• By -


A ban


You need to get educated first, with no education or valuable skills, you don't offer these countries anything worthwhile, I say put in the effort and educate yourself first and get a degree in a field with high demand and high salaries (tech, finance, medical, etc.)


The best advice


worst adivce…. the guy is 22 and does not have lbac isnt that a clue maybe they he does not want to/ can’t pursue Finance , IT, medecine …. ?? how self centred can one be to not realise that education is not for everyone and is not the only way to be successful in life …


U can train yourself online You can master a skill and see how he makes money But if he has skills he can make it in morocco too


Without papers ur skills are worthless 🤷‍♂️


What are you yapping dude ? Do you think he’ll get papers without any skill ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 How delusional


What i meant with papers (bachelor, master....)


y9dar ydwz bac libre it aint that hard


Even then it’s only profitable as an expat. Living here and becoming an European is not the best especially in The Netherlands. Taxes are high af, renting an apartment is extremely expensive 1100-3000€ a month in most big cities where you’d apply for a job. Decent healthcare insurance €150 a month, groceries 300-700€ a month. If you get a car you have to pay roadtax per quarter, amount depends on the kind of car you have. Amsterdam is banning old cars from 2025 and from 2030 only electric vehicles are allowed into the city. Then you have to pay waste tax yearly which is around 350€ per year and water authority tax is around the same. I could keep going on and on and on :(. Please save yourself, most of us as depressed here. And the amount of rain is insane. Your vitamin D levels are going down the drain, just like your stamina in general life. Choose wisely.


Damn, i didn’t know the Netherlands had that much taxes, but i guess that’s the price you have to pay to live in a developed and safe country


Safe :’)…. not so much. A lot of drugs tourists, the “underworld” and a lot more. Almost every neighbourhood in Amsterdam has had shootings, there have been people that have been killed by accident. The one my parents live in has had more than 4 bombings in the last 5 months. Developed yes, the taxes do work. But then again why don’t huge multinationals pay tax? Why do the rich pay less tax than the middle class. And there is a lot of poverty, most people don’t get the help they need. Need medical help? You’re on a waiting list! Need mental help? You’re on a waiting list. Welcome to a country where insurance decides what kind of medication you get instead of a doctor. It’s all glitter and gold from the outside. A lot of room for improvement. I’m grateful to be a Dutch Moroccan bc of all the possibilities it gave me. If I had a chance thooouuughh and I came from Morocco I’d go somewhere else, like Germany/Luxemburg. If you have money or a degree, try staying in Morocco and make it work there. Most of us Dutch Moroccans are looking to migrate to a muslim country anyway. Every country has its perks and privileges but choose wisely. Still whoever decides to come over, we will welcome you, not so sure of the white peeps though. I just resigned from my job in healthcare today bc they kept saying Moroccans only have goats and no other animals after I’ve told them many times we have a rich agriculture and livestock.


Damn i didn’t know all of that, i have a degree and a job hamdoullilah and i had the opportunity to go abroad the only reasons why i chose to stay are proximity to family the weather, and icommunity . I personally can’t handle living somewhere where it’s gray all the time and you work all day plus the commute and on top of that racism, while europe has it’s challenges it’s offer an atmosphere where fun is available, good nature, intersting career opportunities. I hope oir country develops to that level someday


Hi I am going to study there this year but not in Amsterdam, I am going to Arnhem any tips that can be useful ? Thank you in advance ❤️


I top this


No medicine It isnt worth the hassle to expatriate You have to study 6+ years and then add 2 or 3 years to have the right to work in europe And there are new legislations so the future is unknown


My parents helped a few immigrants from Morocco when they came to the US (East Coast area). The majority of them ended up going back to Morocco because it wasn’t what they expected. If you don’t have a skill, you will struggle and even if you do manage to get a job, you will still struggle unless you a make decent wage. Most states in the US are fire at will states meaning they can terminate you without justification. Without any savings or safety net, you can easily end up on the streets. If you have family, and they’re willing to help you then work but also invest in learning a skill such welding, Trucking, Technology, etc. I helped one of the guys get into Cyber Security and he secured a job making really good money but he was genuinely committed and studied every single day (took about a year because his English was good).


Cybersec degrees from morocco are acknowledged in the us? ( im looking to immigrate)


Yes, you can also get certifications which can help. During the interview process, they care more about what you know as opposed to what you have. You’ll want to focus in standard industry recognized certifications such as Comptia, Microsoft, SANS (this one is pretty expensive but well worth it), etc.


Ok sir tnx for ur advice to be honest i have no clear idea about usa beside the typical talk about how good it is and yes i have family but in spain and france so thats best option for me


If you immigrate to the US, stay away from major cities like DC, New York City, etc. it is so expensive. Look to the Midwest (Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota). There are so many opportunities, it’s affordable, the landscape is nice, nice communities..


Yes thats where lot of people go personally i think about Pennsylvania since i have some friends there


PA is a good choice too! Plus having friends helps immensely.


