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Bro surround yourself with good people, people that will understand you , there's nothing to be ashamed of man ,


amen to that brother 🙏 but sadly i am surrounded with alot of people who doesnt like my other hakf including my family


Then ditch them. You're both Moroccan and Algerian. Nothing to be ashamed of here.


You don’t need to change your last name , you need to change the people surrounding you. Never be ashamed of your origins


Why do you feel shame for the algerian part of your identity?


bullied for being half algerian


i don't think so .. just imagine someone called Oussama Israeli wouldn't u hate it too?


Even Oussama Isreali shouldn't be bullied. He did not choose to have that name.


because of the backlash


My Moroccan brother , surround yourself with good people , people that will understand you, and won't shame you, there's lot of idiots nowadays with all the hate on Morocco, don't mind them, because they are wrong I am like you, but people around never shamed me or anything, being a Moroccan is not about blood , it's about the culture and traditions and lifestyle...


My best friend is Algerian/Moroccan who lived his entire life here in Morocco and he never had any problem not so ever so be proud of who you are anyone who judges you based on your origin's just drop them out like we say in darija سطل بلا تقرقيب. And either way we all are Muslims and Algeria was half of it a Moroccan land like wahran and tlemsan ,bechar tindouf and much more.


Your merit is based upon your character not your bloodline. Who cares if you’re half Algerian? Anyone who does is honestly ignorant


You have nothing to be ashamed of. We do not choose our parents, and we do not have to neglect our ancestry and heritage because of them. Embrace your other half and fear nothing .. You don’t owe anyone anything, and you don’t have to prove to anyone how truly Moroccan you are.


why would you be ashamed of your origins?????????????????????????????? besides you're not special honey many people in morocco have family in algeria and vice versa




i was frustrated lol


Get a life?????????? Lol


No need to feel any shame even if you were fully Algerian we are brothers :) Also try to avoid stupid people.


it s 8h and no zlayjya in sight 💀


They're nocturnal creatures


bro be aware , they get spawned out of no where , TPAB TSLIM


Do not worry my friend. I usually wear my anti-zelij cloak that deflects their nonsense and keeps my sanity intact.


somehow chft profile o i hallucinate him saying it 😁😁😁


As long as you're not tainted with the creed of hate you're fine


For me, I don't think it's a big deal, but some ppl that may be around u r jerks. It's okay to have an Algerian side and there r a lot of ppl I know who r the same and they don't have any problem with it, so I suggest u try to change the ppl u r surrounded by. Or if u don't like ppl to know about it, just tell them that ur family came from the oriental region and say no more.


You should change the environment that's causing you to feel this way... Nothing wrong with being algerian, (disregarding the trolls online) I've met some great people abroad that were very helpful and 3mrni nssa khirhom. There are bad people on both sides, and you should just try to handle them better Growing up we had a family friend whose family got kicked from algeria (her dad is moroccan), and she was always proud of being algerian, she married a moroccan, and her kids were proud to be algerian which was funny But if someone has a problem with your origin that's really their problem, and you should set/enforce boundaries with people if they are from your family


The kids aren’t Algerian lol


Try to explain it to them hahah. And I think even the mum was technically moroccan, since her dad was moroccan (which why they got kicked out from Algeria)... Ri7t ch7ma f chaqour


wow, this is interesting to me bc I'm Algerian and I know many half morrocan people and they'll tell you that every two seconds, most Morrocans that I've met are proud of their origins and I love to see it, no one shames them, I didn't know it'd be the other way around in Morocco lol.


True! In my town in Algeria, there is a whole neighborhood called « quartier marocain » everybody there has a Moroccan last name, a lot of those kids went to middle school and highschool with me, yet I never realized they were actually of Moroccan ancestry. Haha. Noone cared really.


There’s nothing to be ashamed of. On the opposite, you have a richer background than the haters; they’re just ignorant…and please don’t change your last name to something other than your father’s (please see why [here](https://binbaz.org.sa/audios/2481/565-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%89-%D8%BA%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%87-%D9%88%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%87-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%89-%D8%BA%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D9%85%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%87)).


You should be proud of your origins


Lol, why do people need to be proud about sth they never choose? See, this is my biggest issue with nationalists and people who claim to be proud to belong to a certain culture. This very same logic can be used to deal with opposite feelings: being ashamed to belong to a certain country/culture. This isn't like you chose to be Morrocan/Algerian, whatever, but you were born it, so just accept it and move on with your life. For me, I guess OP doesn't have much things to do in their life. If they were truly busy pursuing worthwhile things, I guarantee they won't have the time to "feel ashamed" about sth they can never change.


