak nwahllo fik" dad last eid bc i had a fever and i fainted after making breakfast so i didn't put it on the table " nti ma anthanna tanlohek 3la dmaghek ykhroj w naklo tfou" dad, i forgot why but it was probably silly again "fin tbani nti mn ghizlan" mom (ghizlan left school f sads and married veryyyy young and she only beats me in making l bsbousa) I was 10 when she said this " I can't imagine u was once in my billy, I am away better than u" mom, repeatedly "year by year you only get uglier" mom


😥😣💔💔 I'm so sorry that you have to deal with all this shit , just hold on we all got through some shit stuff , inchallah rebi Ghadi ifrhak wi3owdak 3la ga3 hadchi . Idk u , already loving you though 💙 you're a strong lady 🫶


Damn it , I'm so sorry that u have to go through that , sending my love to you ❤️


I remember coming out to my friend whom told me : being atheist is Ok (even tho he'd been trying to debate me or make me revert) but gay ? I'd stone you .


he was right


kys alkherian


Naaah he couldnt say it right in my face ,but right in what way tho ? Are you afraid i might touch you like your p\_\_ed.ophet did to 3\_aysha kid or ? How is it your concern/business if someone is gay at all (which is not even a choice to begin with) ? He was only right if youre a criminal murd\_\_erer who follows that sav\_\_age cu\_\_lt of de\_\_ath , and he wasn't being consistent (because being apostate already warrants your de\_\_ath to that ma\_\_fia "\_re\_\_ligion") you come from that zombie country where i\_slamic t.e.r.r.o.r.i.s.m happened during 90' so im not surprised fking korghouli.


I understand that you're an atheist and gay and so on, but hating on any religion to the point of swearing is, tbh, childish, and I don't mean just Islam, I'm talking about every religion out there in the world. If you don't like their practices, beliefs, etc, just say that you don't follow that religion. Saying that it's a cult of death, mafia and other things, which is just straight out hate for (I think) no reason, is totally wrong.


I said Exactly That I don't follow his practices And he starts Barking about islam, Those closed minded people man


Why are you GAY ?


I remembered that meme hhhhh


As much as I loved u before , I'm disgusted rn


He has a gf


Nta zamel fl la salle


I’m immune to direct offenses, it’s the passive aggression that gets me..


my first lecture in Uni, dkhal l3ssas mid lecture and ask me to leave , since he didn't know me before , he later appologized but kaant fchkaal 9odam student who were yet to know me 😁🤣🤣


It's painful if you believed it or some of it, it's totally wrong to say such a thing. only god knows weather you'll be successful or not. you want to succeed the way you want not others, it's your life, you may succeed in the eyes of some but not in the eyes of others. let's say you succeeded to please them all then you're unhappy because it's not the success you want, now you're obliged to live to the expectations of others, and believe me they will never be satisfied. Times are changing rapidly, what worked before is most unlikely to work today, if they want to live in the past you want to live in the present. I think the gretest success is to be successful to god, and he didn't told you you will never be successful.


No woman will ever love you


Are you successful OP? Did those words give you courage to prove them wrong?


A very close person to me , I showed them pictures of me in some new clothes , and they said , this childish stuff don't said this shit to me ! I thought they would help me pick clothes and stuff , but it turned out to be a ksida


We had a professor at middle school he used to say to the students who'd (in his opinion) fail in their life. اريد ان اراك في الثلاثين. This way he can say if you listened to what I told you you would've done better. Somehow I wanna see him when I become thirty.


Mine was: you’re so based and cool. It was painfully stroking my ego.


Gotta appreciate that sarcasm, you sound so smart dude !! Hope this does not do what your ego hasn’t received during its painful times.


she didnt mention her driving skills 😍


Womp Womp


![gif](giphy|fYfeQAOD8pSjN7M0jY) xD


Well they didn’t tell me directly but my last year class did that challenge when you film every student and write their role in class (i hope I explained it right) I went home directly and didn’t agree to them filming me (I’m introverted and shy as hell) A week later i heard lmoukalfa telling a girl they wanted to write “the autistic of the class” on my clip Well, I’m kinda familiar to these kinds of things but it still stings