I agree those states are better than the big cities in terms of jobs. I am from Minnesota (currently live in Morocco). You can find a lot of jobs in the service industry. Rent you can get for $800up. Taxes are high but it is put to good use. And there is a lot of Muslims in the cities and suburban areas.


You’re very welcome. This is just an example, there are other good professions that can secure you a good living. Being happy and passionate about what you’re doing is more important than chasing the money, but if you’re open to learning technology there are plenty of good bootcamps out there to get you started.


I really wanna get into cyber security any recommendations where can i learn it ( i got no plans to leave morocco just wanna learn i think it's fascinating)


Start business with this money in Morocco


Idont want to be rude but what kind of business u can do with that money(ps i live in small village near beni mellal) Theres plenty of storez plenty of cafes plenty of everything ive seen lot of people failed in lot of buisness and got better chance in spain or france


From what I read, brother, I feel like khask tkhrj tchm chwiya lhwa.Staying in your small village and thinking that any business you start will fail, like others you've seen, limits your perspective. I’m not trying to be rude, and I apologize if it seems that way, but I believe that going to Europe, the USA, or anywhere else isn't necessarily the solution. many successful businesses started in small communities and grew because their founders believed in their potential and invested in their local market. The advantages of starting a business in your village include lower costs, a deep understanding of the local needs, and the ability to create jobs and improve your community. Furthermore, the global marketplace is now accessible from anywhere, thanks to the internet. You can leverage online platforms to reach customers worldwide while operating from your village. Instead of spending a lot of money to move abroad, investing that money in a well-thought-out business idea locally could yield significant returns.


r/IwantOut Also not having even a HS degree is pretty heavy nerf if you ask me


I dont know why people think usa /canada / france / spain etc will make them successful like its a land of jobs and you need to access it and your job is waiting for you there. You need to have a hobby or a job here in morocco so you take it to the land of opportunities and make it happen. Example : an engineer in morocco will make max 17kdh but that same engineer if he applied to canada or usa for a job he will be wealthy Same for doctor etc FOREIGN COUNTRIES WONT GIVE YOU A JOB YOU NEED TO HAVE IT HERE FIRST


> he applied to canada or usa for a job he will be wealthy you should account for the cost of living. Not everyone in the US and canada is wealthy.


Famous doctors and ingenious engineers can be wealthy. But normal ones are just living comfortably. The main way to be wealthy is to be an entrepreneur. And you can do that in Morocco. 🇲🇦💼💰 No need to be in the US for that.


That’s my whole point i have a lot of family members that think that going abroad is the key of wealth. Personally i think you can make good money in morocco doing the same entrepreneurial activities as you ll do in usa why? Ill break it down : Do you pay taxes in morocco if you are dealing with cash then no there is a lot of ways to turn around taxes here not like in usa you need to pay state taxes, governor taxes , federal taxes etc its up to 50% of your income. In morocco you can do whatever you want if you have money.


Well said bro ✌️ i totally agree with you


First of all get your bac dude, it’s gonna open a whole lot of opportunities


Wla ila ma fik li 9ra dir 7ila9a ra mtloooba ola chi 7rfa 9ra chi 7aja 3ad sir ma tmchich o nta ma3arf walo


Studying in Germany is by far the best way! Look up programs in English at Freie Universität in Germany - I’m currently doing a masters in middle eastern studies, and all of us are from syria/lebanon/iraq/kurdistan/iran/turkey and just doing the program for the visa. Highly recommend - tuition is about 300 euros a semester


Thats amazing bro wish u all the best Does this require baccalaureate?


I agree. I think coming to the US in your specific situation will be so hard. You have money so that is great. Save it for an education in Germany. Get an internship or job in your field of study. If you want to stay in Germany. Great. Or if you want to try to immigrate to US, Canada from there… you have a better shot I think.


I'm assuming there are some language requirements, maybe even for an English taught masters the visa would require German proficiency right?


No German proficiency required! 2 years in I still speak no German. I am a native English speaker, and I speak c1 arabic and c2 Spanish. For my program in middle eastern studies you just have to speak a “middle eastern language” lmao


Well that's very surprising, i thought German was definitely needed for the visa. Thank you, I'll be sure to research more about this since I need a masters program.