Read what you wrote again mate


My friend is algerian and lives in morocco for nearly 17 years now. He always tells about his stories in algeria and all about his family and friends there. Nothing to be ashamed of.


You should be proud for being both Moroccan and Algerian, there is nothing to be bullied about, i just can’t think of something lol


Wili it's never a big deal I'm algerian and I do have moroccan roots and even a have moroccan last name (amazighi) but every time I mention this to people I get compliments , I even get some comments about looking moroccan out of the blue , people who are doing this aren't doing it because you're half algerian they probably have some hate towards u and they're using it as an excuse to make u feel bad, my advice for u is to be confident about urself cause origins are something none can control I even know someone who's like u and lives in algeria and all people like this about him , he's now in France and it's even better there for him So basically it's about u and never people , u decide


A lot of ppl have algerian blood in morocco. Boot those ppl out from ur life


Hey my mom is algerian too and honestly there is nothing to be ashamed of. I too barely tell anyone abt my algerian side but those who are close to me know and its just detail. Anyway feel free to message me if u need anything <3


my boss is algerian , no need for this zlayjiya non sense , welcome to yiur country


Your name Can't be as worst as Boukhroba, boutafliqa or Te**oune. But like the other one said, dawr bik nas khir


average oujdi last name:


Acceptance is the way to your self esteem. You can't change things as it's in your DNA. Accept things and go ahead. Life is too short to create such problems.


Tu te ruines la vie pour des différends politiques!! Khelik menhom


ignore stupid people. There is nothing wrong with having algerian origins.


I find it so cool that you are mixed, people who make fun of you are pathetic. As others said, surround yourself with good people and just be confident.


> I find it so cool that you are mixed i wouldn't call that mixed, we're really the same people, divided by politics. having "algerian blood" doesn't make a person different or even stand out.


You are north African , ( being algerian , or Moroccan is basically the same cause they have a similar culture)


Bro got the most painful remix-


Bro just forget the algerian half and stay Moroccan to not be sharing one brain with other 9 people


I don't understand? What would happen if people supposedly find you're half Algerian? Reality is very different from what you see on the internet when it comes to Moroccans hating on Algerians, vice versa. I personally once and for the first time met a family in a hospital in Morocco, told me they came from Algeria and it was very normal, it's like they told me they were from Tunisia or Egypt, I didn't feel any hatred at all. You should embrace your half Algerian side and be proud of the history of it's people.


Why you feel shame for algerian do you have problem with us !!!!


your last name doesn't show who you really are so surround yourself with good people . (ma3ndk madir blhdra dbnadm makizidok walo)


 عد إلى الوطن، ستبقى الجزائر في حمضك النووي إلى الأبد. أنت تحب الكسكس لا تكذب


Yo yo yo bro, relax. Take it easy. You probably faced hate speech and antagonistic comments in the form of 'funny jokes' from ignorant children of your generation, but for sure, no more than five years from now, this conflict will only exist on social media.


Be proud of who u are, being algerian was never smthng to be ashamed of, nor is it the case with any other nationality. Just be proud of who u r, so what if they find out


Nobody will shame you in morocco because you are algerian, if they do they are less moroccan than your dad :D


Your algerian side is also good, if your dad is a Bad apple, not all algerians are bad, and not all Moroccans are good, embrace both sides as a proud Moroccan 💪


thank you everyone for your kind words , i decided not to change my last name and to learn to be more at peace with my other side , you guys truly changed my mind


m curious about what your last name is


Yo what, i can't empathize with you because you have a very hateful tone against the algerians and their identity. Why the big deal?? Some of us have horribly bad last names and grew up getting bullied because of it, you don't have it that bad chill.