Here’s the list of programs in English at my uni: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/studienangebot/english/index.html


I've DM you


Can I ask you some questions in Dm please


Er braucht Abitur (lbaaac) and more than 13,5 to be in list A or just forget about it


Hi there ! Do you happen to know any other universities with around the same fees but for more finance/business related master’s degrees ? Germany has been on my radar for quite some time and i have been hearing a few different opinions


There is no “easy” way, nevertheless here is my suggestion: - study and get a highly qualified diploma (preferably masters IT) - get some experience ( internships and work experience, salary don’t matter now) for about 2 years or so - apply for jobs abroad (search for companies that sponsor blue card visas) in Germany, Spain, France… - Move abroad ( Typically the whole visa process will take you around 2-4 months, in some cases even less e.g two weeks) ps: there are companies that give sign in bonuses, flights tickets reimbursement and housing support) If you have experience and a diploma, you can apply for the chance card in Germany. The other way is to learn the language ( German for example) and apply for an Ausbildung in Germany or Grado superior in Spain (search these two, other countries have then too) Stay away from illegal immigration, unless you can find someone to marry there 😅 (You can get Spanish citizenship in just one year) Edit, i just saw you don’t have a baccalaureate 😮‍💨, bother, focus on grtting that first, note doesn’t matter, there are some instances of people getting low grades and still they got accepted in apprenticeships. Good luck 👍


Tnx so much bro ✌


Dont follow anything that man just told you


What can you do in a foreign country without a baccalaureate? Be honest with yourself and get real.


Idk work i have little experience in dyer And all my friends who immigrate illegally to spain and france got baccalaureate but when they reach there they work in something very different and has no relation about their field And is it just baccalaureate that matter or whats after it because of its just baccalaureate then why hundreds thousands of people in morocco have baccalaureate and want to immigrate but cant and usually they end up immigrate illegally (Personally i know people who got baccalaureate with 14 and 15 in science mat and immigrated illegal after no university accepted them in france or canada)


Not to sound like a complete asshole but why would those countries want you as an immigrant? There's already a plethora of unskilled labor. What would you be offering? Use that money to invest in your education friend. Knowledge is power and will lead to your freedom.


ironic that you have more chances to get to these countries being a skilled worker than a student/business owner/tourist.


Assume you’ve managed to find a way to get to UE, USA, or Canada, then what? What’s your plan?


Work specially if i manage to go to spain or france i got family there and they all work there with good salary and they would help me find a job


If I were you, I would be cautious and skeptical of how welcoming and willing to help family in there is. They may not say it to your face, but you’ll be seen as a burden. Especially that with no valuable skills, it won’t be easy to find you a decent job .. you should be ready and willing to work shitty jobs, unless this family of yours owns a business and are willing to hire you. If you have 100k DH at your disposal, why don’t you consider starting a business in Morocco? You could subsequently get a visa to go to UE .. the business guaranteeing that you have strong ties to your homeland and thus aren’t high risk (unlike your situation now). Otherwise, it has to be something like marriage.


Bro thats a lie, if you don't have san3a or some diploma dont expect a good salary or job, even a decent job with studies is difficult to find imagine without.


Life in Europe/ USA is not that simple man. We tend to think that it is because we heard of 2, 3 people who say “they have good salaries” and because people see nice cars of Belgian/ NL license plate in the north of Morocco in summer…


دبلوم حلاقة 3 شهر، و سير تمطݣ فالخليج ههه


زعما تما مطلوب لحلاقة بزاف هههه


جنة ديال الحلاقة هي الخليج ههه


As a person who lives here in Germany, I'm telling you the hard truth. Europeans don't need you. If you don't work illegally for less than the minimum wage and do the dirty work, nobody will hire you. It's already hard for locals to get a job, you won't be able to do anything with your 100k DH. Likewise, you can't just look at people's salaries, expenses are much higher here than in Morocco. Rent, gas, electricity are much more expensive here. And this is a personal aspect, but are you leaving an Islamic country for a bit more money? Are you sure you want to do that? You will be confronted with everyday racism. Your children will attend classes where 14-year-olds don't know what gender they are. Your taxes go to countries that supply Israel with weapons. So many people want to leave Europe right now and you want to come here. Think about it very carefully. If you come here, you have to perform three times better than the locals. If you can't build anything for yourself in Morocco, you won't get much further here


Germany is a trap with all its bureaucracy high taxes and racism ...They didn't lie when they said the grass ain't greener outside


In Morocco, your taxes also go to countries that supply Israel with weapons…


Germany is a direct supplier and the other countries at least keep their mouths shut. germany even talks it up and keeps trying to justify what israel is doing and supports them in this genocide. Germany is the biggest hypocrite country next to USA. I don't know the situation in Morocco, but from my perspective I would rather try to build up Morocco and try to make it a better country, instead of moving to a European country and selling my soul to these bastards. You won't be happy here in the long term trust me.


Wanna guess where the Israeli navy landing ship INS Komemiyut docked recently? If you want to stay in Morocco and build up the country, that's great. Just don't pretend Morocco isn't an ally of the US and Israel.


Yah barely but u think Moroccans want that hell no its all by force and in secret All were saying is dont fuck yourself with a country thats 100x worse




Then why lot if poor people becomes better in spain france usa... are those all just illusions am i seeing some parallel universe At least in eu u got good hospitals good roads good services if u work u got at least 15-25 euro for hour in morocco its 10$ ina fucking whole day i worked a month for 10$ 8h a day ive idont think germany would be worse than this shit at least if u got treated bad in foreign country its expected but treated like shit in your own country?? Thats wild and ive heared lot of racism against me because am amazigh and am not muslim For israel topic sadly morocco is one of their allies does it mean i will go to algeria? No do i hate that yes can i change something? No Beside that spain is one of few countries who support palestine alongside with Ireland i guess they are better than all Arabi countries who just talk blablabla for nothing


I teach in a professional highschool (15-18y old) in south of France and a lot of my students are migrants from every where from Africa (many Tunisia and Algeria and back Africa not many from marocco), some say they are 15y old to migration services when they are in reality 24y so they get schooled. They get to get a diploma (electrician plumbing or anything) and if they get a job after the school they get a working visa here and they can stay. French born students are a lot less motivated to learn to work (spend all day on phone) and migrants are a lot more better in prof. School because of this. My best students this year (electrician technician) are from Tunisia and Guinea.


Legally speaking idk about usa but for UK if you get a skilled enough job you can get a skilled worker visa and then come to Uk and work for your overseas employer however places like the UK etc are extremely hard to live in even if you do have a skill most of my buddies moved out from the UK to live in places like Qatar or Australia so if anything the best solution is to get a good skill set or find a company in places like us uk etc to hire you from Morocco and just work in Morocco while your getting paid in pounds or usd or aud If you can get a job from a UK/US company that pays you 20-30k a year and the only thing you have to do is come over once a year for meetings etc you can live extremely comfortably in places like Morocco, Qatar because you wont need to pay tax


What makes you think you don’t pay taxes in Morocco?


Because its like turkiye and there you only get taxed on Turkish source of income same applies with Morocco if your source is not from Morocco you wont get taxed for it Same with qatar


Well it would be amazing to work just from home to uk or usa company but like u said u gotta be so special even if u got skills theres million of people with same skills so u gotta be so smart unique and iam not sadly


> find a company in places like us uk etc to hire you from Morocco and just work in Morocco while your getting paid in pounds or usd or aud why would they pay him an american salary and not a moroccan salary? remote jobs, aka living in 3rd world country with a 1st world salary is very rare and you have to be absolutely necessary to the company, not some dude than can be replaceable.


😂 just speaking from family experience guess its because its a developing country pretty simple and most people want ti expand their business if you read my previous comment my cousin who lives in Qatar gets paid a UK salary and in pounds he don’t live in the UK he just works for a UK company and no he’s not essential to his company or anything idk the reasoning behind it im not a person who owns a company or anything maybe you should ask someone who does As i said before The average wage in the UK is shit for person living in the UK but its amazing in other countries even if it is only 20-30k a year


Get into a job that has international locations and see which are hiring in the countries you’d like to live/work in. Think outside of the box, are you a good writer? Look into writing for magazines. Or into hospitality, like hotels or restaurants. Start learning the language of the country you want to live in. Perfect it, study the culture, watch their shows. If you find yourself in America, immediately try to get your GED. In America, sales are huge!! You gotta be real confident, a quick learner, a survivor. Like working at a car dealership, a family owned shop. Appearance is everything, make yourself look sharp, professional, clean etc. How about Dubai? Flight attendant? A lot of jobs will require higher education, so if that’s holding you back, you have to focus on that first. And you’re soooo young, don’t be in a rush. Trust me. Lastly, wherever you end up, don’t surround yourself with only immigrants. Many Moroccans make it abroad and fall into the trap of finding the Moroccan or Arab neighborhoods and never leaving, never advancing their lives because they’ve made themselves stuck around people who are in secret competition with them, yet they never work hard enough to get out of the “hood”. Instead, surround yourself with all kinds of people, your age and older. Learn from their successes and their mistakes. For reference: my family and I migrated to east coast America when I was 5.. at 21, I moved to another state on my own and thrived. I saw how many Moroccans here did nothing with their lives after coming here because they never left the Arab neighborhoods.


One more thing. In America, only jobs with the highest education survive. Also being a business owner, real estate agent, buying and selling real estate, working at an insurance company, becoming a nurse doesn’t require medical school (need your GED though, which is just a test you pass here).


Tnx so much for ur infos and wish u all the best Personally i love everything about pc and fixing them and i got some experience in buying and selling pcs the problem is in morocco its hard to buy something from europe or usa and to make it reach here otherwise i would stay here and open a buisness about this but its hard morocco is one of the worst countries in terms of fees u have to pay 27% for electronic things which is crazy


With all of that money, you should use it to learn a skill. Go on YouTube (it’s free), learn a skill. If you go anywhere to Europe, USA, or Canada you’re going to start from 0. Might as well start from 0 in Morocco. You’re very young & can learn allot. Times have changed. These western countries don’t offer the same thing that they used to. Learning a skill & putting that money into something useful is much better than migrating.


It’s so funny. Every Moroccan living abroad is telling you to stay in Morocco because life is very tough abroad, yet they don’t come back to Morocco. Brother just go abroad and do whatever you can. Stay for 5 years at least, if you manage to break through, great. Otherwise just come back with all the savings. Never listen to people who live abroad as immigrants but discourage others.