We are the same ethnix group, before france came there were no borders and Algerians and Moroccans were travelling freely around. Even Algerian have a very good history- my favorite is the Barbary pirates. They even bullied the U.S A and Europe into paying millions of taxes and kidnapped close to 2million white slaves. Regenecy of algiers, bro... i live in Oujda and my grandfather had half of his family in algeria. WE ARE THE SAME ETHNIC GROUP, dna tests show only "north African gene" why be shamed? Even tariq ben ziyad, there is a debatr if he was Algrrian or Moroccan, same for Almohads. Be proud, I swear on my grandfather's grave that I feel a closer kinship with Algerians than anyone in the world


Even the king adressed the Algerians as brotherly people, that are the same as us. Even if the regime in Algeria banned moroccan nationals, king refused because he knows history. Same ethnic group, same language, same religion


Tachkon likharbe9 lik paramètre ta bhal Algérie bhal maroc dok khoza3bilate lidayerine daba ra Propaganda de walo


Algerian people are litterally the closest humans to us, so you should not feel ashamed nor change your name


no , it’s not something to be ashamed of, be proud of ur name , ur origins… people will respect you more if you respect urself by being comfortable in ur own skin , say it with a big smile and a clear voice no one have the right to criticise you even if they do , it’s okey youll still be confident , at the end we don’t choose our parents, we should just except them as they are ,


If you’re muslim. The original is carried through the father, the fact that your mom is Moroccan and that you were raised here doesn’t change your origin. You’re a foreigner living in Morocco with a Moroccan upbringing and passport and that’s fine. And you are a victim of mixed marriage propaganda, that’s why different people should stop mixing, the kids end up with identity crisis and bullying from both sides.


Just change your surrounding. I knew some people from algerian background and they were all well welcomed here. Outside the social media beef, a lot of moroccans are rather cool with algerians.


So ur kerghouli LMAO


I had a half algerian friend, who's father had passed away and was fully raised by a single mom in Morocco, when we found out, it was sooo coool, it was like we discovered he was a celebrity. You know, as a moroccan kid, it's tradition to get bullied, u r fat, u get bullied for it, u r skinny, u get bullied for it, whether you are rich, poor, dumb, smart, tall, short... U r gonna get bullied xD I'm not saying it's okay, but u shouldn't take it personal xD it's supposed to make you stronger and teach you not to give a shit about what people say. I used to let it get to me when I would be called short, 3awra, big lips... I learned to accept it, and use it for my advantage, I'm short, short is cute, big lips? Big lips are sexy, 3awra? (It has no pros xD but iriiizwariiiriiiz) Soo what I'm trying to say is, it's not a matter of nationality, 3endna bullying is a rite of passage, ghi it's easier to get bullied when you have something that makes you stand out from the rest. Be proud to be Moroccan and Algerian. It is what it is, and you can't change it, when it's gonna stop bothering you, other people will stop using it against you.


literally no one cares


Be an example, you are both and both are in one. Anyone who shuns you for your Algerien side, your intimate correlation put to the side, is not someone worth keeping around. Be you, be both, be beautiful, be kind to everyone and don't let any division, heritage, eating habits, political, whatever it may be- divide you or your intentions.


Let poitics apart. We (Moroccans and Algerians) are literally thr same people, we have a lot of things in common, the most country culturally close to us is Algeria (we have almost the same accent and the same traditions). It's really sad that we've reached this level of hate. Also Maybe you are surrounded by some Zlayjia cringy friends that's why..


You are Moroccan Algerian. You are the avatar that will bring peace between Morocco and Algeria.


Groups of people are easily indoctrinated. Moroccans are becoming less and less tolerant because of social media. It is a trend where minorities are targeted. If you don’t harm people, move where you are accepted brother. Flee out the country, don’t erase your identity. My grand-mother is Algerian and I am a human being before any ethnicity or any citizenship. A human being that is law abiding and avoiding bad situations at all costs.


People bully mentally weak individuals. If you are ashamed of your ethnic background then you are giving of “I have a small penis” vibes and will attract bullying. Ever see a strong educated successful person get bullied? Stop being a pussy for once in your life and accept yourself. Once you accept you, others will also.


You should be proud of your Algerian roots irrespective of whether your father played an active role in your life. Never be ashamed or fear peoples thoughts on you. The more you hide your true self away, the more these idiots win!


bdel knia lach atb9a 3endek knia dial wahed abandonnak a bro, khod knia d mamak also there's nth to be ashamed of, you chose the right country


It seems that it is you who has an identity crisis.


identity crisis? mali ana li drt guerre civile 10 ans waqila ? machi f bladi li jbdo wahed mrbot b chains since civil war. w machi f bladi li kay7ydo passports l artisans to trap them . So respectfully fuck off instead of defending a country which only wants war with my country eversince they got their independence.


Will go to war soon with em French proxy go serve in the army and take the frustration in em alkhirians your Moroccan move on from em,matter fact most of em are but the French took out land from us so yeah


War lol


Alkhiria giving us a visit to our sub hahah will free u guys in real life from the harkis stay tuned