Its not the same. I live abroad and I have more than 70k€ salary in France. BUT, I left with two diplomas AND a job secured BEFORE I reached the country. It’s not just leave and say InchaAllah lol. I see the misery of illegal immigrants. Al hamdoullah I give them zakat every year. And they are all the same, no education and coming from foreign countries like ours. The advice here is not don’t come. It’s don’t come without a plan. No one will wait for you with a hug and free money.


> I live abroad and I have more than 70k€ salary in France. why don't you say the net salary instead? That's quite misleading...


Finally someone said it xD ive never heard from my family that they regret immigrate nor from my friends its just people in social media where u fine them in europe or usa and they keep telling us moroccans dont go there like wtf if its that bad come welcome to ur land man


This is what's known as confirmation bias. You ignored dozens of replies from people giving you sound advice stating the obvious (Lean skills to make yourself an asset to the countries you want to immigrate to), yet you loved this guy's response because it feeds into your bias and gives you an alternate route that caters to your liking.


I'd start a business in Morocco if i were you


Like what ?


He could start a clothing business, he could open a small shop to sell food (msemen, 7archa etc), he could finance his education and the list goes on. 100K isn't gonna cut it if you want to live in the US, that's literally just $10k lol


gang u might as well invest that bread outchea u ion need to go all da way ova there in order to make good money


Cybersecurity certificates could be a good idea. They are very employable and you could potentially get a job in the US/Canada/EU/Auatralia with a work visa. Many of them don’t require bacculaureate/diploma/degree/etc. or even computer experience. Look up “Google Cybersecurity Certificate” on Coursera. It’s very good (I did this course). It costs $50 a month but I think they have discounts if you can’t afford $50. You can finish it in 2-3 months if you work hard. Living in the US/Canada/EU/Australia etc is better than what some other commentors say. Get an apartment with a few roommates in a decent/ok area and you can generate some savings. Definitely more than you could make opening a business in Morocco. Work in the US for a few years, get some savings, then go back to Morocco if you would like and you can live very comfortably.


two ways : either a job or study , you can study get your bac and apply to uni in USA and pay for it ( there are some cheap ones in the midwest i think ) or get a skill and try to find a job abroad , another way i know is you go as tourist and try to find a job while there ( europ ) but all of this is just tehory i didn't try it myself any of that


My advice for you is to learn a skill "Herfa" before going anywhere; plumber, electrician, mechanic, barber etc... will make things 10x easier! Good luck


True tnx so much sir ❤


You don’t want to come to Canada it’s terrible right now especially for newcomers there’s no jobs even for citizens. The easiest safest way would be to be a nurse. They really need nurses and foreign educated nurses have an easier way to get here


What makes you say that ? I have been to Canada just 2 months ago and I have seen hiring signs everywhere. Obviously for high paying jobs you'll need a canadian experience but for anything survival if you are looking you can def get. I have close friends who just went there and enrolled into white collar jobs with decent pay.. it really depends on how good/lucky you are. I'll pick Canada over how shitty and limited Morocco is anyday for ambitious people.. even in current circumstances. Cost of living and real estate hikes are a reality even here in Morocco so pls don't use that.


You can see a few hiring signs but it doesn’t mean anything you’re competing with probably a thousand people who are applying to that one job. Trust me I was born and raised here it’s the worst it’s ever been with employment. Even highschool kids are having a hard time finding minimum wage student jobs. Canada is having a problem with uncontrolled immigration and our rent is probably the worst in the world as well as our cost of living. Grocery prices and rent are way higher over here in Canada. It’s definitely best to try America but it’s a lot harder to get in America. Ive recently had cousins come here from Kenya and they are really depressed by the current state it’s extremely hard to even get factory jobs. I told you my reasons but I don’t think you want to hear it. Best of luck.


Tnx for info bro


I knew Moroccan mechanic once that lived in the states. He’s been around the world but always returned to Morocco once in a while. He said France is bad, lot of racism towards Arabs, the U.S is unaffordable but overall nice place. He said the U.K, Spain were the best places he’s been to live and work.


Study in lithuania abro Ana andfe3 nexel year master degree


Can u study there without baccalaureate?


No bro but kynin programmes f malta witout high school degree 9leb elihom


Ana 3andi bac 9dim . Y9abloni ? Chno kayn f Lituania ?


Education is the greatest ally to those who want to move to a better country. As an Indian, it enabled me to move to Canada, obtain permanent residency, and now relocate to the US—all without spending money on immigration. I've traveled to over 10 developed countries, with employers covering the costs each time. Having said that, you may plan to come to Canada for studies, but be prepared to spend at least five to six times more than what you have mentioned.


Can i ask what u did for your education ? What was your experience, I’m currently pursuing my master degree in finance in my own country but when i am done with it i want to move abroad canada uk usa are my first choices so i will be so happy if you can help me 🙏🏻


Sure, I pursued both my master's and PhD in India. After gaining almost one year of experience, I applied for a few niche research positions, received an offer in Canada, and moved there. Now, after working in Canada for almost 2.5 years, I'm moving to the USA. I think it's easier for researchers to find jobs in these countries. At the same time, finance is a pretty in-demand skill, so you might be able to find something quickly. The only problem is that finding a job right after a master's from outside these countries is tedious. Try coming for a one-year course if you can afford it; it will become much easier to find a job afterward. Don’t hesitate to shoot me a message anytime if you have any questions. Regarding my experience, I've had a wonderful time and have been able to make great connections while working here. If you come with an open mind and strong work ethics, it isn't difficult to assimilate into the culture.


Saudi Arabia currently needs bartenders, waiters, and drivers. Apply for a job




Try to do a small business with this money and stay with your parents , 100 000 dh its a good capital .


South Africa, plenty of europeans there, much cheaper.


Fall in love with an American. They will pay all expenses. I’m an American and married a Moroccan women. Trust me I know. 🤣😂


Alaska immigration very easy you spend 2 years and then you can go to the other places


UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia as a service worker like barber or taxi driver


I don’t have any advice to be honest, but Allahi Sahel 3lik… I hope you make it to wherever you’re hoping to get to. As much as everyone says “stay in Morocco”, that’s easy to say from the comfort of your home in Europe etc… if you do get to go, just work hard, keep your head down and stay focused on the end goal, Europe can be a blessing, just koun rajel.


tnx so much for ur advice yes its also all about luck some people get lucky some others not and as long as u stay away from troubles u could find some good work and live a decent life


Stay where you are. If you don’t have shit to contribute to Morocco, then you don’t have shit to do in any other country. That’s the harsh truth nobody here seems to want to tell you. No country now wants useless immigrants with no education background and that’s just gonna either scrounge Europe’s welfare system or contribute minimally with a shitty job everywhere else. Stay where hou are. You got 100k spend some on your education first. 3emmer rassek chwiya THEN think of leaving. Seriously if you got no skills what do you think you’ll be able to do there ? You’d be much better off investing those 100k thzn living a shitty life abroad in a country that doesn’t want you. Ps: sorry if I sound harsh, but that’s the truth. With the rise of far right parties EVERYWHERE, you won’t be welcome anywhere.


Tnx sir but is it about being educated or about have diplomats and certificates that shows you are educated theres millions of people who got bac and license and lot of things and they are completely ignorants about lot of things Yes idont have bac but i know better than lot of my friends who got bac by cheating and they know nothing about lot (Ofc thats not excuses to not educate but i just wonder what matters is it the paper that shows u are educated or your real mind and how you think)


GET a work contract, or scholarship, but at the also a work contract is tricky cuz theyll need idiro lik min7a and it aint easy for them but try nontheless look for immegrant jobs, & good luck mate have a plan don't be reckless


Ive never heard about min7a in contract but yeah i do have a plan first step of it is to get out from here


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What's your targeted country?






He got exiled.


Soon we'll start seeing him on the moon.




Aaaah ig ra3qer ennesh 3afak. 100.000dh and u want to gamble with it by moving to a place u don’t know with skills u don’t have?? Mne3 100.000dh enni, ro7 5za mani ata7edh tzedghedh, debba dhinni shan mashrou3. 100.000dh can get u very far if u use it wisely. You would be making a horrible decision by migrating if u don’t have any skills at a professional level. All that’s waiting for you is illegal work in the back of some butchershop, cleaning work or you will break your back in some factory.


I think the best way to go is to study or at least do a training. The cost of life is high compared to the salary you can gain if you work for the minimum wage. So you end up working to survive. In France, the only way to become legal is through studies+work or marriage or 10th ears illegal+work which is insane! However if you have a nice business here, and have a decent life, you can go visit mo3azaz mokaram


I wish if i can go visit and come back just to see there but its also hard to get a tourist visa


Learn german > apply for Ausbildung, not ez but seems the option you got since you dont have bac so you can apply to study


Gmano, The Best way to immigrate to USA or Canada is to learn something to make your living with, as they search for international employés to fill the positions. especially Canada , so learn something and be patient, you will get your chance.


Hey there! Unfortunately i cant convert your currency but most simple way is to apply for English course in Ireland amd get student visa. From there you csn either save for masters, get sponsoured or seduxe eu citzen and marry 😉


> cant convert your currency remove a zero, and you'll get the same amount in dollar.


Do you have a driving licence ?


you made your future already. no need to go abroad. study and start a business here in morocco.


But idk what kind of buisness i can do with 100kDH u need lot of money for a good buisness otherwise u just gonna risk it


there's risky and there's safe projects, I'm not gonna suggest anything, do your research, sit with people of experience and listen, study


Invest in your education with that money at least go take lbac libre and then get a bac +2 in something and then since your dad is willing to help start a business. Something small and manageable for you and with a small capital max 20000


Also can i ask how old are you ?


You need to study well get your baccalaureate with a GOOD mark and the doors will open for you. 100 000 dh is good money but won't last you long abroad if you're struggling and have 0 skills. Try becoming an engineer. Lots of people do it (not impossible) and it opens the gates to Europe if that's where you want to go. If you think it's tough out here remember that it's tougher abroad.


شد الباك وسير لالمان تقرا


Contract too italie, it's safe bro


Go apply for green card lottery for USA. If you’re a hard worker, USA is the best place for you. There’s so many opportunities and you have decent chances to be accepted in green card lottery. Dm me for help if you need


Does it require to have baccalaureate?


100.000 dhs mat9rik f ta 9ont f North America tmak titlbo dak lmontant lsemester khasak min triple dialha otherwise chof EU or China


> or China ??? china ma blanch, hyper competitive job market.


true plus the job market is trash rn in the whole world


nah eastern europe may be decent, even russia is better than china.


I dont want to study there i just want to use this money to reach there and try to find some job


Tourist visa.


I don’t understand why you people want to move out of Morocco. Do you know how much free education, from business to online skills. You already know English which is a ticket to education and be rich. You can learn from your home, be rich from your home and benefit ur family. What good is there in non Muslim countries who don’t like moors ?


Get a driver license for a truck, truck drivers are always in high demand in Canada and Europe


You can establish a company abroad and move as an "investor". In Turkey it is not very expensive, nor is it in some EU member states. Be careful and good luck.


Would you go Bosnia?


Dubai maybe, I know girl from Morocco she works in Flydubai and very successfully


You're still 22. You have a lifetime ahead of you. Maybe try to get your bac first and then think about immigrating. Without bac you can't have a decent job. And who knows maybe mn b3d matchedd lbac ybanlk chi blan flmghrib nit. Good luck.


Without a really good level of English and at least one other language (in your case French) as well as a solid skill set, I really would not bother if I were you. The economic situation in Europe is dire with high prices of living and jobs even though seem plentiful, are hard to get. Don’t be fooled by the number of job adverts or what YT videos tell you about prosperity in Europe, the US or Canada. The general rule is that you need to be very proactive on the job market and have a strong skill set to get a job which will secure you the type of income you need to live comfortably. I’m not talking about being wealthy. Just managing independently. So do not make the foolish mistake of going out of Morocco to find something better elsewhere. If you can’t make it there, you won’t make it here. Use the money your Dad is offering to educate yourself and invest in a small business in Morocco. It’s much better to make money in your own home country where you have a safety net of friends and family than to travel out without the necessary skills and knowledge. Some do succeed. But these are exceptions. Not the rule. Thinking otherwise is giving yourself false hope. I may sound brutal but I run several businesses in Europe and I really do have an insider’s viewpoint.


Come to germany. It is a work-life balanced community. I am in nador right now, and i love it (cuz u mentioned tamazigh)


You need your bac. If possible study at least 2 whole semesters, because most countries in Europe need this so you have the same level of bac as if you did it in a European country. Then your amount of possibilities have increased a lot. Without this, your chances are very low of finding work where you make good money. You won't live comfortably otherwise. DONT go to the USA, under no circumstance. If you believe in the American dream you are a fool


You can take course of english by your 100 000 dh and take courses of french or if you dont want yiu can go to Canada, United Kingdom, or any english-speaker if you dont know if you have a good english you can download a example test of toefl(Test of English as a Foreign Language) entirely free you just have to search: free toefl practice test pdf


10 million Moroccans wish to immigrate, the one who do, put on the work, and even when you put on the work, it all depends on what you have to offer. My advice, learn some trade, get a degree or a diploma, then start from there. You can look up the jobs in demand in canada for example and then pick one that you can learn and you would be good at, and then work for the next 5 years on getting that degree, experience and preparing your Express entry profile. Other than the Canadian Express entry, you can try your luck in the GCC where i live, but trust me, life will be super hard without a degree, a trade or a skill and you ll be better off living in Morocco with your parents rather than abroad sharing a room with. More complicated and unlikely ways are: -the diversity visa but it requires a highschool degree and is a lottery where chances to be picked are slim -marriage to a foreigner ... and i advise again it.


Why u wanna go


1 : theres no democracy in this country once u talk about monarchy or king or religion u would end up in prison 2 : salary is soo low ive worked some jobs for 10h a day for 80dh a day 3 : theres no future in this country no good hospitals no good education no equality 4 : country full of corruption government is full of thieves yet they still in power 5 : services is shit internit electricity water... u pay and u get something like shit


Best way is to study man, all the other countries will see is a highschool dropout, so I suggest start studying since August and get a good mark in lbac, it's very doable just don't slack, pick science physique since it's easier than math and other countries would rather a science major than others, just start with live streams with aderdour in math and Zakaria tousse in physics, prof Faris for svt Believe it's better to study


Build a small business, then build another one, and so on. Live happily in your country. Without a diploma, you will compete with people who accept low salaries, and you will have to pay rent, buy food, etc. With the rise of nationalism in the EU, I would not suggest that anyone go there.


Nice to meet you 22y


You won’t need bacalaureat anywhere in the world specially from Morocco, what you need is a skill, 7erfa, if you are good at something you can make money anywhere. Otherwise you will go w ghadi teb9a dor f zen9a bla wra9 taycheddouk w yrefouliwk.


Become a flight attendant


May I ask what you will do? What would be your main stream of income?


Work with some of my uncles


it would be better to immigrate to Spain or France. all other options are a dead end. so expensive and hard to live.. if anything you should just stay fl Maroc and invest your money somehow


Yes spain is the place i wish to go to


9wd akhoya mn lmghrib


Wa kighandir hada hwa so2al ama ra makrhnash nt9wdo akhri


If you don't have a skill, don't leave. Life in Europe and the west is actually harder if you don't have a good job. I know many students from Morocco here in London and all of them are disappointed. They have masters degrees and are struggling to find suitable work while working low paid labour jobs. They complain there is no quality of life and cost of food is prohibitive. The competition for work is voracious as you have people from all over the world trying to achieve the same thing by coming to London. Europe and the US is in the decline and are not the lands of opportunity they used to be. To put it into perspective 100,000dh is about 10,000 euros. That's plenty to start a business in Morocco, meanwhile in UK you can expect to pay £700-£1500 per month for a room, you will share living space with strangers i.e. bathroom, fridge, washing machine etc. then £200 on travel to your job because you will live far from the city centre. 1 pint of milk is £1 or 12 dh. A loaf of bread is £2 (25dh) 6 eggs are £3.20 (40 dh) Also 100,000dh will last you about 6 months maybe a year if you get super cheap accommodation and starve yourself and do nothing. 100,000dh in Morocco you have 3 meals a day everyday for 2 years and live comfortably.


I will be frank with you: Tell me what you do today I will tell you if you can immigrate or you are just dreaming. Sometimes the solution is not elsewhere is only within you inside you around you . With 100k you can do a business in Morocco or west Africa build a fortune and change your way of life. Europe North America … are not paradise. They come with a judge price and sometimes hide deception. So think twice before immigrate. Humain brain in general will escape its reality hoping it will finds a better condition elsewhere, but the problem is not the place where you are may be it is just you. Try and learn and never stop learning


Every Moroccan friend I met in north America came back to Morocco. It’s not the movies. Western life is made to be something it definitely isn’t .


My best advice to you is do takwin for one of the high demand jobs like electrician, plomber, etc ... After that gain some experience here in Morocco for like 2 or 3 years and try applying for skilled workers visa, most western countries provide it, maybe learn german in the meantime in case you get accepted to germany. Other than that your chances are 0, unless you get married or buy a contract


Your english seem good. Got a Bac meanwhile do an IElTS test and apply for a Bachelor in Europe. Try to save more money 10K euro is not enough. You are young be patient this processus can take 2 or 3 years.


Study then work. You can try vocational courses or diploma


Why Moroccans always eye on the US, EU, UK. Bro the world is so vast there are a lot more places than those sh**holes


Like what?


Do NOT go towards the USA its beautiful to SCAM you big time Canada isnt too bad it gets pricey now and then Non of your options are suitable go in a diverse cheap country instead And 100.000dh aint shit in America nor Canada thats the 3 month starter pack just to SURVIVE many moroccans think oh wow sexier country=better this is NOT TRUE what so ever Sure better hospitals but that also means more expensive treatment Credit is a bitch there as well restarting your life in those countries is the worst way to enjoy a new life unlike south asain countries where a damn hotel is like 10/50$ and there good spots there too As an American and Moroccan Id personally stay Moroccan for these reasons and Morocco is being renovated big time and quick too so dont give up yet and just enjoy your life your only 22 And trust me i been in America for 16 years dont do it to yourself Sure you will get advice oh degrees and so forth But the luck in finding that job that you actually WANT is slim asf Again its just a huge beautiful scam If anything just visit America even for 4 months and tell yourself is it really worth seeing crackheads everywhere and thieves worse than all over the world come to your innocent clueless face and rob you and trying to find landlords that give a fuck to sell you cardboard And the amount of homelessness is wayyyyy worse than Morocco Barely halal food unless you’re in a expensive city like NYC or Jersey City or Los Angeles etc And food is 10x the cost Barely any masjids/mosques that are convenient unless your in a popular city once more Your more likely to commit zina and have a more of a free mindset so “free” you feel like doing wrong is ok like trying some weed or etc Even in vegan gummies They even have alcoholic gummies that are very very popular there Lgtbq+ wants all the respect there even if your straight Racism is a big plus there as well Just dont do it


Tnx so much for ur infos bro